Wednesday, 2025-03-19

opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: Update ssh connection plugin paramters to match upstream
opendevreviewJonathan Rosser proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: Automatically import ssh connection plugin options from the base class
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-plugins master: Omit passing the project when no project scope is needed
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-ops master: Define clusterctl_version explicitly
noonedeadpunkgokhan_: about that ceph thing you asked back in the days. Do you have `rgw keystone implicit tenants = true` in ceph.conf?09:04
gokhan_noonedeadpunk, I am checking09:23
gokhan_rgw_keystone_implicit_tenants is false in my ceph environment 09:24
noonedeadpunkso I think we were able to fix behavior by setting it to true :)09:25
gokhan_noonedeadpunk, Ahh ok I am trying  now09:26
gokhan_noonedeadpunk, I changed it to true but same error. I also restarted  radosgw services.
noonedeadpunkwell... dunno then... I bet its actually a ceph rgw issue, as swift comp[atability there is not well maintained09:48
noonedeadpunkbut here setting the value reportedly helped09:48
gokhan_noonedeadpunk, my config is there
gokhan_noonedeadpunk, yes I think it is also ceph rgw issue. in quincy and pacific versions, it worked very well.09:56
gokhan_noonedeadpunk, when running skyline behind haproxy, sometimes it get http 500 errors on haproxy, request can not reach skyline containers. but without haproxy, there is no problem when ı try with multi requests. ı played with timeout settings but It didn't help. Do you have any recommendation for this situation ? 12:32
noonedeadpunkfrankly speaking - I never ran skyline in production envs13:00
noonedeadpunkI'd guess there's some param to tune for apache tbh13:02
mossblasersykebenX, noonedeadpunk: sorry I've not come back re: the SSH CA config we were discussing last week. After a lot more thought I've come to the conclusion that the best route out of this scenario is to make it possible to opt-out of OSA deploying CA config on a case-by-case basis leaving it up to you to deploy a suitable CA config outside OSA along with whatever you're actively doing16:42
sykebenXmossblaser: do worries, I think I'd agree with this approach. This is basically the conclusion I came to as well16:43
sykebenXno worries*16:43
mossblaserin our case, for example, it is only compute nodes running nova which run on bare metal and thus are simultaneously touched by our own automation and OSA; in this case we would manually use our own automation to load in the OSA SSH CA and suitable user/principals mapping16:43
mossblaser(other uses of the SSH CA stuff all live in containers which our automation never touch)16:43
mossblaserso at some point I'll put up a pair of patches to osa-plugins and osa-nova which add appropriate variables to control turning on/off CA config deployment16:44
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Move argument parsing for dynamic_inventory to generate
noonedeadpunkmossblaser: can't you just set nova_ssh_keypairs_install_ca: []  nova_ssh_keypairs_principals: []  nova_ssh_keypairs_install_keys: [] as of today?16:51
noonedeadpunkor smth like that?16:51
noonedeadpunkmaybe you don't even need nova_ssh_keypairs_principals...16:51
mossblaserah -- perhaps! I'd not looked closely enough yet16:51
noonedeadpunkmossblaser: eventually... you can be right... and worth adding also smth like ssh_keypairs_create_keys: "{{ nova_ssh_keypairs_create_keys }}" here:
noonedeadpunkas today it will prevent them from installing, but will not prevent from generarting16:54
mossblaseractually in this case I'd prefer it to still generate the CAs -- its just the sshd config I'd want to turn off (e.g. I would prefer not to use our regular SSH CA for this task)16:58
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Move argument parsing for dynamic_inventory to generate
noonedeadpunkI think that then potentially all vars are likely present17:03
noonedeadpunklike - you can also set ssh_keypairs_install_authorities: False in /etc/openstack_deploy/group_vars/nova_compute.yml17:04
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Prevent inventory-manger failing with arbitrary groups
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Install inventory-manage as a console_script
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Symlink console_scripts to /usr/local/bin/

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