Monday, 2022-07-11

@blaisepabon:matrix.orgOk, I suspect that the problem is due to some path traversal foible....03:41
I had manually copied the zuul proxy config file and everything else was created by the roles, so I will find the templates in the roles directory and put the zuul reverse proxy settings there.
@iwienand:matrix.orgok, so dib's fedora/rocky testing has started failing with the update to 3.10/jammy images06:08
@iwienand:matrix.orgthese are the "containerfile" elements that run podman inside the container06:09
@iwienand:matrix.orgi've filed but upon more research, i'm starting to think it's a cgroups v2 thing06:09
@iwienand:matrix.orgi have some suspicion this is related to "--cgroupns=private" v "host"06:11
@iwienand:matrix.orghowever, nodepool-builder is already running as "privileged: true"06:12
@iwienand:matrix.orgdocker-compose has bugs open that it doesn't support the --cgroupsns flag.  so simply switching it in the compose file isn't as easy as you would hope06:13 Ian Wienand proposed: [zuul/nodepool] 849273: [wip] test /sys/fs/cgroup mapped as rw
@iwienand:matrix.org will test ^06:18 Zuul merged on behalf of David Ostrovsky: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 846909: ensure-java role: Bump default java_version to 11
@blaisep-sureify:matrix.orgOk, I see what happened.19:37
The Example in the Zuul Doc :
includes a directory
and httpd needs access to that directory.
@jim:acmegating.comBlaise Pabon: fwiw, i think the "static offload" form is super complicated (it's most useful if you have a zuul site that is so busy that having zuul-web serve the static javascript files is a kind of DoS against it.  to my knowledge, there is not (yet) a zuul site so large that is required.  i would suggest implementing only this part: and stop there (before static offload).  basically just those 3 lines.19:44
@jim:acmegating.comthat's what opendev does (though its config also has some extra bits to enable caching)19:44
@blaisep-sureify:matrix.orgOk, so then my TLS would get handled before traffic gets forwarded to `:9000` ?19:50
@jim:acmegating.comBlaise Pabon: yep; stick those 3 lines in a virtualhost with ssl configured, and you've got apache handling tls then forwarding plaintext to :9000.  that's exactly what opendev does19:53
@blaisep-sureify:matrix.orgI guess, I'm getting closer.... I got 19:55
@blaisep-sureify:matrix.orgIs this WCCC2 one of the sample sites ?20:13
@blaisep-sureify:matrix.orgoops, standby20:17
@blaisep-sureify:matrix.orgI... keep getting redirected to the Devicenet  Web Portal SSL warning.,,,20:25
Are these friends of ours?
@blaisep-sureify:matrix.orgNever mind.... 😊20:34
@blaisep-sureify:matrix.orgI don't think that the opendev http config files are accesible in the repository 23:41
@blaisep-sureify:matrix.orgIn fact, it looks like the tests skip TLS altogether.23:45
I'm guessing that's because it's such a PITA * I don't think that the opendev http virsthost config files are accesible in the repository 23:47 James E. Blair proposed: [zuul/zuul] 849442: Strictly sequence reconfiguration events
@jim:acmegating.comBlaise Pabon: they do actually test tls (though it is a PITA); the --insecure flag there just accomodates the fact that it's running with untrusted certs.23:50
@jim:acmegating.comBlaise Pabon: here's the template for opendev's zuul apache reverse proxy config (with those 3 lines from the docs highlighted):
@jim:acmegating.comfungi: addresses a problem i believe has been observed in opendev23:54

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