Thursday, 2022-09-01

kata-irc-bot<liubin0329> What's command are you using to run the build?02:01
kata-irc-bot<norbj.d_kata> Hello! :wave: I have tried for 3 months to run containers with kata-qemu and *microvm* machine type, but I always have errors: ```FATA[0002] failed to create shim task: Failed to Check if grpc server is working: ttrpc: closed: unknown``` or ```FATA[0031] failed to create shim task: Failed to Check if grpc server is working: rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = timed out connecting to vsock 2631094176:1024: unknown``` Note08:35
kata-irc-botthat kata-qemu works perfectly with q35 machine type. A minimal reproducible example is referenced in this issue:, and I have tried with the latest versions of kata, containerd, runc, etc. Do you have any clue of what's wrong? Any help is appreciated! Thank you very much :pray:08:35
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> I don't think we ever test it with microvm.  I remember Gerd Hoffman, from Red Hat, tried and got it running at some point, but we need other Red Hatters to dig into their emails and try to get what was the status, and whether there were limitations or not.08:38
kata-irc-bot<jfreiman> I don't remember it, but I'll search through my emails and ping Gerd if necessary08:40
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Thanks, Jens.  I remember a thread from the time I was still working for Red Hat, and some of the issues were fixed.08:41
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> I found the issues and the possible workarounds there08:47
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Thanks for digging into that, Jens!08:59
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> np!  You'll need to get yours hands dirty and do some changes in the code.  Please, open us a PR if that works, and we can try to add a CI to ensure it doesn't regress09:10
yann-kaeligThis is somethign new for me. This is the first time I hear about hardware-virtualized containers. I'm discovering that looking for more explanation about runk on this page
yann-kaeligI can not imagine the difference. Do you have maybe something for less experimented users like me on the difference between normal containers and hardware-virtualized containers.14:38
yann-kaeligOk, I see it another name for microVM14:52
yann-kaeligI found this picture pretty clear for a global overview
yann-kaeligI don't understand why podman has so much difficulty to be adopted as a substitute for docker14:58
kata-irc-bot<norbj.d_kata> thanks for your help @fidencio i would have never found the root cause without you :raised_hands:15:39
yann-kaeligI have no idea where I'm going but I'm applying and fixing patches to re-add OCI CLI commands for podman on kata-containers 2.5.0 19:28
yann-kaeligIf  I can get podman working with kata I will be happy and it could be something to work on for cockpit ^^19:33
yann-kaeligEnough for today, have a good day/night19:34

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