Wednesday, 2022-08-31

yann-kaeligI would like to run podman with kata. It' doesn't work and I found this issue What's wrong with the commit 08f59d9 ? 15:56
yann-kaeligby applying the patches can I get something functional with podman ? I would like to test podman with kata15:57
yann-kaeligOk. Tools installed, sources srpm downloaded next the patches19:46
yann-kaeligcu later19:46
kata-irc-bot<aledbf> Hi everyone, I am using 2.5.0, and trying to run buildkit, I get an error `failed to mount /tmp/buildkit-mount445327977: [{Type:bind Source:/workspace/buildkit/runc-native/snapshots/snapshots/1 Options:[rbind ro]}]: operation not permitted` using qemu or cloud hypervisor, and I don't know how to start debugging the issue. Any idea what I should look at? Thanks21:22

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