Thursday, 2025-03-20

opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Use first utility host as default host for openstack_resources
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: Move left playbooks to collection
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: Move remaining playbooks to collection
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Move remaining playbooks to collection
harunhi, are default cluster operations for magnum service such as changing cluster size, updating node group supported in the vexxhost cluster API driver? I tried to replace nodegroup but it didn't work12:50
harunfor instance, how can i change min - max node count in the cluster 12:51
harunor master count12:51
noonedeadpunkI think that did work for us at lest12:53
noonedeadpunkBut it would all depend on the version if the driver used I guess12:54
harunmy driver version is 0.23.0 right now12:54
noonedeadpunkthe one thing with resizing the cluster, is that we were going below minimum limit - it kind of allowed to do so, and marked all nodes as taint12:54
noonedeadpunkbut were not actually deleting them12:55
noonedeadpunkI was testing this with v0.24.0 or smth12:55
noonedeadpunkbut there were some breaking changes between these 212:55
noonedeadpunklike requirement to set `[nova_client]/api_version: '2.15'`12:56
noonedeadpunkin magnum.conf12:56
haruni checked this but these lines are not in my magnum.conf13:00
haruni need to upgrade my vexxhost driver version to resize or upgrade cluster, right?13:02
noonedeadpunkum, I'm really not sure, though I can say that rtesize did work for one of my environments recently13:10
noonedeadpunkbut also - it was even pre 0.23 version - I just double checked13:10
noonedeadpunkit was using a fork with backported bugfixes13:11
noonedeadpunkand that was on 2024.1 13:12
noonedeadpunkI did not check recent environments on 2024.2 that thorougly though - ones that are using 0.24.013:13
noonedeadpunkbut in general these oeprations are expected to work13:13
noonedeadpunkI think I can try to check thoug13:14
noonedeadpunkbut also - I never managed to get proxy service wqorking....13:18
harunthank you for your responses, what magnum version do you suggest for 0.29.0 vexxhost cluster driver? i'll try to upgrade sir13:23
noonedeadpunkI never run that. It's hugely refactored and half-re-written into rust13:23
noonedeadpunkso no idea about this one13:24
noonedeadpunkwe've tried to update it here for test:
noonedeadpunkbut -ENOTIME to check in more details13:24
noonedeadpunkand now I'm also thinking about checking on the capi-helm driver as well and what would it take to add it;'s support as well13:25
noonedeadpunkeh, it seems that cluster creation stuck in this other region on third worker creation or smth....13:33
noonedeadpunkcould be quota thing :D13:36
harunWhy was the code refactored, code optimized, execution time sped up, etc.?13:37
noonedeadpunkwhy do you ask me?13:38
harunI was just wondering :d13:38
noonedeadpunkWhen I tried to figure out same - it didn't work out well13:38
harunokey sir, thank you, i'll try to figure out13:39
noonedeadpunksome context could be seen here:
noonedeadpunkbut there was actually an answer to the question after all :)13:40
haruni am honestly surprised it was refactored to rust, i hope it is a good decision.13:43
noonedeadpunkhaving 3 languages in stack also feels owherwhelming to me, but not for me to judge I guess13:45
noonedeadpunkBut kinda why I want to check and investigate as alternative.13:46
noonedeadpunkso with 0.24.2 I was able to resize the cluster14:15
noonedeadpunkon 2024.2 without custom forks14:15
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Switch OpenStack-Ansible to track 2025.1
noonedeadpunkI think we need to do couple of very important bugfixes for 2025.115:12
noonedeadpunk1. Fix race condition for OVN with OS upgrades15:13
noonedeadpunk2. rabbitmq re-boostrap process and extra check for quorum queus15:25
noonedeadpunkand smth else was on my mind, but I completely forgot what it was...15:26
noonedeadpunkwould be great to recieve another review on to unblock heat/magnum roles16:22
mgariepyyou are welcome.17:13
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: Omit passing the project when no project scope is needed

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