Friday, 2020-11-13

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airship-irc-bot<victor.melin> Hi! I am wondering what is the best way to test our own site deployment. I have to commit each time I make a modification in the yaml files of my site and play the document pull command before running a phase. Is it the only solution ? Thanks16:25
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airship-irc-bot<rp2723> @victor.melin , I would expect you use document pull at the beginning of your Dev cycle . You can then use phase run or render to apply or check the document set. If there is any changes needed , I would expect you work on those within the local file system where the document pull layout the manifests. And then continue or retry . There is a pending airshipctl  document validate command that was intended to allow you to  test the19:19
airship-irc-botdocuments without needing to apply a phase , but that DEV is not complete . Only need to update the document source repos once you have achieved a stable or desired state.19:19

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