Thursday, 2022-04-28

*** rlandy|bbl is now known as rlandy00:59
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ysandeeprlandy|out, thanks for
ysandeepreviewbot: please add to review list 02:57
reviewbotI have added your review to the Review list02:57
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*** pojadhav- is now known as pojadhav06:44
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ysandeepfolks o/ rdo depends-on don't work in upstream right? 06:49
ysandeepchandankumar, marios ^^06:53
chandankumarysandeep: yes correct06:53
ysandeepchandankumar, and I think distgit changes can be not tested via testproject in rdo using depends-on, right?06:55
chandankumarysandeep: yes correct06:58
ysandeepchandankumar, thanks for confirming06:58
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chandankumarysandeep: with this review
chandankumarit looks ok, we can merge it 06:59
chandankumarthen you can do a recheck there06:59
chandankumaramoralej: hello, please +w it thanks!07:01
amoralejsure, lemme check07:01
chandankumaramoralej: thanks! ++07:02
mariosysandeep:  o/ morning07:03
ysandeepmarios: good morning, chandankumar confirmed, ignore my previous ping, thanks07:05
mariosysandeep: thanks i read back07:06
chandankumarysandeep: please recheck upstream tripleo common patch07:11
ysandeepchandankumar++ amoralej++ thanks!07:14
chandankumarbhagyashris|ruck: arxcruz might broke the os_tempest in tripleo07:18
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bhagyashris|ruckchandankumar, thanks07:48
ysandeepreviewbot, please add in review list 08:11
reviewbotI have added your review to the Review list08:11
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*** pojadhav is now known as pojadhav|lunch08:21
*** pojadhav|lunch is now known as pojadhav09:11
pojadhavmarios, hello09:26
pojadhavmarios, my ussuri patch is pending yet, I think some action needs to be taken on tripleo-upgrade repo for ussuri branch right?09:28
mariospojadhav: no, no action needed you can go ahead... it will stay for now, i need to sync with the upgrade team about that. they have kept all their branches ( as they have followed 'independent' release for a long time already 09:31
pojadhavmarios, so I should keep tripleo-uograde patches which are dependant on tripleo-ci09:32
pojadhavIf yes then I will remove my -W09:34
mariospojadhav: yes but i am not sure we'll be able to merge that we may have to carry jobs in deprecated.yaml. so keep in depends-on for now, but add reviewers from the upgrade team on that patch ( )09:34
mariospojadhav: they might want to keep those jobs i mean but they have to make the call09:34
pojadhavmarios, sure09:35
mariospojadhav: sec09:36
mariospojadhav: 09:37
mariospojadhav: i added some upgrades folks with comment ^^ 09:37
pojadhavmarios, thanks for this ^^09:38
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marioswelcome pojadhav 09:41
*** rlandy|out is now known as rlandy10:25
rlandydviroel|rover|out: bhagyashris|ruck: let's sync as soon as dviroel|rover|out gets in10:28
rlandyvictoria needs to promote with the best hash you have10:28
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: pls find that hash now10:28
rlandylooks through what was the best one10:29
rlandyand have it ready10:29
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: plus what we need to skip to promote it10:29
bhagyashris|ruckcurrently all releases are blocked due this issue
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: your testproject stil has some failures
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: from rr  - only fs001 and fs035 are needed to promote victoria10:32
rlandycan we skip those?10:32
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, nope that's not actual repends on 10:32
bhagyashris|ruckdepends on results10:32
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: let's chat10:32
pojadhavrlandy, do we need separate epic/card for tempest allow list on sprint board..? to track the status.10:45
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rlandypojadhav: ack  if one does not exist and you are doing real work there10:58
pojadhavrlandy, yep11:06
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bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, fyi
dviroel|roveroh 'test_hotplug_nic' i think that i saw that one disturbing other jobs, but wasn't consistent11:25
dviroel|roverrlandy: bhagyashris|ruck sync?11:25
dviroel|roverready when you are11:25
rlandyysandeep|afk: working on base image change again11:25
rlandythat card is under your name11:25
rlandywant to pass it over?11:26
rlandydviroel|rover: bhagyashris|ruck: ready to sync when you are11:26
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, ready11:26
rlandydviroel|rover: bhagyashris|ruck: ^^11:27
jpodivinbhagyashris|ruck: There appears to be a failure on the tripleo-ci-centos-9-undercloud-containers in wallaby branch11:32
bhagyashris|ruckjpodivin, yeah11:32
jpodivinbhagyashris|ruck: so you are tracking it already. 11:33
jpodivinbhagyashris|ruck: that's great I wouldn't want to file a duplicate. 11:33
bhagyashris|ruckjpodivin, ^11:34
jpodivinbhagyashris|ruck: thank you very much11:34
dviroel|roverchandankumar: bhagyashris|ruck rlandy
chandankumarI am still searching why that var is not getting set11:37
* pojadhav stepping out for hour.. will back till scrum...11:42
jpodivinchandankumar: Every variable needs to be set at some point before it is used. I suppose that if we were talking about other language the compiler/interpreter would throw a fit. 11:42
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jpodivinbut this is ansible, and equivalent of interpreter is our pipeline.11:43
chandankumarjpodivin: master will be not affected as tempest is disabled on undercloud11:44
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chandankumarjpodivin: is passing11:45
jpodivinyeah we are hitting this only on wallaby11:45
ysandeeprlandy: please feel free to take over if you have b.w otherwise i will knock it out next week.11:46
ysandeepI haven't started on that yet.11:46
chandankumarI got the issue11:46
chandankumar      when:11:47
chandankumar        - tempest_service_available_neutron | bool11:47
chandankumar        - tempest_public_net_create | bool11:47
chandankumartwo new conditions11:47
ysandeeprlandy, this week I got stuck with some ansible and network issues in centos baremetal job, finally those got resolved yesterday.11:47
jpodivinchandankumar: I'm wondering if it wouldn't be better to patch this in openstack-ansible-os_tempest, assign these vars default values there. 11:51
jpodivinbut since it's being patched in extras already we should probably continue11:52
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, dviroel|rover fyi remove fs001 and fs035 victoria from criteria11:53
chandankumarjpodivin: nope we cannot do that11:55
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: thanks - let's go forward with that11:55
chandankumarplease add depends on with tqe and run the testproject11:55
chandankumarthis time it will work11:56
chandankumarjpodivin: ^^11:56
chandankumarwill fix the issue11:56
bhagyashris|ruckchandankumar, done tetproject patch
* bhagyashris|ruck back in 15 - 20 mins12:15
*** amoralej is now known as amoralej|lunch12:25
rlandydasm|off: pls see steve's comment on
rlandyI think you are right - we should have bios and  uefi on wallaby c812:27
dviroel|roverrlandy: i think we can close this one
dviroel|roverrlandy: have you seen this error lately?12:30
rlandydviroel|rover: no - pls close it out12:30
dviroel|rover buildah buildah-1.25.1-1.el9.x86_6412:30
dviroel|roverwill close bug and cix card12:31
ysandeepplease add to review list:
reviewbotI have added your review to the Review list12:31
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rlandybhagyashris|ruck: did you notice any fallout downstream from the change in the dns server?12:50
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, nope. till now 12:52
rlandypojadhav: is in merge conflict12:56
rlandycan you rebase so we can consifer merge>12:56
pojadhavrlandy, looking12:57
bhagyashris|ruckakahat, chandankumar dasm|off rcastillo ysandeep rlandy pojadhav 13:00
bhagyashris|ruckscrum time13:00
bhagyashris|ruckmarios, 13:00
rlandyrcastillo: since you joined LATAM communications sends me a bunch of emails in spanish13:00
rlandywhich I cannot read13:00
rlandywould you like them forwarded?13:00
pojadhavbhagyashris|ruck, joined13:00
rcastillorlandy: umm, sure. I might be getting them as well 13:01
rlandyjm1: so far none in german :)13:02
rlandybut I am better in german  - not great but better than spanish13:02
pojadhavrlandy, resolved merge conflict :
rlandypojadhav: thank you13:03
jm1rlandy: nice, wanna improve your german? we can do our 1-on-1's in german 😉13:06
rlandyjm1: only know enough to try understand my grandparents mix of german/polish/yiddish - would not ... not be an effective 1-113:07
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rlandyakahat: hey 13:31
akahatrlandy, o/13:31
rlandyakahat: would you be able to testproject running the kvm job back on vess13:31
rlandyand seeing if that works now?13:31
akahatrlandy, okay. I'll look in to it.13:32
rlandyakahat: thank you - let me know what you find13:32
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ysandeeprlandy: fyi.. then
rlandyysandeep: reviewing14:02
rlandymerging envs14:02
rlandyand jobs14:02
rlandyysandeep: follow up to fix parenting pls :)14:03
ysandeeprlandy, yes we have a card on board - on me.. 14:04
rlandyysandeep: wrt - will merge when zuul votes14:04
rlandyysandeep: done on merges above except config14:05
rlandywill do that one later14:06
ysandeeprlandy, sure please take your time to see I got those triggers patches right, I don't want to mess sc-10 triggers in anyway :)14:07
* rlandy doing epic reviews now14:07
rlandyysandeep: default to "" should be ok14:08
chandankumarrlandy: dasm dviroel|rover please have a look when free, thansk!14:10
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* ysandeep|out out see you all tomorrow o/14:12
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chandankumarbhagyashris|ruck: tq patch needs one more update14:17
rlandydasm: dviroel|rover: rcastillo; I have a clashing meeting with review time today14:17
rlandypls carry on w/o me14:17
dviroel|roverbhagyashris|ruck: we can revert
dviroel|roveralready promoted14:22
chandankumardviroel|rover: rlandy please merge these once passes thanks!14:34
chandankumarsee ya!14:34
dviroel|roverack o/14:35
* dviroel|rover manilla meeting15:01
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dviroel|roverrevert skip for vict15:18
rlandydviroel|rover: thanks w+15:20
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rlandydasm: dviroel|rover: from chandankumar's patch still fails15:47
dviroel|roveri will take a look after lunch15:47
Tengurlandy: heya! so - regarding - it seems to fail in tempest in a weird way, I don't really understand what's going on. I'll try to find out tomorrow.15:52
Tengurlandy: unless you're able to say "yeah that testproject thing is OK, let's push it"15:52
rlandyTengu: will take a look15:52
Tengurlandy: thanks. signing off for now, have to rest my elbow -.-'15:52
rlandyTengu: the last run is a node prov failure15:53
rlandywe know about that15:53
rlandyso no worries there15:53
Tengurlandy: ahhh nope, I was talking about
rlandyhaven't see that one before15:54
* rlandy reruns testproject15:54
rlandynow that dasm's fix is in15:55
Tenguyeah, so there's probably something fishy with that gateway ping15:55
Tenguanyway. have to go offline, elbow hurts too much15:55
TenguI'll check back tomorrow15:55
rlandyTengu: k  - let's check back then15:56
rlandylunch - brb15:56
*** dviroel|rover is now known as dviroel|rover|lunch16:02
chandankumarrlandy: dasm and for undercloud fix16:28
chandankumarignore others reviews, will deal with those tomorrow16:29
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.16:29
*** dviroel|rover|lunch is now known as dviroel|rover16:41
dasmchandankumar: ack16:48
dviroel|roverrlandy: so, wrt wallaby c8 - fs035 didn't failed on os_tempest setup this time, but timed out on tempest tests (server creation timeouts); fs001 also failed on tempest tests (10 tests)17:04
rlandyis it the same set of tests?17:05
rlandyif you have a diff set of tests I would promote17:06
rlandyor you can ask dasm to rerun one last time to confirm17:06
rlandybut really at 9 days out - what are you losing?17:06
dviroel|roverwe can promote as is, and keep debugging17:07
rlandydviroel|rover: I would17:11
rlandyit's not being imported17:11
dviroel|roverw c8 defeated me again17:14
rlandydviroel|rover: hang in there17:19
rlandydviroel|rover: here's what I would do, prep the patch to skip fs001 and fs035 and pass it to marios17:24
dviroel|roverok, patch is ready17:28
dasmdviroel|rover: we should implement a bot which automatically does skiplist for promotions.17:32
rlandydviroel|rover: is wallaby c8 the only problem right now?17:44
rlandymaster ovb still an issue?17:44
dviroel|roverrlandy: master ovb failed on ovb jobs in last 2 runs, most of them - tempest - needs investigation 17:50
dviroel|roverrlandy: wallaby c9, so far, only undercloud-containers is failing due to os_tempest17:50
rlandydviroel|rover: so that one chandankumar's patch was supposed to fix17:53
* rlandy needs to comment on a doc17:54
rlandywill look more in a bit17:54
rlandydviroel|rover: and w c9? same deal?18:25
dviroel|roverrlandy: yes, looking now at chandan's patch18:27
rlandyit still failed  - maybe you can fix it?18:27
dviroel|roveryes, let me try 18:28
dviroel|roveroh, will disable router on fs027 - since we dont need private net18:46
dviroel|roverlets see18:46
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rlandydviroel|rover: dasm: rcastillo: you guys off review time?19:23
rlandymeeting done19:23
rlandyif so, dviroel|rover do you want to meet re: failures?19:24
dviroel|roveroh, forgot review meeting - lets join? dasm rcastillo ?19:25
rcastillodviroel|rover: can't join, srry19:30
rlandynot much on the review list - going through it19:34
dasmrlandy: we're on a call if you want to join us19:34
rlandydviroel|rover: trying to qualify Tengu's patch19:35
rlandyk - joining19:35
rlandypojadhav: can you rebase - still in merge conflict19:43
rlandyysandeep|out: had to revert
rlandypls see job name20:09
dviroel|roverundercloud containers will run with hash from yestarday20:14
dviroel|rover2022-04-28 16:19:09.681951 | primary |   "success": true, 20:19
* dviroel|rover brb20:30
*** dviroel|rover is now known as dviroel|rover|brb20:31
* dasm leaves for doctor's app.20:32
*** dasm is now known as dasm|off20:32
rlandychandankumar: hi .. dviroel|rover|brb  and I +2'ed the patches for - we can't merge os_tempest one22:42
rlandyif you can , pls merge patches22:43
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|out22:45
rcastillostepping out for the day o/23:06
*** dviroel|rover|brb is now known as dviroel|rover23:52

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