Thursday, 2020-12-10

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huyupengwhen will airship2.0  be released07:16
huyupengis airship still under develop ?07:27
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huyupeng is airship still under develop ?11:23
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mattmceuen@huyupeng - yes, still under development.  We're targeting a 2.0 release sometime in first quarter next year14:06
airship-irc-bot<sidney.shiba> @mattmceuen et al., I am creating a patch set (phases.yaml and executors.yaml) for the bootstrap container for Azure, GCP and Openstack. As you know, these manifests are simple to review and my question for you is do you prefer to have one patch set for each provider or can I have them grouped in a single one? Note that there are three phases per provider. Example of one phase and executor provided below: _Azure phase_: `# This15:53
airship-irc-botphase triggers the deployment of an ephemeral cluster` `# on Azure Cloud platform` `apiVersion:` `kind: Phase` `metadata:`   `name: ephemeral-az-genesis` `config:`   `executorRef:`     `apiVersion:`     `kind: BootConfiguration`     `name: ephemeral-az-genesis`  Executor: `# This executor launchs a bootstrap container, which creates` `# an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster` `apiVersion:15:53` `kind: BootConfiguration` `metadata:`   `name: ephemeral-az-genesis`   `labels:`     ` "false"` `ephemeralCluster:`   `bootstrapCommand: create`   `configFilename: azure-config.yaml` `bootstrapContainer:`   `containerRuntime: docker`   `image:`   `volume: /home/esidshi/.airship:/kube`   `kubeconfig: capz.kubeconfig`15:53
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airship-irc-bot<sb464f> Hi Team i am able to get the gates passing for this IPA changes can i get some eyes on this change please ->
airship-irc-bot<sirajudeen.yasin> Can i request some reviews on these PSs => Deploy Calico using Tigera Operator => Image override for cluster components => customize Log collection for other Providers => Revert "Use global17:04
airship-irc-botcertmanager for clusterctl" => To preserve upstream manifests as is17:04
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mattmceuen@sidney.shiba -- agree, since it's a small change per-provider, combining them together into one patchset will likely make it easier to review, rather than harder18:06
airship-irc-bot<sidney.shiba> Thanks Matt.18:08
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airship-irc-bot<sb464f> looking for one more review on this ->
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airship-irc-bot<mf4716> thank you @kk6740 for your +2 and WF+1 for @sb464f’s PS - thanks @dwalt for your +2/review too19:57
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