Wednesday, 2020-12-09

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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed zuul/nodepool master: Bump openshift dep
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed zuul/nodepool master: Bump openshift dep
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ianwmordred: now with sorting, and icons :)00:56
ianwi've finished fiddling now.  i'll just try copying guillaumec's bits for configuration, and that will be it00:56
guillaumecianw, few things: do not set a link if "noop" or if "://"  isn't part of the link,  support for dark theme :)00:59
ianwahh, cool will do.  maybe i'll leave the dark theme for a future contributor01:03
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on is being restarted quickly to make heap memory and jgit config adjustments, downtime should be less than 5 minutes01:10
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ianwguillaumec: oh, that config isn't working the way i expect i don't think, now i read it more closely.  we want to pick up a file on disk, rather than a config ref01:44
ianwguillaumec: but can i get there from javascript?01:49
guillaumecianw, I think so   switch getFromProjectConfigWithInheritance to getFromGerritConfig :)01:52
corvusianw: do you want me to work on bootstrapping that into gerrit's gerrit?01:52
ianwcorvus: the testing isn't done, i don't really fully understand the BUILD file and naming might change.  if iterating on those things isn't a block, then yes :)01:54
corvusianw: i think we only need to decide on a repo name; zuul-results ?01:54
corvus(it would be plugins/zuul-results actually)01:54
ianwi've been calling it zuul-summary-status but i'm not too fussed.  zuul-summary-results, maybe?01:55
corvusianw: wfm; i was only thinking 'results' vs 'status' since there's that live status plugin already01:56
ianwyeah, agree on that, it is reading the already produced results01:56
corvusianw: i'll start on that tomorrow with zuul-results-summary or whatever else you decide is better and tell me to supercede that with overnight :)01:57
ianwok, if i can get this config going, i think that's it01:57
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ianwguillaumec: re the getGlobalPluginConfig i was hoping to avoid the .java plugin bits.  maybe i'm misunderstanding the bindings02:02
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ianwcorvus: ok, everything cleaned up as best I can get it @ ... i think that is suitable for commit as the first attempt05:52
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/nodepool master: Bump openshift dep
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avassDid we have an announcement for ?09:08
ianwavass: i never really got much comment, but if you'd like to drive it ... feel free :)09:43
avassianw: Might do it later if I find time :)09:43
avasson another note I think it would be good if zuul could make deprecation notices from ansible visible, maybe that's another case for a warning build result09:45
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avassbut maybe that's another thing ansible hasn't standardized09:50
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed zuul/zuul-client master: API, CLI: Allow use of tenant-scoped API URLs
openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed zuul/zuul-client master: encrypt: add --public-key argument
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed zuul/zuul master: tools: Deprecate, document zuul-client encrypt
tobiashzuul-maint: heads-up, cryptogrphy 3.3 has been released and broke lots of stuff here at various places11:33
tobiashone issue is
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: DNM: Test docker build due to cryptography 3.3
zbrtobiash: not the only thing that broke widely in the last 24h :(11:54
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/nodepool master: DNM: Test docker build due to cryptography 3.3
tobiashzbr: what else?11:54
zbri lost 3h this morning due to docker getting broken on centos8 due to 20.10 release, i had to move all containers to a fedora host.11:55
tobiashoh great11:56
zbri wonder if our ensure-docker role still works.11:56
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: DNM: Test ensure-docker due to new docker release
tobiashlet's find out ^11:57
zbrwe were supposed to have a pipeline that tests them weekly but i have the impression that the pipeline was not enabled.11:58
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zbris there a way in to trick zuul to skip most-jobs from running by adding something to a particular CR? either a comment, label, summary or a like a magic file?13:41
zbrimagine that you have 50 heavy jobs and for a particular urgent change that you know is safe, you want to run quickly, bypassing most of them (not all).13:43
zbris there a way to configure it in a way that would you to do that?13:43
mhuzbr: you could gate it directly, and use "zuul promote" to put that change at the top of the queue13:44
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mhuthe use case being an urgent fix13:45
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zbrwould anyone oppose the idea of starting to add type hints to zuul code? navigating current codebase, is bit confusing right now.14:37
zbri see we already have mypy enabled, but very few types added, more like a demo.14:38
corvuszbr: it's already in progress, but type hints don't address confusion, they only address safety.  if it's confusing, it needs documentation or better names.14:39
zbri have to disagree here, type hinting is not used at runtime, so its existence does not make code safer. BUT adding and checking it forces us to write better code, and also documents expected times.14:40
corvuszbr: and yes, we're still experimenting.14:40
corvuszbr: it's used at type checking time, so it catches errors during unit test runs14:40
zbri asked because I would be happy to help with that14:40
corvusthat's what i mean by safety, it is intended to catch errors in code before running14:41
zbri found them very useful, bit of PITA, but clearly useful.14:41
corvushowever, through the entire experiment so far, i think it has caught one or two errors14:41
corvusso the jury is out as to whether it's worth the extra work14:41
mordredyah - it still takes some judgement - because sometimes the hinting stuff is still new/weird and the effort that has to be done to make mypy happy weird14:42
corvusit should not be relied on for documentation, it's better to document something if it's confusing14:42
zbrcorvus: based on my last year experience adding them to molecule and ansible-lint: yep you do find lots of bugs.14:42
mordreds/weird/is weird/14:42
pabelangerin a periodic pipeline, how could one do a job dependency across projects? For example, with container builds, we want to impose an order of jobs (via requires / provideds) and wondering how that would look like. My guess, is a central project where the jobs are defined, and setup the job graph14:42
zbrcorvus: i mentioned that because I discovered how much i need to dig to discover that a parameter is supposed to be (working on adding support for "wip")14:43
corvuszbr: zuul has *extensive* unit tests which are usually sufficient to catch type bugs.  i think the only one that mypy has caught was an inconsistent usage of a variable which had an equivalent string representation; in practice, it mostly didn't matter which one was used.  technically an error, but not one that surfaced as a bug.  all of that to say: the value may vary based on codebases.14:45
corvuszbr: yeah, you won't hear me arguing that some areas couldn't use more docstrings.  :)14:45
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: WIP Switch to ZooKeeper backed result event queues
tristanCafter trying mypy --strict on many projects, i think the benefit really depends on the codebase, as mordred says it can be weird, and sometime mypy doesn't even work as expected14:49
tristanCwhich is unfortunate, because types can capture knowledge in a way understandable for both the computer and humans14:52
mordredyah. I'm a big fan in general of typing14:52
zbrtristanC: i guess it was not a big project. I failed to make --strict pass yet, just too much to do.14:52
mordredI'm a big fan of typing systems helping me more than I serve them - and of them working consistently14:53
mordredI think mypy and python typing is getting there - but is still young14:53
zbrmordred: corvus: as a start, please merge to stop punishing py39 users which cannot even run tox -e linters right now.14:57
corvuszbr: we're not punishing anyone.  if that was a careless use of phrase, please be more careful.  if you really think we are, then please re-evaluate your assumptions of other people's motives.14:58
zbrfyi, if you run with py39: you will get other 6 syntax errors which were fixed in the newer versions.14:59
zbrit was joking, i am sure nobody has punishing plans around.14:59
corvuszbr: i don't understand the code change in 76555714:59
corvuszbr: is that a mistake from mypy?15:00
zbrthe code change is due to type change at runtime.15:00
corvuswhy is that a problem?  this is python... :/15:01
corvusbeing able to say "foo=1; foo='bar';" instead of "foo=1; baz='bar'; del foo;" is one of the great things about python :/15:02
zbris bad practice, anyway the real issue is:
zbryou are not saving anything by reusing the variable name, is not cpu register ;)15:02
corvusit's not nothing15:02
corvus'bad' is judgemental here.  i think that code is fine.15:02
corvusthis is exactly the sort of thing that makes me think mypy is a waste of time15:03
zbryeah, same could be said about 90% of type issues: "works fine as is". The issue is that invites to mistakes when the code is touched again.15:03
corvuszbr: i understand what you're saying, but in practice, with all of the testing we have in zuul, it just hasn't been a very big issue15:04
corvuswe've spent far more time dealing with mypy non-issues than we have fixing type bugs that slipped through because we didn't use mypy15:05
corvusand this example is exactly the sort of thing i'm talking about.  here, mypy did not catch a bug, it just caused us to have an argument.15:05
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zbrpractical case: "change" parameter, is that a dictionary, a particular class instance or what? defining its type allow a developer to easily see how it can work with it, easily jump to the implementation and so on.15:07
avassfor me adding type hinting just feels like the project realized it should have used a statically typed language :)15:07
tristanCzbr: perhaps add ` --allow-redefinition`15:07
zbrwithout type the editor has no close what it is, and user end-up grepping source code, and guessing.15:08
zbrusing this approach we could also add a "#" as the start of the mypy in the end.15:09
corvusavass: yeah, my own opinion is i'd rather use a statically typed language designed for that from scratch, or use python as it was designed.  i'm starting to feel mypy is worst of both worlds.15:09
zbrthe fact that there is only one place where this is an issue is quite good, usually i found more issues likes this.15:09
avasscorvus: I think you might want to take a look at the zuul-cache role whenever you got time, or at least the documentation since it tries to standardize how to pass artifacts between jobsf15:09
corvusavass: yes, quite likely.  i have a few things on my plate this week; what kind of timeframe do you have in mind?15:10
avasscorvus: yeah same here, my expeience with type hinting is that it's not worth it and it just solves a symptom15:10
avasscorvus: there's no hurry yet since it would probably take a couple of weeks until we need it. and we could just put it in our internal zuul-jobs until it's in15:11
zbri have the impression that the discussion goes into non-constructive direction. why to go into debases?15:11
avasscorvus: mostly making sure you're aware :)15:12
zbrthe reality is clear: "tox -e linters" fails under py39 due to syntax errors, this fixes a real issue.15:12
zbrprobably tobiash should have included these errrors in the commit message, as they are unrelated to the changed source code.15:13
avasszbr: why does baseurl need to be changed to baseurl_str?15:13
avassoh that was tobiash change15:14
zbrbecause initiall baseurl is a list of strings, and latest is made a string.15:14
corvuszbr: i have no doubt that we will merge 765557 (i just reviewed it) to correct the error.  however, the change provides feedback into our ongoing evaluation of mypy.  i agree we've probably exhausted the productive part of the conversation for now.15:14
avasszbr: ah15:14
zbri would say it: changing that file is a side-effect of his change, not the main fix.15:15
corvussure, i understand the errors.  but it's still an unecessary code change just to make mypy happy (like mordred was saying earlier)15:16
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Bump mypy to 0.790
tobiashI just didn't know a quick way to allow redefinition, removed the code change ^15:17
corvustristanC: thanks!  we learned something15:18
avasscorvus: I'd argue that it's bad practice to reuse variables with different types to make the code easier to read. however in this case the function is so small so it shouldn't cause problems15:18
zbrwell the current fix is not really a proper fix, mypy excludes should not done at cli parameters. they should be in config file15:18
zbrbecause this way the editor will not be able to indicate mypy errors.15:19
zbranyway, i can do that in a follow-up.15:20
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Bump mypy to 0.790
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openstackgerritSorin Sbârnea proposed zuul/zuul master: Moved mypy config outside tox
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Shrewsoh look, this channel is still here15:39
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corvusquick everyone hide from Shrews!15:41
corvusShrews: o/ :)15:41
Shrewslol    o/15:41
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avassShrews: oh no this is a completely unrelated zuul project with the same users :)15:43
Shrewsyou all joined netflix then?15:44
avassyeah we pivoted15:45
fungioh, is this netflix? i thought we were making the javascript test framework one15:45
corvusturns out we were all working for netflix all along!15:46
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pabelangermore to my question about periodic pipelines, has anyone tested a dependent pipeline? I'm curious if that would work in the case of artifact builds15:54
corvuspabelanger: i think i understand the question, and i don't think it's been tried, but i don't think it's going to work.  i think we would need new zuul features to have dependencies between enqueued refs in periodic pipelines.  i think your other idea -- a central project that runs all the jobs for the different containers -- is the only way to do that today.15:58
pabelangercorvus: okay, that isn't an issue. I was curious if there was a fancier way of doing it15:59
openstackgerritSorin Sbârnea proposed zuul/zuul master: Updated importlib-resources dependency
openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed zuul/zuul-client master: encrypt: add --public-key argument
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zbrcorvus: tobiash: could we relook at ?16:09
zbrapparently the UI changes the more people are involved the more we are sure nothing will happen.16:10
corvuszbr: that last remark is not how you convince people to work with you on changes.16:11
* zbr nods16:11
corvuszbr: i've added it to my list, but there are several things that are more pressing (mostly related to new gerrit), so it may be later this week or next before i have a chance16:12
zbrif the only reason is lack of time no problem, but working remotely sometimes you cannot make the difference between something just needing time or something that is undesired and nobody is able to sad it directly16:14
corvuszbr: i think people are interested in those changes, we just had a lot of urgent and surprising work recently16:15
zbrglad to hear that. and if there are bits that need more discussions I could easily remove them in order to allow it to progress.16:16
zbrindeed, gerrit 3.x related will likely keep most of us busy till next year16:17
avassoh is there a date for zuul 4 yet?16:20
corvusavass: no, but tobiash is working on cleaning up some patches; hopefully rsn16:23
zbri would also want to add a py39 job to spot other issues related to py39, if nobody is against.16:23
tobiashcorvus: I wanted to work today on it but then cryptography came...16:24
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tobiashzbr: our policy is to test lowest and highest supported python so switching from py38 to py39 would be fine from my point of view16:27
zbri would also include the shipped version in that list, which is py38 now.16:28
zbri doubt we want to jump it to py39.16:29
fungiwell, we ran into some problems with py39 recently which caused us to drop back to 38 for our images, right?16:29
fungii guess we'd need to revisit whatever problems those were16:30
zbrbut if we have a py37 we can skip that one and test only py36,py38,p39. usually the newest != production, is the "canary" one.16:30
zbrbut if we do not run anything, we will not be able to spot issues.16:31
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zbrmaybe running py39 only at check would an ok compromise?16:31
tobiashcurrently we run just two versions in order to not overuse the opendev resources16:31
corvusif we can't run on 39 it's not worth testing; if we can run on 39 it's worth upgrading16:32
zbrthat sounds like vicious cycle: you cannot know if something works until you test it,...16:33
fungithe word "test" is getting used in multiple ways here, i think16:34
corvusi think you misunderstand me -- as fungi said, we tried 3.9 and had problems and had to revert16:34
corvusyes, what fungi said16:34
fungitest whether it will work with 3.9, and if it does then set up automated testing to ensure it continues to work16:34
zbrdid these problem produce a test that fails?16:34
corvusthere's no point running unit tests on 3.9 if we know that there's some problem with the python interpreter that causes us to fail in production.  if we think it will work, then we should add tests and do the upgrade.16:34
fungizbr: i don't remember what the problems were, to be honest, i need to look back at old conversations to find out what the problem was unless someone happens to recall16:35
corvusi don't; tobiash or clarkb might recall what issues we had with 3.9?16:35
zbrbut i was more of stability kind of issue if I understood correctly16:35
fungiit's also entirely likely that the problem was either a bug in python which got subsequently fixed, or a dep incompatibility which has since been resolved by whoever maintains it16:35
tobiashcorvus: looking at the git log it looks like we had a problem with 3.8, reverted to 3.7, fixed the issue (755670) and switched to 3.8 again16:35
clarkb3.9 has/had trouble with our console logger thing that runs on the remote hosts (but that is a different python than the services run under)16:35
tobiashafaik no one tried 3.9 yet16:35
fungitobiash: oh! thanks, that's probably what i was remembering16:36
clarkbI believe the known issues with the remote console logger code have been addressed16:36
clarkbhowever, not in a release yet16:36
corvusok, then it sounds like we can/should switch from 3.8 to 3.916:36
fungieither way, trying with 3.9 is worthwhile, and if it works then sure we should switch16:36
fungii vaguely recall one problem was that older ansible versions couldn't work with newer python, and upgrading the base for the image we use in opendev would force us to drop ansible versions sooner than we intended16:38
fungibut that might have also been around 3.8 not 3.916:39
corvusi think we dropped some ansible versions recently?16:39
zbri know for sure that even ansible 2.10 still has some problems with py39, minor so far.16:39
corvusbut yeah, we should check that16:39
fungii keep forgetting 3.9 has only been around for a month or two now16:39
clarkbzbr: I would avoid updating to 3.9 if ansible (a core component of zuul) is known to have problems with it16:39
zbrunrelated to python itself, but officially is not even listed in metadata. ansible-test fails to install some of its test requirements, but you can install them manually.16:40
clarkbin particular I think ansible issues tend to be exposed a bit less directly to users16:40
fungisince i start building and running alphas of the next python release as soon as they're tagged, by the time they release they're way older to me than they are to people consuming the release versions16:40
tobiashthe ansible issue has been resolved by dropping support:
tobiashit was ansible 2.7 which had problems with python 2.816:41
fungiaha, thanks for confirming16:41
fungiand yeah, i'm increasingly convinced we just haven't tried 3.9 yet16:41
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avassmnaser: the lgmt role is functional and only missing docs right? I feel like github not allowing the project owner to self approve is a bit of a limitation...16:46
zbris there a way to run only unittest? the docs do not even mention how to run any tests.16:46
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mnaseravass: it's lacking one tiny thing, it doesn't read text inside review, so if you approve and type `/approve` in there, it won't work -- you'll have to do it inside a comment too16:46
mnaserbut i think that's trivial to fix16:46
mnaseravass: but other than that, yes, it works 100% for us with no problems. and yes, no self approve is gross16:47
fungizbr: can you be more precise with your question? which repo? which unit test(s)?16:47
avassmnaser: great, I'll try to get that set up than and maybe update the docs for it16:47
fungizbr: also which docs are you expecting to explain that?16:48
mnaseravass: awesome! i think pabelanger also did some hacking so they might be able to chime in16:48
zbr"zuul" repo, "tox -va" reports something not quite clear. I happen to know that I can run "tox -e py3" if I want to run tests but there is no mention of what it would do.16:49
pabelangermnaser: avass: yah, did some hacking 2 weeks ago, got something basic going. I think making zuul-lgtm python app, is the way to go. Or some other generic name. that lets us get the python bits of our zuul-jobs.16:49
zbri would say that expecting to see the words "unit" "func" or "integration", would not be unresonable.16:50
pabelanger was my POC16:50
pabelangerrunning from local laptop16:50
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Bump mypy to 0.790
mhuzuul-maint, if ^ got merged let's merge as well16:52
pabelangerzbr: avass: I want to see about adding 'reviewer' approvel thing next16:52
pabelangeras github app16:52
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mnaserpabelanger: if you take that route, i guess it'll require installing 2 apps16:54
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pabelangerthat is the downside, I'm still scared of adding github app creds into zuul jobs. More a mental thing16:55
pabelangerfor zuul ci system16:55
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openstackgerritSorin Sbârnea proposed zuul/zuul master: Decouple mypy from tox
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fungizbr: neat, i had no idea that `tox -va` provided a list of testenvs, nor that it was possible to add descriptions17:12
zbrfungi: yep, very useful. sadly it does not have an option to always display them without -v17:14
zbri wanted to make a PR to add it when a tty is present, and maybe even use some colors.17:14
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zbrbut due to WIP work on 4.0 rewrite it would be a waste of time17:15
zbrmeanwhile I worked on on tox-ansible plugin which can now detect and run ansible tests from both: molecule and ansible-test.17:16
zbri mention this here because I do see a use-case for zuul-jobs in particular.17:17
fungizbr: playing around with the description parameter, it looks like you can add a default description in the general [testenv] which will get inherited by implicit envs like py3 (but in that case you'll want to make sure all explicit testenvs also have descriptions so they don't inherit that)17:24
zbrfungi: i was doing the same myself17:24
zbri know how to use selector to avoid the issue you mentioned17:25
zbrlet me make a CR and you can edit it after to correct my poor descriptions17:25
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avassI created a simple service that tracks a git repo containing a tenant config and serves it on an http api to be used with tenant_config_script. If anyone wants it I could probably push that upstream17:34
avassnow currently it only tracks a single file but the idea is that it's supposed to be able to merge yaml files containing a single tenant as well.17:35
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on is currently responding slowly or timing out due to resource starvation, investigation is underway18:17
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openstackgerritGuillaume Chauvel proposed zuul/zuul master: Update tests/ to use proper git data
openstackgerritGuillaume Chauvel proposed zuul/zuul master: Fix gerrit merge commit change with zuul configuration
openstackgerritGuillaume Chauvel proposed zuul/zuul master: Improve merger getFilesChanges, Fix edge cases
openstackgerritGuillaume Chauvel proposed zuul/zuul master: Tenant reconfiguration: Add tests
openstackgerritGuillaume Chauvel proposed zuul/zuul master: Tenant reconfiguration: Reorg scheduler event process loop
openstackgerritGuillaume Chauvel proposed zuul/zuul master: Tenant reconfiguration: Scheduler ref-updated create/delete
openstackgerritGuillaume Chauvel proposed zuul/zuul master: Tenant reconfiguration: Allow ref-updated newrev+oldrev reconfiguration
openstackgerritGuillaume Chauvel proposed zuul/zuul master: Tenant reconfiguration: Get ref-updated modified files
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