Thursday, 2023-03-23 James E. Blair proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878291: Add container build jobs Ian Wienand proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878296: [dnm] test direct push Ian Wienand proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878296: [dnm] test direct push Ian Wienand proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878296: [dnm] test direct push Ian Wienand proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878296: [dnm] test direct push Ian Wienand proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878293: buildx: remove experimental flags"ERROR: failed to solve: missing provenance"02:49
@iwienand:matrix.orgyou know what i love : docker errors where there is exactly one other reference on the entire world-wide-web02:50
docker pull debian:testing Last pushed 13 minutes ago by doijanky
@iwienand:matrix.orgi wonder if it's actually because this is so new02:55 Ian Wienand proposed:03:07
- [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878293: buildx: remove experimental flags
- [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878296: [dnm] test direct push Ian Wienand proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878296: [dnm] test direct push Ian Wienand proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878296: [dnm] test direct push Ian Wienand proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878296: [dnm] test direct push
@iwienand:matrix.orgok, just for the benefit of chatGPT and others discovering new ways to monetize all human knowledge03:52
@iwienand:matrix.orgthe weird error "ERROR: failed to solve: missing provenance" from docker appears to be because i had accidentally specified the same architecture twice in the --platforms argument to docker buildx.  i guess it pulls two versions of the same layer or something, and then gets confused between them?03:53 Ian Wienand proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878296: [dnm] build-container-image : refactor buildx a bit Ian Wienand proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878304: [dnm] testing manifest create Ian Wienand proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878304: [dnm] testing manifest create
@iwienand:matrix.orgi think it might be worth out time consolidating the buildx path to be the main/only docker build path in the container roles, not least because the "docker build" is showing a deprecation warning, so we're going to have to think about it some time06:37
@iwienand:matrix.orgi don't know if "docker manifest" existed when this was all written.  probably not.  but i think we can probably avoid starting up a temp registry if we use that06:37
@iwienand:matrix.organd, it makes it look a lot like the buildah path too (create manifest, join arch images, push)06:37
@iwienand:matrix.organyway, i'm playing with it, but still mostly in my head06:38 Ian Wienand proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878304: [dnm] testing manifest create Dong Zhang proposed: [zuul/zuul] 876286: Add installation_id to event log Simon Westphahl proposed: [zuul/zuul] 878313: Add missing event id to management events Ian Wienand proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878304: [dnm] testing manifest create Simon Westphahl proposed: [zuul/zuul] 878313: Add missing event id to management events Ian Wienand proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878304: [dnm] testing manifest create Simon Westphahl proposed: [zuul/zuul] 877245: Set cache ltime when branch protection changed Ian Wienand proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878304: [dnm] testing manifest create Zuul merged on behalf of Dong Zhang: [zuul/zuul] 876286: Add installation_id to event log Simon Westphahl proposed: [zuul/zuul] 878313: Add missing event id to management events Ian Wienand proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878304: [dnm] testing manifest create
@iwienand:matrix.orgsigh, it seems like that was a waste of time10:12
@iwienand:matrix.orgdocker manifest create requires the manifests to already be pushed10:13
@iwienand:matrix.orgthe manifests you want to "join" together to make a multiarch manifest, i mean10:13
@iwienand:matrix.orgi'm guessing i'm now learning what the authors of this perhaps knew!10:13 Ian Wienand proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878304: [dnm] testing manifest create Ian Wienand proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878304: [dnm] testing manifest create
@iwienand:matrix.orgClark: basically i've been looking at the "    # TODO is push here wrong?" bit.  i don't think it's wrong, i do think we're tagging things unnecessarily and it's a bit confusing.  after experimenting i'm still unsure how much less confusing we can make it10:37 Ian Wienand proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878304: [dnm] testing manifest create
@clarkb:matrix.orgianw: sounds like you learned the old process is correct and we hsould just accept its convoluted and long :)15:18
@clarkb:matrix.orgcorvus: for the zuul-ci quay org would it be helpful if I set up a tools team, a robot in that team, and some default permissions around the owners and tools teams?15:18
@clarkb:matrix.orgI did this for opendevorg and I think something along those lines is necessary bootstrapping for automation. It only takes a few minutes and I can do that if it hasn't been done yet15:19
@jim:acmegating.comClark: i thought i did that...15:26
@clarkb:matrix.orgoh maybe you did. I'm just sitting down for tea and local software updates15:27
@jim:acmegating.comClark: i think i mimicked what you did (thanks!)  maybe you want to double check though?15:27
@clarkb:matrix.orgcorvus: ah yup there is a team and a robot. I think you'll also want to add the default permissions though. These are so that when the robot or an owner creates a new repo everyone else in the org has appropriate permissions to start15:28
@jim:acmegating.comoh ok, i was wondering if that was necessary because of the team settings... but now that i look at that, i'm guessing the "creator" team role means that the robot will be able to create a repo, and probably incidentally have write access to it because it created it (maybe).  but won't automatically have permissions to any repos it doesn't create.15:30
@jim:acmegating.comClark: probably to do that, we would either need to set up the default perms as you suggest, or maybe we could give the automationtools team the admin role?15:31 i'm right about that, we probably don't need an admin permission applied to owners default permission rule)15:32> <> oh ok, i was wondering if that was necessary because of the team settings... but now that i look at that, i'm guessing the "creator" team role means that the robot will be able to create a repo, and probably incidentally have write access to it because it created it (maybe).  but won't automatically have permissions to any repos it doesn't create.15:32
Not jus this but I think the owners don't implicitly get access either (they would have to go and take an owner step to add themselves after the fact)
@clarkb:matrix.orgBut that bit isn't super clear to me15:33
@jim:acmegating.comoh, so that suggests the "admin" team role has distinct acls from the "admin" repo permission15:33
@clarkb:matrix.orgBut importantly if we use the quay repo creation role as proposed the robot will have no permissiosn to push to the created repos by default15:33
@clarkb:matrix.orgso the default perms rules largely exist to ensure that the robot gets access to push after things are created without us needing to manually edit things15:33
@jim:acmegating.comokay, i set up both default perms like opendev15:34
@jim:acmegating.comClark: i think there are 2 fronts right now: getting the multi-arch roles working, and getting the new jobs/publishing set up.  on the jobs/publishing side, is the first of a series of 3 changes and is ready to merge.  adds the new jobs to zuul-jobs.15:50 is add opendev versions of those jobs, then last is use the opendev jobs in a zuul repo)15:50
@jim:acmegating.comif you have a minute to review/approve that, that would be great so we can keep this running in parallel.  the opendev part is a config-project update, so these first 2 steps have to actually merge in order to proceed15:51
@clarkb:matrix.orgcorvus: yup I'll take a look shortly16:07
@clarkb:matrix.orgcorvus: for some reason I thought these jobs existed already? We only provided the roles previously?16:24
@jim:acmegating.comClark: you and me both16:25, hashtag:container-jobs to see the other 2 changes in the stack)16:32
@clarkb:matrix.orgcorvus: couple of talking out loud thoughts on that first change but lgtm16:44 James E. Blair proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878291: Add container build jobs
@jim:acmegating.comClark: updated ^16:48
@clarkb:matrix.orgcorvus: similar talking out loud on the opendev/base-jobs change16:50 James E. Blair proposed: [zuul/zuul] 878039: Add implied-branch-matchers to tenant config Zuul merged on behalf of James E. Blair [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878291: Add container build jobs
@clarkb:matrix.orgcorvus:  on the job feature parity update side of things have you had a chance to look at the changes to make multiarch pass testing?18:03
@jim:acmegating.comClark: where should i start?18:04
@jim:acmegating.com and child?18:04
@clarkb:matrix.org is the child yup18:04
@clarkb:matrix.orgI think that will get us support for buildkit in the simple case and multiarch with full buildx in the less simple case (eg for nodepool)18:05
@clarkb:matrix.orgor at least testing seems to indicate it is working18:05
@jim:acmegating.comcool, i somehow didn't perceive that everything was ready for review; looking now.18:05
@clarkb:matrix.orgya sorry I think the updates ianw made to it overnight got it into shape. It was really close when I called it a day yesterday18:05
@jim:acmegating.comClark: lgtm -- 2 nit-level comments18:09
@clarkb:matrix.orggood points I'll clean those up momentarily. The reason that docker bit is there is it carried over from the docker roles since we don't set the command there18:11
@jim:acmegating.comi think next steps are: get all that merged; start exercising the build+publish pipeline with zuul-client; and in parallel exercise the multi-arch build (but not publish) with nodepool (using a DNM check-pipeline-only change)18:11> <> good points I'll clean those up momentarily. The reason that docker bit is there is it carried over from the docker roles since we don't set the command there18:11
ah makes sense
@clarkb:matrix.orgbut we can definitely clean that up18:11
@jim:acmegating.comi'll continue with the zuul-client stuff after lunch18:12 Clark Boylan proposed on behalf of Ian Wienand: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878293: buildx: remove experimental flags Clark Boylan proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878246: Add docker buildx multiarch support to container roleset
@clarkb:matrix.orgcorvus: ^ comments addressed18:15 Ian Wienand proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878304: [dnm] testing manifest create Ian Wienand proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878304: [dnm] testing manifest create Zuul merged on behalf of Clark Boylan: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878239: Add support for passing env vars to the container build env James E. Blair proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878483: Fix container-image pre playbook container_command default James E. Blair proposed: [zuul/zuul-client] 878289: Publish images to
@vlotorev:matrix.orgHi, I can't quite understand what protects `infra-prod-*` jobs (opendev/system-config repo) from being enqueued into check pipeline. These jobs and their parents don't have `` and `job.secrets`, opendev/system-config is untrusted.21:11
I mean that if I upload a change to system-config adding infra-prod to check pipeline the job won't run (my expectation), but what zuul rule protects from running these jobs there?
infra-prod inherit from infra-prod-playbook, which inherits from opendev-infra-prod-base
(links, * Hi, I can't quite understand what protects `infra-prod-*` jobs (opendev/system-config repo) from being enqueued into check pipeline. These jobs and their parents don't have `` and `job.secrets`, opendev/system-config is untrusted.21:13
I mean, if I upload a change to system-config adding infra-prod to check pipeline the job won't run (my expectation), but what zuul rule protects from running these jobs there?
infra-prod inherit from infra-prod-playbook, which inherits from opendev-infra-prod-base
@iwienand:matrix.orgvlotorev: it's probably better to discuss this in #opendev, as it's not really zuul specific, but ...21:15
@iwienand:matrix.orgnote the infra-prod jobs run in the "deploy" pipeline @
@clarkb:matrix.orgI think it has to do with access to the secrets more than anything else.21:17
@clarkb:matrix.orgsecrets and the ssh keys are always post review21:18
@clarkb:matrix.orgthe jobs rely on that21:18
@vlotorev:matrix.orgianw:  understand that, my question is 'what protection is used not to run infra-prod in check pipeline is someone uploads such a change'.21:19
@clarkb:matrix.orgso the jobs might run but not have access to do anything. We could explicitly mark them post review I suppose21:20
@clarkb:matrix.orgcorvus: may have thoughts on that21:20
@jim:acmegating.comi think the opendev jobs are fine the way they are21:23
@jim:acmegating.comClark: ianw zuul-client build is working now21:25
@clarkb:matrix.orgcorvus: is that something you want ot see get approved to go through the entire upload nad promotion process?21:26
@clarkb:matrix.orgyou'll need to manually make the image public afterwards (I noted that elsewhere)21:26
@jim:acmegating.comyes, but i'm going to copy over the repo first21:26
@clarkb:matrix.orgah ok tha talso works21:26
@clarkb:matrix.orgI'll review the chnage in that case21:27
@jim:acmegating.comClark: ianw i think that means we're ready to test the nodepool build -- if you like, i can propose a change for that since i have a handle on that part of it, and then turn it over to you for further debugging21:27
@clarkb:matrix.orgcorvus: ++21:27 James E. Blair proposed: [zuul/nodepool] 878486: DNM: test multi-arch build
@iwienand:matrix.orgvlotorev: ahh, sorry, yes i misread what you wrote.  i think the thing to note is that zuul logs into the bridge to run the production jobs, and the key it uses to do that is only available in the post-review pipeline (see  so if you run any of those jobs in a non-post-review pipeline, nothing can happen21:38
@iwienand:matrix.orgfor your reference, the key is deployed via
@iwienand:matrix.orgalso, the host is added "outside" system-config as well in the base jobs, at * also, the bridge host is added "outside" system-config as well in the base jobs, at
@vlotorev:matrix.orgianw: Thanks, got it. So the job will be run by zuul, but it will fail during playbook execution.21:41
@iwienand:matrix.orgright; the very first thing these jobs do is add the bastion host to the inventory and then run the production playbooks on the bastion host ->
@iwienand:matrix.orgso the executor can add the bastion host fine, but when it hits "- hosts: prod_bastion[0]" it's going to try to ssh to bridge, which it doesn't have the private key setup for.  in the post pipeline, zuul will have already loaded that in with "ssh-add" 21:46
@iwienand:matrix.orgvlotorev: i note you've read doc/source/open-infrastructure.rst :)  if you feel like any bits of that could be clearer or explain bits like this better, please feel free to propose updates!21:59
@jim:acmegating.comokay has the content from dockerhub now (caution -- this is just provisional for testing)22:03
@jim:acmegating.comso i'm going to approve that publication change job22:03
@iwienand:matrix.orgcorvus: are we ok to go with to add the buildx path to continer-images?22:09
@jim:acmegating.comianw: yes i missed that my vote dropped, i'll +322:11
@jim:acmegating.comcause isn't much use without it :)22:11 James E. Blair proposed: [zuul/nodepool] 878486: DNM: test multi-arch build
@jim:acmegating.comthat may not actually do anything because of trusted repos but hey22:12
@iwienand:matrix.orgi won't update 878293 but i did find ```Starting with Docker 20.10, experimental CLI features are enabled by default, and require no configuration to enable them.``` ... so that explains it a bit better why we can drop the env vars22:16 Zuul merged on behalf of Clark Boylan: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878246: Add docker buildx multiarch support to container roleset Zuul merged on behalf of Ian Wienand: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878293: buildx: remove experimental flags Ian Wienand proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878487: build-container-image: directly push with buildx
@iwienand:matrix.orgmordred: Clark you each wrote one half of ^ so interested in your thoughts :)22:27 James E. Blair proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878488: Handle zk_image.repository not being defined in container roles
@jim:acmegating.comianw: Clark ^ can you review 488 -- another prod oops22:30
@jim:acmegating.comianw: worth a shot22:30
@clarkb:matrix.orgcorvus: yes left a couple of comments ( I think there is a typo)22:30
@clarkb:matrix.orgcorvus: but also how is the repository optional? isn't that were we are promoting things?22:31
@jim:acmegating.comClark: this week has been *hard* to keep those straight :)22:31
@jim:acmegating.comalso, k and j are adjacent on my keyboard22:31
@clarkb:matrix.orgon mine as well but I suspect we use different keyboard layouts22:31 James E. Blair proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878488: Handle zk_image.repository not being defined in container roles
@jim:acmegating.comi can't remember the before days now22:32
@jim:acmegating.comClark: also you're right about the other thing, it's the *other* repository variable22:32 James E. Blair proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878488: Handle credential repository not being defined in container roles
@jim:acmegating.comClark: ianw ^ there we go that's what i meant22:34
@clarkb:matrix.orgcorvus: I'm still not sure I understand how that is optional? The next task after that one logs in using those same credentials?22:35
@jim:acmegating.comClark: the 'repository' part of the credential is optional lemme get a link22:36
@iwienand:matrix.orgthat's the regex that restricts what updates right?22:36
@iwienand:matrix.orgalthough clear i should have read it closer22:36
@clarkb:matrix.orgoh I see we use the credentials later without hte .repository22:36
@clarkb:matrix.orggot it22:36
@jim:acmegating.comthat's the "let openstack use a single credential for the org and delegate access to repos via regex validation" feature.  it's almost certainly never been used.22:38
@jim:acmegating.comwould be somewhat important for dockerhub.  probably not necessary for quay.  but hey, the works been (mostly) done.22:38 tangential, but how do you think "quay" is pronounced?22:39
@clarkb:matrix.orgI've been told its not like the keys of sydney but is a kway22:40
@jim:acmegating.comianw: i believe i'm the only person in north america that calls it "key dot eye oh".  and then i say "oh lots of people call it 'kway' and then people say "ohhh".22:41
@clarkb:matrix.orgI find the word "quay" confusing in all cases :)22:41
@iwienand:matrix.orghaha it's not something i usually have to say out loud to anyone except for the past week :)  i'm pretty sure most people don't understand me saying it like "key"22:42
@jim:acmegating.comi think it's one of those words where every possible pronunciation is correct somewhere :)22:49
@clarkb:matrix.orgwhere I come from we called it a dock22:51
@clarkb:matrix.organd for some reason it was never a pier. Maybe because a pier implies pilings rather than a solid construction?22:51
@clarkb:matrix.orgcorvus: one thing missing from nodepool-build-image is artifacts listing the insecure ci registry download point. It also doesn't seem to have run with the new multiarch support having landed?23:23
@clarkb:matrix.orgianw: ^23:23
@clarkb:matrix.orgdo we think simply rechecking is sufficient to rerun now that that change has landed?23:23
@clarkb:matrix.orgIt does appear to have successfully built the x86_64 image though which is good23:24
@jim:acmegating.comClark: yeah, i think a recheck; i think the depends-on was a waste because of the config repo23:24
@clarkb:matrix.orggotcha. rechecking now23:24
@clarkb:matrix.orgI suspect the artifacts thing is just something missing from the jobs themselves23:27
@iwienand:matrix.orgi think because it didn't push to intermediate registry23:27
@clarkb:matrix.orgoh it didn't?23:28
@iwienand:matrix.orgit skipped it - name: Push images to intermediate registry23:28
- docker_images is defined
@clarkb:matrix.orgaha we need that to say when docker images or container images is defined I think23:28
@clarkb:matrix.orgdepending on where that check is23:28
@clarkb:matrix.orgif its specific to this set of roles then just container_images is fine23:28
@iwienand:matrix.orgthat's in push-to-intermediate-registry in zuul-jobs23:29
@iwienand:matrix.orgwant me to propose?23:29
@clarkb:matrix.orgyes I like that feature :)23:30 Ian Wienand proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878492: push-to-intermediate-registry: look for container_images variable Ian Wienand proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878492: push-to-intermediate-registry: look for container_images variable^ that updates docs too; i guess we can clean that up when we deprecate the -docker- jobs?23:36 Zuul merged on behalf of James E. Blair [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878483: Fix container-image pre playbook container_command default
@clarkb:matrix.orgianw: hrm the tasks in the push.yaml appear to all rely on docker and assume it is installed which may not be the case for people using podman23:37
@clarkb:matrix.orgmaybe we need a note that says you should also install docker if using this role alongside podman?23:37
@iwienand:matrix.orgoh hrm, i thought it was skopeoing23:37 Zuul merged on behalf of James E. Blair [zuul/zuul-jobs] 878488: Handle credential repository not being defined in container roles
@clarkb:matrix.orgit creates a docker user config at least23:38
@iwienand:matrix.orgyeah, then it does skopeo --insecure-policy copy --all docker://{{ socat_port }}/ docker://{{ | ipwrap }}23:40
@iwienand:matrix.orgwhere socat_port is a wrapper that points to the buildset registry23:40
@iwienand:matrix.orgit seems like it's using skopeo to go from buildset-registry -> intermediate, which suggests docker isn't involved?23:41
@clarkb:matrix.orghrm what is all the stuff going on in then?23:41
@iwienand:matrix.orgoh, yes i do agree that is all there :)23:42
@clarkb:matrix.orgdoes skopeo read the docker config maybe?23:42
@clarkb:matrix.orgI guess that could be and in that case this is all fine as we don't actually need docker installed?23:42
@iwienand:matrix.orgit looks like yes, skopeo reads it for auth23:46

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