Tuesday, 2017-12-12

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kata-dev-irc-bot<manohar.r.castelino> @graham.whaley ping17:17
kata-dev-irc-bot<james.o.hunt> @manohar.r.castelino - he's out today.17:18
kata-dev-irc-bot<manohar.r.castelino> @graham.whaley can we run VMAP STACK kernel option through our PnP to see impact on it for I/O performance17:19
kata-dev-irc-bot<manohar.r.castelino> @hongbin034 we can run Clear Containers with Zun using Devstack. I will post a gist with instructions for the same shortly on slack and on the mailing list17:19
kata-dev-irc-bot<manohar.r.castelino> @hongbin034 to get going https://gist.github.com/mcastelino/9ca94cd63371cb4212f05d091d115fda17:21
kata-dev-irc-bot<manohar.r.castelino> @hongbin034 once you do that. switch the docker default runtime to clear containers17:21
kata-dev-irc-bot<manohar.r.castelino> File uploaded https://katacontainers.slack.com/files/U8ECK6S5C/F8DHTA9QC/clear_containers_with_zun.md / undefined17:22
kata-dev-irc-bot<manohar.r.castelino> @madhuri.rai07 could you help put together a readme or gist with CC + Openstack Zun and the future Kata Containers + Openstack Zun17:27
kata-dev-irc-bot<madhuri.rai07> @manohar.r.castelino Sure I will do that17:27
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kata-dev-irc-bot<manohar.r.castelino> checking the slack to IRC bridge (Slack -> IRC)23:33

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