Tuesday, 2023-10-03

*** kopecmartin|off is now known as kopecmartin07:04
vishalmanchanda#horizon etherpad https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/horizon-caracal-ptg11:24
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ptgbot master: [iCal] Add an iCal file route.  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ptgbot/+/88550312:19
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ptgbot master: [scripts]  Add an example/helper script for adding realtime fields.  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ptgbot/+/88550212:19
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openinfraptgfungi: Available tracks: blazar cinder cloudkitty designate diversity edge env-sus glance horizon interop ironic kata keystone kolla manila neutron nova octavia os-ansible os-charms os-elections os-helm os-security os-tc publiccloud-sig qa rbac sdk-cli starlingx sunbeam swift tacker13:21
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fungilooks like it's still functioning after the update13:21
fungitonyb: ^ your new ical feature should be working now13:22
fungi(i haven't tried it out)13:22
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o fungi18:37
openinfraptgfungi: Available tracks: blazar cinder cloudkitty designate diversity edge env-sus glance horizon interop ironic kata keystone kolla manila neutron nova octavia os-ansible os-charms os-elections os-helm os-security os-tc publiccloud-sig qa rbac sdk-cli starlingx sunbeam swift tacker18:37
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tonybI'm getting 503 on ptg.opendev.org19:18
fungitonyb: yes, clarkb brought it up in #opendev a few minutes ago, but meetings have precluded me from looking closer19:18
clarkblast time this happened the webserver crashed without logs so it is difficult to trace19:19
clarkbI think we need to fix the webserver to have better logging then we can hopefully see what triggers it19:19
fungithere's nothing listening on localhost:8000/tcp at the moment, which is what apache proxies to19:20
fungiand yes, the last thing in the container log is this:19:21
fungiptgbot_1  | 2023-10-03T13:19:43.821975127Z DEBUG:root:Debugging on19:21
fungithat's from when the container restarted following the changes that merged19:21
fungii've restarted the container for now just to check whether the web interface comes back up (i didn't think to check it after the last automated restart)19:23
fungiseems to be working for now19:23
fungiso it's at least not insta-crashing19:23
clarkbis it possible the restarts are the problem because port 9000 is still open?19:24
clarkbcould be that we need a delay between the stop and start or update the webserver to give up the port more quickly19:24
clarkbiirc there are socket settings to do that19:24
tonybOh I've seen that locally19:42
tonybLooks like there is something wrong with the ics, I'm getting "502 Proxy Error"19:58
openinfraptgdiablo_rojo: Available tracks: blazar cinder cloudkitty designate diversity edge env-sus glance horizon interop ironic kata keystone kolla manila neutron nova octavia os-ansible os-charms os-elections os-helm os-security os-tc publiccloud-sig qa rbac sdk-cli starlingx sunbeam swift tacker20:34
diablo_rojo~add #os-rel-mgt20:36
openinfraptgdiablo_rojo: Available tracks: #os-rel-mgt blazar cinder cloudkitty designate diversity edge env-sus glance horizon interop ironic kata keystone kolla manila neutron nova octavia os-ansible os-charms os-elections os-helm os-security os-tc publiccloud-sig qa rbac sdk-cli starlingx sunbeam swift tacker20:36
diablo_rojo~add ptgbot20:44
diablo_rojo#ptgbot book austin-ThuB320:49
openinfraptgdiablo_rojo: Room austin is now booked on ThuB3 for ptgbot20:49
fungitonyb: i can take a look at what requests it's making21:18
tonybIt's okay.  I've reproduced it locally. So many issues, I suspect I failed to save/commit my last revision before I sent the review.21:20
tonybI admit I'm a little embarassed21:20
fungiAH01102: error reading status line from remote server localhost:800021:20
fungiAH00898: Error reading from remote server returned by /ptg.ics21:20
tonybI'd say we should revert and I'll try again "later" but that maybe more disruptive?21:21
fungifwiw, if i `nc localhost 8000` from a shell on the server and `GET /` i get the main page content, but if i `GET /ptg.ics` i get nothing21:22
fungitonyb: no worries, i'm available to review21:23
tonyb#os-security url https://meetpad.opendev.org/oct2023-ptg-os-security21:30
opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed openstack/ptgbot master: Fix errors in iCal  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ptgbot/+/89726923:06
tonybThat "fixes" things for me.23:07
clarkbshoudl we also write a change to delay the service start after stopping it to avoid port collisions? Or maybe we need to set SO_REUSEADDR somewhere?23:08
opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed openstack/ptgbot master: Fix errors in iCal  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ptgbot/+/89726923:41
tonybclarkb: That'd be good, my experience is that the delay required is highly variable.23:43

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