Thursday, 2021-06-03

airship-irc-bot<outbackdingo> so guess ill ask again, what 40Gb network cards are people using with airship 2.0 out of the box? is there a supported hardware list ?12:01
airship-irc-bot<sidney.shiba> Good morning. PS is ready for review. This PS adds workload-config-target phase in Treasuremap.13:09
*** mnaser has joined #airshipit13:10
airship-irc-bot<ratnopam.chakrabarti> Hi Team, PS is ready for core reviews. This is to update gcp-test-site to pass site validation using kube-val. Thanks.13:12
airship-irc-bot<ma257n> Team Please review PS on VNC support for vino Thanks in advance,14:03
airship-irc-bot<sirajudeen.yasin> Team, Requesting some reviews for this uplift PS => airshipctl uplifted in treasuremap with required manifest changes as per recent changes in airshipctl15:18
airship-irc-bot<yg.jwang1028> Hello All! I hope this is the right place to ask questions. I appreciate your answers! I am an Armada user. Armada provides a lot of conveniences to deploy a collection of helm charts and I use it to apply OpenStack-helm. However, I read this blog and noticed that Armada is not actively developed, so I am looking for the replacement of Armada. I16:13
airship-irc-botpoked around in airship github. Looks like Flux helm-controller is being used in airship project to manage the lifecycle of helm releases. But I am not sure the high-level approach that to be used to manage a collection of charts, like Armada provides a manifest file that contains a group of charts to be installed. Do we have something similar? Looks like k8s kustomize is used in airship to compose multiple charts resources?16:13
airship-irc-bot<mf4716> URGENT  2.1 Images Core review & WF+1 needed for one of Marjorie's PS:
airship-irc-bot<mf4716> Requestng TM core and WF reviews for one of Frank Ritchie's PS:
airship-irc-bot<mf4716> URGENT 2.1 - Airshipctl Core and WF needed for one of Vladislav's PS (needs one more +2):
airship-irc-bot<mf4192> Hi team, I’m currently having difficulty troubleshooting why the cluster-move stage isn’t working in this PS to move CAPI resources to a new `target-infra` namespace. It’s currently failing because there’s no Cluster called `target-cluster`: ```kubectl --request-timeout 20s --context target-cluster get -f /tmp/bundle.yaml -o 'jsonpath={.status.controlPlaneReady}' Error from server (NotFound): "target-20:04
airship-irc-botnot found```20:04
airship-irc-bot<mf4192> While I can see that the CRDs are in the `target-cluster` context, I’m only seeing these default resources have been created in the `target-infra` namespace: ```NAME                        NAMESPACE     AGE secret/default-token-shkr8  target-infra  10h serviceaccount/default      target-infra  10h```20:05
airship-irc-bot<mf4192> The `clusterctl-move` and `kubectl-wait-for-pods` phases appear to complete successfully, it’s only when it’s waiting for the cluster that I see it time out with this error.20:08
airship-irc-bot<mf4192> Does anyone have any idea why this might be happening, or where I should look for more information about what’s going wrong?20:08
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> do u specify a namespace for clusterctl move?20:16
airship-irc-bot<mf4192> is that done in the call to `airshipctl phase run…` ?20:19
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> yes20:21
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> but u need to specify a namespace that u are moving in executor definition as far as i remember20:21
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> check pkg/api/…/clusterctl…20:21
airship-irc-bot<raliev> it seems we are trying to detect it automatically if empty20:23
airship-irc-bot<mf4192> awesome, adding the namespace to the executor’s `move-options`  did the trick20:42
airship-irc-bot<mf4192> thanks for the help!20:42
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> :+1:20:43
airship-irc-bot<sidney.shiba> URGENT wharf: Please review Treasuremap - Dex/API server w/ Catalogue Support (Ie7eef44a) · Gerrit Code Review (

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