Wednesday, 2023-10-04

tonybclarkb: Where would we put that? early in ptgbot/ ?00:18
clarkbtonyb: sorry juggling dinner and some other stuff. I think we can put it in and simply do a naive docker-compose down then wait for 30 seconds then docker-compose up -d. or we could put it in the init script and poll until the port is free and only then start the00:33
clarkbprobably the init script is a more reliable option00:33
tonybNo stress, I've done some debugging locally and it's tricky ... the port is "open" but not available for bind() as it has connections in TIME_WAIT00:35
clarkbtonyb: SO_REUSEADDR should correct that right?00:36
clarkbsince the uid should remain the same between processes of the web server00:36
clarkbmaybe we can just set that and the problem goes away entirely?00:36
tonybYup, readiing up on how to make that work00:36
opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed openstack/ptgbot master: Set SO_REUSEADDR and SO_REUSEPORT to enable faster service restarts
tonybclarkb: ^^^ that should do it.01:26
opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed openstack/ptgbot master: Set SO_REUSEADDR and SO_REUSEPORT to enable faster service restarts
ttx#os-rel-mgt book austin-FriB209:10
openinfraptgttx: Unknown track 'os-rel-mgt'09:10
ttxah uh... track is listed as #os-rel-mgt instead of os-rel-mgt... let's see if i can fix that09:12
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o ttx09:14
ttx~del #os-rel-mgt09:15
ttx~add os-rel-mgt09:15
openinfraptgttx: Available tracks: blazar cinder cloudkitty designate diversity edge env-sus glance horizon interop ironic kata keystone kolla manila neutron nova octavia os-ansible os-charms os-elections os-helm os-rel-mgt os-security os-tc ptgbot publiccloud-sig qa rbac sdk-cli starlingx sunbeam swift tacker09:15
*** ChanServ sets mode: -o ttx09:16
ttx#os-rel-mgt book austin-FriB209:16
openinfraptgttx: Room austin is now booked on FriB2 for os-rel-mgt09:16
vishalmanchanda#horizon book icehouse-TueB211:11
openinfraptgvishalmanchanda: Room icehouse is now booked on TueB2 for horizon11:11
vishalmanchanda#horizon book icehouse-TueB311:12
openinfraptgvishalmanchanda: Room icehouse is now booked on TueB3 for horizon11:12
vishalmanchanda#horizon book icehouse-WedB411:14
openinfraptgvishalmanchanda: Room icehouse is now booked on WedB4 for horizon11:14
mnasiadka#kolla book kilo-MonB114:01
openinfraptgmnasiadka: Room kilo is now booked on MonB1 for kolla14:01
mnasiadka#kolla book kilo-MonB214:01
openinfraptgmnasiadka: Room kilo is now booked on MonB2 for kolla14:01
mnasiadka#kolla book kilo-MonB314:01
openinfraptgmnasiadka: Room kilo is now booked on MonB3 for kolla14:01
mnasiadka#kolla book kilo-MonB414:01
openinfraptgmnasiadka: Room kilo is now booked on MonB4 for kolla14:01
mnasiadka#kolla unbook kilo-MonB414:02
openinfraptgmnasiadka: Room kilo (previously booked for kolla) is now free on MonB414:02
mnasiadka#kolla book kilo-TueB114:02
openinfraptgmnasiadka: Room kilo is now booked on TueB1 for kolla14:02
mnasiadka#kolla book kilo-TueB214:02
openinfraptgmnasiadka: Room kilo is now booked on TueB2 for kolla14:02
mnasiadka#kolla book kilo-TueB314:02
openinfraptgmnasiadka: Room kilo is now booked on TueB3 for kolla14:02
mnasiadka#kolla book kilo-ThuB114:03
openinfraptgmnasiadka: Room kilo is now booked on ThuB1 for kolla14:03
mnasiadka#kolla book kilo-ThuB214:03
openinfraptgmnasiadka: Room kilo is now booked on ThuB2 for kolla14:03
mnasiadkaIs there an option to add an hour slot to ptg website? Kolla community decided to start at 12UTC...14:14
fungimnasiadka: no, the available times are scheduled and announced in advance, teams are expected to pick from the times that the ptg is happening14:16
fungifocusing on specific timeblocks helps focus community interaction and avoids community members ending up in 5+ hour long spans of conference calls with no break14:17
fricklerwell the TC has generated some precedence in ignoring that14:27
frickleralso there is a 5h time block now in the UTC afternoon14:28
fungiyes, that was a compromise for people complaining that the amer+emea overlap window was too crowded due to popularity14:30
fungiwhich was making it hard to find slots that avoided cross-project discussion conflicts without using the amer+apac or apac+emea blocks instead14:31
johnsom#octavia etherpad
JayF#ironic etherpad
TheJuliaJayF: did it get reset?16:18
JayFTheJulia: uh16:19
JayFI don't know what that question is16:19
TheJuliaJayF: I set the URL last week16:19
JayFI was not in channel16:19
TheJulia... or maybe it was the week before16:19
JayFso I'm just going through my list of PTG things to do 16:19
JayFincluding setting etherpad16:19
TheJuliaahh, okay16:19
openinfraptgJayF: Need op for admin commands16:26
JayF#book operator-hour-baremetal-sig folsom-MonB1 16:27
openinfraptgJayF: Unknown track 'book'16:27
JayF#operator-hour-baremetal-sig book folsom-MonB1 16:27
openinfraptgJayF: Unknown track 'operator-hour-baremetal-sig'16:27
JayFfungi: clarkb: Who's the right person to nudge to get the operator-hour-baremetal-sig track created?16:27
clarkbJayF: diablo_rojo16:28
JayFthank you16:30
JayF#ironic book folsom-MonB116:30
openinfraptgJayF: Room folsom is now booked on MonB1 for ironic16:30
JayFmake sure I keep the locale :D16:30
diablo_rojoJayF: I got chu!16:30
diablo_rojo~add operator-hour-baremental-sig16:31
openinfraptgdiablo_rojo: Available tracks: blazar cinder cloudkitty designate diversity edge env-sus glance horizon interop ironic kata keystone kolla manila neutron nova octavia operator-hour-baremental-sig os-ansible os-charms os-elections os-helm os-rel-mgt os-security os-tc ptgbot publiccloud-sig qa rbac sdk-cli starlingx sunbeam swift tacker16:31
diablo_rojoJayF: you are good to go!16:31
JayFthank you16:32
JayF#ironic unbook folsom-MonB116:32
openinfraptgJayF: Room folsom (previously booked for ironic) is now free on MonB116:32
JayF#operator-hour-baremetal-sig book folsom-MonB1 16:32
openinfraptgJayF: Unknown track 'operator-hour-baremetal-sig'16:32
JayFdiablo_rojo: baremental sig is too correct16:32
JayFdiablo_rojo: please remove the "n" so we can continue to pretend to be sane ;) 16:32
diablo_rojoSorry about that16:33
diablo_rojo~del operator-hour-baremental-sig'16:33
diablo_rojoMan. Need more caffeine this morning. 16:34
diablo_rojo~add operator-hour-baremetal-sig16:34
openinfraptgdiablo_rojo: Available tracks: blazar cinder cloudkitty designate diversity edge env-sus glance horizon interop ironic kata keystone kolla manila neutron nova octavia operator-hour-baremental-sig operator-hour-baremetal-sig os-ansible os-charms os-elections os-helm os-rel-mgt os-security os-tc ptgbot publiccloud-sig qa rbac sdk-cli starlingx sunbeam swift tacker16:34
JayFthank you for the reminder; I forgot all my meds including my coffee this morning. downside of sitting down with the laptop first thing :D 16:34
JayF#operator-hour-baremetal-sig book folsom-MonB1 16:34
openinfraptgJayF: Room folsom is now booked on MonB1 for operator-hour-baremetal-sig16:34
diablo_rojo~del operator-hour-baremental-sig16:34
diablo_rojothere we go - all cleaned up16:35
diablo_rojoOf course!16:38
JayF#ironic book folsum-WedB117:00
openinfraptgJayF: Slot 'folsum-WedB1' is invalid (or booked)17:00
JayF#ironic book folsom-WedB117:00
openinfraptgJayF: Room folsom is now booked on WedB1 for ironic17:00
JayF#ironic book folsom-WedB217:00
openinfraptgJayF: Room folsom is now booked on WedB2 for ironic17:00
JayF#ironic book folsom-WedB317:00
openinfraptgJayF: Room folsom is now booked on WedB3 for ironic17:00
JayF#ironic book folsom-WedB417:00
openinfraptgJayF: Room folsom is now booked on WedB4 for ironic17:00
JayF#ironic book folsom-WedB517:00
openinfraptgJayF: Room folsom is now booked on WedB5 for ironic17:00
JayF#ironic book folsom-WedB617:00
openinfraptgJayF: Slot 'folsom-WedB6' is invalid (or booked)17:00
JayFoh, only needed 5 :D 17:00
JayF#ironic book folsom-TueB117:00
openinfraptgJayF: Room folsom is now booked on TueB1 for ironic17:00
JayF#ironic book folsom-TueB217:00
openinfraptgJayF: Room folsom is now booked on TueB2 for ironic17:00
JayF#ironic book folsom-TueB317:00
openinfraptgJayF: Room folsom is now booked on TueB3 for ironic17:00
JayF#ironic book folsom-TueB417:00
openinfraptgJayF: Room folsom is now booked on TueB4 for ironic17:00
JayF#ironic book folsom-TueB517:00
openinfraptgJayF: Room folsom is now booked on TueB5 for ironic17:00
JayF#ironic book folsom-ThuB117:00
openinfraptgJayF: Room folsom is now booked on ThuB1 for ironic17:00
JayF#ironic book folsom-ThuB217:00
openinfraptgJayF: Room folsom is now booked on ThuB2 for ironic17:00
JayF#ironic book folsom-ThuB317:00
openinfraptgJayF: Room folsom is now booked on ThuB3 for ironic17:00
JayF#ironic book folsom-ThuB417:00
openinfraptgJayF: Room folsom is now booked on ThuB4 for ironic17:00
* TheJulia blinks17:00
JayF#ironic book folsom-ThuB517:00
openinfraptgJayF: Room folsom is now booked on ThuB5 for ironic17:00
JayFTheJulia: booking out our entire window for vPTG; once we do topics <-> times I expect to unbook some of these :D 17:01
JayFJust making sure I have enough information hammered down to invite people during openinfra live tomorrow17:01
clarkbdiablo_rojo: tonyb: heads up I've approved the ics fix and the webserver binding fix17:05
diablo_rojoclarkb: oh cool. Thank you!17:05
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ptgbot master: Fix errors in iCal
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ptgbot master: Set SO_REUSEADDR and SO_REUSEPORT to enable faster service restarts
clarkbI expect the containers to redeploy in about 10 minutes17:33
TheJuliaJayF: excellent17:34
clarkbthe bot restarted and we still have web services17:42
openinfraptgdiablo_rojo: Available tracks: blazar cinder cloudkitty designate diversity edge env-sus glance horizon interop ironic kata keystone kolla manila neutron nova octavia operator-hour-baremetal-sig os-ansible os-charms os-elections os-helm os-rel-mgt os-security os-tc ptgbot publiccloud-sig qa rbac sdk-cli starlingx sunbeam swift tacker17:43
diablo_rojoThanks clarkb !17:44
gouthamr#manila etherpad 18:28
whoami-rajat#cinder book cactus-TueB120:51
openinfraptgwhoami-rajat: Room cactus is now booked on TueB1 for cinder20:51
whoami-rajat#cinder book cactus-TueB220:51
openinfraptgwhoami-rajat: Room cactus is now booked on TueB2 for cinder20:51
whoami-rajat#cinder book cactus-TueB320:51
openinfraptgwhoami-rajat: Room cactus is now booked on TueB3 for cinder20:51
whoami-rajat#cinder book cactus-TueB420:51
openinfraptgwhoami-rajat: Room cactus is now booked on TueB4 for cinder20:51
whoami-rajat#cinder book cactus-WedB120:52
openinfraptgwhoami-rajat: Room cactus is now booked on WedB1 for cinder20:52
whoami-rajat#cinder book cactus-WedB220:52
openinfraptgwhoami-rajat: Room cactus is now booked on WedB2 for cinder20:52
whoami-rajat#cinder book cactus-WedB320:52
openinfraptgwhoami-rajat: Room cactus is now booked on WedB3 for cinder20:52
whoami-rajat#cinder book cactus-WedB420:52
openinfraptgwhoami-rajat: Room cactus is now booked on WedB4 for cinder20:52
whoami-rajat#cinder book cactus-ThuB120:52
openinfraptgwhoami-rajat: Room cactus is now booked on ThuB1 for cinder20:52
whoami-rajat#cinder book cactus-ThuB220:52
openinfraptgwhoami-rajat: Room cactus is now booked on ThuB2 for cinder20:52
whoami-rajat#cinder book cactus-ThuB320:52
openinfraptgwhoami-rajat: Room cactus is now booked on ThuB3 for cinder20:52
whoami-rajat#cinder book cactus-ThuB420:52
openinfraptgwhoami-rajat: Room cactus is now booked on ThuB4 for cinder20:52
whoami-rajat#cinder book cactus-FriB120:52
openinfraptgwhoami-rajat: Room cactus is now booked on FriB1 for cinder20:52
whoami-rajat#cinder book cactus-FriB220:52
openinfraptgwhoami-rajat: Room cactus is now booked on FriB2 for cinder20:52
whoami-rajat#cinder book cactus-FriB320:53
openinfraptgwhoami-rajat: Room cactus is now booked on FriB3 for cinder20:53
whoami-rajat#cinder book cactus-FriB420:53
openinfraptgwhoami-rajat: Room cactus is now booked on FriB4 for cinder20:53
tonybyay for restarts22:27

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