gokhan__ | hello folks, sometimes when we try to create octavia loadbalancers, it stucks in pending_create status. when I looked at the logs I have seen "Anti-affinity instance group policy was violated." errors on nova. it seems there is a solution on https://access.redhat.com/solutions/6895931 but I can not access it. have you ever seen this problem ? | 09:59 |
gokhan__ | without changing status of lb on db, we can not failover or delete lb when its status is pending_create. | 10:01 |
noonedeadpunk | hey | 10:21 |
noonedeadpunk | so basically you don't have space on computes, or what? | 10:21 |
noonedeadpunk | or well, there's only 1 compute which does have space to spawn balancer? | 10:22 |
lowercase | Looking through, https://www.jimmdenton.com/migrating-lxb-to-ovn/ , there is a step to modify the `/etc/openstack_deploy/group_vars/network_hosts` . If I were to translate these intructions to openstack-ansible style, this would be proper to be placed in user_variables, or should this be in group_vars? | 14:34 |
lowercase | As soon as I ask the question I figured it out. | 14:35 |
lowercase | It sounded dumb as soon as I typed it out. | 14:36 |
noonedeadpunk | lowercase: that instruction was made from OpenSTack-ansible | 15:00 |
noonedeadpunk | #startmeeting openstack_ansible_meeting | 15:01 |
opendevmeet | Meeting started Tue Mar 4 15:01:20 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is noonedeadpunk. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 15:01 |
opendevmeet | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 15:01 |
opendevmeet | The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_ansible_meeting' | 15:01 |
noonedeadpunk | #topic office hours | 15:01 |
noonedeadpunk | one thing we need to discuss today - are cycle highlights we wanna put for the upcoming release | 15:03 |
noonedeadpunk | with that I'm not sure what to place there, as close to nothing user-oriented is ready yet | 15:03 |
noonedeadpunk | probably httpd role if it wasn't highlighted previous release | 15:03 |
NeilHanlon | o/ | 15:04 |
NeilHanlon | mornin' | 15:04 |
noonedeadpunk | hey-hey | 15:04 |
noonedeadpunk | I don't think we're anywhere closer with EL10 support either | 15:07 |
noonedeadpunk | and rest was quite a polishing or internal improvements | 15:07 |
NeilHanlon | yeah i don't think so either re: el10 | 15:07 |
noonedeadpunk | as gluster is pretty much still a solid blocker for it | 15:08 |
NeilHanlon | yeah, and i don't think much movement has happened on the CI front, right? | 15:09 |
noonedeadpunk | no, indeed not | 15:09 |
noonedeadpunk | but even if to start developing it - would be hard a bit anyway | 15:10 |
NeilHanlon | yeah. i promise I'll have a solid answer re: gluster by next week | 15:10 |
noonedeadpunk | ok, nice | 15:16 |
noonedeadpunk | we also having vault support for pki coming, but yeah, no idea if that's a fit for release highlights, as it didn't start to land yet | 15:17 |
noonedeadpunk | so maybe we should even skip highlights this time - dunno | 15:17 |
noonedeadpunk | #endmeeting | 15:34 |
opendevmeet | Meeting ended Tue Mar 4 15:34:54 2025 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 15:34 |
opendevmeet | Minutes: https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/openstack_ansible_meeting/2025/openstack_ansible_meeting.2025-03-04-15.01.html | 15:34 |
opendevmeet | Minutes (text): https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/openstack_ansible_meeting/2025/openstack_ansible_meeting.2025-03-04-15.01.txt | 15:34 |
opendevmeet | Log: https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/openstack_ansible_meeting/2025/openstack_ansible_meeting.2025-03-04-15.01.log.html | 15:34 |
NeilHanlon | oh nice, vault support is great news | 15:43 |
NeilHanlon | have we tested openbao? | 15:43 |
noonedeadpunk | NeilHanlon: I want to test openbao, but code is not there yet | 17:13 |
noonedeadpunk | it's on damiandabrowski plate | 17:13 |
damiandabrowski | sorry, I wasn't able to attend the meeting | 17:16 |
damiandabrowski | current state: i have vault backend for ansible-role-pki working on my AIO. | 17:16 |
damiandabrowski | TODO: organize all variables properly, prepare documentation, write tests and test out openbao | 17:16 |
damiandabrowski | but openbao API isn't compatible with hashicorp vault? so it may require separate pki_method for PKI role | 17:17 |
damiandabrowski | i.e. we may need to support: standalone, hashicorp_vault and openbao pki methods | 17:17 |
damiandabrowski | but i'll test it out | 17:17 |
noonedeadpunk | I think it should be mainly compatible | 17:18 |
noonedeadpunk | as these are forks | 17:18 |
noonedeadpunk | or well openbao is a fork of some version of vault | 17:18 |
jrosser | we found openbao to be interchangeable with vault | 18:53 |
jrosser | sorry to miss the meeting | 18:53 |
noonedeadpunk | it will diverge one day for sure... but not they should be compatible indeed. | 18:55 |
noonedeadpunk | I've also recalled now about our vault role, lol | 18:55 |
noonedeadpunk | (and a spec for encrypted config files) | 18:55 |
jrosser | oh we have one too :) | 18:56 |
jrosser | currently lawyer > opensource | 18:56 |
jrosser | but yeah we used the word “vault” in the code so that has turned into a mess | 18:56 |
noonedeadpunk | jrosser: I meant htis one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/2099911 | 18:57 |
noonedeadpunk | doh | 18:57 |
noonedeadpunk | https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ansible-role-vault/+/800792 | 18:57 |
noonedeadpunk | btw, the bug above - seems kolla does support encrypted configs through castellan | 18:57 |
noonedeadpunk | smth for which that role was created years ago | 18:57 |
noonedeadpunk | so maybe convert it to bao, add native storage engine except mysql... | 18:58 |
noonedeadpunk | and use for testing... | 18:58 |
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