Sunday, 2023-07-30

fricklerfungi: is there a link directly to that article on not finding one led me to prefer the other reference08:18
fungifrickler: you mean an anchor to the heading? there is, but embedded in the html (we should make it a clickable link to itself or something):
fungiwe could make that id="20200207a" href="#20200207a"12:11
fungiought to do the trick12:12
fungii'll push up a patch12:12
fungi Blog article titles link to themselves12:17
fungiseems to work:
fricklerfungi: actually I was hoping for a page that only shows that specific article, but maybe this is a feasible workaround13:14
fungiwe'd probably need a smarter site framework to assemble the blog feed from multiple files that could also be served independently (or use excerpts in the top-level feed page)13:19
fungiwith only 3 articles it's not been much of a priority13:20
NeilHanlonfungi: not sure what you're using now, but mkdocs-material has been pretty decent for the rockylinux team. I think it does some of what you're asking for16:47
fungiNeilHanlon: what we're using now is raw html and css files in a git repository17:41
fungii think there was some interest in migrating to gatsby and then integrating the build process with netlify, but nobody's had time to see that process through17:50
* NeilHanlon files that away for later18:00

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