Sunday, 2021-06-06

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opendevreviewRadosÅ‚aw Piliszek proposed zuul/zuul master: [doc] Clarify how regexp matching works
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rajath Getting errors on this zuul run. Someone mentioned i need to add a dep.txt file. May i know where i need to add it? This is my repo:
rajath@avass had mentioned something about this yesterday17:00
avass[m]rajath:  you should be able to put a bindep.txt file in the root of the repo (or workspace if you set it to something else)17:01
avass[m]Let me give you an example17:01
avass[m]rajath: this is what zuul/zuul does for example:
rajathOh okay17:03
rajathI shall add a bindep in my root dir17:03
rajathdo i need to reference it anywhere? or is it picked up automatically?17:04
avass[m]It's picked up by a parent to the rox job:
rajathThank you soo much!17:09
fungirajath: avass[m]: more specifically, bindep gets run automatically by any jobs which call this role:
fungiand you can find more information on the bindep tool and bindep.txt file syntax here:
fungii guess it would be most correct to say the bindep role runs the bindep tool and then passes the list of missing packages it generates to the appropriate package manager for the platform it's running on (as long as both bindep and that role have support for the platform)17:13
rajathah ha i see17:13
fungithe idea behind that is projects can document the distro package dependencies needed to set up an appropriate development environment in a human-readable file in theor repository called bindep.txt, which anyone can then look at to work out what to install *or* run the bindep tool to conveniently tell them what they're missing (as long as the platform they're using is supported by bindep). the17:16
fungibindep role in zuul-jobs takes advantage of this to automatically populate the system where it runs jobs with appropriate packages the project says are needed17:16
mordredfungi: I feel like we should do more blogging/tweeting/whatever about bindep. it's such a super useful tool and I see projects struggle with this overall issue frequently17:22
rajathYeah looks like a great tool. Thanks for the info. Looking forward for a blog on this17:25
avass[m]mordred: i agree, i see a lot of projects document their dependencies in a README, i just drop in a bindep.txt and point to that instead.17:26
avass[m]But then there's always the "windows" issue :)17:27
mordredavass: yah. and there's also the issue of things where you need a PPA or something17:27
mordredbut - it's like a good portion of the battle17:27
avass[m]Maybe bindep could be extended to solve that somehow? But that would probably require more complicated syntax17:28
avass[m]And someone to do the work :)17:28
fungii'm not sure that adding syntax for declaring nonstandard package repositories necessarily implies complicating the *existing* syntax, can probably extend it17:30
fungithe real complication comes in describing the workflow it implies (add new package repository <somehow>, maybe update package index depending on your platform/package manager, then install packages)17:31
fungifor windows, i don't touch the stuff, so someone would need to provide a fairly detailed explanation of what needs to change in bindep to work there (but maybe just recommend wsl? i hear it works great for most cases where posix/linux is a primary target already)17:33
fungianyway, if people want to discuss bindep improvements, i'm always game, but we should probably move that topic to #opendev to avoid cluttering #zuul17:34
mordredfungi: I've tried a few times to come up with a design/patch for adding being able to express "you need this ppa for this/these packages" in a way that isn't bonghits complicated17:34
mordredfungi: ++17:34
mordred(I have failed all of the times I've tried)17:34
* fungi follows up in #opendev17:36
rajath  : Is there any particular deps i need to add?18:30
avass[m]rajath: this looks relevant
avass[m]and this
corvusrajath: #opendev (or maybe #openstack-infra or #openstack-dev) are probably better channels since this isn't zuul related18:41
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opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul master: github: fallback to api_token when can't find installation
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