Thursday, 2023-10-05 Simon Westphahl proposed: [zuul/zuul] 896909: Don't schedule merge repo state for branch/ref Simon Westphahl proposed: [zuul/zuul] 896909: Don't schedule initial merge for branch/ref items logging of the inheritance path is lacking the `negate` parameter, see this example from where the next-to-last match is actually the negated version of the match shown:05:39
- '<Job base branches: None source: opendev/base-jobs/zuul.d/jobs.yaml@master#25>'
- '<Job multinode branches: None source: zuul/zuul-jobs/zuul.d/general-jobs.yaml@master#33>'
- '<Job grenade-base branches: {MatchAny:{ImpliedBranchMatcher:master}} source:
- '<Job grenade branches: {MatchAny:{ImpliedBranchMatcher:master}} source: openstack/grenade/.zuul.yaml@master#158>'
- '<Job grenade-skip-level-always branches: {MatchAny:{ImpliedBranchMatcher:master}}
source: openstack/grenade/.zuul.yaml@master#381>'
- '<Job grenade-skip-level branches: {MatchAny:{BranchMatcher:master}} source:
- '<Job grenade-skip-level branches: {MatchAny:{BranchMatcher:^stable/(train|ussuri|victoria|wallaby|xena|zed|2023.2)$}}
source: openstack/grenade/.zuul.yaml@stable/2023.2#399>'
- '<Job grenade-skip-level branches: None source: openstack/grenade/.zuul.yaml@master#1>'
``` Simon Westphahl proposed: [zuul/zuul] 897409: Don't trigger timer events for dynamic branches> <> observed this in OpenDev with
It would probably be helpful to link the actual builds that you observed this in rather than a high level change. Not that provides/requires should be between buildsets for multiple changes not within a single change. Within a buildset for a single change you use job dependencies. this spec for improving circular dependencies would as a side effect reduce the complexity in dependencies/provides/requires as well* In reply to @yoctozepto:matrix.org12:35
observed this in OpenDev with
It would probably be helpful to link the actual builds that you observed this in rather than a high level change. Note that provides/requires should be between buildsets for multiple changes not within a single change. Within a buildset for a single change you use job dependencies. this spec for improving circular dependencies would as a side effect reduce the complexity in dependencies/provides/requires as well
@yoctozepto:matrix.orgClark: but it works in a buildset as long as the jobs come from different projects; just not on retry12:44
@yoctozepto:matrix.orglet me link to the details in the bug report anyways12:45
@clarkb:matrix.orgYou can't have jobs from different projects in one buildset. Not today. That is what the spec will address and why it improves the situation here12:45
@yoctozepto:matrix.orgClark: well, I do have 🙃12:45
@clarkb:matrix.orgBuildsets currently run jobs for one change and a change can only belong to one project 12:46
@yoctozepto:matrix.orgit seems to have been working thus far12:46
@clarkb:matrix.orgProvides/requires apply relationships between buildsets12:47
@yoctozepto:matrix.orgbut maybe it was a fluke that it worked12:47
@clarkb:matrix.orgMy comment is mostly to point out linking to a specific change when discussing provides requires is insufficient information 12:47
@yoctozepto:matrix.orgthanks for pointing this out, I will dig further12:47
@yoctozepto:matrix.orgyes, it was a fluke; I see it now with the verbose info that zuul status produces12:51
@yoctozepto:matrix.orgthanks Clark you and fungi either solve issues for me or point me into the right direction; I hope to meet you two in person some day12:52
@yoctozepto:matrix.orgI updated and closed the bug report12:54
@clarkb:matrix.orgThe proposed future state in that spec should simplify things and make it a lot more intuitive12:55
@clarkb:matrix.orgBut still a ways away12:55
@yoctozepto:matrix.orgI tabbed that spec and will read it in some freer time12:56 Zuul merged on behalf of Jeremy Stanley [zuul/zuul-website] 890040: Blog article titles link to themselves

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