Friday, 2021-04-30

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airship-irc-bot<madhukar> yes, that’s what I was hoping for. Using one cohesive interface for all the CI/CD tooling07:36
airship-irc-bot<chumkidas22> Hi @vkozhukalov @raliev I have updated merge conflicts and review comments associated with PS Can you please review and approve it?  Thanks.08:36
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airship-irc-bot<sirishagopigiri> Hi Team, Requesting some reviews on the local storage PSs Thank you in advance!12:44
airship-irc-bot<> We are in the process of updating the web site for V2. it lists the "employers of the contributors" for V1. Do anyone know who provided the data for the v1? I looked into the stackalytics but the site doesn't show airship in the project list, I must be missing something.14:11
airship-irc-bot<rp2723> I think usually Alex got that information from stackalytics :-)14:19
airship-irc-bot<> aha, there is a big difference between vs, both are run by stackalytics, but the latter has a ton of more the information :slightly_smiling_face:15:38
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airship-irc-bot<sirajudeen.yasin> Team, Requesting reviews for these PSs> Disable update github issue job. BOT will take care of issue updates.> Remove the dynamic plugin name calculation logic.16:18
airship-irc-bot<vsigunov> Team, requesting reviews for
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airship-irc-bot<sidney.shiba> Hi team, need *HELP! and many of us are in the same boat*.  When working on master branch for *treasuremap* and *airshipctl*, my deployment fails during the *controlplane-ephemeral* phase with  _"retrying to reach api server"_ timing out. I checked and confirmed that the output for *airshipctl phase render controlplane-ephemeral* contained the AT&T's DNS IPs, had additional commands for updating /etc/hosts, etc. Then *ssh21:12
airship-irc-botdeployer@* and checked different files under /etc folder as shown below and they are missing data.  Please, help us troubleshooting this issue. It will unblock many that are in the same situation. `$ ssh deployer@` `deployer@'s password:`  `Airship Node, based on: Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-72-generic x86_64)` `Last login: Fri Apr 30 20:45:10 2021 from` `$`  `$ cat /etc/environment`21:12
airship-irc-bot`PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin"` `$`  `$ cat /etc/resolv.conf` `...` `nameserver` `options edns0 trust-ad` `$`  `$`  `$ cat /etc/hosts` ` localhost`21:12
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> @sidney.shiba  do u have a lab with this right now?21:16
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> That I can try to access21:17
airship-irc-bot<sidney.shiba> @kk6740 yes. How do you want to proceed?21:18
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> can i ssh into it, or maybe we could join a bridge21:19
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> and try to debug it21:19
airship-irc-bot<sidney.shiba> Let me open a Teams bridge with people having same issue so they can follow it. Is it ok?21:20
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> sure21:21
airship-irc-bot<sidney.shiba> You should have recieved an invitation21:23
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> in which email?21:24
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> @sidney.shiba i’ve check all emails i have dont have it now21:25
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> or should it come via MSteams directly21:25
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> pardon my MSTeams ignorance, i am not used to it yet21:26
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> okok, now i see it21:26
airship-irc-bot<sidney.shiba> sent an email to your att email21:26
airship-irc-bot<sidney.shiba> @kk6740 Thank you very much for spending time helping troubleshoot in a so short notice. My issue was resolved.  For the record, I run the script for building the ephemeral.iso image but had forgotten to update the DNS in the catalogues/networking.yaml for controlplane. After fixing the DNS, I didn't build the ephemeral.iso and triggered the controlplane-ephemeral phase, which failed again.  The issue was that the DNS updates23:02
airship-irc-botare burned into the ephemeral.iso image so changes this sort requires to re-build the image prior to deploying the controlplane node. Will add this troubleshooting info to the hackmd document.23:02
airship-irc-bot<kk6740> :+1:23:03
airship-irc-bot<scnp89> @sidney.shiba @kk6740 Thank you guys for your time. It was really helpful.:slightly_smiling_face:23:14

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