kevko | aaah, okay , now I see discussion above :) ..sorry that I am firstly asking than reading :/ | 00:00 |
clarkb | the tl;dr is that normal openstack release demand (which is higher than typical) has shown up and has also triggered a bug in nodepool effectively reducing our total available quota | 00:03 |
clarkb | we have a fix for the nodepool bug but it has been stuck behind all the other demand from the day as well | 00:03 |
clarkb | we currently appear to have about an hours worth of noderequest backlog maybe less. Which is good as it means we should be relatively idle before periodic jobs start (also good job picking the time for periodic jobs) | 00:07 |
clarkb | hrm the unittests failed this time. I wonder if there is some other persistent issue | 00:18 |
clarkb | looks like image errors in ibmvpc driver | 00:19 |
clarkb | looking at tracebacks it looks like we might actually be trying to make requests against ibm? | 00:20 |
clarkb | I wonder if a mock or fake is broken now with an ibmvpc update | 00:21 |
clarkb | there is a new ibm-vpc from january 6 | 00:22 |
clarkb | I feel like we've landed changes since january 6 though | 00:22 |
clarkb | yes we last merged nodepool code on February 13 | 00:26 |
opendevreview | Merged opendev/system-config master: Add networks and routers in new flex tenants | 01:05 |
corvus | clarkb: i recreated my venv and ran tests again and no ibmvpc failures | 01:07 |
Clark[m] | Ack must be some flaky test then | 01:22 |
opendevreview | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/project-config master: Normalize projects.yaml | 02:25 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/project-config master: Normalize projects.yaml | 03:03 |
opendevreview | Karolina Kula proposed opendev/glean master: WIP: Add support for CentOS 10 keyfiles | 15:41 |
clarkb | looks like the nodepool fix landed and graphs are much better this morning. Zuul queues are not small either so it is likely we're actually exercising things. In a few I'll load ssh keys and double check the launchers all restarted their containers (but I expect they have) | 15:48 |
fungi | did the nodepool launchers restart onto the fix? | 15:51 |
clarkb | they should as part of the opendev hourly pipeline jobs. but that is what I want to double check after I load ssh keys | 15:51 |
fungi | ah, okay, i didn't realize we automatically restarted nodepool services, thought we handled them more like the zuul services | 15:52 |
clarkb | ya zuul and nodepool both run their deployment jobs in the hourly pipeline but zuul doesn't do continuous rollouts due to the cost (we save that for the weekly playbook). Nodepool restarts are cheap and largely non impactful so we just go ahead and do them | 15:53 |
fungi | got it | 15:54 |
clarkb | with zuul we do update the tenant config though so it does have a purpose | 15:55 |
clarkb | looks like xorg updates have finally arrived. I'm going to install those, reboot for good measure, then load ssh keys | 15:55 |
clarkb | I've rechecked as it hit docker hub rate limits yesterday and I think cloud launcher should've run against the new raxflex tenants. We can probaly check them and look at launching mirrors there now as well | 15:56 |
clarkb | the container on nl04 is 10 hours old and the image matches the latest on quay. This lgtm | 16:04 |
fungi | looks like we've been topped out on usable quota for the past 2.5 hours, and yeah there's not a bunch of available nodes just sitting like we saw yesterday | 16:53 |
fungi | the running builds/running jobs graphs are a good 25% higher than when we were maxxed out on quota yesterday | 16:55 |
clarkb | yup things look much happier in grafana and just in general zuul status | 16:55 |
clarkb | a cool grafana feature would be to select a section of a graph and have it do an integration over that period | 17:02 |
clarkb | just to make it easy to compare totals between different period of time without generating a new graphite query | 17:02 |
fungi | mmm, could even just have it compute and display the integral of the graphed lines over the displayed time window | 17:05 |
fungi | so integral of concurrent jobs from the executor queues graph over the past 6 hours when you're on the 6-hour view, but if you shorten it to 3 hours then automatically recalculate it over that | 17:06 |
clarkb | ya that would work too | 17:07 |
fungi | that wouldn't really require ui interaction changes | 17:07 |
fungi | just some additional data it could display | 17:08 |
clarkb | I'm thinking Friday is not a great day to land the infra-prod refactor change in part because it is ianw's saturday but also because if anything goes wrong I'd like to not have it run into the weekend. I was hoping to do it yesterday then zuul got cranky. I guess aim for Monday then? I do have an appointment Monday afternoon. | 17:11 |
clarkb | there is never going to be a good time and Monday is probably better than Firday all things considered though | 17:12 |
fungi | i'm on board with that suggestion, sure | 17:12 |
clarkb | the gitea memcached change is rechecking now. That might be ok for a Friday (worst case we revert back to in process memory caching). We can also work on spinning up raxflex mirrors | 17:14 |
clarkb | fungi: both sjc3 and dfw3's new tenant have a number of error'd mirror servers. I suspect those are from before we caved on networking? | 17:15 |
clarkb | network list looks good in both regions implying cloud launcher successfully created the resources we need | 17:15 |
clarkb | anyway probably want to try and delete those error'd servers first if we can to avoid confusion later (maybe even increment the mirror number digit by one when booting new servers if the old ERROR servers can't be deleted) | 17:16 |
fungi | ah, yeah i didn't even expect that it had left those behind. i'll try to delete them first | 17:19 |
fungi | error server instances are cleaned up in both regions now | 17:23 |
clarkb | I don't see any associated volumes either (so no additional cleanups) | 17:25 |
clarkb | we do need a volume before deploying the servers though iirc as these falvors don't have enough disk by default for the afs and apache caches | 17:25 |
fungi | yeah, i didn't use the volume option to launch-node because it doesn't do lvm that i could see | 17:26 |
fungi | figured i'd just create and attach them manually | 17:26 |
clarkb | ya I think launch-node expects the entire volume mounted at a single location | 17:26 |
clarkb | in the launch dir there is a script that tonyb added iirc to simplify things but you have to copy it over and run it manually after launch node is done and you've attached a volume | 17:27 |
fungi | it's just a few commands to cut-n-paste anyway | 17:27 |
clarkb | instance, volume, and floating ip are the things I try to check when launch node cleanup doesn't work as expected. In this case no floating ips (since that was what was tested) and no volumes because they weren't requested. | 17:29 |
fungi | yeah, i have the two new mirrors bootstrapping now | 17:29 |
fungi | will attach the volumes and carve them up as soon as these complete | 17:31 |
clarkb | jitsi meet made a release and new images a few hours ago. We should expect meetpad to automatically update during daily periodic runs 0200 UTC tomorrow | 17:36 |
clarkb | I don't expect problems but I subscribed to their release notifications on github so figured I'd pass it along | 17:36 |
clarkb | (I do that for gitea, etherpad, jitsi meet, and maybe some others I can't recall now) | 17:36 |
opendevreview | Jeremy Stanley proposed opendev/system-config master: Add new Rackspace Flex tenant mirrors to inventory | 17:42 |
opendevreview | Jeremy Stanley proposed opendev/ master: Add new Rackspace Flex tenant mirrors | 17:42 |
fungi | pushed those up to get them in progress while i work on storage setup | 17:42 |
clarkb | fungi: one important note on the system-config change | 17:46 |
clarkb | also system-config needs to depends on the zon update if you want to add that in the new patchset | 17:46 |
fungi | huh, identically booted server instances, identically created and attached volumes, kernel for the instance in dfw3 didn't register the hotadd, while in sjc3 it did | 17:53 |
fungi | okay, it finally showed up, but took about 5 minutes | 17:53 |
fungi | weird | 17:53 |
clarkb | I wonder if they have different underlying io systems | 17:53 |
fungi | or maybe just "eventually consistent" ;) | 17:54 |
fungi | hotplug events recorded by dmesg look identical | 17:54 |
fungi | virtio-pci/virtio_blk for both | 17:54 |
clarkb | I guess that sort of thing would hit the nova api, then nova would put it on the rabbitmq bus for the compute node to pick up then it would tell libvirt to do the attachment through qemu? eventually consistent is a likely explanation | 18:01 |
fungi | okay, volumes are mounted and cross-checked comparing to the existing mirror in the old sjc3 tenant | 18:06 |
fungi | interestingly, mtu on the ens3 interface on the new servers is 3942 | 18:07 |
fungi | vs 1442 on the old server | 18:07 |
fungi | hopefully pmtud works well ;) | 18:07 |
fungi | but i don't feel like tcpdumping my connections to check for fragmentation right this moment, it's probably working fine | 18:08 |
fungi | and this might mean we get 3942 through between test nodes and the mirrors as a result, which could improve network performance quite a bit for things like package downloads | 18:09 |
corvus | wow | 18:13 |
opendevreview | Jeremy Stanley proposed opendev/system-config master: Add new Rackspace Flex tenant mirrors to inventory | 18:14 |
clarkb | should we consider setting them to 1500? | 18:16 |
clarkb | for test nodes we would need to update glean or have something else do that, but the mirrors would just be a netplan update? I think we have examples of netplan edits for other servers (review maybe?) | 18:16 |
fungi | we could, i'm sure | 18:18 |
clarkb | maybe its best to see if it creates a problem first | 18:18 |
fungi | can also be done later, right | 18:18 |
clarkb | the system-config update lgtm now too. Just need to land the dns update first (for the acme records) | 18:20 |
clarkb | should we go ahead and do that now? | 18:20 |
clarkb | I'm happy to approve it if you're otherwise happy with the new nodes | 18:20 |
fungi | yeah, go for it | 18:25 |
fungi | neither of those changes should impact anything, and the inventory change is going to take time to run the myriad of jobs it triggers | 18:26 |
clarkb | dns chaneg is approved. Once the new names resolve for me I'll approve the other change | 18:27 |
fungi | thanks | 18:30 |
opendevreview | Merged opendev/ master: Add new Rackspace Flex tenant mirrors | 18:34 |
clarkb | dns resovles now. I'm approving the system-config change | 18:39 |
fungi | agreed, bridge can resolve them all now | 18:42 |
fungi | 942650 timed out running system-config-run-gitea this time | 18:45 |
clarkb | hrm we had that timeout in rax-dfw installing pdf dependencies yesterday. This timeout ran in ovh-gra1 | 18:46 |
clarkb | I know we were close to the tmieout before. It is possible that memcached usage makes things slower over (but hopefully more consistent over time) | 18:47 |
clarkb | I'll update with a bumped up timeout because so that we can get more data | 18:47 |
fungi | ara didn't identify any failures | 18:47 |
clarkb | ya it timed out during testinfra test case runs. So right at the end | 18:47 |
clarkb | probably would've been fine with 5 minutes or even less of extra time | 18:48 |
fungi | aha, i didn't see a testinfra report but i guess that's why | 18:48 |
fungi | and yeah, the change is adding something, so conceivably it's just tipped over the timeout | 18:48 |
frickler | 3942 is 1500+1442, that sounds like a weird bug by raxflex | 18:48 |
fungi | frickler: mmm, great observation | 18:49 |
frickler | and IMHO we should override to 1500 ourselves, neutron does allow that iirc | 18:49 |
frickler | having larger MTU in my experience just leads to weird issues unless it is being used purely internally | 18:50 |
opendevreview | Clark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Run gitea with memcached cache adapter | 18:50 |
fungi | i wonder if the encapsulation is reducing the available mtu by 8 and instead of increasing the mtu at the outer layer by that amount they just doubled it and said "that should be big enough"? | 18:50 |
clarkb | frickler: you mean we can configure out network or subnet in neutron to have dhcp set a 1500 mtu? | 18:51 |
fungi | so now instead of 1x1500-8 it's 2x1500-8 | 18:51 |
clarkb | I think that would be a great solution if possible | 18:51 |
frickler | oh, wait, 1500+1442=2942, so add another 1000 in for weirdness | 18:51 |
fungi | aha, yep | 18:52 |
fungi | it's friday. i don't math on fridays | 18:52 |
frickler | clarkb: yes, "openstack network set mtu 1500" should do that | 18:52 |
frickler | ehm "--mtu" | 18:52 |
frickler | guess I should eod soonish ;) | 18:53 |
fungi | i wonder if we already have support for that via cloud-launcher or would need to incorporate it | 18:54 |
Clark[m] | looks like no | 19:03 |
Clark[m] | Maybe do it manually then add a comment to our cloud launcher stuff saying we've done so | 19:04 |
clarkb | ya I think the simplest thing to do for now is likely ^ | 19:13 |
clarkb | because if we add support to cloud launcher I'm not sure we want to run that again all clouds with network config either so we might need different setups? | 19:13 |
fungi | no, we'd probably have to make it configurable where we do our network definitions | 19:14 |
clarkb | another option would be to not use the central definition and do it like the router (where we basically define it bespoke per cloud region and do that for the ones that need overrides) | 19:14 |
clarkb | but since this is a one time deal (typically) I think manually setting it and making a note we've done so is sufficient and low effort/cost | 19:15 |
fungi | anyway, i've manually updated the networks in both tenants of both regions now | 19:15 |
clarkb | but not the old sjc3 deployment right? (we need that one to use the sub 1500 mtu) | 19:15 |
fungi | correct | 19:15 |
fungi | just the new control plane and zuul projects in both dfw3 and sjc3 | 19:16 |
clarkb | cool. And in theory we just wait for leases to renew and we'll get the new configuration | 19:16 |
fungi | i rebooted mirror01.dfw3.raxflex to see if that kick-starts it | 19:16 |
fungi | i'll leave mirror02.sjc3.raxflex if we want to see it take effect naturally | 19:17 |
fungi | still 3942 after a reboot, so probably would have to force expiration on the local copy of the lease | 19:18 |
fungi | if we want to see it happen sooner | 19:18 |
clarkb | how long is the lease for? 24 hours? | 19:18 |
fungi | not sure where noble is storing that | 19:19 |
fungi | there's a /var/lib/dhcpcd but it's empty | 19:20 |
clarkb | ya no dhcpcd process either. | 19:21 |
clarkb | the /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml file says dhcp4 is true but it also sets an mtu in that file | 19:22 |
clarkb | not sure if that value came from dhcp or metadata (I dont' think these are config drived looking at lsblk) | 19:23 |
fungi | i wonder if it's coming from configdrive | 19:23 |
fungi | indeed | 19:23 |
clarkb | could be metadata service | 19:23 |
clarkb | anyway I guess there are now two qusetions. Will dhcp override the netplan mtu value or not and where is the dhcp lease details stored | 19:24 |
fungi | i did specify --config-drive when i launched these | 19:24 |
fungi | sr0 is the configdrive i think | 19:24 |
clarkb | oh yup blkid confirms. My mistake was expecting config drive to be mounted for us but that is a glean behavior and we aren't using glean | 19:25 |
fungi | also the images had cloud-init installed looks like, and then our ansible uninstalled it | 19:25 |
clarkb | so we could mount the config drive and check if the mtu is set there. In theory that mtu value comes from the network settings in neutron though so if we unset it in the netplan file manually we'd be fine. Still need to figure out if dhcp is setting it | 19:26 |
fungi | so my guess is cloud-init built the netplan config from data in configdrive, then we uninstalled cloud-init | 19:26 |
clarkb | fungi: yup that is expected. Basically we want an initial bootstrap config then we don't want cloud init making new changes later (something it did in the past with hpcloud iirc) | 19:26 |
clarkb | the config drive value for mtu won't ever update (bceause it is created on instance creation and never edited) but with cloud-init removed we're free to make edits like remove the mtu line and rely on dhcp etc | 19:27 |
clarkb | but need to find where dhcp is doing its thing | 19:27 |
fungi | configdrive still has "mtu": 3942 | 19:27 |
fungi | so i guess that doesn't get rewritten after the server is created | 19:27 |
fungi | i've removed the hard-coded mtu line from /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml and rebooted | 19:28 |
fungi | 2: ens3: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 1000 | 19:28 |
fungi | that did it | 19:29 |
fungi | i can do it on the other server as well if we want, but need to take a break to assemble/bake/eat pizzas | 19:29 |
clarkb | fungi: correct config drive is never updated after the initial creation. It is the main drawback to using it. | 19:29 |
clarkb | I've been looking at mirror02.sjc3 and I think systemd-networkd is responsible | 19:29 |
fungi | (or irresponsible) | 19:30 |
clarkb | systemd-networkd[695]: /run/systemd/network/ MTUBytes= in [Link] section and UseMTU= in [DHCP] section are set. Disabling UseMTU=. | 19:30 |
clarkb | the journalctl -u systemd-networkd shows this. I think that is a warning saying "I have two different mtu values one from netplan and one from dhcp. I'm using the netplan value" | 19:31 |
clarkb | ah nope the link value is a hardcoded mtu and the dhcp value is just a flag for whether or not it should use dhcp provided mtus | 19:32 |
clarkb | so ya removing the value from the netplan file and rebooting is probably simplest. I suspect that new servers that get booted will just work with 1500 mtus because dhcp will provide that | 19:32 |
clarkb | and config drive for new instances should also have 1500 mtus because we set that on the network | 19:32 |
clarkb | I think that all means the intervention you took is fine and appropriate. New servers should just work and the intervention means we can keep using these servers as is | 19:33 |
opendevreview | Merged opendev/system-config master: Add new Rackspace Flex tenant mirrors to inventory | 19:40 |
clarkb | fungi: be careful restarting mirror02.sjc3 to not berak ^ | 19:42 |
clarkb | I'm going to grab lunch now. The gitea memcached change has been approved but is still at least 1.5 hours away. so not too worried about missing that go out. It should auto deploy because it checks the image ids before and after pull and memcached will be a new id causing it to restart things | 19:47 |
clarkb | jitsi has made a couple more releases since I mentioned the early one. I guess there were problems with those images | 20:46 |
clarkb | I think the mirrors are deploying right now too | 20:50 |
clarkb | and no known_host complaints \o/ | 20:50 |
clarkb | at first glance and lgtm | 20:53 |
clarkb | we can probably fix sjc3's mtu then update dns to switch the mirror over to it then start figuring out how to migrate load between the old tenant and the new tenant then turn on dfw3 | 20:54 |
fungi | yeah, that was my plan as well | 20:57 |
clarkb | and I Think we decided to use the more straightforward method of shutting things down in sjc3, dleeting resources, then swapping the config over so that the raxflex name doesn't change. | 20:59 |
clarkb | so the next step there is likely to set max-servers to 0, then empty the image list for that region | 21:00 |
clarkb | let nodepool delete everything it can, then anything it can't delete we'll have to follow up with manually later | 21:00 |
fungi | latest system-config-run-gitea failure on 942650 looks like a dockerhub rate limit hit again | 21:01 |
fungi | i'll recheck | 21:01 |
clarkb | oh did it just fail ugh | 21:01 |
fungi | 20:58:01 | 21:01 |
fungi | yup | 21:01 |
clarkb | just keep in mind that it will do a deployment update to the production service when it lands | 21:01 |
fungi | yeah, i'm around | 21:02 |
clarkb | I have to do a school run this afternoon then will try to do a bike ride before the cold wet weather returns but I can keep an eye on things around that | 21:02 |
clarkb | if you want to speed things up direct enquing to the gate might be a good idea (otherwise you have to wait for clean check) | 21:02 |
fungi | yep, can do | 21:03 |
fungi | it's back in the gate again | 21:06 |
clarkb | I think the docker hub rate limits restrict starting tomorrow too | 21:06 |
clarkb | currently its like 100 image pulls per 6 hours and tomorrow it becomes 10 per 1 hour | 21:07 |
clarkb | so a 40% redunction? to be determined if this creates utter chaos or if our efforts to rely less on them has helped enough | 21:07 |
fungi | tomorrow utc is less than 3 hours away | 21:07 |
clarkb | it is possible the change may even help us because the time range is shorter and we lots of long running jobs | 21:08 |
clarkb | basically it would be easy to accumulate over 6 hours and then be stuck for a while but resetting regularly may be advantageous | 21:09 |
fungi | deploy of 943037 is on the 5th-from-last job, but well past anything that will touch the mirror servers so i'm going to remediate the mtu on mirror02.sjc3.raxflex now | 21:09 |
clarkb | This is what I tell myself to not worry too much until we have real world conditions to check | 21:09 |
clarkb | fungi: ++ that should be safe now | 21:09 |
fungi | 2: ens3: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 1000 | 21:12 |
fungi | all good | 21:12 |
clarkb | I can still reach | 21:13 |
fungi | so, next a dns change to move the mirror.sjc3.raxflex cname>? | 21:13 |
clarkb | I think so | 21:14 |
clarkb | maybe concurrently start shutting down raxflex usage | 21:14 |
fungi | yeah, i'll throw in a change for that as well | 21:14 |
clarkb | I think we may need to coordinate with zuul launcher as well | 21:14 |
clarkb | its usage is minimal I'm less worried about breaking someone/something and more thinking about cleanup being incomplete if we forget zuul-launcher | 21:15 |
opendevreview | Jeremy Stanley proposed opendev/ master: Move Rackspace Flex SJC3 mirror to new server | 21:15 |
fungi | set max-servers to 0 and comment out all the labels entries? | 21:17 |
fungi | or is it diskimages that needs to be an empty list? | 21:18 |
clarkb | fungi: note the labels, but the image list needs to be [] | 21:18 |
fungi | got it | 21:18 |
clarkb | not having an image in the image list means don't upload this image | 21:19 |
clarkb | there should be git history showing the process. I think I've usually split those two changes up | 21:19 |
clarkb | so that instances go away then images go awway | 21:19 |
clarkb | its probably fine to do it all at once though and let nodepool complain if it must | 21:19 |
fungi | cool | 21:19 |
fungi | worth a try, again this is only 32 servers so could be an interesting experiment | 21:19 |
opendevreview | Merged opendev/ master: Move Rackspace Flex SJC3 mirror to new server | 21:21 |
opendevreview | Jeremy Stanley proposed openstack/project-config master: Wind down/clean up Rackspace Flex SJC3 resources | 21:23 |
fungi | that's it, i think? | 21:23 |
fungi | where's the zuul-launcher config? | 21:28 |
fungi | opendev/system-config? | 21:29 |
fungi | oh, right, opendev/zuul-providers | 21:31 |
clarkb | ya sorry got distracted for a minute | 21:32 |
clarkb | ist the new config in zuul so we probably don't have any examples of winding that down yet | 21:32 |
fungi | doesn't look like provider sections have a max-servers set | 21:32 |
fungi | and there's no configuration reference for launcher yet, that i can see | 21:35 |
fungi | use the source, luke | 21:35 |
clarkb | I suspect if you removed the labels from here that it would be equiavlent | 21:36 |
clarkb | rather than setting a limit we remove the tie from those labels to the provider so nothing should get booted? | 21:36 |
fungi | wfm | 21:36 |
clarkb | and then also empty the image list here: ? | 21:37 |
opendevreview | Jeremy Stanley proposed opendev/zuul-providers master: Wind down/clean up Rackspace Flex SJC3 resources | 21:39 |
fungi | something like that ^ | 21:39 |
clarkb | yes I've +2'd that one but that would be a good one to get corvus' input on | 21:39 |
opendevreview | Merged opendev/system-config master: Run gitea with memcached cache adapter | 21:54 |
clarkb | I have to pop out now but ^ seems to be deploying and at least gitea09 is up running memcached | 22:02 |
clarkb | the bytes count is nonzero running `echo 'stats' | nc -N 11211` there as well indicating that caching is working | 22:03 |
clarkb | nevermind I don't have to do the school run timing worked out | 22:04 |
clarkb | the deployment was a success. I'll check each of the backends have the new setup now | 22:10 |
clarkb | yup all looks well to me | 22:11 |
clarkb | git clone works as well | 22:12 |
clarkb | mnaser: so tl;dr is we've bypassed what I suspect is the problematic caching system for memcached. If you see problems again please let us know as it is possible that this isn't the fix or isn't a complete fix | 22:13 |
fungi | yeah, gitea servers lgtm as well | 22:47 |
clarkb | anecdotally loading the system-config base page on gitea isn'y any slower or faster for me than before (a good thing) | 23:05 |
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