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airship-irc-bot | <ma257n> Hello All, Could you please provide review comments for the following PS. thanks. https://review.opendev.org/c/airship/treasuremap/+/787378 | 14:11 |
airship-irc-bot | <kk6740> @madhukar Here | 15:21 |
airship-irc-bot | <madhukar> https://airshipit.slack.com/archives/C01RUCBF002/p1619278742004700 | 15:27 |
airship-irc-bot | <ratnopam.chakrabarti> Hi @madhukar, if you want to try deploying a target-cluster in gke with airship...you can look at the following document. https://github.com/airshipit/airshipctl/blob/master/docs/source/providers/cluster_api_gcp.md. This explains the main steps. | 15:29 |
airship-irc-bot | <madhukar> we already use terrafrom to provision the cluster | 15:30 |
airship-irc-bot | <madhukar> I will check it out, thanks | 15:30 |
airship-irc-bot | <ratnopam.chakrabarti> ooh ok...sure. Let us know if you have any questions. Thanks. | 15:30 |
airship-irc-bot | <kk6740> @madhukar If u want to manage what is inside that cluster using helm flux, kustomize you can use airshipctl for that as well | 16:05 |
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airship-irc-bot | <niha.twinkle> Thanks @mf4716 . Thanks for the reviews on https://review.opendev.org/c/airship/airshipctl/+/771286 @kk6740 and @mattmceuen , I had to make a very minor change. Can you please review it again. Thanks in advance. | 18:35 |
airship-irc-bot | <ratnopam.chakrabarti> Looking for more core reviews on https://review.opendev.org/c/airship/treasuremap/+/786905. Thanks. | 20:14 |
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