Tuesday, 2020-12-01

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dmsimardo/ long time no see02:09
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openstackgerritJonas Sticha proposed zuul/nodepool master: WIP: aws: add support for uploading diskimages  https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/nodepool/+/73521709:42
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tristanCdmsimard: welcome back o/15:10
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y2kennyAre there any folks from Volvo around?15:50
fungiavass: ^15:51
y2kenny(I am hoping to get their Open Infra summit slide deck on Zuul for some internal advocacy about Zuul.)15:52
y2kennyI found the youtube video but it's not so nice to include that into my presentation.15:52
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y2kennyMy presentation will be like "Volvo is using it too" type thing.15:53
y2kennyI think BMW folks also had some presentation but I think that was back in 201815:54
corvusy2kenny: yes, bmw had talks (and keynotes) as well.  they're still using zuul (even more now than then), so may still be relevant for advocacy :)15:55
corvusy2kenny: https://www.openstack.org/summit/berlin-2018/summit-schedule/global-search?t=bmw15:55
tobiashand there are a lot of superuser articles from various users15:55
tobiashcorvus: was faster :D15:56
y2kennytobiash: do you happen to still have your slide deck around some where?15:58
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corvusy2kenny: https://zuul-ci.org/media/zuul_solution_brief.pdf may also be useful15:59
fungithe foundation design/media folks have also agreed to help update that brochure as soon as we get v4/v5 under wraps16:00
corvusfungi: cool; we should also update it to say open infrastructure foundation :)16:00
fungier, i mean wrapped up16:01
fungicorvus: yep, that's part of the plan as well16:01
fungitechnically the oif doesn't replace the osf until early next year, pending a vote of the members16:01
fungithough stuff's been getting updated in advance on the assumption it will pass the vote16:04
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avassy2kenny: no clue where they are16:05
avassy2kenny: sure we could send you those16:05
y2kennyavass: thanks!16:06
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jfoufas1y2kenny mail send in your direction16:16
jfoufas1It would be cool if you joined16:17
y2kennyjfoufas1: mail received.  Thanks!16:18
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fungiy2kenny: if you're able to talk about your use of zuul, i can get you in touch with someone who would love to interview you and put together an article around that, or if you write an article or blog post somewhere we can also link it on the users page16:21
y2kennyfungi: I am in touch with some of the folks from OIF/OSF already.  I don't think I am ready to do a full blown talk/blog just yet but I planned to when the infrastructure stablizes.  My ultimate goal is to have a public facing Zuul infra supporting our open source linux software stack (with GPUs and such.)  Actually having a security model and16:25
y2kennyconsideration was one of the key reason I picked Zuul.16:25
fungiy2kenny: that's awesome, and yes if you're already talking to foundation folks then they're almost certainly the same ones i would put you in touch with anyway. great to hear!16:27
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pabelangerSo, I am looking at ZUUL_SIBLINGS and siblings logic in build-container-image roles. We have a need to know the type of sibling we are going to build, so far the logic is around python projects only. I wonder if people think it would be okay to rework siblings into a dict, having name and type16:57
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pabelangerwe plan on using it in ansible, for building container images, and siblings could be python or ansible collection16:58
fungithat seems reasonable on its face, i assume the type key would identify some specific alternate behavior... could you elaborate on an example behavior difference?16:59
pabelangeryes, that is right. Rather then the assemble script being only wheels, it would allow for usuage of ansible-galaxy CLI tool, to install a collection16:59
pabelangermy other though, is just to introspect the folder and look for key files, and assume when found, call python setup.py or ansible-collection build17:00
fungiprobably the hard part is figuring out which current behaviors need to be rolled into the "python" type, and which are general17:00
fungithough maybe that could be done iteratively if python remains the default value17:01
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fungiyou just move more tasks into python type conditionals as you find conflicts with each new type17:02
pabelangercorvus: do you mind adding https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul-jobs/+/763836 to your review pipeline, more changes to switch to container_images logic17:07
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avassI was gonna review it but realized I'd already done that17:12
corvusavass, pabelanger: i don't think docker_images->container_images is necessarily simple.  the data structures are different, and the docker build roles expect docker_17:16
pabelangercorvus: yes, I don't plan on touching docker build images moving forward.  I was under the assumption, those roles would be eventually removed in favor of generic container roles17:17
corvuspabelanger: i think you either need to contemplate a global migration across all the variable names, or have the intermediate registry handle both17:18
corvuspabelanger: i was not under the assumption that the docker roles were deprecated17:18
pabelangeroh, okay17:18
pabelangerthen let me back up, and explain the issue I would like to fix17:19
corvuspabelanger: i would also expect the intermediate registry roles to do something with the 'registry' parameter....17:19
pabelangerToday, we have to only supply https://github.com/ansible/ansible-runner/blob/devel/.zuul.d/jobs.yaml#L18 to publish images via push-to-intermediate-registry. I was hoping to remove that in jobs.17:19
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corvuspabelanger: sounds good.  my suggestion would be to resolve the ambiguity with the registry parameter (if any) and have the intermediate registry roles support both17:21
pabelangeris there a preference on which one gets priority?17:23
corvuspabelanger: and maybe we'll deprecate the docker roles eventually?  i just don't think it's been an explicit plan (yet) since they're so different17:23
corvuspabelanger: how about both? :)17:23
pabelangeryah, we can do that17:23
pabelangerI'll update my change to do that17:23
pabelangerand remove the 'deprecated' warning17:23
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul master: Throw a warning if the executors ssh-key can't be loaded  https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul/+/76458417:27
avass^ that changes an error to a warning since ssh-keys are not needed for executors if you're not using ssh :)17:28
avassI had to install a dummy key just to let the executor start, but it works fine with that change17:29
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ashbullockhey, question regarding parent relationship for the github driver, we're trying to setup a parent relationship between jobs and are expecting to see a dictionary var passed through from the parent job to the child job, but when we print out the vars of the child job we can't see the parent's dictionary, is there something we are missing?18:09
ashbullockthis is our zuul config http://paste.openstack.org/show/800595/18:13
pabelangerany reason you are using extra-vars over vars?18:14
avassashbullock: how are you passing the variabel?18:16
ashbullockthe role we're using for the zuul return is here: http://paste.openstack.org/show/800596/18:16
avassah as I thought18:16
avassthe documentation for zuul_return is a bit confusing since what it does is pass variables to a dependent job and npt what I'd call  child job18:17
avassif you need to pass variables to an inheriting job you can use set_fact with cacheable: true18:17
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avassashbullock: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/ansible/builtin/set_fact_module.html#parameter-cacheable18:18
pabelangerOh, I didn't understand properly, I thought pipeline_test was missing18:18
avasswe should probably go through the documentation and reword that to make it clearer it's for dependent jobs and not inheriting jobs18:19
ashbullockavass ah ok so we should use set fact with cacheable set to true? and not use the zuul return?18:21
avassashbullock: yeah18:22
ashbullockjust going to try that now, when would you use the zuul return?18:23
avasszuul_return is used for jobs that have uses: https://zuul-ci.org/docs/zuul/reference/job_def.html#attr-job.dependencies18:23
pabelangeryou can use zuul_return, but you need to read the file manualy from executor18:24
pabelangerfact cache is likely easier18:24
avassbut zuul_return also allows you to comment on changes, report artifacts to zuul that gets displayed on the build page and other things as well18:24
avassyeah or you could also just write a file and read in the inheriting job18:25
avasspabelanger: you should probably not use zuul_return for that thought unless you want a dependent job to be able to see those variables as well18:27
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openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul master: Clarify zuul_return variables  https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul/+/76499218:44
avassashbullock, corvus: how about we do something like that ^ ?18:44
avassfungi: I believe you commented on this recently as well18:44
fungiavass: ooh, thanks for the reminder. i summed up my concerns in a comment on ps3 for https://review.opendev.org/76449918:45
avassI think we've had enough people that has been confused about zuul_return to make that a bit clearer, including me18:45
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openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul master: Clarify zuul_return variables  https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul/+/76499218:47
fungiyeah, was wanting to bring up the larger topic with folks this week when more people are around18:48
avassalso it looks like I'm bad at spelling dependent :)18:49
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul master: Clarify zuul_return variables  https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul/+/76499218:49
avassI really think having a warning build state for jobs would make it a lot easier to deprecate things18:51
fungias basically an alternate label for SUCCEESS?18:52
fungithat's a compelling idea18:52
avasswould make it easy to deprecate jobs in zuul-jobs if you could do zuul_return: warning: "This behaviour is deprecated...."18:53
avassand that could probably be used internally in zuul too18:53
fungiand be used to expose an admonition on the build result page18:54
fungiideally with more detail18:54
avassyup, it would be more visible than sending a mail to zuul-announce18:54
avassand not as intrusive as commenting in github/gerrit18:55
fungiif there's a way to free-form explain why something is deprecated on the build result page, then it seems useful (and having a custom alternate for SUCCESS result could then make sense). obviously just saying "this behavior is deprecated" with no way to explain why and what you should use instead isn't as helpful18:55
avassyep :)18:56
avassthat's what I mean18:56
corvusavass: good change; see discussion on https://review.opendev.org/76449919:05
corvusavass: (that was re https://review.opendev.org/764992 )19:06
corvusbasically two users hit the same confusion at ~ the same time19:06
avasscorvus: yeah I saw that the other day19:06
corvusif we do want to rename child_jobs, getting a deprecation warning into v4 would be good timing-wise19:07
corvus(i mean, we can do it at any point, but it seems like it shouldn't be a difficult change, and the timing is good right now)19:07
corvusavass: fungi left a suggestion on 992; let me know if you want me to +w or hold19:08
avassI'll fix it. But can you give a hint of how to create an anchor like that? I don't touch rst often enough to remember it :)19:09
corvusavass: i think it's the label syntax in https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/1.7/markup/inline.html#cross-referencing-arbitrary-locations19:11
fungioh, yep, sorry i was headed into a meeting or i would have dropped an example in there19:14
avassI'm a bit confused how to do that with titles containing spaces though19:14
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openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul master: Clarify zuul_return variables  https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul/+/76499219:18
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avassleft out the link for the heading. I gotta go make some food so if you want to you can fix that and merge it19:19
fungiif memory serves, you replace spaces with hyphen/minus19:29
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul master: Clarify zuul_return variables  https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul/+/76499219:58
avassI think I just mesed something up, this seems to work19:58
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fungishould be able to use the draft build to test it20:00
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GoneriIs there any release of Zuul planned? The last minor release was 4 months ago.21:35
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corvusGoneri: yes; we just made a nodepool release (i'm working on the announcement), and we're going to prep for the v4 release soon.  it's a minor potentially breaking change for operators so it's a bit special.21:49
corvusGoneri: see https://zuul-ci.org/docs/zuul/reference/releasenotes.html#relnotes-3-19-021:51
corvusalso https://zuul-ci.org/docs/zuul/3.19.1/reference/releasenotes.html#relnotes-3-19-121:51
corvusand i note we still haven't figured out how to get the 3.19.1 release notes showing up in the development section :/21:51
corvusfungi: ^ did we ever come up with a solution to that?21:52
corvuser not in the development section, sorry, i mean on the running master branch (that first url)21:52
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clarkbcorvus: one Idea I had was to generate release notes after scraping all the valid tags/branches for the little release note artifacts and generatign from that set, not sure if its acuatlly possible to do that with reno out of the box though22:10
pabelangeris it just me, or is the language on https://opendev.org/zuul/zuul not english22:12
pabelangerfor commits, branch, etc22:12
pabelangerlet me move into #opendev22:13
corvusclarkb, fungi: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23zuul/%23zuul.2020-07-21.log.html#t2020-07-21T23:17:09 it looks like we had a plan there, and we've done through step 3; we need to step 4-6 (except the branch is already gone so we'll merge the tag)22:14
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fungicorvus: sorry, tonight was phat si-io/pad see-ew/ho fun, so had to disappear for a while22:33
fungii worry that the plan from july resulted in some pain... we might want to briefly revisit and make sure we're okay with repeating that, but i think it boiled down to the fact that reno decides where release notes fall in a revision history based on whether it appears prior to a given tag *in the branch it's generating notes for*22:34
fungiso what we discovered is that in a multi-branch project reno will generate different sets of notes for each branch22:35
corvusfungi: oh i have no plan to repeat that :)  i'm looking at finishing it22:35
fungioh, okay22:35
corvuslike i don't think we did steps 4-6 in july22:36
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fungiyep, i'm rereading22:37
fungiokay, so merge a change to remove all new release notes, merge the 3.x bugfix branch into master to get the note and tag from it, then merge a change to add all the 4.0 notes back in?22:38
corvusfungi: yep (though i note the notes have to have new unique ids)22:39
fungioh, when we revert the removal we need to regen the ids for them?22:40
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corvusfungi: yeah, though i was thinking of cheating and just manually incrementing them by 122:41
corvusyou know, what are the odds? :)22:41
corvusokay, i've done this locally, and need forge committer permission to upload the merge change22:42
corvus"email address review@openstack.org is not registered in your account"22:42
corvusbecause zuul made merge commits in the 3.x branch22:42
fungioh, right, pushing merge commits needs forge committer, yes22:43
fungiif you're pushing merges of commits from others not included on that branch22:44
corvusswitching to #opendev22:46
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Clarify zuul_return variables  https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul/+/76499223:12
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Temporarily remove pending release notes in order to merge 3.19.1  https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul/+/76502323:33
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Merge tag '3.19.1'  https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul/+/76502423:33
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Re-add pending release notes  https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul/+/76502523:33
corvusfungi, clarkb: ^ success!23:34
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clarkbcool so we need to ensure the commits are on a branch first23:34
clarkbthat is good to know23:34
clarkbcorvus: did you do that with or without extra perms?23:34
corvusyeah; put another way, basically "merge commits generated by gerrit need to be on a branch in gerrit to be ignored in a push"23:34
corvusclarkb: no extra perms for the push23:34
clarkbexcellent and thank you for working through that23:35
corvusthanks for your and fungi's help23:35
fungiyeesh, sorry it took so long to arrive at that23:37
corvuszuul-maint: let's check out the doc build on 765025 and if it looks good then i think we can merge those 3 changes and delete the branch23:37
fungibut good to know for future reference23:37
corvusthe 3.19.1 relase just keeps on giving23:38
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Don't enforce js whitespace  https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul/+/76356823:39
fungialso glad to know that's (probably) not related to last week's gerrit upgrade23:39
corvusyeah, we're still in that period where it's easy to get spooked; lots of changes23:52
tristanCcorvus: what's the issue with keeping the branch?23:56
fungibranch doesn't need to be "kept" so long as we merge the tags back in *before* removing the branch23:57
fungimerging after the branch is removed causes headaches for gerrit apparently23:57
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