Wednesday, 2020-12-09

airship-irc-bot<craig.anderson> What do we use to provide DHCP to the ephemeral node for the HTTP Boot of the ephemeral ISO?00:15
airship-irc-bot<pb269f> Nothing I thought00:17
airship-irc-bot<pb269f> And just specify the ip(s) via cloud init statically00:17
airship-irc-bot<craig.anderson> but an IP would need to be assigned for the ephemeral node before cloud-init exists since the ISO isn't installed yet on the node?00:20
airship-irc-bot<craig.anderson> the console on ephemeral node in CI loops with00:20
airship-irc-bot<craig.anderson> `>>Start PXE over IPv4.PXE-E18: Server response timeout.` `>>Start HTTP Boot over IPv4.` `Error: Could not discover the boot information for DHCP server.` `Error: Server response timeout.` `>>Start PXE over IPv4.PXE-E18: Server response timeout.` `>>Start HTTP Boot over IPv4.` `Error: Could not discover the boot information for DHCP server.` `Error: Server response timeout.`00:21
airship-irc-bot<craig.anderson> there's an apache2 server running hosting the directory containing ephemeral.iso00:23
airship-irc-bot<craig.anderson> that part works00:23
airship-irc-bot<craig.anderson> but I'm missing what's supposed to configure the client IP for whatever needs to wget this image00:24
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on is being restarted quickly to make heap memory and jgit config adjustments, downtime should be less than 5 minutes01:07
airship-irc-bot<craig.anderson> ok, it turns out problem is that the image file was not bootable, so it decided to try PXE instead. without any kind of useful error message, of course01:14
airship-irc-bot<pb269f> Ah, that makes much more sense01:15
airship-irc-bot<craig.anderson> The image file consists of an apache 404 error :slightly_smiling_face:01:15
airship-irc-bot<pb269f> We can probably update the domain def to only attempt booting from cd01:15
airship-irc-bot<craig.anderson> checking for http 404 or other image download failure codes would also be nice. but that may be libvirt code we're stuck with01:17
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airship-irc-bot<victor.melin> Hi, I am wondering if the armada/argo worklows integration in Airship2.0 has started ?15:06
airship-irc-bot<sean.eagan> Victor Melin: In Airship 2 we are using the Flux v2 helm-controller+source-controller for Helm release management, see
airship-irc-bot<sudeep.batra> Question on the "airshipctl document pull", Is it specified in our code to default to Treasuremap location if the manifest location is not specified ? Is it this place where its specified - And in order to point to any external url(Artifactory Repo for manifests) can we just update this variable ?16:33
airship-irc-bot<sean.eagan> Our container images have not been getting published to quay for ~3 weeks, fix here:
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on is currently responding slowly or timing out due to resource starvation, investigation is underway18:14
airship-irc-bot<craig.anderson> the rats must be gnawing at the wires again18:21
airship-irc-bot<sb464f> gerrit down again ..?22:12
airship-irc-bot<ih616h> seems so22:13
airship-irc-bot<sirajudeen.yasin> connection resets.. seems to be responding slow22:38

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