Saturday, 2025-03-01

corvuscloudnull: fungi 943067 lgtm let's see what happens!  wasn't expecting to test that so soon01:00
corvusclarkb: not cloudnull sorry!01:00
opendevreviewMerged opendev/zuul-providers master: Wind down/clean up Rackspace Flex SJC3 resources
corvusalso, hey looks like all the quota stuff i needed to get merged in zuul has gotten merged -- is the new region ready to use yet?  i'd like to exercise it...01:02
Clark[m]corvus: yes the new region should be good to go except we still need to update the clouds yaml for node pool01:06
Clark[m]I don't know where zuul launcher gets that info. But networking and mirror should all be up and ready to go if auth is ready01:06
corvusi think it uses the same as nodepool01:12
corvusinventory/service/group_vars/nodepool-launcher.yaml:openstacksdk_config_template: clouds/nodepool_clouds.yaml.j201:13
corvusinventory/service/group_vars/zuul.yaml:openstacksdk_config_template: clouds/nodepool_clouds.yaml.j201:13
corvusso plan is wind down nodepool/zuul launchers; update clouds.yaml; spin up?  and we're at step 1?  has the update to clouds.yaml change been written?01:14
clarkbcorvus: yes we are at step 1. let me check if fungi has a chagne for the clouds.yaml update I think he may01:15
clarkb there is this change but that adds a new clouds.yaml profile so will need to be updated to update the existing one called raxflex. The reason for that is mirror names use the cloud profile name to sort things out01:17
clarkbthat said I wonder if it is better to start a new change to get around the wip status. I'm not sure we can reset that easily otherwise01:20
clarkbcorvus: fwiw I think we can hold off on ^ until Monday too and then leave zuul-launcher talking to the old setup for now01:28
corvusoh well i just merged the wind down change01:29
clarkbthat would mean reverting the change that just landed I guess01:29
corvushow about i add ovh or something01:29
corvusi'd really like to have a functional cloud01:29
corvusgimme a sec and i'll get a change up for that01:29
clarkbcool I can review it01:30
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed opendev/system-config master: Add ovh connection to zuul launcher
corvuswe only have 8g ssd-osFoundation flavors in ovh01:37
clarkboh right that cloud gave us specific flavors. I think because that schedules us onto specific hypervisors01:38
corvusok... so i guess we revert the launcher thing01:38
clarkbI suspect that due to ^ someone like amorin could probably update the flavors to include additional ones if we ask01:38
clarkbbut that won't happen immediately01:38
clarkbrevert wfm01:39
corvusyeah, let's do both things, revert the launcher config, then start asking amorin about additional ram flavors; they're really 2 separate things that can happen in parallel01:39
corvus(it is safe but not required to add the ovh connection)01:40
clarkb+2 on that ovh change from me01:40
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed opendev/zuul-providers master: Revert "Wind down/clean up Rackspace Flex SJC3 resources"
clarkband +2 from me on ^01:41
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed opendev/zuul-providers master: Reapply "Wind down/clean up Rackspace Flex SJC3 resources"
clarkbI think both are safe to approve and I suspect fungi is out for the wekeend now. Do you awnt me to do that or will you +A?01:42
corvusi'll +3 both01:43
opendevreviewMerged opendev/zuul-providers master: Revert "Wind down/clean up Rackspace Flex SJC3 resources"
corvusthere's a little oops on the providers page right now; i pushed a fix for zuul. it's not that important; we can see most of the info on the images page.01:51
corvus(it deleted the rax images and all we have are vexxhost; once it uploads rax images the providers endpoint should work agoin)01:52
corvusit's just a web api endpoint error, so it won't prevent the launcher from uploading the images.01:52
corvuswhich it will do after the image build job it just started is complete01:53
corvusi believe it needs to rebuild images because it deleted the last qcow artifact when we removed rax-flex; otherwise it would have just re-uploaded.01:54
fungithanks, yeah i'm semi-afk for the evening but can continue to poke at it some this weekend maybe01:55
fungioh, and yeah we talked about winding 942231 back to the previous patchset where i simply swapped to the new hostvars01:56
Clark[m]Ya basically switch the existing profile after node pool and zuul launcher clean up01:57
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Add ovh connection to zuul launcher
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/system-config master: Switch Nodepool to the new Rackspace Flex project
fungithat ^ also addresses zuul-launcher since it reuses the same clouds.yaml, right?14:16
mnaserthanks clarkb for the efforts, I’ll report things if I see them14:35
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/system-config master: Switch Nodepool to the new Rackspace Flex project
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/project-config master: Revert "Wind down/clean up Rackspace Flex SJC3 resources"
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/zuul-providers master: Revert "Reapply "Wind down/clean up Rackspace Flex SJC3 resources""
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/zuul-providers master: Add the DFW3 region for Rackspace Flex
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/project-config master: Revert "Wind down/clean up Rackspace Flex SJC3 resources"
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/project-config master: Add the DFW3 region for Rackspace Flex
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/project-config master: Boot nodes in both Rackspace Flex regions
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/zuul-providers master: Add the DFW3 region for Rackspace Flex
fungiokay, i _think_ that's everything we need, with the right dependency relationships17:35

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