Monday, 2021-02-01

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openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Align ZooKeeper builds and merger API
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openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Implement ZooKeeper builds API
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Switch to ZooKeeper backed job execution and result events
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Merge ZooKeeper connection and client classes
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Refactor pipeline processing in run handler
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Dequeue superceded items via management event
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Text stream API for sharded Zookeeper data
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Cache unparsed config files in Zookeeper
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Store tenants in unparsed abide as dict
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Refactor config/tenant (re-)loading
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Tenant read/write lock in Zookeeper
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Lock pipelines during processing
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Lock global event queues during processing
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Store tenant layout state in Zookeeper
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Configure unique command socket path per scheduler
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Support cross scheduler config loading
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Add UUID for queue items
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Store semaphore state in Zookeeper
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Fix test_gerrit.TestPolling.test_config_update
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Move serialization helper methods to ZooKeeperBase class
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Implement ZooKeeper backed merge jobs
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Switch to ZooKeeper backed merge jobs
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Collect statsd information from ZooKeeper rather than gearman
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Remove remaining gearman parts from merger
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Provide zk_client to merger client rather than the whole scheduler
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Remove history from RecordingMergeClient
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Align ZooKeeper builds and merger API
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: TODO Improve connection events
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openstackgerritClément Mondion proposed zuul/zuul master: [UI][Nodes] use patternfly 4
openstackgerritGuillaume Chauvel proposed zuul/zuul master: gitlab: Add access token name, Update docs, Fix webhook
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openstackgerritGuillaume Chauvel proposed zuul/zuul master: gitlab: Add access token name, Update docs, Fix webhook
openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed zuul/zuul master: REST API: Implement nodes filtering
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mhuHello zuul-maint, if this edit to zuul-client's installation doc is fine with you, let's merge it and tag a new version of zuul-client with the fixes to the encrypt command11:25
mhuso I can do a release on the rpm package for Fedora too11:25
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openstackgerritGuillaume Chauvel proposed zuul/zuul master: Update tests/ to use proper git data
openstackgerritGuillaume Chauvel proposed zuul/zuul master: Fix gerrit merge commit change with zuul configuration
openstackgerritGuillaume Chauvel proposed zuul/zuul master: Fix zuul-client enqueue-ref when oldrev/newrev aren't provided
openstackgerritGuillaume Chauvel proposed zuul/zuul master: Improve merger getFilesChanges, Fix edge cases
openstackgerritGuillaume Chauvel proposed zuul/zuul master: Tenant reconfiguration: Add tests
openstackgerritGuillaume Chauvel proposed zuul/zuul master: Tenant reconfiguration: Reorg scheduler event process loop
openstackgerritGuillaume Chauvel proposed zuul/zuul master: Tenant reconfiguration: Scheduler ref-updated create/delete
openstackgerritGuillaume Chauvel proposed zuul/zuul master: Tenant reconfiguration: Allow ref-updated newrev+oldrev reconfiguration
openstackgerritGuillaume Chauvel proposed zuul/zuul master: Tenant reconfiguration: Get ref-updated modified files
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed zuul/zuul master: Move the testing framework under zuul
openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed zuul/zuul-client master: Move functional tests to zuul-client
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openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: bindep: remove set_fact usage when converting string to list
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Use urlencoded filenames in test fixtures
openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed zuul/zuul-client master: Move functional tests to zuul-client
mhuwould there be some interest in a demo of the web ui authentication changes? is there any way I can help with moving forward on this feature?14:26
tobiashmhu: that's still on my todo list for review but I unfortunately didn't come to this yet due to ops tasks14:27
mhutobiash, I understand everybody's busy and it's not a trivial feature to review, so that's why I am asking if there's anything I can do to make it easier to get into it14:30
tobiashmhu: if it's not a high effort for you a demo would be awesome14:31
tobiashmhu: 768115 is the top of the stack if I want to try it in my own environment (against our central identity management)?14:32
mhutobiash, yes14:34
mhutobiash, does your IAM support openid connect?14:34
tobiashgreat, I'll try to test this this week in my environment to see if it fits14:35
tobiashmhu: we're currently setting up a new IAM based on keycloak as identity broker14:35
mhutobiash, great, I was using keycloak for testing so I have some experience with it - I might be able to help if needed14:36
tobiashawesome, thanks!14:36
tobiashmhu: is this supposed to show a login button after it's configured an auth provider?15:04
tristanCtobiash: speaking of list for review, i forgot what is missing for zuul-v4, is there a topic or pad with the necessary changes?15:08
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mhutobiash, you should get a login button as you are scoped to a tenant15:09
mhuit's on the upper right side15:09
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tobiashmhu: I get a '-' sign where I guess there should be a login button:
mhutobiash, zuul's config should look like this
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tobiashit looks like that, but I have a second local provider, just removing that to see if that fixes it15:15
openstackgerritSorin Sbârnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Upgrade ansible-lint to 5.0
mhutobiash, maybe the local provider was set to default too?15:16
tobiashremoved now the local provider and it still looks the same15:16
mhuhave you followed ?15:16
tobiashoh I guess I missed restarting the scheduler15:19
tobiashoh there is now a sign in button :D15:20
mhu \o/15:20
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tobiashnow the hard part, how to setup group based claims15:23
tobiashlogin itself worked out of the box after restarting the scheduler :)15:23
mhutobiash, looking at the config in docker might help you. Keycloak is set up to define groups for users, and there's an admin rule on the groups claim here:
mhuwell, except the groups are predefined in the realm import file, so it might not be very helpful if you're setting this up via keycloak's gui15:28
tobiashmhu: can the admin rules also be defined inline in the tenant object instead of referencing them by name?15:32
tobiashif not I'll have to patch my tenant config generation script first15:32
mhutobiash, no - the idea was to make them reusable, but that could be an improvement to make15:33
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tobiashmhu: yay, login button works, admin rule works, dequeue button works :)16:24
openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed zuul/nodepool master: Move zuul integration testing to nodepool project
mhutobiash, good to hear! I hope it wasn't too hard to get it to work16:27
tobiashwas easier than expected16:31
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zbrdo we have a policy for zuul-jobs that get rotten and not fixed for long time?17:14
corvuszbr: no; is there one that's troubling you?17:15
zbrthat one, looking at all i think there are less than ten brokended17:16
zbrsadly it did not watch the weekly-pipeline closely as I wanted17:16
corvusthat on is important for both zuul and opendev; someone is going to need to fix it17:17
zbrclearly some should be fixed, but not all17:17
zbryep but “someone” is as good as nobody and preventing other changes from happening because one jobs is broken can cause a problematic loop.17:18
zbrsooner or later we endup under a big pile of broken jobs17:18
corvussure.  i'm just saying *that job* is absolutely critical17:19
zbrmaybe we should look for some kind of alternative?17:19
corvuswe can either fix that job, or remove the arm builds of nodepool and the arm architecture from the opendev test platform entirely17:20
zbrone job to fix should not be too much, i was afraid that i may not be able to keep them all green17:20
corvusyep, understood17:20
zbrprobably alternatives are temporary NV17:21
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zbrimho something that is broken for 4 weeks is good candidate to be moved to NV17:21
corvusi've only learned that it's broken now17:22
zbryep, me only and hour before you17:22
corvusi think this should be raised with the opendev team and the openstack tact sig17:23
zbri need to add a mailing notification on broken weekly pipeline17:23
corvusbecause this is a risk to those teams most17:23
zbrwe can talk at tomorrow meeting17:23
corvusfungi: ^ fyi has bitrotted which puts arm builds at risk17:24
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zbrwhile is zuul-jobs the problem is generic enough for infra IMHO.17:24
corvuszbr: i don't understand that sentence, can you rephrase?17:24
clarkblooks like it is talking to the local buildset registry and failing from there?17:27
clarkbhrm I wonder though if it is actually hitting docker hub when "load metadata for" happens?17:27
clarkband ya not surprising that doesn't exist17:27
fungifwiw, i did pull out the gentoo role test job when it was blocking folks, while gentoo representatives get that platform back on track in opendev so it can be used again17:29
corvusfungi: yep, and that makes sense under the circumstances.17:29
clarkbI think it is supposed to be finding that image entirely locally, is it possible the error is happening earlier (eg we aren't uploading that image because the build fails ro something)17:30
fungii hadn't noticed the arm64 failures before today, but can take a look after my current meeting concludes17:30
corvusi believe that if we let this bitrot continue, we will lose arm builds and testing altogether and it will take a lot of effort to get it back.  this job is at the bottom of a house of cards.  that's why i think it's very important to get it fixed.17:30
corvusfungi: no i'm not saying there are arm64 build failures17:31
corvusi'm saying that this test job is failing, which means there's something wrong with our multi-arch build system, which, if that problem spreads, could take out the nodepool multi-arch build job, which would mean we wouldn't have multi-arch nodepool-builder images which could take out our ability to support arm images in opendev.17:31
tobiashmhu: what I noticed is that on page reload after login the login button returns17:32
corvusi'm saying that unlike most other jobs, this one failing is exceptionally high risk and fixing it should be prioritized17:32
corvus(if arm testing is valued)17:32
fungiohhh, this is the thing where we have arm64 emulated on amd64 via qemu or something?17:33
corvus(though i doubt that's the part that broke)17:35
clarkbit appears to be somethign to do with registries17:35
corvusyes, there could be some behavior change wrt registries in docker buildx17:36
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clarkbI think that lines up with the log at:
clarkbwhich I think says it isn't talking to upstream docker hub (good)17:39
clarkbhrm though the error happens almost a half a second after the buildset registries last log17:40
clarkbso maybe buildx is being given a 404 by the local stuff then looking at the intermediate or up to docker hub?17:41
clarkb(I don't fully understand what the desired lookup pattern is there)17:41
clarkbok ya looking at the earlier portion of that log the buildx image is also looked up in the buildset registry and is not there. So it must be falling back to docker hub17:44
clarkbThat makes me wonder if we aren't loading upstream:latest into the buildset registry properly17:44
clarkbcorvus: "HEAD /v2/upstream/image/manifests/latest? HTTP/1.1" <- do you know what the ? parameter means?17:47
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corvusclarkb: that does not immediately ring a bell17:48
clarkbearlier in the buildset registry there is a "HEAD /v2/upstream/image/manifests/latest HTTP/1.1" and then a "GET /v2/upstream/image/manifests/latest HTTP/1.1" both successful and it seems to be able to fetch the image at that point17:49
clarkbis it possible that this is some new parameter sent by buildx and the buildset registry doesn't know how to handle it resulting in a 404?17:49
corvusclarkb: i can't find any handling of an "ns" parameter in zuul-registry; perhaps that's the new behavior17:49
clarkbya that is my hunch at this point. we see the iamge is fetchable from the buildset registry about a minute prior to the error. The difference in requests appears to be that parameter17:50
clarkbI would've expected cherrypy to ignore the parameter, but maybe if your python signatures don't match the params list it is a problem? or perhaps even more oddly the /ns=... could be considered part of the image name?17:51
corvusclarkb:  that returns 404  (just as an example of cherrypy behavior when given an unexpected arg)17:51
clarkb <- is the happy log portion fwiw17:52
clarkbcorvus: oh cool so that lines up pretty well17:52
mhutobiash, the login info probably needs to be serialized to localstorage to be kept over reloads or opening new tabs17:59
mhuI didn't get into that yet17:59
tobiashmhu: apart from that it looks great18:00
tobiashmhu: I'll try to do a review tomorrow then18:01
clarkbcorvus: it looks like cherrypy infers GET parameters from function argument lists. I'm not quite sure reading the docs if/how that interacts with our routes dispatching18:03
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clarkbwe can apparently use **kwargs then ignore them18:05
clarkb(I haven' tested that though, just foudn a random blog referring to it)18:05
corvusclarkb: yeah, or add a ns param18:05
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-registry master: Handle ns parameter on manifest GET/HEAD
clarkbtotally untested and not sure if we need ti on the blob gets too18:09
clarkbbut it may be that simple? (I looked for tests too but  didn't see any for the http layer)18:09
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed zuul/nodepool master: Move zuul integration testing to nodepool project
clarkbcorvus: it also looks like we figure out namespace from the repository name. Is that something that we might be able to short circuit if ?ns is set?18:12
clarkbhrm no, not in this case because we look in _local by default but that would override to looking at docker.io18:12
corvusclarkb: namespace in zuul-registry is a vestigal concept;18:13
corvuseverything is stored in _local as you noted18:13
clarkbok, in that case I think ignoring the ns is correct18:13
corvusclarkb: what we ended up doing for the multi-namespace jobs was to just configure registries.conf or whatever to add the namespace to the start of the repo name.  zuul-registry doesn't need to understand anything about it in that case.18:14
corvusso we effectively run zuul-registry in "single namespace mode" regardless of whether we are using it to hold one or more than one namespace.  and in the case that we're using it for more than one, all the namespaces are *externally* mapped to repo prefixes18:15
corvus(generally speaking, by podman)18:15
clarkbcorvus: also would you expect a change that runs the multiarch builds to depends on and exercise the new registry?18:16
clarkblooks like we do pull the zuul registry out of the intermediate registry? so maybe that would work18:17
corvusclarkb: yes, that's intended to work18:18
corvus(inception feature is implemented :)18:19
clarkbya I'm working on a change to do that now18:19
clarkbjust need to figure out which file to edit to trigger the appropraite job18:19
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: DNM: Testing zuul-registry changes
clarkbthat should give us an idea18:21
clarkbzbr: ^ fyi18:21
clarkbif that fails on blob gets with the same error then we'll know to add an ns parameter to those methods too18:22
clarkbI don't expect the blobs to need namespacing because they are sha256 addressed and those should be unique enough to not bother18:23
clarkbyou only need it at the human readable side of things which is the manifest lookup18:23
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clarkbcorvus: my registry update seems to have failed due to the traceback there18:40
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clarkbhrm did jwt also change their api18:41
corvusclarkb: yeah, i think so18:41
clarkbya they just made a 2.0 release18:42
clarkbI'm trying to find a changelog18:42
clarkbbut I think we may just be able to drop the decode()18:42
corvusclarkb: see
corvusclarkb: and yes that looks like the main diff18:43
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-registry master: Handle ns parameter on manifest GET/HEAD
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-registry master: Update pyjwt version to >=2.0.0,<3.0.0
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-registry master: Handle ns parameter on manifest GET/HEAD
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openstackgerritGomathi Selvi Srinivasan proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Create a template for ssh-key and size
openstackgerritGomathi Selvi Srinivasan proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Create a template for ssh-key and size.
openstackgerritGomathi Selvi Srinivasan proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: updated vars
clarkbcorvus: hrm it doesn't look like the depends on worked there. We pull latest from docker hub if I'm reading the log here correctly:
clarkbcorvus: the two zuul-registry changes do pass testing now, I wonder if we should land them and see if that helps? or do we need to disect this further?19:42
openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed zuul/nodepool master: Move zuul integration testing to nodepool project
clarkbI still have a hard time  understanding image id and image digest and why docker hub shows you one and docker image list shows you the other and that makes both of them largely useless outputs :/19:45
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clarkbluckily the image pull step seems to emit the digest and that is what docker hub shows as well and we seem to have the current release running in that job not the latest from the parent change19:46
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clarkbI'm reasonably confident that the registry change is an improvement and not a regression. Just can't be sure that it is sufficient to make buildx's image client completely happy19:48
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fungii have a maybe slightly off-topic question about the quickstart setup: i can see in some tasks we're relying on a gerrit user named "admin" with a password of "secret" but i can't find where that account is initially created. is that a built-in account when gerrit is initialized in "dev" mode (with the become any account config option)?19:58
corvusfungi: yes19:59
fungigot it, so no need to create the account "admin" it just exists automatically?20:01
fungitrying to fix up the git-review functional tests to be able to work with newer gerrit, and bootstrapping an account added to the administrators group is the present challenge (post gerrit 2.11 where ssh keys could still be injected directly into its rdbms)20:03
corvusfungi: can you bring it up in a container like we do with q-s?20:05
fungiprobably, but that will be a much larger testing overhaul. at the moment i just want to be able to confirm git-review runs with python 3.9 before i tag a new release20:06
fungii mean, i know it runs with 3.9 because that's what i use it with, but i want to see the job list for it reflect that20:06
fungiand to do that (for a few reasons) we need to use a newer version of gerrit to do that20:06
fungimostly because openssh on ubuntu focal won't work with the mina-sshd in gerrit 2.1120:07
fungiand upgrading gerrit past 2.11 means changing how the test account is bootstrapped20:07
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fungiaha, thanks! after some hunting i found they actually documented the default username/password:
fungibut yeah, ultimately we do want to switch up how the functional testing works, it's just at the moment it's designed with the expectation a new gerrit will be started for each and every "unit" test defined and it does gymnastics to start them all on random tcp ports so they can run in parallel, not sure if we should try to keep the same model for a containerized version of the job20:34
fungiit tortures my workstation every time i try to run it locally20:35
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clarkbI've rechecked thinking that maybe it will pick up the artifact for on a rerun now that all the jobs are done running from the first pass.20:50
clarkbif that doesn't work what do you think about just landing and and seeing how we do? That first one should be totally safe to approve anyway since it is just the jwt update20:51
corvusclarkb: i'd be okay with that20:51
corvusi imagine you'd recheck the test change again after it lands and we'd revert if it borked20:52
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed zuul/nodepool master: Move zuul integration testing to nodepool project
clarkbcorvus: yup we're still pulling the published on docker hub version: 2021-02-01 20:53:22.609408 | builder | Digest: sha256:1c3f3aedb53ad0276ecbbdd239703fe49a74f0b09bd1c69d7aaff48be7e35dd021:00
clarkbif you have time for a quick review on those two zuul-registry changes that would be appreciated. I can recheck once published and revert if necessary21:01
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed zuul/nodepool master: Move zuul integration testing to nodepool project
mhucorvus, I've addressed your comments on the doc in - if that's fine with you let's +3 it and get the next tag of zuul-client out?21:58
corvusmhu: yep, i saw your msg from earlier, but fires happened; it's on the list21:58
mhuno worries, take your time!21:59
openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed zuul/nodepool master: Move zuul integration testing to nodepool project
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-registry master: Update pyjwt version to >=2.0.0,<3.0.0
ianwclarkb: is the "namespace" parameter like "/v2" in URL?  sorry, trying to bootstrap myself on what's going on23:15
clarkbianw: no its ? let me get you a link illustrating it23:17
clarkbianw: shows an earlier set of downloads using docker proper23:18
clarkbnone of those have ?ns=foo and they work.23:18
clarkbianw: also 17:51:48          corvus | clarkb:  that returns 404  (just as an example of cherrypy behavior when given an unexpected arg)23:18
corvusit's unclear to me what docker intends to use that for, but i think it would be interesting to learn23:20
ianw"" has like two google hits ... you'd think if it was in a lot of urls it would be more common23:21
ianwso yeah, what exactly it is, is unclear at present23:22
fungiseems like it appeared *very* recently23:22
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Required SQL reporters
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/nodepool master: Format multi-line log entries
ianwi believe this is our ns= parameter ...
clarkbianw: that seems to imply it should be handled on the get blobs handler too23:39
clarkbwhcih is really weird to me since blobs are sha256sum addressed. But maybe they just didn't think that through23:40
corvuswell, depending on how deep down the content-addressable-storage rabbithole they are23:40
ianwit only adds it if refhost != "" || h.Host != "" {23:40
clarkb"this query parameter can safely be ignored if multiple upstreams are not supported"23:40
corvusof course it does :)23:41
clarkbwe've constructed a corner case catcher23:41
corvuspossible podman doesn't obey that and always sends it?23:41
clarkbI think we would've caught it earlier if podman was sending it?23:41
clarkbthis is buildx doing it if I read things correctly (not podman)23:42
corvusgood point23:42
corvuswonder why it's sent then23:42
clarkbbeacuse our buildset registry's refhost is localhost:9000 or whatever the port is I bet23:42
corvusoh that's what refhost is.  got it.23:42
ianwthe UA in is for containerd23:42
clarkbthats my hunch anyway23:42
ianwdocker is more ... docker/20.10.2 go/go1.13.15 git-commit/8891c58 kernel/4.15.0-135-generic23:43
clarkbshould I add the ns=None parameter to head_blob and get_blob in zuul-registry too then?23:43
corvusi'd be inclined to add it only if we're sure it's being sent....23:45
clarkbcorvus: the diff ianw linked indicated it does it for GET on manifests and GET on blobs. We've seen it do it for HEAD against manifests as well23:46
clarkbbut ya we could do a follow on change too if we prefer23:46
ianwyeah, req.addNamespace is called for "manifests" and "blobs"23:46
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-registry master: Handle ns parameter on manifest GET/HEAD
corvusclarkb: ^ maybe recheck and see since that landed?23:50
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-client master: Reorganize the installation documentation, specify versions
clarkbcorvus: ++23:51
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clarkbrecheck has been posted23:53

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