Wednesday, 2022-05-25

@tristanc_:matrix.orgcorvus: it's a bit weird, in a success build result, the same log file contains other errors: e.g.
oh well, it's probably a red herring
@jim:acmegating.comtristanC: yeah that's my guess, or maybe a consequence of the error.  the ipv6 connection error is so clear and makes sense i think that makes sense to be the first thing we address.00:04
@iwienand:matrix.orgClark: so we have RA's working, but also the config in configdrive00:12
@clarkb:matrix.orgThere are no RAs in this case. You have to statically configure it from the config drive aiui00:24
@iwienand:matrix.orgthe ipv4 config we are getting on also has ipv4_dhcp; the one we have in testing for glean is a static ip00:42
@iwienand:matrix.orgjust to follow-up on above, see James E. Blair proposed: [zuul/zuul] 842010: Add global semaphore support
@jim:acmegating.comfungi: Clark looks like we should be able to recheck-bash in -- can one of you take a look at that and approve?  we should be able to progress the ansible 5 work13:37 Zuul merged on behalf of James E. Blair [zuul/zuul-jobs] 843093: ensure-podman: Remove kubic from Ubuntu 18.04 and drop 20.04> <> fungi: Clark looks like we should be able to recheck-bash in -- can one of you take a look at that and approve?  we should be able to progress the ansible 5 work14:44
lgtm. did you happen to notice any commonality in the failures?
@fungicide:matrix.orgi guess it was zuul-jobs-test-registry-buildset-registry-openshift-docker every time14:45
@fungicide:matrix.orgcross-node ipv6 connection failures in ovh?14:50
@fungicide:matrix.orgtrying to authenticate to the ephemeral registry14:52
@clarkb:matrix.orgfungi: aiui something didn't like that the ipv6 addr is in /etc/hosts but not configured on any interface14:57
@clarkb:matrix.orgThis is the ovh specific ipv6 glean issue that ianw was working on14:57
@fungicide:matrix.orgokay, so ianw 's glean stack may help with that14:57 Zuul merged on behalf of James E. Blair [zuul/zuul-jobs] 843038: buildset registry: run socat in new session
@jim:acmegating.comexactly -- ianw's work should address the issue in the medium/long term, but atm it's basically "openshift doesn't like the /etc/hosts file on centos-7 on ovh nodes"16:03 James E. Blair proposed: [zuul/zuul] 840758: Add USER to Dockerfile James E. Blair proposed: [zuul/zuul] 842243: DNM: Try jobs with Ansible 5 James E. Blair proposed: [zuul/zuul] 843341: Increase unit test timeout to 2 hours James E. Blair proposed: [zuul/nodepool] 843345: DNM: Try jobs with Ansible 5 James E. Blair proposed: [zuul/zuul] 841818: Fix zuul-web layout update on full/tenant-reconfigure
@jim:acmegating.comzuul-maint: i think it's time to bump the test job timeout:
@clarkb:matrix.orgPython 3.11 is supposed to have a lot of speed improvements20:50
@clarkb:matrix.orgI think bits of zuul will need to be refactored to take advantage of them, but will be interesting to see how much newer python helps zuul when we get there20:50
@jim:acmegating.comi don't think we're doing anything egregious to increase the runtimes.  on my local machine, runtimes have increased by 5% since 5.0.0 (which is slightly less than the 6% increase in test cases).  this is my main concern when bumping test times (that we're not masking some big performance degredation).20:51
@clarkb:matrix.orgin particular it relies on the "shape" of objects being consistent and known upfront to take shortcuts around checking dynamic state of objects that python otherwise has to do all over slowing things down20:51
@clarkb:matrix.organd what that means is not adding attributes to classes after they are instantiated and using consistent types for object attributes at instantiation and later in use20:52
@iwienand:matrix.orgheh, 5% inflation sounds pretty good these days 🚀 :)23:18 Zuul merged on behalf of James E. Blair [zuul/zuul] 842848: Fix console log streaming with duplicated roles Zuul merged on behalf of James E. Blair [zuul/zuul] 840243: Fix node request failures in dependency cycles

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