Friday, 2022-08-19

@iwienand:matrix.orgthe other thing in local testing that has got me is that i can not make the mysql container work properly00:13
@iwienand:matrix.orgit takes forever to start, and then dies with 137 exit code, which suggests sigkill and oom -- but inspecting the dead container doesn't show it killed it for oom00:14
@iwienand:matrix.orgi simply switched the script to run mariadb and it "just works"00:15
@iwienand:matrix.organyway, really just logging this as something i've hit00:15
@iwienand:matrix.orgi guess in the gate it uses the packaged versions of the db from bindep.txt00:22
@jim:acmegating.comianw: istr some recent docker/distro issues showing up in certain mariadb containers; there may be similar issues with certain versions of mysql and distros too.  i know that's not super helpful, but wanted to throw it out there as a thread you could pull on if you wanted.  tho also maybe we should try mariadb:latest in the compose file.00:25
@jim:acmegating.comianw: this is what i was recalling:
@iwienand:matrix.orginteresting; thanks.  ironically switching to mariadb:latest fixed my problems!  but causes problems for others ... yay containers!  at least it's just me, my system and the container and not 10,000 layers of k8s inbetween :)00:29 Michael Kelly proposed:00:34
- [zuul/zuul-operator] 853695: Prefix zuul-specific resources with instance name
- [zuul/zuul-operator] 853696: Prefix nodepool specific resources with instance name
@iwienand:matrix.org Stephen Finucane proposed: [zuul/zuul] 853420: setup: Replace dash-separated config Michael Kelly proposed: [zuul/zuul-operator] 853696: Prefix nodepool specific resources with instance name
@clarkb:matrix.orgTo followup on the SSH flakiness I brought up recently: it seems that the occurence of the issue has largely gone away with our updated ssh configs. That could be coincidental and I'll continue to keep an eye on it. I'm not sure how many other Zuul users operate in public clouds with internet reachable IPs but seems this is a good host config to update when running Zuul test nodes this way16:47 James E. Blair proposed: [zuul/zuul] 848516: Reduce redundant Gerrit queries Michael Kelly proposed:18:52
- [zuul/zuul-operator] 853695: Prefix zuul-specific resources with instance name
- [zuul/zuul-operator] 853696: Prefix nodepool specific resources with instance name Zuul merged on behalf of Ian Wienand: [zuul/nodepool] 853574: functional-container: use different root-disk label Michael Kelly proposed:19:44
- [zuul/zuul-operator] 853695: Prefix zuul-specific resources with instance name
- [zuul/zuul-operator] 853696: Prefix nodepool specific resources with instance name
@michael_kelly_anet:matrix.orgIt'd be keen if could get merged - I've had to do a subset of this to hack up the operator to work with the existing cert-manager instance I'm running21:06 Zuul merged on behalf of James E. Blair [zuul/zuul] 848516: Reduce redundant Gerrit queries
@clarkb:matrix.orgcorvus: ^ do you know why you didn't approve 845851? maybe gertty hadn't pulled down my +2 yet?21:42
@jim:acmegating.comClark: possibly due to the lack of a release before that change?21:45
@jim:acmegating.comi'm happy to tag a release now and then we can approve that change next week.  i'm not super enthused about the idea of approving it late on a friday with no prior tag.21:46
@clarkb:matrix.orgah got it. makes sense21:47
@michael_kelly_anet:matrix.orgAppreciated.  Not super critical for me short term (about to head out on a two week holiday), but it'll make it much easier to use the operator :)21:48
@jim:acmegating.comdoesn't look like we have release notes set up for the operator... so i guess maybe let's just do 1.0.0 since this includes the change to kopf and v1alpha1 to v1alpha2?  then 2.0.0 for the release after?21:53
@jim:acmegating.comzuul-maint: how does this look for a zuul-operator release? commit a5da3f075eb0452a722403c50e5a33a4af55d62b (HEAD -> master, tag: 1.0.0, origin/master, origin/HEAD, refs/changes/82/853582/1)21:54
@clarkb:matrix.orgI guess my only question would be is it worth 1.0'ing it now?21:55
@clarkb:matrix.orgbut the sha lgtm and I don't really have much of an opinion on 1.0.0 vs 0.2.021:55
@jim:acmegating.comi think it's important to have a tag for the v1alpha2 era.  i mean, it's not a great 1.0 release since it's out of date, but setting aside the particular connotations of 1.0, i think it's the right number based on something in the spirit of semver.21:58
@clarkb:matrix.orgwfm then21:58

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