Thursday, 2024-10-24

JayFclarkb: you know we did that for our image thing00:24
JayFWasn't completely clean when we pushed the fixes, but we front ran several CI fixes00:25
diablo_rojo~motd del 203:03
diablo_rojo#keystone clean03:03
openinfraptgdiablo_rojo: Missing track command (#TRACK [now|next|clean...] ...)03:03
diablo_rojo#nova clean03:03
JayFclarkb: I found it; is the convieniently-timed CI audit that all the sudden myself and stevebaker found to do coincidentally just before the CVE fixes released :)04:14
stevebaker[m]I feel like we didn't make a huge dint before the cve hit04:29
bauzas#nova next sessions restart at 1300UTC by a ironic-nova x-p session in our room07:36
whoami-rajat#cinder etherpad
whoami-rajat#cinder url
tonyb~motd add success Welcome to Day 4 of the October 2024 PTG! If you have any questions, please reach out via email to ptg@openinfra.dev10:40
d34dh0r53#keystone next Support emitting partial hash of bad password 12:35
d34dh0r53#keystone unbook diablo-ThuB112:36
openinfraptgd34dh0r53: Room diablo (previously booked for keystone) is now free on ThuB112:36
d34dh0r53#keystone now we will resume at 14:0012:36
d34dh0r53#keystone next clean12:39
d34dh0r53#keystone cliean12:39
openinfraptgd34dh0r53: Unknown command 'cliean'. Did you mean: keystone now cliean... ?12:39
d34dh0r53 * #keystone clean12:39
d34dh0r53#keystone clean12:39
d34dh0r53#keystone next we will resume at 14:0012:39
rpittau#ironic next nova cross-team session in austin room12:45
ildikov#kata now Gathering and Agenda Bashing12:59
bauzas#nova now ironic-nova session13:02
ildikov#kata now CoCo joint session - TEE support in runtime-rs13:07
carloss#manila next Starting with NetApp Driver: Enforcing lifs limit per HA pair @ 14 UTC13:18
rpittau#ironic now break until top of the hour13:23
bauzas#nova now HPC/AI optimized hypervisor 13:25
bauzas#nova next Eventlet removal Nova-specific13:25
mrjoshi#glance next Add Glance as first-line defense for image format attacks @1400 UTC13:30
ildikov#kata now Guest components started by systemd rather than kata-agent?13:38
bauzas#nova clean13:51
bauzas#nova now HPC/AI optimized hypervisor 13:51
bauzas#nova next cinder-nova x-p session in nova room at 1415UTC13:52
haleyb#neutron now break until :1013:58
rpittau#ironic now Bootable Containers14:00
mrjoshi#glance now Add Glance as first-line defense for image format attacks14:00
mrjoshi#glance next Image Encryption(cross project session with cinder and nova)14:00
ildikov#kata now DONE14:00
carloss#manila now NetApp Driver: Enforcing lifs limit per HA pair 14:00
carloss#manila next NetApp Driver: Enforcing lifs limit per HA pair 14:00
carloss#manila now NetApp Driver: Enforcing lifs limit per HA pair 14:01
carloss#manila next [NetApp] Implement Certificate based authentication14:01
d34dh0r53#keystone now Support emitting partial hash of bad password14:01
carloss#manila now [NetApp] Implement Certificate based authentication14:04
carloss#manila next NetApp Driver: Enforcing lifs limit per HA pair 14:04
haleyb#neutron now gate stability14:10
bauzas#nova now cinder-nova x-p session14:15
carloss#manila now NetApp Driver: Enforcing lifs limit per HA pair14:20
d34dh0r53#keystone next team photo14:20
carloss#manila next Manage Share affinity relationships by annotation/label14:21
rpittau#ironic now 4k Block Devices and Configuration14:25
rpittau#ironic now 5 minutes break14:35
rpittau#ironic next  Adding support for Ironic in the CodeGenerator Project14:36
rpittau#ironic now Adding support for Ironic in the CodeGenerator Project14:40
haleyb#neutron now rfe discussion14:43
bauzasis it me or Jitsi is super slow ?14:55
clarkba couple people mentioned they got dropped14:55
clarkbcurrent suspicion is some sort of shared network problem (bad route or similar)14:55
clarkbrpittau reports problems reaching other random sites too14:57
carloss#manila now Manage Share affinity relationships by annotation/label14:57
fungiload average isn't high on either the production meetpad02 nor jvb02 servers14:57
clarkbwhich at least for them implies network problems14:57
mrjoshi#glance now Image Encryption(cross project session with cinder and nova)14:58
mrjoshi#glance next New Location APIs Adoption in Nova and Cinder14:58
fungibauzas: if you're seeing sluggish behavior, you can go into the ... menu, performance settings, and drag the slider all the way to the left (which will stop displaying anyone's camera feeds for you), and also try muting your camera if it's on, those together should significantly reduce both network bandwidth utilization and client cpu utilization on your end14:59
whoami-rajat#cinder now Cross project with Glance - Image encryption14:59
whoami-rajat#cinder next Cross project with Glance - New location API adoption14:59
clarkball three people that have reported problems are also located in europe I think14:59
d34dh0r53#keystone now Done with PTG!14:59
clarkbso maybe a shared ISP or different ISPs sharing a cross atlantic connection15:00
fungiwouldn't be the first time we've seen major internet disruption between lots of europe and the usa15:00
clarkbfourth person (in same geo) reports they had problems but it has resolved now15:01
carloss#manila next Share encryption15:02
bauzasnow it's resolved for me15:02
bauzas#nova now break until 1405UTC15:03
bauzas#nova next Python 3.13 support15:03
fricklerbauzas: it is 1504 already so your break time sounds off?15:04
bauzashah I haven't calculated right :)15:05
rpittau#ironic now Ansible Deployment Interface and easier customization15:11
bauzas#nova now eventlet-removal in nova15:32
bauzas#nova next imagebackend removal15:32
priteau#blazar now Priorities for Epoxy15:32
rpittau#ironic now Revisiting exposing metrics15:34
gboutry#sunbeam now Done!15:41
rpittau#ironic now Ansible Deployment Interface and easier customization (yep, again)15:49
mrjoshi#glance now Eventlet removal15:56
rpittau#ironic now Where are we with networking stuffs15:56
rpittau#ironic now PTG has ended16:16
bauzas#nova now imagebackend refactoring16:28
bauzas#nova next we need to go home16:28
fungiare you not already home?16:31
JayFhome is where the heart is, and I don't know how to connect my heart to meetpad16:36
fungijumper cables16:36
mrjoshi#glance now Done for the day16:36
mrjoshi#glance clean16:37
carloss#manila clean17:08
haleyb#neutron clean17:28
bauzas#nova now done for the day #friedbrain17:37
bauzas#nova next see you tomorrow 1300UTC17:37

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