Wednesday, 2020-05-13

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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: bindep: use virtualenv_command from ensure-pip
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Unset bindep_command to exercise install paths
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Unset bindep_command to exercise install paths
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Unset bindep_command to exercise install paths
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Unset bindep_command to exercise install paths
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Unset bindep_command to exercise install paths
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EmilienMis there a way in a zuul job to pass a variable which is a list of the files that are touched by a patch?03:36
EmilienMe.g. in a job I want to know which files are touched03:36
EmilienMfrom a patch in gerrit03:37
EmilienMcloudnull: ^ asking for our container image thing03:37
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clarkbEmilienM: you can do a git diff04:59
clarkbEmilienM: diff $branch origin/$branch04:59
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Switch back to python 3.7
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Deprecate ansible 2.7
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Drop support for ansible 2.6
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Drop support for ansible 2.7
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Update images to use python 3.8
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openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Policy rule for ownership between remote and executor
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add linting rule to enforce no-same-owner policy
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openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add linting rule to enforce no-same-owner policy
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openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Policy rule for ownership between remote and executor
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add linting rule to enforce no-same-owner policy
avassAJaeger: how about that?07:43
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AJaegeravass: LGTM, thanks08:07
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea (zbr) proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: bindep: Add missing virtualenv and fixed repo install
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yoctozeptoI could not catch you folks on some other day so made a story in sb!/story/200766308:17
yoctozepto(more persistent than channel logs :-) )08:17
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avassyoctozepto: oh interesting08:38
avassyoctozepto: my guess is that zuul expects the file to be there so it errors and never applies the updated config08:39
yoctozeptoavass: could be, I can't say as it proceeds gently with merged config08:40
yoctozeptoand I'm just Zuul user08:40
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avassyoctozepto: yeah, I haven't looked into those parts of zuul a lot so I'm just guessing from experience :)08:53
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Fix nodejs-npm-run-test
AJaegeravass: could you review ^ quickly, please? mordred's last change  broke nodejs-npm-run-test and thus horizon and friends ;(09:03
avassAJaeger: lgtm, gave it a +309:07
AJaegerthanks, avass !09:07
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Don't require tox_envlist
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Fix nodejs-npm-run-test
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Provide some documentation for the checks API implementation
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openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: intercept-job -- self-service SSH access
avassAJaeger: do you know if there was a reason we didn't merge that ^ ?10:57
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tobiashavass: I think we just forgot about that11:22
AJaegeravass: too many changes in zuul-jobs ;(11:25
avasstobiash, AJaeger: alright, I like the idea so I want it merged :)11:29
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AJaegeravass: I didn't understand the idea when first seeing it and therefore ignored it ;(11:31
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EmilienMclarkb: ok, thanks.11:41
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add linting rule to enforce no-same-owner policy
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: fetch-coverage-output: do not synchronize owner
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: fetch-javascript-content-tarball: do not synchronize owner
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: fetch-javascript-output: do not synchronize owner
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: fetch-javascript-tarball: do not synchronize owner
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: fetch-markdownlint: do not synchronize owner
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: fetch-phoronix-results: do not synchronize owner
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: fetch-puppet-module-output: do not synchronize owner
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: fetch-python-sdist-output: do not synchronize owner
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: fetch-sphinx-output: do not synchronize owner
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: fetch-sphinx-tarball: do not synchronize owner
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: fetch-tox-output: do not synchronize owner
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: fetch-translation-output: do not synchronize owner
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: fetch-subunit-output: do not synchronize owner
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: prepare-workspace: do not synchronize owner
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: publish-artifacts-to-fileserver: do not synchronize owner
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: upload-logs: do not synchronize owner
avassjust a small stack :)11:46
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openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add linting rule to enforce no-same-owner policy
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: tarball-post.yaml: do not synchronize owner
AJaegeravass: wow ;)11:50
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openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Drop support for ansible 2.7
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tristanCavass: it seems like this will conflict with `topic:zuul-jobs-with-kubectl` , could we do those first please?13:25
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: fetch-sphinx-tarball: introduce zuul_use_fetch_output
AJaegertristanC: I don't see a conflict directly but I'm fine getting those 3 or 4 changes without merge conflict in...13:33
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tristanCAJaeger: and (which enable doc building on kubectl node) conflicts with the synchronize owner stack13:34
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AJaegertristanC: now I see it...13:38
AJaegertristanC: let's get a second reviewer, I gave my +2s13:39
tristanCAJaeger: thanks, we have third-party-ci job waiting to be enabled once this is merged13:41
harrymichalHey guys! Do you have somewhere on your roadmap adding support for I know you have a static shield but that one is not as customizable as standard shields.13:52
mhuharrymichal, you mean ?13:54
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harrymichalYes, by that I mean the static shield.13:55
harrymichalA use case for dynamic shield is to show status of last periodic job.13:56
mhuwhat would you like to customize? Because as mentioned in that doc, by definition projects gated by Zuul are never broken13:56
mhuoh I see13:56
harrymichalIn case of 'gate' jobs this is not a problem because the response is given in the PR but there's no obvious way to see status of periodic pipeline apart from looking at the dashboard.13:57
mhuso basically add this kind of endpoint to job results
harrymichalPossibly. I never used "advanced" shields myself but I see them very frequently.13:58
mordredharrymichal, mhu ^^13:59
harrymichalAh, you already knew about this. Perfect!14:00
* mordred takes credit for tobiash being smart14:01
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Combine javascript deployment and deployment-tarball jobs
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Set node_version in js-build base job
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Combine javascript deployment and deployment-tarball jobs
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mordredAJaeger: ^^ I split the "set node_version" into its own patch - it doens't work without that, I think something to do with defaults and include_role14:31
mordredAJaeger: but I think those may be good14:31
AJaegercool, will review later14:34
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed zuul/zuul master: How-to: using the REST API with cURL
avassmhu: ooh, nice14:57
mhuavass, thanks! with tristanC we just realized installing the CLI isn't very straightforward to install, so we might as well give some examples with cURL14:58
mhuI mean pip install zuul has a lot of requirements14:59
avassmordred: what's the problem with default variables?15:02
Open10K8Shi team15:03
Open10K8SThe ensure-kubernetes job is failing now.15:03
Open10K8Sof course the minikube is provisioning, but the coreDNS is failed with loop detection.15:03
Open10K8SI found the reason, but am not sure about the solution.15:03
Open10K8SI'd like to discuss the solution with you.15:03
Open10K8SThe new version of minikube has been released in 2days. v1.10.0 and v1.10.115:03
Open10K8SAs you know, the minikube detects the systemd-resolved automatically and set the kubelet.resolv-conf with /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf.15:03
Open10K8SBut once we set the kubelet.resolv-conf explicitly, then the systemd resolv.conf is not appended automatically, and only the conf files which we set would be appended in the former versions of minikube.15:03
Open10K8SFor now, the new versions are appending the systemd resolv.conf always, and the main problem is systemd resolv.conf is including localhost only.15:03
Open10K8SSo the coreDNS is looping.15:03
mordredavass: NO CLUE15:04
Open10K8SI am not sure why systemd resolv.conf includes localhost15:04
avassmordred: I mean, what's not working as you think it should? :)15:04
mordredavass: having ensure-javascript-build-tools role with node_version: 14 in its defaults.yaml include_role: ensure_yarn which include_role: ensure-nodejs winds up with ensure-nodejs installing its default versio of 615:05
avassmordred: oh yeah, that's since ensure-nodejs has a default of v6 doesn't it?15:05
mordredavass: so somewhere in that stack something is deciding that the including roles' defaults are not appropriate and it should go with ensure-nodejs defaults15:05
avassmordred: so pass it explicitly?15:05
avassmordred: I don't think a default will override another roles default15:06
mordredah - nod. that's sadmaking15:06
mordredwe'd have to pass it expicitly through the whole stack15:06
avassmordred: since they technically have the same precedence15:06
avassmordred: oh, no just include_role: name=ensure-nodejs vars= {version={{version}}}15:07
avassI think that should work15:07
mordredlemme try that again (I tried once, but I may have missed something)15:09
clarkbOpen10K8S: systemd resolv.conf includes localhost because it (systemd-named or whatever its called) wants to be the local dns server15:09
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Install correct node version in ensure-yarn
clarkbOpen10K8S: to fix that we were setting the resolv.conf directly using the dns servers we want to configure on the test node15:09
avassmordred: so that ^ doesn't work?15:09
clarkbOpen10K8S: are you saying that minikube is ignoring our override and using systemd/s values anyway?15:09
Open10K8Sclarkb: I dont think so15:10
Open10K8Sclarkb: it use both15:10
Open10K8Sclarkb: it uses both15:10
clarkbOpen10K8S: right that seems wrong, why have an override if its just gonna add in the default anyway :/15:10
avassmordred: uuh, the js stack got a bit complicated didn't it15:10
clarkbOpen10K8S: I think the correct fix there is for minikube/coredns to not mix in additional content when you override that config15:11
clarkb(but realize they may never fix that either)15:11
Open10K8Sclarkb: sounds logical15:11
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Pass node_version explicitly
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Combine javascript deployment and deployment-tarball jobs
Open10K8Sclarkb: need to escalate to the minikube dev team?15:11
clarkbOpen10K8S: ya I think we should see if we can have them weigh in on the behavior. My expectation is that if I override the default behavior (because it won't work) that the default not be mixed in anyway15:12
clarkbOpen10K8S: if they think that is a bug too then this might get fixed quickly. If they don't then we may have to find another workaround15:13
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Install correct node version in ensure-yarn
mordredavass: o - I think we just overlapped each other15:13
Open10K8Sclarkb: ok, I agree15:13
Open10K8Sclarkb: do you know the best way to let them know this and discuss?15:14
clarkbOpen10K8S: I don't. mnaser or tristanC may have ideas?15:14
clarkbmy guess is a bug on github but not completely sure15:14
Open10K8Sclarkb: ok, I will discuss with mnaser then15:15
Open10K8Sthank you15:15
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Install correct node version in ensure-yarn
avassmordred: do you have a change you can test that ^ with?15:16
avassmordred: actually I think I got that wrong15:17
clarkbOpen10K8S: fwiw I think on our test nodes the localhost comes from systemd grabbing /etc/resolv.conf and using that config too. And since we configure unbound to be a caching server it grabs localhost that way. But if we didn't do that what systemd would do is read resolv.conf's configured resolvers. Set those up for it to resolve to then configure systemd to be the system wide resolver15:17
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Install correct node version in ensure-yarn
clarkbOpen10K8S: I expect this is actually a fairly common situation in the real world as a result15:18
mordredavass: :)15:18
mordredavass: I thinkw e're both hacking on the same thing15:18
mordredavass: but -
avassmordred: do we need to pass it in both ensure-js-tool and ensure-yarn maybe?15:20
mordredavass: no - I don;'t think so - ensure-yarn doesn't set its own default, and once we pass it as a var like that I'm pretty sure it'll carry through15:20
mordredavass: that said - we'll find out with the recheck of 717371 - it does NOT like node v615:21
avassmordred: oh, yes, I missed 727774 got lost in 71737115:22
avassmordred: hopefully, unless things misbehave :)15:22
mordredavass: )15:22
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clarkbOpen10K8S: it is also possible they will show us the proper way to accomplish that override.15:23
tristanCclarkb: Open10K8S: i would not know where to contact minikube maintainer, perhaps ?15:24
Open10K8Sclarkb: tristanC I am not sure except of that15:25
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avassmordred: nice, recursion error15:35
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avassmordred: looks like the workaround is to use set_fact in advance to get around this:
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avassmordred: yeah, it works if you run a set_fact before the include_role15:53
openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed zuul/zuul master: How-to: using the REST API with cURL
avassmordred: wooow, but that can lead to VERY interesting results:
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Dequeue changes via github checks API
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Dequeue changes via github checks API
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mordredavass: I'm really starting to think that just setting the var in teh job is better here16:09
avassmordred: yeah I think so too16:09
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Set node_version in js-build base job
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Combine javascript deployment and deployment-tarball jobs
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mordredavass: ^^ done16:14
felixedelcorvus: I have a question about I can rename the "cancel" back to "dequeue", but I will keep the logic that the dequeue reporter only applies to dequeued items which are not success or failure, right? Otherwise successful and failed items would be reported twice.16:18
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avassmordred: re 72737016:21
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AJaegermordred: -1 on that one ^16:28
AJaegeravass: good spotting16:28
avassmordred: oh noticed I copied the wrong link: :)16:33
corvusfelixedel: yes, i think we'll just need to make that clear in documentation16:33
felixedelcorvus: Ok. Would this be sufficient: "The dequeue reporters will only apply, if the item wasn't a success or failure."?16:36
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armstrongshey i'm currently trying to test out the gitlab driver as i discussed on here a few days back. I have it connected to gitlab and recognising the projects initiatlly if i configure the scheduler. However, i am not seeing zuul pick up proceeding events after initial configuration. Just wondered where i should be looking as the executor and scheduler16:36
armstrongslogs don't have anything16:36
corvusfelixedel: yes, or we could say 'if the item was dequeued without a result'16:36
felixedelMaybe there is a better phrase than "wasn't a success or failure" I just didn't come up with one16:36
felixedelMaybe so, yes16:36
tobiasharmstrongs: gitlab works with webhooks right?16:37
tobiasharmstrongs: in this case I'd start with zuul-web logs16:37
felixedelcorvus: Ok. I like your version better :)16:37
corvusarmstrongs, tobiash: if the webhook receives something there should be a log line in zuul-web like "Gitlab Webhook Received event kind: ..."16:38
corvusoh wait16:38
corvusthat's actually a scheduler log line16:38
tobiashfor github zuul-web logs something containing 'payload'16:39
corvusarmstrongs, tobiash: the zuul-web line should say "Event header:" and "Event body:"16:40
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Set node_version in js-build base job
corvusarmstrongs: so basically -- zuul-web should report that when it receives the event from gitlab; then it should send the event over to the scheduler, which, when it receives it should report that first log line i described16:40
corvushopefully that will help narrow down what's missing16:41
felixedelcorvus: Thanks for the hint on the other change . That really was a leftover from my tests. Thus, I simply removed it and we can go without the "queue" in this case. I've also adapted the release notes - assuming we merge the reporter change before this one.16:41
corvusarmstrongs: also, github has a page that shows you the results from webhooks that it sent; if gitlab has something similar, you might be able to see if it's getting a 404 or a connection error or something before even getting to zuul-web16:42
armstrongscorvus: so im testing this with public gitlab repo. What are the prerequisites on the zuul instance to communicate via the web-hook as im not seeing anything from gitlab. I currently have it on a load balancer16:42
armstrongsi will have a dig thanks for the info guys16:44
corvusarmstrongs: zuul-web will need to be accessible, and you'll probably need to give gitlab the webhook url which should be constructed in the same way as the github driver:
tobiasharmstrongs: and probably check tls settings if you'r using encryption16:45
corvusarmstrongs: it looks like the webhook_token and api_token described there are also required for gitlab16:46
armstrongs thats the connection settings im using16:48
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Combine javascript deployment and deployment-tarball jobs
tobiasharmstrongs: webhook_token seems to be missing16:48
tobiashthat should be the same as configured on the webhook in gitlab16:49
AJaegermordred: fixed it for you ^16:49
armstrongsah ok i got this from the test fixtures16:49
tobiasharmstrongs: hrm, the gitlabconnection tells me that it just skips webhook validation if no webhook_token is configured16:50
armstrongs thats what i was copying16:51
tobiashso next I'd check the url and ssl verification checkmark in the webhook config in gitlab16:51
tobiashmaybe use curl to throw something to zuul-web to test it16:51
tobiasharmstrongs: what's the url whcih is configured in gitlab?16:52
tobiashyou can mask the hostname if that's secret ;)16:53
fungithe other thing i think we figured out in here a week or so ago is that the gitlab driver expects the webhook token embedded in the url, rather than providing a separate option for it (but that splitting it out like the github driver does would be a good idea)16:53
fungibut also possible i missed something looking through the source code16:53
armstrongsi think i see whats up now. Will report back shortly cheers for the help guys16:54
tobiasharmstrongs: webhook url must be ``http(s)://<zuul-hostname>:<port>/api/connection/<connection-name>/payload16:54
armstrongsyup just seen that16:54
tobiashthat should be the same for all drivers16:54
fungialso apparently by default the webhook url gets used as a url embedded in results, which can then expose the credentials if they're included in the url16:54
tobiashhrm, did we land gitlab completely without docs?16:55
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armstrongsyeah no docs yet so reverse engineering it :)16:57
avassmordred: so uh, I don't like that solution since now we essentially require node_version to be set if we use yarn, but don't require it if we don't use yarn16:57
AJaegerif you want to contribute docs after reverse engineering, it would be appreciated ;)16:57
armstrongsthat was my plan16:57
avassmordred: it would have made sense to require node_version to be set if the user wants yarn, but since we autodetect yarn it can lead to confusion16:59
fungitobiash: yes, docs weren't included since the driver is still considered incomplete/experimental17:00
tobiashah ok17:00
fungi(and documenting it was one of the to do items, but at least without documentation it's not discoverable and we've refrained from announcing it as available/supported)17:00
avassfungi: I'm pretty sure it was discovered ;)17:02
fungiyup, the idea is that it's discovered by people asking us so we can at least get a chance to explain it's incomplete ;)17:02
clarkbfwiw I think we could have a warning in the documentation if we were worried documenting what is there would lead to confusion17:03
tobiashmordred, corvus, tristanC: the switch back to py37 needed an update:
clarkb"This driver is new and currently not expected to be stable. The best way to help us make it stable is to try it out and providefeedback or bug reports with what you find"17:03
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Drop support for ansible 2.6
fungiclarkb: yep, i agree17:07
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corvusclarkb, tobiash: i think maybe the explicit 3.7 would be better there?  in 72736717:12
clarkbya that would rpobably more clearly meet the goals here17:13
clarkbthough for now I don't expect we'll flip the base image soon so its ok if we want to do that ina followup17:13
corvusokay, i +3d17:13
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avassmordred: nvm, I got that wrong17:27
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AJaegerzuul-jobs-maint, there're two changes to fix missing virtualenv for bindep: and . IMHO, we should get 727561 merged, maybe with the change requested - but the other changes in 693637 need further discussion. Especially the bindep change to serialize is something I feel bad about.17:28
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avasscorvus, clarkb, tristanC, mordred: want to merge the new zuul-jobs policy ?
AJaegercorvus, mordred, want to review the fetch_output stack at , please?17:29
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Default to Ansible 2.9
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul master: Specifically use python 3.7 base images
clarkbcorvus: tobiash ^ A followup to make that explicit 3.7 dep17:46
mnaserclarkb, Open10K8S, tristanC: i'm wondering what life would be like if we used kind instead of minikube with 'none' driver17:47
clarkbmnaser: what is kind?17:47
mnaserclarkb: https://kind.sigs.k8s.io17:47
AJaegerzuul-jobs maintainer, looks like an important fix for tox siblings. mordred, could you review, please?17:47
Open10K8Sk8s in docker17:48
mnaseryou can also do things like simulated multi-node clusters17:48
tobiashk8s in 20s?17:48
mnaserthat's the claim :) i've seen it perform prett yfast17:49
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mnaseralso, if we start using a docker cache in infra (unsure if we already do?) -- it will be even faster17:49
mnaserno need to download that big blob of binary in every build17:49
mnaserit also feels like it works better for our model, minikube --driver=none seems like it's an "afterthought" imho17:49
fungiin opendev we proxy-cache dockerhub on machines in the same location as our job nodes17:50
mnaseryeah so that means our ensure-kubernetes jobs should leverage that!17:50
fungiso hopefully subsequent fetches of the same images go over local data center networking and not the internet at large17:50
clarkbmnaser: I think it already does17:50
clarkbas our docker installation roles configure the mirror17:50
mnaserclarkb: right now minikube downloads this huge blob of data that it exports locally from i dunno what17:51
mnaserits like some 180MB of i dont know what really.17:51
mnaserhaven't cared enough to dig into the details17:51
clarkbya I don't really have an opinion on k8s installers17:51
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clarkbminikube was chosen because it could run without talkign to cloud resources iirc17:51
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mnaserit could also potentially neatly integrate with registry too17:51
mnaseri mean or we can just build something from kubeadm which is the defacto setup...17:52
clarkblooks like kind may not support other runtimes?17:52
clarkbthat might be a regression, I'm not sure if anyone is using the minikube stuff with not docker17:53
mnaserpossible.  if we just did kubeadm, we'd eliminate the extra cruft and it'll work with docker and not docker too :)17:53
clarkbsomeones got to do that work though17:53
mnaserand it would enable multinode jobs17:53
clarkb"just do kubeadm" is underselling it17:53
mnaserof course.  we can probably help pushing that work17:54
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clarkbthats like saying "just do multinode devstack" :)17:54
mnaseryou'd be surprised at how k8s world has managed to simplify deployment17:54
clarkbmnaser: the issues dont' tend to be with the software17:54
mnaserits a matter of kubeadm init on the first host and kubeadm join on the other hosts.  it's kinda ridiculous.  heh.17:55
clarkbthe issues tend to be with networking with you start talking multinode17:55
jktcan I somehow force tests for project B to run when I propose a change for project A? Right now B pulls in A as a submodule, and I'm only using the check pipeline, not gate. I can manually upload changes with Depends-On to the B project, and "the right thing" happens17:55
clarkbyou'll have vxlan running on vxlan17:55
clarkbor whatever and then get to debug all the 1400MTU problems17:55
mnaseryeah, the CNIs are smart enough to read the host device and figure out mtus and what not.  they're built to run on clouds ;)17:55
jkt(think of A as a provider and B as a consumer)17:55
clarkbmnaser: thats good17:55
mnaservs openstack which is built to run on metal17:55
clarkbjkt: you can update the pipeline config for project A to run project B's tests. YOu might need to udpate the tests slightly to understand running within the context of project A17:56
clarkbjkt: this is a fairly common pattern for integration testing. You'll have some test suite/tool define jobs then all the projects it integrates run those jobs17:57
clarkbmnaser: my only real interaction with a "proper" k8s install has been via magnum and that basically forced me to do everything by hand17:57
jktclarkb: I've been using Zuul for like five years, but I think I cannot figure this out :)17:57
clarkbjkt: let me try and pull together some examples17:58
mnaserclarkb: yeah it's quite a big difference imho17:58
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clarkbjkt that is an integration job defined by the test tool (tempest). is consumption of that job by project being integrated in the job18:03
clarkbjkt: from the jobs perspective you need to set require-projects list to list out all the expected repos then operate with the assumption they are there not just against the change's src dir18:03
clarkbmnaser: I guess with kubeadm we'd have the benefit of being able to directly configure coredns18:05
mnaserclarkb: yes actually that's a good thing too, so we can just inject that right away18:05
clarkbjkt: thats what setting the required project for that job above looks like roughly (its actually done in several layers of inheritance but you can see here its a list of things that will be tested together. That then allows you to have the job oeprate assuming all are present to the correct checkouts and not use variables relative to18:07
clarkbthe change under test)18:07
jktclarkb: is that as simple as defining a job in the tempest repo, adding keystone into tempest's required-projects, and then listing that tempest-specific job as a job within keystone?18:07
clarkbjkt: yup, then have the job playbooks understand that it is always working on keystone, nova, neutron etc18:08
clarkbrather than just `execute command in pwd`18:08
jktnow that's either about 666x much simpler than I thought :), or I might be missing something super-obvious. Let me try this, thanks!18:09
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fungianother example might be how some of the oslo libraries run unit test jobs for other projects which declare dependencies on those libraries18:10
fungiso that they can see if (made-up example, i don't know if this is an exact one) changes to oslo.config break keystone's unit tests18:11
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Switch back to python 3.7
fungiso like clarkb says, the real trick in that case is making sure that the job runs tox in the keystone source tree even though it's triggered by a change for oslo.config18:11
AJaegerclarkb, could you review as cleanup for zuul-jobs, please?18:12
clarkbAJaeger: ya let me pull up ansible lint docs to udnerstand that but I'll leave a vote soon18:12
AJaegerclarkb: no need for ansible lint docs, that'S a zuul-tests.d change - so a job change18:14
clarkbAJaeger: ya and .rules/ is a custom rule for ansible-lint in zuul-jobs18:15
clarkbor rather a dir with custom rules18:15
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Deprecate ansible 2.7
corvusmnaser, clarkb: i have previously used kind and was happy with it, but i haven't tried to configure it to use a buildset registry18:19
corvus(depending on how much docker gets passed through, it could be that no work is required for that)18:20
corvusi agree it's worth looking into as a minikube replacement18:21
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jktso in case of tempest, the key is really this one,
corvusjkt: yeah, especially the the chdir18:24
jktbecause that thing tells tox to run in tempest's own directory no matter what project triggers that18:24
corvusjkt: we have a convention in zuul_jobs of defining a variable "zuul_work_dir" which defaults to the current project under test, but can be overidden by a job to specify a specific project's dir18:25
corvusjkt: that lets you easily turn a simple job that runs the current project's tox tests into a job that run's a *specific* project's tox tests18:26
jktwith something like , I cannot really do that unless I introduce a specific role for my consumer, right?18:26
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Report dequeued changes via Github checks API
corvusjkt: heh, unfortunately run-test-command is not a job that uses zuul_work_dir.  but we can make it do that, then you could easily do that.  1 sec.18:28
jktcorvus: yeah, I am specifically doing
felixedelcorvus: I've renamed everything back to "dequeue" in I've also adapted the accordingly (the release notes and the "queue" leftover)18:30
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add zuul_work_dir to run-test-command
jktalso, it might be even more interesting because we actually have project A, which is company-internal, and therefore using "company-internal" Zuul tenant, then project B, which is opensource, so it's using a "public" Zuul tenant, and *both* are consumed in project C which is once again company-internal, and therefore once again via that "company-internal" tenant18:31
corvusjkt: ^ that should do the trick18:31
jktand I would like to have A and B trigger a build of C18:32
jktlooks like I would have to have both Zuul tenants build project B :(18:32
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: ansible-lint-rules: Fix bad path and filename
corvusjkt: crossing tenants gets really tricky; they are meant to be completely isolated.  there are lots of possibilities; they just get complex.18:33
jktyeah, well, I started using them because I wanted to avoid having the general public access our internal build logs18:33
avassjkt, corvus: can confirm, it gets complicated18:34
jkteverything lives in one Gerrit server, so I have to use fake FQDNs when doing Depends-On, etc18:34
corvusfelixedel: thanks!18:34
jktbecause of courtse we also have repo Z which provides some artifacts to both A and B above18:34
jktpain, pain, pain.18:34
corvussometimes zuul reflects the real world a bit more than would be ideal :)18:35
jktbtw, I have not found this cross-project integration (even without getting into the multi-tenant mess) in the docs. Was that my fault, or is that not documented?18:37
corvusjkt: i don't think it's documented; that would be a great howto18:37
avasscorvus: oh regarding that, do you think it would be possible to limit node labels to specific projects?18:37
avasscorvus: is there anything blocking that being implemented?18:38
corvusjkt: these get *really* close to talking about what's needed, but don't quite get there i think:
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jktBTW, in openstack, where is that zuul_work_dir actually set? It is in neither of the linked files AFAICS18:39
corvusjkt: those jobs are old, they don't use it18:39
corvusjkt: here's an example of a job that does though:
corvusjkt: we run that job on changes to both zuul and nodepool, and it always runs the "tox -e nodepool" in the zuul repo.18:41
jktcorvus: let me rephrase, then -- where should I introduce this "project srcdir awareness"? So far I was using job names that were reusable among my A, B, Z projects, like fedora31-gcc, or fedora29-clang-asan18:42
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jktI actually have a unique name for my jobs in C (the "final consumer"), so it's possible to hardcode stuff in there18:42
corvusavass: i think we'd probably want a quick spec to talk about that; i don't think there's anything like that right now -- the only kind of 'restrictions' we have are by tenant, so that doesn't really have a precedent.18:42
corvusjkt: yeah probably C.  you'll want a dedicated job name for this.  doesn't need to do much than inherit from run-test-command and set the vars.18:44
corvusjkt: and set required-projects.18:44
corvusjkt: should look almost exactly like but without the pre- and post-run18:45
avasscorvus: since I think we might want to be able to keep projects since some of them are separeted just because they don't want to share nodes18:45
avasscorvus: and I found that I wanted that today when I tried to implement a job to automatically deploy our nodepool config :)18:46
corvusavass: yeah.  i think the biggest thing is whether that should be a project-config setting (config-projects only?  in the future when we have tenant-config-projects, would it apply there?) or a tenant-config?  or nodepool? (we usually say "no" to this, but always worth considering)18:47
corvusavass: so we'll want to collect some use cases :)18:47
avasscorvus: there's no hurry :)18:48
jktcorvus: I think I get this now, thanks for your help!18:48
corvusjkt: np, good luck!18:48
corvusAJaeger, tristanC: first 2 fetch-output changes lgtm; #3 needs lunch :)18:49
* jkt will needs that, these are C++ projects where build result caching makes a difference between two mintues and twenty minutes builds18:49
corvusjkt: there is currently a feature to restrict node labels to tenants, just not projects18:49
corvusjkt: so if you trust internal projects equally, and external projects different but equally, then you can use that18:50
avasscorvus: I'll start on a spec for it whenever I get time to do it18:50
corvusjkt: (with your current tenant separation)18:50
jktcorvus: I'm OK with running both "company-internal" and "opensource" projects on the same cloud; the only thing I want is separation of logs and artifacts and live consoles18:52
jkt("one the same cloud" == "identical set of nodepool servers")18:53
avasscorvus: and I think in the future we might have nodes connected to hardware that a team under NDA is using, so if we don't need to separate those into another tenant that would be good18:58
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: fetch-sphinx-output: introduce zuul_use_fetch_output
avasscorvus: but we might need to do that anyway to restrict logs etc18:59
jkthear, hear :(18:59
tristanCcorvus: mnaser: i heard good thing about kind, not sure it is a drop-in replacement for k8s though, perhaps we could add a new role?19:00
tristanCfwiw i also wrote a small k8s installer based on usernetes here:
jktperhaps I'm looking for bandaids and kludges here, but is it possible to have two tenants (or even separate zuul servers) working with one Gerrit repo, but executing different jobs? i.e., configure tenant A to use $PROJECT/.zuul.yaml, and tenant B to use $PROJECT/.zuul-B.yaml ?19:01
tristanCjkt: yes you can, though i think you need tenant A to use a .zuul-A.yaml19:02
tristanCjkt: using this configuration
avassjkt: yes, but I wouldn't recommend having multiple zuuls gating the project19:03
corvusjkt: you can also do that without specifying different files by being strategic about what config options you put in the repo or instruct the various tenants to load.  for example, have all the tenants load jobs, but only have one tenant load "project" objects, and use a config-project to specify the project-pipeline in the other tenant.19:03
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: fetch-sphinx-tarball: add missing zuul_success default
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add zuul_work_dir to run-test-command
jkttristanC: awesome, thanks!19:04
jktcorvus: I'll have to think about this one19:04
jktavass: right :(, I have not thought about that. Right now we're only "check"ing19:04
jktcorvus: ok, I think I understand. That makes sense (and I think I understand the cost, now that project's testing config is no longer self-contained...)19:08
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/nodepool master: container functional test : allow to specify elements-dir
mnasertristanC, corvus: Open10K8S is going to hack at using kubeadm instead of minikube (minikube is really a wrapper around kubeadm mostly) so we can do easy multinode stuff and really have an equivilant of a real production deployment19:14
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Specifically use python 3.7 base images
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: pagure: Make use of the new project webhook/token endpoint
mnaser Open10K8S, clarkb: i think here is the issue19:39
Open10K8Smnaser: yeah19:40
mnaserOpen10K8S: it seems like a big hack, but maybe we can disable systemd-resolved service and rm that file before running minikube?19:47
mnaser(this whole dns thing is a hack in the first place)19:47
Open10K8Smnaser: in fact, i tried to stop and disable the systemd-resolved already19:48
Open10K8Sbut the minikube tries to auto detect that file19:48
Open10K8Sand if there is no such file, then fail, maybe19:48
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Ensure we use recent enough virtualenv
Open10K8Smnaser: remove that file seems work19:52
Open10K8Slet me double check19:52
mnaserOpen10K8S: ok so maybe what we can do is remove that file, minikube start and add it again..? so we leave the server in "pristine" state19:52
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Open10K8Smnaser: i am afraid if the systemd resolv is using for the minikube bootstraping20:00
mnaserOpen10K8S: true.  damn :(20:01
Open10K8Smnaser: once minikube dev team accept the current problem as a bug, then we can wait for them20:02
Open10K8Smeanwhile, we can patch the corefile in the ensure-k8s job20:02
Open10K8SThat is my opinion20:02
Open10K8Smnaser: clarkb20:03
Open10K8Smnaser: clarkb: how about this?20:03
clarkbpatching the coredns config? makes sense20:04
Open10K8Sclarkb: yes20:05
Open10K8Sclarkb: kubectl patch cm coredns -n kube-system --patch="Corefile: |20:05
Open10K8S    .:53 {20:05
Open10K8S        errors20:05
Open10K8S        health {20:05
Open10K8S           lameduck 5s20:05
Open10K8S        }20:05
Open10K8S        ready20:05
Open10K8S        kubernetes cluster.local {20:05
Open10K8S           pods insecure20:05
Open10K8S           fallthrough ip6.arpa20:05
Open10K8S           ttl 3020:05
Open10K8S        }20:05
Open10K8S        prometheus :915320:05
Open10K8S        forward .
mnaserOpen10K8S: please use a pastebin in the future20:06
Open10K8Saha, ok20:07
mnasersuch as paste.openstack.org20:07
Open10K8Smnaser: I got your point.20:07
mnaserOpen10K8S: i think thats an ok workaround.  just make sure you use the dns servers that we supply in the role.   let's do that for now and leave a note linking to the minikube bug20:07
Open10K8Smnaser: ok20:08
openstackgerritOleksandr Kozachenko proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Patch CoreDNS corefile The minikube v1.10.x is appending the systemd-resolved conf always. So to workaround this problem, do a patch after deployment.
clarkbmnaser: ya its a list I tried to clarify the structure in my comment20:33
openstackgerritOleksandr Kozachenko proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Patch CoreDNS corefile The minikube v1.10.x is appending the systemd-resolved conf always. So to workaround this problem, do a patch after deployment.
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openstackgerritOleksandr Kozachenko proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Patch CoreDNS corefile The minikube v1.10.x is appending the systemd-resolved conf always. So to workaround this problem, do a patch after deployment.
corvusOpen10K8S: you probably want a blank line between the first 2 lines of that commit message (that's why the bot is outputting the whole thing here)20:47
Open10K8Scorvus: gotcha!20:50
openstackgerritOleksandr Kozachenko proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Patch CoreDNS corefile
openstackgerritOleksandr Kozachenko proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Patch CoreDNS corefile
Open10K8Sclarkb: POST_FAILUER
Open10K8Sclarkb: Could you check this?21:14
clarkbOpen10K8S: yup looks like we failed to install docker and that meant minikube wasn't running. Later in post-run we try to collect minikube logs and that failed because there was no minikube install so we report post failure21:14
clarkbcorvus: ^ should zuul only report post failrue if run was successful?21:15
clarkbOpen10K8S: I think that might be an "Internet is flaky" type error21:15
clarkbit failed to do a tls handshake with docker's apt mirror21:15
clarkbOpen10K8S: I think you can just recheck this case21:16
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corvusclarkb: no -- post_failure does not imply any particular "run" result21:17
corvusclarkb: iow, post_failure masks success/failure.  the only thing it doesn't mask is a pre-run failure of some kind.21:17
Open10K8Sclarkb: ok21:17
clarkbya I guess thats true. But I think it points peopel to the wrong location in some cases21:17
clarkbwe almost need to report the states for each stage (but that will get noisy and annoying too I bet)21:18
corvusarguable post-failures are more important to fix than run failures -- they mean that the results themselves (in terms of logs) are not reliable21:18
corvus(in other words, be careful diagnosing a run failure if there has been a post failure)21:19
corvusanyway, i'm hesitant to change it due to the workflow when constructing a new job21:20
corvusthat's a slightly more advanced activity, and i think we can expect that extra investigation may be required.21:21
clarkbya it still accurate reports something is wrong and you have work to do21:21
corvusoh, also this is in a zuul-test job; normally i'd expect ensure-k8s to be in a pre-playbook21:22
corvuswhere that failure would have triggered a retry anyway21:23
corvusso it's even more unusual in this case21:23
clarkbah good point21:23
corvus(ie, under normal usage, it's entirely reasonable for the post-run log collection to assume k8s is present)21:23
clarkbwe aren't testing minikube or docker, they are just tools we need to bootstrap21:23
clarkbexcept in the zuul-jobs role tests21:23
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openstackgerritOleksandr Kozachenko proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Patch CoreDNS corefile
ianwdoes setting bindep_command in not override the zuul site version?22:15
ianwooohhh, i'm unsetting in pre_tasks then running bindep in tasks22:16
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Unset bindep_command to exercise install paths
ianwhrm, that still doesn't seem to override bindep_command ...
clarkbianw: "Per the standard Ansible variable precedence rules, many other types of variables have a higher priority, so this value may be overridden." I wonder if that is related22:43
clarkbfound that quote on
ianwyeah ... i didn't realise a zuul site-variable would override a set_fact, maybe that makes sense22:53
ianwit leaves it a bit difficult to really test the bindep role though, because it is always finding the inbuilt bindep ... we could add a testing flag to the production roles i guess22:54
clarkbianw: what if you set it explicitly whne calling the role?22:54
clarkbnot as a set_fact but as a direct var to the role call22:54
ianwoh as in var:22:55
ianwworth a try22:55
clarkbI wonder if that has higher precendent due to locality22:55
ianwwe shall find out22:57
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Unset bindep_command to exercise install paths
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Unset bindep_command to exercise install paths
clarkb probably a bit early for us to start worrying about that, but the heavyeight cost of container updates is something I've been looking at in opendev because it fills disks and puts pressure on networks23:25
clarkbit would be great to see more work in that space to make our mirrors and caches and disks that much happier23:25
clarkb(also I find it really weird its ok to completely change the format of docker images in podman and skopeo but adding ipv6 support would be too much)23:27
clarkbI guess that PR isn't merged yet23:27
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tristanCclarkb: fwiw we have been looking at performing in-place update (instead of complete rebuild) to ship only new layer when relevant23:38
clarkbtristanC: doesn't that have problems too of needing all those intermediate steps?23:40
clarkb(and eventually the total of those will be greater than the total of a single rebuild)23:40
tristanCthat is indeed an issue, and there is also a limit for the maximum number of layer an image can have (iirc 255)23:42
clarkbI guess for long lived servers pullin gsmaller intermediate updates is better for bw23:44
clarkbbut for disk use it might not fix all the problems.23:44
clarkband for single use throwaway instances used in eg testing it might be similar to the rebuilt updates?23:45
tristanCdisk usage is also problematic, but perhaps that could be fixed using local squashing23:48
tristanCalso we haven't figure out how to ensure in-place update works for multi-image setup like zuul use with a builder throwaway container23:50
tristanCfor now we only looked at distro package, and the update job simply performs `dnf update -y`23:51
tristanChere is the zuul pipeline and jobs we have been testing:
ianw .. it doesn't seem i can convince it to ignore the bindep_command set in site variables23:53
ianw... although ... i wonder if blank has different semantics23:54
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: [wip] Unset bindep_command to exercise install paths

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