airship-irc-bot | <mf4716> URGENT 2.1 - TM core & WF needed on Steve's LMA Ps: and | 01:15 |
airship-irc-bot | <mf4716> URGENT 2.1 - TM core & WF needed for Sean's KRM function PS: | 01:21 |
airship-irc-bot | <mf4716> URGENT 2.1 - TM core & WF needed for Ian's Add Workload-config-target phase PS: | 01:28 |
airship-irc-bot | <sirishagopigiri> Hi Team, Requesting review on the below PS to fix helm repository name thank you in advance! | 12:09 |
airship-irc-bot | <sidney.shiba> Hi team, I cloned `airshipctl` and pinned to `c7d65d4114bf0f97bfbce3f02b6bf3d80d5ffe3e`. From treasuremap I execute `airshipctl phase render controlplane-ephemeral` and now getting the following error. What changes I have to make to get this working again? `$ airshipctl phase render controlplane-ephemeral` `Unable to find image 'localhost/templater:latest' locally` `docker: Error response from daemon: error parsing HTTP 404 | 17:14 |
airship-irc-bot | response body: invalid character '<' looking for beginning of value: "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN\">\n<html><head>\n<title>404 Not Found</title>\n</head><body>\n<h1>Not Found</h1>\n<p>The requested URL was not found on this server.</p>\n<hr>\n<address>Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu) Server at localhost Port 80</address>\n</body></html>\n".` `See 'docker run --help'.` `accumulating resources: 2 errors occurred:` `* accumulateFile | 17:14 |
airship-irc-bot | error: "accumulating resources from '../kubeconfig': '/home/ubuntu/projects/treasuremap/manifests/site/test-site/kubeconfig' must resolve to a file"` `* accumulateDirector error: "recursed accumulation of path '/home/ubuntu/projects/treasuremap/manifests/site/test-site/kubeconfig': accumulating resources: 2 errors occurred:\n\t* accumulateFile error: \"accumulating resources from '../target/catalogues': | 17:14 |
airship-irc-bot | '/home/ubuntu/projects/treasuremap/manifests/site/test-site/target/catalogues' must resolve to a file\"\n\t* accumulateDirector error: \"recursed accumulation of path '/home/ubuntu/projects/treasuremap/manifests/site/test-site/target/catalogues': accumulating resources: 2 errors occurred:\\n\\t* accumulateFile error: \\\"accumulating resources from '../../../../type/airship-core/shared/catalogues': | 17:14 |
airship-irc-bot | '/home/ubuntu/projects/treasuremap/manifests/type/airship-core/shared/catalogues' must resolve to a file\\\"\\n\\t* accumulateDirector error: \\\"recursed accumulation of path '/home/ubuntu/projects/treasuremap/manifests/type/airship-core/shared/catalogues': accumulating resources: 2 errors occurred:\\\\n\\\\t* accumulateFile error: \\\\\\\"accumulating resources from | 17:14 |
airship-irc-bot | '../../../../../../airshipctl/manifests/function/airshipctl-base-catalogues': '/home/ubuntu/projects/airshipctl/manifests/function/airshipctl-base-catalogues' must resolve to a file\\\\\\\"\\\\n\\\\t* accumulateDirector error: \\\\\\\"recursed accumulation of path '/home/ubuntu/projects/airshipctl/manifests/function/airshipctl-base-catalogues': couldn't execute function: exit status 125\\\\\\\"\\\\n\\\\n\\\"\\n\\n\"\n\n"` | 17:14 |
airship-irc-bot | <sirajudeen.yasin> you may have to run ./tools/deployment/ | 17:40 |
airship-irc-bot | <sirajudeen.yasin> => this is skipped in your case | 17:41 |
airship-irc-bot | <sidney.shiba> @sirajudeen.yasin of course. My excuse is "it is Friday and my brain is over-heating". Thanks for helping cooling it. | 18:03 |
airship-irc-bot | <sirajudeen.yasin> you are welcome :slightly_smiling_face: | 18:11 |
airship-irc-bot | <sidney.shiba> Hi y'all, *URGENTISSO*: can you please review, which provides a fix for helm-repository. This airshipctl fix is necessary so treasuremap (dex) PS can pass Zuul gates. | 23:03 |
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