Tuesday, 2022-03-08

-@gerrit:opendev.org- Zuul merged on behalf of James E. Blair https://matrix.to/#/@jim:acmegating.com: [zuul/zuul] 831959: Clarify anonymous nodeset docs https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul/+/83195900:37
-@gerrit:opendev.org- Ian Wienand proposed: [zuul/zuul] 832486: web: Ensure API calls reject unkonwn methods https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul/+/83248601:30
-@gerrit:opendev.org- Ian Wienand proposed: [zuul/zuul] 832486: web: Ensure API calls reject unkonwn methods https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul/+/83248602:08
-@gerrit:opendev.org- yatin proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 832497: [DNM] Skip ovs install https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul-jobs/+/83249707:04
-@gerrit:opendev.org- yatin proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 832497: [DNM] Skip ovs install https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul-jobs/+/83249707:29
-@gerrit:opendev.org- Ian Wienand proposed:08:45
- [zuul/zuul] 832486: web: Ensure API calls reject unkonwn methods https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul/+/832486
- [zuul/zuul] 832505: zuul/web : Make /project end-point reject PUT https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul/+/832505
-@gerrit:opendev.org- Ian Wienand proposed:10:29
- [zuul/zuul] 832486: web: Ensure API calls reject unkonwn methods https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul/+/832486
- [zuul/zuul] 832505: zuul/web : Make /project end-point reject PUT https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul/+/832505
-@gerrit:opendev.org- Dong Zhang marked as active: [zuul/zuul] 831925: Inject bundle id to inventroy zuul.items https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul/+/83192510:29
-@gerrit:opendev.org- yatin proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 832497: [multi-node-bridge] Allow to skip openvswitch installation https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul-jobs/+/83249710:59
-@gerrit:opendev.org- Simon Westphahl proposed: [zuul/zuul] 832517: Include original path of renamed file for a PR https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul/+/83251711:05
-@gerrit:opendev.org- Simon Westphahl proposed: [zuul/zuul] 832518: Fix Github debugging script https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul/+/83251811:13
-@gerrit:opendev.org- Matthieu Huin https://matrix.to/#/@mhuin:matrix.org proposed: [zuul/zuul] 810955: GUI: Add tenant dropdown to top menu https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul/+/81095514:42
@jpew:matrix.orgIs there a variable that can be used to post a URL to the buildset when Zuul posts comments on gerrit?15:13
-@gerrit:opendev.org- Simon Westphahl proposed: [zuul/zuul] 832655: Support non-top-level dirs as extra config path https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul/+/83265515:20
-@gerrit:opendev.org- Simon Westphahl proposed: [zuul/zuul] 832655: Support non-top-level dirs as extra config path https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul/+/83265515:23
@avass:vassast.org> <@jpew:matrix.org> Is there a variable that can be used to post a URL to the buildset when Zuul posts comments on gerrit?16:52
Depending on what you need to achieve there are warnings and file comments you can use to post comments in Gerrit:
Or artifact links but they show up in zuuls dashboard for a build:
@jpew:matrix.orgAlbin Vass: Not quite.... I'd like it to post a comment when it starts gating like: "Build Started: http://zuul.example.com/t/Tenant/buildsets/aaabbbccc"16:54
@avass:vassast.orgjpew: 16:55
Something like this?
@jpew:matrix.orgAh, I'll try status_url16:55
@jpew:matrix.orgLooks that status_url is just the web server root, not the path to the buildset (which is what I would like)16:57
@avass:vassast.orgjpew: i think you can filter using the change number in the url somehow (that's what we do), or link directly to the buildset17:11
@tobias.henkel:matrix.orgzuul-maint: this fixes a wrong file list when renaming files in github: https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul/+/83251717:28
@tobias.henkel:matrix.orgcorvus: regarding https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul/+/832361, in case submitWholeTopic is enabled on gerrit it will merge all changes of the topic at once as soon as zuul merges the first in the cycle. However zuul will instruct gerrit to merge the other as well. Does zuul gracefully handle already-merged changes in the gate?17:37
@tobias.henkel:matrix.org * corvus: regarding https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul/+/832361, in case submitWholeTopic is enabled on gerrit it will merge all changes of the topic at once as soon as zuul merges the first in the cycle. However zuul will instruct gerrit to merge the others as well. Does zuul gracefully handle already-merged changes in the gate?17:37
@jim:acmegating.comtobiash: yes, i tested that.  i changed the error to an info level for that since it's now a potentially expected situation.17:38
@jim:acmegating.comtobiash, swest suggestion on 83251717:38
@tobias.henkel:matrix.orgoh, I overlooked that log level change17:38
@jim:acmegating.comi should have highlighted that in the commit msg, sorry17:39
@tobias.henkel:matrix.orgthen lgtm17:39
@tobias.henkel:matrix.orgcorvus: for when you have time, a re-review of 772695 (perform per tenant locking in getStatus) would be great, I've updated it a while ago to address a comment by Clark 18:03
@apevec:matrix.orgtristanC: CVE-2022-0235 (something in nodejs ) was filed for Fedora Zuul package https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2061831 - but is Zuul webui really affected?18:41
@tristanc_:matrix.orgapevec: I don't think zuul should be affected, node is only used to build the web interface, and it should not use the affected node-fetch.18:44
@apevec:matrix.orgsigh, overzealous Fedora Security folks, please close as notabug if you can :)18:46
@y2kenny:matrix.orgI am seeing Zuul not able to rebase certain patch in a series when automatic rebase is available on Gerrit.  Is there something related to rebase strategy that can be configured in Zuul?18:56
@tobias.henkel:matrix.orgKenny Ho: the automatic rebase strategy is sub-optimal for use with zuul, better would be the default merge strategy in gerrit19:12
@tobias.henkel:matrix.orgKenny Ho: I guess you're using automatic rebase to enforce a linear history?19:13
@y2kenny:matrix.orgtobiash: yes, that's correct.19:14
@y2kenny:matrix.orgI am using rebase-if-necessary19:14
@y2kenny:matrix.orgtobiash: can you elaborate more on why the rebase strategy is sub-optimal?19:22
@tobias.henkel:matrix.orgWell, it doesn't work great together with zuul which works best with the merge strategy. You could mimik loosely the gerrit rebase strategy if you set zuul to use cherry pick for this project. But beware that there might be corner cases where zuul and gerrit behavior mismatch19:25
@y2kenny:matrix.orgum... ok... I thought zuul's speculative building would try to line things up properly but I don't know the details under the hood of zuul19:28
@tobias.henkel:matrix.orgzuul tries to replicate what gerrit/github/gitlab is doing under the hood which is by default merge19:30
@tobias.henkel:matrix.orgyou can adapt that per project: https://zuul-ci.org/docs/zuul/latest/config/project.html?highlight=strategy#attr-project.merge-mode19:31
@y2kenny:matrix.orgah ok19:31
@y2kenny:matrix.orgmerge-mode... I was searching for rebase that's why I didn't spot this one19:31
@tobias.henkel:matrix.orgcherry-pick is the strategy that matches most closely the rebase-if-necessary mode of gerrit19:32
@y2kenny:matrix.orgI think I can play with this19:32
@tobias.henkel:matrix.orgbut it's not exactly the same19:32
@tobias.henkel:matrix.orgbut you can try if it works well enough for you19:32
@y2kenny:matrix.orgunderstood.  Thanks for the tip19:33
@tobias.henkel:matrix.orghowever I was successfully talking my users into doing merges so far ;)19:33
@avass:vassast.orgtobiash: i have not :(19:34
@tobias.henkel:matrix.orgAlbin Vass: so you're using the cherry-pick mode then?19:35
@avass:vassast.orgtobiash: yeah, but with zuul 2 for now. But if cherry-pick has have some issues in v5 it could be easier to change that. 19:50
@avass:vassast.orgNot sure why v2 doesn't seem to rebuild the queue when Gerrit creates a new patch-set with cherry pick however19:52
@tobias.henkel:matrix.orgit's really interesting how big the lock in effect can be on any ci system in large organizations19:58
@tobias.henkel:matrix.org * it's really interesting to see how big the lock in effect can be on any ci system in large organizations19:59
@avass:vassast.orgYeah.. it's taking time to align v5 with the same workflow to make sure the migration is smooth20:09
@sean-k-mooney:matrix.orgo/ zuul used too have a doc for deploying zuul from scratch without usign the docker compose file21:04
@sean-k-mooney:matrix.orghas that been remvoved21:04
@jim:acmegating.comsean-k-mooney: yes, it was unmaintained and wrong21:06
@sean-k-mooney:matrix.orgim trying to figure out what is the quickets way  to get a semi production install curerntly21:06
@sean-k-mooney:matrix.orgthat wont restart after a reboot automatically21:07
@clarkb:matrix.orgit can21:07
@sean-k-mooney:matrix.orgwell i i actully install docker i gues it might21:07
@jim:acmegating.comare you saying you don't want it to?21:07
@jim:acmegating.comif you do want it to, just set 'restart: always'21:07
@sean-k-mooney:matrix.orgno i want it to but i was tryign to do this on centos 9 stream 21:07
@sean-k-mooney:matrix.orgso i have podman pretty simply21:07
@sean-k-mooney:matrix.orgbut not sure about docker21:07
@sean-k-mooney:matrix.orgim not sure if podman compose has restart always support21:08
@sean-k-mooney:matrix.orgi mean i can make it work by modifying the systemd service files i guess21:09
@sean-k-mooney:matrix.orgso contaienr install is not the recommend way to install21:09
@jim:acmegating.comi think i just recommended it :)21:09
@sean-k-mooney:matrix.orgare they on quay or any regeistry other then docker.io21:09
@sean-k-mooney:matrix.orgim hitting the rate limit which is why i decided not to try the compose file 21:10
@jim:acmegating.comjust docker.io21:10
@sean-k-mooney:matrix.orgok so i would have to build them locally or pull them at home and push to a local regestry on the vm21:10
@sean-k-mooney:matrix.orgwhihc was one of the things i was trying to avoid21:11
@sean-k-mooney:matrix.orgok ill locally build them thanks21:12
@sean-k-mooney:matrix.orgor not... may ill have time to do that in a few day but if you cand download from docker.io because fo the rate limit it makes install zuul kind of awkward now21:29
@clarkb:matrix.orgis the rate limit an issue beuase you're trying to deploy it on many machines at once and have a shared IP for them all? Or just a general problem with other activity hitting docker and triggering the limit?21:33
@sean-k-mooney:matrix.orgim using a vm in redhat internal cloud21:33
@clarkb:matrix.orgI ask because OpenDev doesn't actually seem to trip it frequently in CI or production.21:33
@clarkb:matrix.orgIt does happen occasionally but very infrequently21:33
@sean-k-mooney:matrix.orgso i assume that is a nated ip shared by lots of redhat21:33
@sean-k-mooney:matrix.orgif i run this at home it proably wont be an issue21:34
@clarkb:matrix.orgya so probably shared nat21:34
@sean-k-mooney:matrix.orgi mean i have instlled zuul et al many time in the past so its not exactly hard to get working but im kind of surprised this is not the only recomend way to do it21:36
@sean-k-mooney:matrix.orggive when the example compose file was first intoduce it was just for a quick tutorial and not production21:36
@sean-k-mooney:matrix.orgi was considering trying te zuul operator but look liek there isnt realy good supprot for centos 9 with k8s21:37
@sean-k-mooney:matrix.organyway i should have finished work a few hours ago so im going to call it an evening o/21:39
@y2kenny:matrix.orgcan multiple merger share the same merger.git_dir / /var/lib/zuul/merger-git at the same time?23:23
@jim:acmegating.com> <@y2kenny:matrix.org> can multiple merger share the same merger.git_dir / /var/lib/zuul/merger-git at the same time?23:25
@y2kenny:matrix.orgok, thanks for confirming.23:25
@jim:acmegating.comit writes to the working tree when performing merges23:26
@y2kenny:matrix.orgI was wondering if I can have multiple merger container in the same pod... but looks like I need to do statefulset23:26
@jim:acmegating.com(it can do a lot of stuff in memory, but merges isn't one of them)23:26
@sean-k-mooney:matrix.orgyou can use stateful sets in k8s so that each pod get its own copy of the data23:27
@y2kenny:matrix.orgyup.  That's what I have been using for executor23:28
@sean-k-mooney:matrix.orgso you can have mulitple merger pods but not on pod with multiple mergers23:28
@sean-k-mooney:matrix.orgi used zuul as my example application to learn the basics of k8s a few years ago and that was one of the things i remember biting me23:29

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