Wednesday, 2024-10-23

diablo_rojo#kata clean01:09
diablo_rojo#keystone clean01:09
diablo_rojo#kolla clean01:09
diablo_rojo#nova clean01:09
diablo_rojo#starlingx clean01:09
diablo_rojo~motd del 201:09
*** tonyb sets mode: -o tonyb04:14
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o tonyb04:46
tonyb~motd add success Welcome to Day 3 of the October 2024 PTG! If you have any questions, please reach out via email to ptg@openinfra.dev04:47
*** bauzas_ is now known as bauzas09:57
*** bauzas_ is now known as bauzas10:26
bauzas#nova next Sessions start at 1400UTC12:21
bauzas#nova next vGPU vfio-pci variant drivers support12:22
ildikov#starlingx now Gathering and Agenda Bashing12:56
fungi#os-security now Office Hours/Open Discussion13:00
openinfraptgfungi: Unknown track 'os-security'13:00
gouthamr#eventlet-removal now getting started 13:01
fungi#os-sec now Office Hours/Open Discussion13:02
openinfraptgfungi: Unknown track 'os-sec'13:02
fungi#os-security-sig now Office Hours/Open Discussion13:02
gouthamr#eventlet-removal now Different Tracks for Migration13:03
d34dh0r53#keystone now We're done until 15:0013:04
d34dh0r53#keystone unbook diablo-WedB113:04
openinfraptgd34dh0r53: Room diablo (previously booked for keystone) is now free on WedB113:04
ianychoi#i18n now greeting and agenda13:05
d34dh0r53#keystone unbook diablo-WedB213:05
openinfraptgd34dh0r53: Room diablo (previously booked for keystone) is now free on WedB213:05
d34dh0r53#keystone next Horizon cross project sync (15:00)13:05
ildikov#starlingx now OpenStack release naming process13:07
JayF#ironic now CI Care & Feeding / Cross Training13:09
JayF#ironic next Unmaintained branches, Inspector migration, OOB Inspection13:10
ianychoi#i18n now weblate openinfraid auth issue13:11
ildikov#starlingx now Core reviewer bandwidth13:19
timburke#swift now intro to feature/mpu13:25
gouthamr#eventlet-removal now Open Discussion / Q&A13:26
mrjoshi#glance next Distributed image download if filesystem is enabled @1400 UTC13:30
ianychoi#i18n now horizon translation zuul job issues regarding python 3.8 deprecation13:40
fungi#os-security-sig now Finished early, next session at 22:00 UTC13:41
ildikov#starlingx now Communication challenges13:44
carloss#manila next Manila topics starting at 15 UTC, after the eventlet-removal discussion13:49
ildikov#starlingx now DONE13:54
mrjoshi#glance now Distributed image download if filesystem is enabled14:00
mrjoshi#glance next Remove deprecated features/options14:00
carloss#manila now Manila topics starting at 15 UTC, after the eventlet-removal discussion14:00
ildikov#starlingx unhook bexar-WedB214:01
openinfraptgildikov: Unknown command 'unhook'. Did you mean: starlingx now unhook... ?14:01
ildikov#starlingx unbook bexar-WedB214:02
openinfraptgildikov: Room bexar (previously booked for starlingx) is now free on WedB214:02
ildikov#starlingx unbook bexar-WedB314:02
openinfraptgildikov: Room bexar (previously booked for starlingx) is now free on WedB314:02
ildikov#starlingx unbook bexar-WedB414:02
openinfraptgildikov: Room bexar (previously booked for starlingx) is now free on WedB414:02
timburke#swift now ops feedback14:02
timburke#swift url
ianychoi#i18n now break14:02
ianychoi#i18n next translation with AI assist discussion14:02
bauzas#nova now Team gathering14:03
rpittau#ironic now Procedural bar lowering for unmaintained branches14:05
rpittau#ironic now Ironic-Inspector status and forward path14:21
carloss#manila now Break, be back at 14:30 UTC14:22
carloss#manila next Technical Debt14:22
mrjoshi#glance now Remove deprecated features/options14:23
mrjoshi#glance next Deprecating python-glanceclient @1500 UTC14:23
fungi#os-security-sig clean14:24
bauzas#nova now vGPU vfio-pci variant drivers support14:26
gouthamr#eventlet-removal now Done for the day! 14:30
carloss#manila now Technical Debt14:30
carloss#manila next Internships and priorities14:30
rpittau#ironic now inspection hooks on out of band (redfish) inspector14:31
whoami-rajat#cinder now [NetApp] Implement Certificate based authentication14:38
whoami-rajat#cinder next [NetApp] HA Active-Active support for NetApp Cinder NVMe driver14:39
rpittau#ironic now 15 minutes break14:45
rpittau#ironic next neutron joint session in neutron room in 15 minutes14:45
ianychoi#i18n now translation with AI assist discussion14:47
gthiemon1e#octavia next PTG starts at 15:00 UTC14:55
haleyb#neutron now ironic team cross-project14:58
ianychoi#i18n now wrap-up14:58
*** gthiemon1e is now known as gthiemonge14:58
mrjoshi#glance now Deprecating python-glanceclient15:00
mrjoshi#glance next Horizon Feature Gaps - Cross project session with Horizon team15:00
gthiemonge#octavia now Introduction - Welcome15:00
gthiemonge#octavia next Octavia CI15:01
ianychoi#i18n clean15:02
rpittau#ironic now neutron ironic team cross-project in neutron room15:05
d34dh0r53#keystone now Horizon cross project sync15:05
carloss#manila now Allow to force delete a subnet used by one or multiple shares15:06
gthiemonge#octavia now Octavia CI15:06
gthiemonge#octavia next Python linters15:06
carloss#manila next Technical Debt: test images, stable branches, removal of the Manila CLI and support for V1 API15:07
gthiemonge#octavia now Python linters15:18
gthiemonge#octavia next How to reduce the number of (mostly stale) open patches15:18
whoami-rajat#cinder now Proposal for a volume driver serving local storage by transparently migrating volumes using the device mapper clone target15:19
whoami-rajat#cinder next Making progress on OpenAPI effort15:19
gthiemonge#octavia now How to reduce the number of (mostly stale) open patches15:29
bauzas#nova now Graceful shutdowns15:29
gthiemonge#octavia next [Feature] Custom Security Groups on VIP ports15:29
bauzas#nova next break 15:29
mrjoshi#glance now Horizon Feature Gaps - Cross project session with Horizon team15:30
mrjoshi#glance next Break15:30
carloss#manila now Technical Debt: test images, stable branches, removal of the Manila CLI and support for V1 API15:35
carloss#manila next Wrap up15:35
d34dh0r53#keystone now Typing in keystoneauth15:37
gthiemonge#octavia now [Feature] Custom Security Groups on VIP ports15:38
gthiemonge#octavia next [Feature] Rate limiting15:38
d34dh0r53#keystone now project deletion hook15:41
gthiemonge#octavia now [Feature] Rate limiting15:43
gthiemonge#octavia next [Feature] active/active - re bgp integration15:43
gthiemonge#octavia now [Feature] active/active - re bgp integration15:46
d34dh0r53#keystone next Done with PTG, thanks everyone who participated! 15:46
gthiemonge#octavia next [Feature] Failover circuit breaker15:46
bauzas#nova now break until 1600UTC15:47
bauzas#nova next Horizon-Nova x-p session in austin (nova) room15:47
gthiemonge#octavia now [Feature] Failover circuit breaker15:52
gthiemonge#octavia next [Feature] SR-IOV progress update15:52
gthiemonge#octavia now [Feature] SR-IOV progress update15:59
gthiemonge#octavia next [Bug] VIP subnet selection & AZs, how to find the correct subnet when using multple segments15:59
mrjoshi#glance now S3 support16:02
mrjoshi#glance next Done for the day16:02
JayF#ironic now 10 minute break16:04
JayF#ironic next resumes in Ironic room @ 161516:04
haleyb#neutron now break until :10 after hour16:04
gthiemonge#octavia now [Bug] VIP subnet selection & AZs, how to find the correct subnet when using multple segments16:06
gthiemonge#octavia next [Bug] amphorae api should return more descriptive errors16:06
timburke#swift now done for the day16:07
timburke#swift url
haleyb#neutron now ml2/ovs future16:10
rpittau#ironic now Disk encryption update16:19
gthiemonge#octavia now [Bug] amphorae api should return more descriptive errors16:20
gthiemonge#octavia next [Bug] Add option to limit recursion in to_data_model16:20
mrjoshi#glance now Done for the day16:24
mrjoshi#glance clean16:24
gthiemonge#octavia now [Bug] Add option to limit recursion in to_data_model16:26
haleyb#neutron now done for the day16:49
gthiemonge#octavia now done for the day16:52
carloss#manila now done16:52
whoami-rajat#cinder now done16:56
rpittau#ironic done for the day17:00
openinfraptgrpittau: Unknown command 'done'. Did you mean: ironic now done... ?17:00
rpittau#ironic now done for the day17:00
bauzas#nova now done for the day, see you tomorrow at 1300UTC17:04
diablo_rojo#starlingx clean17:33
diablo_rojo#neutron clean17:33
diablo_rojo#octavia clean17:33
diablo_rojo#ironic clean17:33
diablo_rojo#cinder clean17:33
diablo_rojo#manila clean17:33
diablo_rojo#swift clean17:33
diablo_rojo#eventlet-removal clean17:34
JayF#now os-security-sig Now meeting22:02
openinfraptgJayF: Unknown track 'now'22:02
fungi#os-security-sig now Office Hours/Open Discussion22:02
JayFit helps that you did it right :)22:02
clarkbpart of me feels like I should join given a comment I wrote on the ironic ptg etherpad22:02
clarkb(idea for explicitly triggering test jobs to see if they work before pushing security bug fixes, but I've not been up to date on security sig things. Let me know if I should join)22:03
fungi#os-security-sig clean23:04
fungiclarkb: sorry, i missed that comment, but no we didn't really talk about challenges of testing vulnerability fixes23:05
fungithough, to be fair, i could spend a full hour on that and barely scratch the surface23:06
fungithe idea to push dnm changes to repos in advance of publication of vulnerability fixes is not terrible though23:07
clarkbfungi: you can even convert those chagnes into the actual changes when they are ready too23:08
clarkbto avoid a bunch of throwaway changes (though I'm not sure they are a huge deal either)23:09
fungifair point, just reuse the changeids23:26

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