Friday, 2025-01-24

@clarkb:matrix.orgI don't think it can hurt to have options. I personally havent bothered with uv yet because it lacked a number of features last I looked but those may not be important to everyone 00:02
@clarkb:matrix.orgSeems like it does support a lot more pip functionality now. I wonder if it respects constraints rules 00:09
@fungicide:matrix.orguv (and poetry) seem to have more of a focus on lockfiles based on what i've seen discussed in the lockfiles pep, so it wouldn't surprise me if they don't see much importance in pip's constraints functionality00:11 Zuul merged on behalf of Felix Edel: [zuul/zuul] 937876: Incorporate tenants stats in Toolbar section
@fungicide:matrix.orgmordred: i suspect this task didn't expect cpython's free-threading "t" suffixed versions:
@fungicide:matrix.organy opinion on whether we should directly filter them out, change the sort, or what?14:34
@fungicide:matrix.orgit looks like tox has decided that py313 shouldn't use the 3.13.1t that's being installed there (per the failure in that build)14:35
@joao15130:matrix.orgHello, During the exection of the ansible playbook, I've observed some messages like below:15:29
2025-01-24 15:26:01.763247 | localhost | Timeout exception waiting for the logger. Please check connectivity to ...
The connectivity is fine, and it looks like it happens only when it needs the logger.
Any idea?
@clarkb:matrix.orgJean Pierre Roquesalane: this probably means you aren't running the logger subsystem. There is a role for that in zuul-jobs: start-zuul-console15:49
@clarkb:matrix.orgfungi: those are python builds without the gil enabled? seems like a tox bug?15:50
@joao15130:matrix.orgthis job is run.15:50
[root@zuul zuul-config]# cat playbooks/base/pre.yaml
- hosts: localhost
- role: emit-job-header
zuul_log_path_shard_build: true
- ensure-output-dirs
- hosts: all
- name: Start zuul console daemon
- add-build-sshkey
- prepare-workspace-git
- validate-host
- log-inventory
@joao15130:matrix.organd sometimes it worked on a static vms, I'm observing now as I used a nodepool based VM15:51
@joao15130:matrix.orgon an openstack cloud15:51
@clarkb:matrix.orgit could just be a race. You're running stuff before you start the console which creates a block of time where it won't eb able to connect. Does the message go away and you start to get the console afterwards?15:52
@joao15130:matrix.orgthe start console is done at the very beginning before that ansible execution15:52
@clarkb:matrix.orgin your example two roles are run before you start the console15:53
@joao15130:matrix.orgI'd like to debug it but I don't know how I can tell nodepool not to delete the instance at the end of the job15:53
@joao15130:matrix.orgyes that's true15:53
@joao15130:matrix.orgyou suggest to move at the very first line?15:54
@clarkb:matrix.orgyou can use the zuul autohold feature (either vai the web ui if you have login setup there or the zuul-client) to request zuul and nodepool not delete nodes when jobs fail15:54
@dfajfer:fsfe.orgI have it when the job starts and after it finishes when the logs are already there15:54
@dfajfer:fsfe.orgbut it's like Clark says15:54
@clarkb:matrix.orgNot necessarily its an asynchronous system sometimes it is ok to accept connection retries15:54
@joao15130:matrix.orgok but I couldn't find a way to make it work as of now15:55
@joao15130:matrix.orgI don't see the create request button in the autohold tab on the Zuul UI16:01
@clarkb:matrix.orgare you logged in with admin credentials?16:02
@joao15130:matrix.orgI'm just into the UI on port 900016:02
@joao15130:matrix.orgI'm using the UI which comes as part of the qui-start tutorial16:03
@joao15130:matrix.orgit may be limited in terms of features...16:03
@clarkb:matrix.orgThere is an add on tutorial to set up with keycloak to provide authentication16:04
@joao15130:matrix.orgOk I'll look into it16:04
@joao15130:matrix.orgother than that, no idea on how to overcome the timeout issue?16:04
@clarkb:matrix.orgnot without more information. It could be firewalls (are the ports open between you and the VMs?) could be timing. Maybe the console system is crashing for some reason16:05
@joao15130:matrix.orgall ports are open16:06
@joao15130:matrix.orgI think I know where it comes from16:14
@joao15130:matrix.orgmy openstack cloud has two networks16:14
@joao15130:matrix.orgone private on which the VM is hooked up16:14
@joao15130:matrix.orgone public on which we assign floating IPs16:14
@joao15130:matrix.orgnodepool creates VM on this cloud16:15
@joao15130:matrix.orgBut I think that somewhere in the process there is a misconfiguration 16:15
@joao15130:matrix.orgMaybe I need to connect the VMs directly on the public network the floating IP mechanisme16:16
@joao15130:matrix.orgbecause at the end the IP of the VM from inside the system is the private IP and not the publicj one16:16
@joao15130:matrix.orgthat's the whole point of a floating IP16:16
@joao15130:matrix.orgdo you think this kind of network layout can impact Zuul?16:17
@clarkb:matrix.orgIf zuul is talking to the floating IP it should work. But if it is trying to talk to the private ip that could explain it16:18
@joao15130:matrix.orgDon't know16:18
@joao15130:matrix.orgI'm observing that devstack has the floating IP in the configuration file16:18
@joao15130:matrix.orginstead of the private16:18
@joao15130:matrix.organd it breaks devstack installation16:19
@joao15130:matrix.orgI'm wondering if that can harm zuul as well16:19
@clarkb:matrix.orgwe (OpenDev) run zuul against at least one cloud using floating IPs16:19
@clarkb:matrix.orgin general it should work16:19
@dfajfer:fsfe.orgim pretty sure i use it the way you do Jean and it just works16:20
@joao15130:matrix.orghmm, can it be a configuration difference between yours and mine16:20
@joao15130:matrix.orgbecause devstack is triggered with public IPs inside the configuration file16:21
@joao15130:matrix.orgwhich is unknown from the VM16:21
@joao15130:matrix.orgwhich comes from there in the job defintion:16:22
SERVICE_HOST: "{{ hostvars['controller']['nodepool']['public_ipv4'] }}"
HOST_IP: "{{ hostvars['controller']['nodepool']['public_ipv4'] }}"
#PUBLIC_BRIDGE_MTU: '{{ external_bridge_mtu }}'
RABBIT_HOST: "{{ hostvars['controller']['nodepool']['public_ipv4'] }}"
DATABASE_HOST: "{{ hostvars['controller']['nodepool']['public_ipv4'] }}"
@fungicide:matrix.orgclarkb: not so sure it's a bug in tox, i think pyenv is setting up a python3.13t executable rather than python3.13, tox probably needs something like a py313t testenv to use that, but more generally i think it's a bug in our pyenv role that we're preferring the temporart t-suffixed versions over normal python builds16:46
@clarkb:matrix.orgfungi: do you think tox -e py313t would work? if so then ya I guess it isn't a tox bug. Also I didn't think our pyenv role prefers no gil over gil. That might just be pyenv if you ask it for 3.13?16:47
@fungicide:matrix.orgalso i think this is the experimental free-threading variant, not the nogil variant16:48
@fungicide:matrix.orgor do those wind up being the same thing16:48
@fungicide:matrix.orgah, yeah, they're the same thing. right16:49
@fungicide:matrix.orgi was confusing that with the jit variant16:49
@clarkb:matrix.org seems related16:49
@clarkb:matrix.orgit is possible that pyenv may not be useful here anymore if it cannot reliably build the python we want (though the issue doesn't really say that as much as it says it produces confusing results)16:51
@clarkb:matrix.orgside note when looking at uv yesterday it apparently does pyenv like things now too16:51
@fungicide:matrix.orgbut anyway, our role should ideally be telling pyenv to build 3.13.1 rather than 3.13.1t when 3.13 is requested16:51
@clarkb:matrix.orgfungi: ya my read though is that it should be producing 3.13 and 3.13t they might just be the same thing. However they may not have updated that issue after disambiguating16:51
@fungicide:matrix.orgour ansible asks pyenv for a list of available versions, filters them for ^3.13, sorts, then picks the last (highest) result, which is the one with the t on the end rather than the one without16:52
@clarkb:matrix.orgso we probably need to filter out the t variants if no t is present in our original version request16:53
@fungicide:matrix.orgright, that's my take as well16:53
@clarkb:matrix.orgits also possible that filtering doesnt' work if you do supply 3.13t16:53
@fungicide:matrix.orgwe'd have to do some less naive parsing of the requested base version, or add a separate field or something16:54
@fungicide:matrix.orgbut also i'm wary of over-engineering a solution when cpython upstream has stated that these "t" versions are a temporary thing16:55
@clarkb:matrix.orgin that case maybe just do a grep -v '.*t$' before piping to tail16:55
@clarkb:matrix.organd say the role doesn't support no gil builds for now16:56
@fungicide:matrix.orgyeah, at least in the short term that ought to address the recent breakage for 3.13 jobs16:58
@fungicide:matrix.orgi'll propose that and see what others think16:58 Jeremy Stanley proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 940158: ensure-python: Skip "t" versions in pyenv
@clarkb:matrix.orgas a quick hack to make things work that makes sense to me. Then followups can add support for the special builds if people are interested in them17:07
@fungicide:matrix.org should hopefully tell us if it worked17:09
@fungicide:matrix.orglooks like it has (the previously failing openstack-tox-py313 job succeeded with depends-on, though the buildset is still about half an hour out from reporting back on the change)18:16 Brian Haley proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 940074: Update ensure-twine role Brian Haley proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 940074: Update ensure-twine role

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