Monday, 2020-05-04

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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: ensure-pip: install python2-pip on SuSE when required
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: ensure-pip: Install backported pip for Xenial
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add plain nodes to testing
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/nodepool master: Handle ipv6 literal zookeeper addresses
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: ensure-pip: install python2-pip when running under Python 2
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: ensure-pip: Install backported pip for Xenial
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add plain nodes to testing
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AJaegerI added a check that makes docs job fail in post if there's no html output. This now leads to a POST_FAILURE when the normal build fails as well. So, a FAILURE turned into POST_FAILURE, see . Is there a way to check in the post playbook whether the job passed so far to avoid creating the POST_FAILURE?06:55
AJaegerchecking whether tox_output exist and then for tox_output.failed is one option but would tie those roles together. Is there a better way?07:03
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avassAJaeger: you mean something like: ? :)07:29
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AJaegeravass: exactly!08:02
AJaegerthanks, avass !08:03
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Fix fetch-sphinx-tarball fails
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avassAJaeger: does it show POST_FAILURE if it fails in both run and post-run? otherwise?09:30
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AJaegeravass: see the link I posted above, it shows POST_FAILURE09:43
avassAJaerger: oh yeah, got it10:01
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avassWe don't have a role to upload artifacts to a simple rest api right?11:36
AJaegeravass: I'm not aware of one. I'm only aware of the upload roles in zuul-jobs.11:39
avassAJaeger: yeah I couldn't see anything that looked liked it in the zuul-jobs at least, will probably push one later then :)11:40
avassalmost done with it11:40
openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: Connect executor to Zookeeper
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul master: spec: add a zuul-runner cli
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openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: Move fingergw config to fingergw
openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: WIP: Route streams to different zones via finger gateway
openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: Add --validate-tenants option to zuul scheduler
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openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: Connect executor to Zookeeper
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openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: Connect executor to Zookeeper
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/nodepool master: Handle ipv6 literal zookeeper addresses
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mordredcorvus: when you're ready for more debugging, I held the nodes for the multiarch job failure:
corvusmasterpe: excellent; i think maybe after breakfast in about 30m14:32
corvusmordred: ^ sorry masterpe (tab completion failure)14:36
mordredcorvus: woot14:41
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avassI think build container image is broken: :(14:49
avassbut it also looks like it's never used anywhere?
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corvusavass: yeah, it's part of a new set of jobs to use non-docker tooling; work in progress14:50
avasscorvus: ah, that makes sense I guess14:51
corvusavass: it should have a test job i thought?14:51
avasscorvus: yep found a test playbook14:51
corvusavass: it's actually the same playbooks that test the docker versions of the roles14:52
corvuswe just tell it to use podman instead of docker14:52
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corvus(the roles are meant to be 1:1 compatible)14:52
avasscorvus: I'll look around and see why that didn't fail, maybe it didn't trigger when it should have, since using a bare 'item' in tasks/main.yaml doesn't seem like it should work14:52
avassunless the role is included in a loop without setting loop_ar14:53
avassthis looks like it should fail:
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sassynHi All Again14:56
sassynHope everyone is safe!14:56
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: DNM: trigger registry tests
corvussassyn: hi!  how's it going?14:59
sassynHI corvus, all good here in IL14:59
sassyngreat weather and we can go out no more then 1 KM14:59
sassynhow at your place?15:00
corvussassyn: i can roam a bit more than that, but it's frowed upon.  a nearby county just increased the permitted range from 5 miles to 10 miles.  all told, in california it's not as bad as other places, and people are expecting to open more businesses in a few weeks.15:02
avasssassyn: hi, wow no more than 1KM15:02
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul master: spec: add a zuul-runner cli
avasssassyn: here in sweden (almost) everything is like normal. except that people have a greater distance between eachother than normal, and stores put out markers so people keep their distance from eachother15:06
avassand most people who can work from home15:06
sassynSweden is cool!15:08
sassynConsider the following:15:09
avasswhelp, just noticed I missed that it defaults to something else if 'item' is not defined15:11
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Do not use bare 'item' in build-container-image
sassynNow B failed since the repo now is not in potion 0, but in 0+A. However it is know (with manual build - not via zuul) that B+C is working.15:12
avasscorvus: how about we do that ^ instead15:12
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avasssince it's probably better to loop over that role and set the variable instead15:13
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sassynConsider the following:15:18
sassynso we must run the test again). In our case the repo is still at postion 0 so test pass and at the end A was merged.15:18
sassynfailed since the repo now is not in potion 0, but in 0+A. However it is know (with manual build - not via zuul) that B+C is working.15:18
sassynsubmit B+C ?15:18
sassynsince I know B+C is working..15:19
avasssassyn: do you mean that HEAD+B fails but HEAD+B+C succeeds?15:20
avasssassyn: I think multiple people have wanted a pipeline manager that works like that, but don't think that's possible to do in zuul at the moment15:20
avassmy idea would be to either squash those commits, or use feature toggles. or something like that, depends on the situation really15:21
clarkbI think tobiash is working on the atomic merges stuff? but ya if HEAD+C works land C before B. If B and C are required bug fixes maybe they should be squashed. If B needs C for interface updates, etc then perhaps land new interfaces alongside old ones in C' first then land B then land C'' to remove old interfaces15:22
sassynso B will fail, and C will be run, if pass it will be commited. B will say with +2 for code review, but with -1 for verified. How to I tell Zuul to retigger it? remove the verified ?15:23
avassoh so HEAD+C succeds?15:23
avassso then HEAD+C+B succeed as well? then you should be able to recheck/regate, if you15:24
avassyou've set up something like that15:24
sassynyes C worked.15:24
sassynbut B have to be recheck, and I can't do it automatically right?15:25
avassno I don't think so15:25
avasswe've set it up so that if the gate fails it sets -2 verified, and allows you to comment 'regate' to rerun the gate if it has a -2 verified15:26
avassso you can skipp the check pipeline and just run the gate directly15:26
avassbut this depends a lot on how things are set up15:26
avassI believe opendev just requires verified +2 workflow +1 for the gate to start15:27
avasscode-review, not verified15:27
avassand that you can retrigger the gate with a comment15:28
sassynavass is use feature toggles?15:29
sassynwhat is*15:30
avasssassyn: like preprocessing directives and things like that to turn parts of the software on and off easily :)15:30
sassyncan u explain more, not sure I got it15:31
avasssassyn: it's so you can turn off features that maybe are not yet ready. I guess one example is if you're preparing to use new hardware that has more features, instead of waiting to merge everything until you've got the new hardware version you can toggle off the features you know require the newer hardware. That way you can keep building and testing15:37
avassif that makes sense15:37
sassynmake sense but how to toggle ?15:37
avassit can either be regular 'if' statements so that code is just not executed, or preprocessing directives so the compilers removes that part of the code.15:38
avassnote that you can also end if with a lot of dead code in your project if you do that :)15:39
sassynunderstand now15:39
clarkbfeature flags are also useful to do partial deployments or A/B testing in production etc15:41
fungithat's where coverage tracking can come in handy, to find dead branches of source code you've forgotten about15:41
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sassynthank u15:42
sassynhi fungi15:42
sassynhow u are doing well:-)15:42
fungioh yes, just in lots of (remote) meetings15:44
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AJaegerzuul-jobs maintainer, please review
avassdone :)16:02
AJaegerthanks tristanC and avass16:07
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AJaegertristanC: the promotion change mentioned in was merged last week shortly after mnaser gave his +1.16:08
AJaegerwe wanted to decouple those two changes16:08
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: go: Use 'block: ... always: ...' and failed_when instead of ignore_errors
AJaegerzuul-jobs maintainer, zbr has a change up for using yamllint which looks fine to me as defined - Feedback welcome, please16:16
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: ara-report: use failed_when: false instead of ignore_errors: true
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: fetch-subunit-output: use failed_when: instead of ignore_errors:
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mordredzbr, AJaeger : one small thing on 725091 - and then I left a note about followup16:23
AJaegerthanks, mordred and avass16:25
corvusif we want to do that, let's proceed with caution and make sure we're solving real problems and not making busy-work.16:28
avassyeah, I can agree to that16:29
corvusmordred: i turned on debug logging in buildkitd, and it looks like after HEADing the manifest from the buildset registry, it then decided that it should GET the underlying blob from registry-1.docker.io16:30
corvusmordred: i don't know why it decided it should get that blob from a different host16:30
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Do not use bare 'item' in build-container-image
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mordredcorvus: that's really weird16:37
corvusmy guess is that it's deciding to fallback to the upstream registry because it doesn't like something about the response from this "mirror"16:41
corvuseven though i can see no errors reported and i think we're providing everything asked for16:41
mordredcorvus: maybe we still arent' configuring mirrors properly?16:43
corvusmordred: it's talking ok up to that point16:43
zbravass: AJaeger mordred: fixing now, also removing the "temporary" comment, as soon it is merged I can try to fix them16:45
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea (zbr) proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Enable yamllint
avasstristanC: re 72365416:50
corvuswebknjaz: i think we may have disproven the theory that our web server memory leak is due to newest cherrypy;  we still have a mem leak, but it doesn't seem related to the cherrypy upgrade.16:52
corvusso there must be some other change that happened that we don't understand yet16:53
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Support multi-arch image builds with docker buildx
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: DNM Check to see if images from intermediate work
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Write a buildkitd config file pointing to buildset registry
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Write buildkitd.toml in use-buildset-registry
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add zuul labels to images and ability to user-define more
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zenkurohi is there a way to increase timeout for job for longer then 7 hours?17:07
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul master: Don't exit zuul-web when signals are received
clarkbtobiash: ^ is that what you had in mind for the signal handling? I think that is a lot cleaner. THanks17:08
clarkbzenkuro: Zuul allows jobs to set arbitrary timeout values but then that can be limited by the zuul admins via a global (or maybe tenant) max timeout17:09
mordredcorvus: I just had a dumb idea17:11
clarkbzenkuro: that means the answer is "yes" but it may depend on what your zuul admins have set the limits to17:13
zenkuroclarkb: in other words if my manual timeout fails I have to check general zuul conf17:13
clarkbzenkuro: yes, you could be externally limited17:13
zenkuroby manual timeout a mean my job config fails on basic validation17:14
mordredcorvus: we have a mirror configured for right? do we need to configure one for too?17:15
corvusmordred: i don't think so17:16
clarkbzenkuro: are you able to share that failure?17:16
zenkuronope... it is config failure on software factory, and for some reasons Im not able to see logs on it...17:17
zenkuroand I havent configured sf from scratch to post logs  =(17:17
clarkbthere are other reasons a simple job update could fail17:18
clarkb(and I don't think setting a value beyond the limit is a failure you'll just get capped instead. But I'm not sure of that)17:18
corvusmordred: wow17:24
corvusmordred: zuul-registry needs to *not* return the digest header if it gets a HEAD on the manifest17:24
y2kennyjust a quick note/observation (I am not sure if there's a better way)... when the build job exceed the disk_limit_per_job, zuul seems to just keep retrying without failing (up to 41 attempts before I noticed it.)  (I left the limit to default 250 when the kernel source size is like  1+ GB.)  I ended up finding the executor responsible and look at17:25
y2kennythe executor log to see the warning.17:25
corvusy2kenny: zuul should have a default of 3 attempts for each job:
y2kennycorvus: I remember things failing after 3 attempts for other type of failure but this one didn't for some reason17:27
zenkuroclarkb: ive got failure by increasing timeout from 3600 to 3600017:27
corvusy2kenny: hrm, maybe it's failing early enough that doesn't catch it; thanks for the report17:28
clarkbzenkuro: if you simply update the job description (for that same job) do you also get a failure?17:28
corvusmordred: i believe that's a spec violation, but i'm guessing they coded buildkit to the implementation, and the implementation doesn't return that header because of their weird cloudflare offloading.17:29
y2kennycorvus: the failure is at the executor level I think... before job getting run.  first checkout of the repository and all that.17:29
avasscorvus: I've seen zuul retrying past 3 tries if pywinrm isn't installed, not sure if that has been fixed yet though17:30
zenkuroclarkb: nope. I will try again now and upfate you17:30
corvusavass: ah, that's also tied into executor behaviors, that could also be a very early failure like y2kenny describes17:31
mordredcorvus: wow17:32
avasscorvus: I could probably take a look at that later in the week17:33
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul-registry master: Don't return Docker-Content-Digest header on HEAD
corvusmordred: ^ i think that should do it17:34
corvusmordred: i edited the registry in-place on the test node to discover/verify that17:34
corvusmordred: i have found this sequence useful for experimenting with both the registry and the buildkit config: 'docker exec <do something to modify files>'; docker commit ...; docker restart ...;17:35
mordredcorvus: I feel like we should file a bug somewher e- but I'm not 100% sure where17:35
corvusthat's easier than reconstructing the corresponding containers from scratch17:35
mordredcorvus: oh! good point17:35
corvusmordred: definitely in docker.  or moby.  or buildkit. or containerd.17:35
tobiashclarkb: yes17:35
mordredclarkb, tobiash: have a sec for a +A on 725350 from corvus there?17:36
clarkbmordred: looking17:37
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-registry master: Don't return Docker-Content-Digest header on HEAD
zbrthere is one change I want to make to tox role, to make it split TOXENV and loop over each targe, so we have different task for each environment.17:57
zenkuroclarkb: yes, Ive rechecked. adding 0 to 3600 cause config error17:57
zbrthis should fix the problem of confusing errors for those few calling it with multiple environments like TOXENV=foo,bar,zoo17:58
zbrif foo fails, tox will run the others and finding the error in the console would be a tremendous task, example:
zbranyone against this idea?17:59
clarkbzenkuro: in that case I guess we don't silently cap and do error. You'll need to see what your global limit is I guess17:59
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Write buildkitd.toml in use-buildset-registry
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zenkurohm Ive found timeout for basejob, but increasig it resulted in a failure18:09
clarkbzenkuro: the base job tiemout is a default not a cap. Let me find the config option to cap it18:09
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul master: merger: warn about invalid object type
AJaegerzuul-jobs maintainers, please review , ,
zenkuroclarkb:  thanks clarkb, looks like it worked18:38
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Don't exit zuul-web when signals are received
zenkurosorry for dumb questions, havent familiarized myself with zuul yet18:39
corvuszenkuro: no apology necessary :)18:55
corvusmordred: iiuc, 724757 being green now means you can squash 724757, 724751, 722339 together and we should be good to merge?18:55
mordredcorvus: the multiarch job is green!!!18:55
corvusmordred: neat-oh :)18:56
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Support multi-arch image builds with docker buildx
mordredcorvus: thereyago18:57
mordredclarkb: if you have a sec, ^^ that implements multi-arch building so should let us update nb03 with docker containers18:59
clarkbmordred: I will in about 10-15 minutes18:59
mordredclarkb: and I think we're about as confident as we could be about it working18:59
mordredtobiash: ^^ you might want to look too? (or you might not - I don't know if multi-arch docker images are important to you at all)18:59
mordredcorvus: actually - let me clean something up real quick19:01
mordredcorvus: there is an entry in the job vars that doesn't work (and never has)19:01
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Support multi-arch image builds with docker buildx
mordredcorvus, clarkb, tobiash: ^^ removed cruft from job definition19:03
mordredmnaser: ^^ multi-arch docker builds19:03
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add zuul labels to images and ability to user-define more
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AJaegermordred: could you check , please?19:27
AJaegermnaser: can we merge now?19:28
clarkbmordred: in the pull and tag at does that pull and tag for all built arches?19:28
clarkbmordred: and does the build tag not apply at all? because we add tags on the build command line19:30
mordredclarkb: the second tag is probably not needed - the pull pulls for the arch that the node is running on19:33
mordredclarkb: the pull basically ensures that after a build on that host, normal docker commands can work19:33
mordredclarkb: the buildx sequence is inverted - basically instead of "build, tag, push" which results in the images being both in the local cache and the buildset registry, we do "build+tag+push, pull" which results in the images being in both the local cache and the buildset registry19:34
clarkbmordred: oh gotcha so if there is overlap between target and build host then the imgae will be present for use on the build host19:35
clarkbmordred: so we can remove the last task there to do the tag?19:35
mordredoh - no - the second tag is necessary19:35
mordredthe second tag is to make sure that in the local cache the image shows up as the target production tag19:35
mordredwe tag it only with the buildset registry name in teh buildx command so that it pushes it there19:35
mordredin normal docker we tag as the target tag during build, then re-tag with the buildset registry tag so that we can push the refs there19:36
clarkbmordred: lines 18 and 40 look the same though?19:36
mordredclarkb: 40 is tagging buidset_registry/repo/tag as repo/tag19:36
mordredclarkb: 18 is tagging the image as buildset_regigstry/repo/tag19:37
clarkbI see the suffix on 40 is important19:37
mordredprefix - but yes19:37
mordredyou know - we could PROBABLY just pull it as the correct name and skip the re-tagging - but I'd want to do that as a followup19:38
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Don't pull and retag in buildx workflow
mordredclarkb, corvus : ^^ I *think* that should also work19:40
clarkbmordred: why dod we use a specific sha for docker/binfmt?19:46
mordredclarkb: there is no general tag19:47
mordredclarkb: they strongly recommend using explicit shas19:47
mordredclarkb: also - is your brain bleeding yet?19:47
fungii feel like these people are all rediscovering problems which got solves decades ago19:48
mordredfungi: but nobody solved them in golang decades ago19:48
clarkbmordred: I'm enjoying that ipv6 continues to hate us19:49
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clarkbmordred: do we want to keep the zuul-registry -d flag? I think that is for debug output?19:51
clarkbI left that as a comment on the change19:56
mordredclarkb: yeah - corvus commented on that on a previous ps - I think it's a good idea - helps with debugging19:57
clarkbzuulians is a somewhat minor gerrit driver update, but it helps cut down on tracebacks that are expected and the user can't do much about20:06
clarkband that in turn aids debugging when you are trying to skim logs to find unhappy things20:06
mordredclarkb: are you sure that cuts down on tracebacks?20:14
mordredclarkb: you're using log.exception20:14
clarkbmordred: ya but we don't retry20:14
mordredah - nod20:14
clarkbmordred: before we were getting 3 of them20:14
clarkbwe should only get one now20:14
mordreddo we want the traceback at all?20:14
clarkbmordred: maybe not. I could see that being log.info20:15
mordredseems like we could go to log.error (or - it's not an exception in the code - we'v ehandled it, it's not a thing the admin needs to worry about20:15
mordredI mean- I think we can land this20:15
mordredjust saying - maybe we want to further clean up20:15
avassmordred: I'm going to nit at you not generating tempfiles in 722339 :)20:19
mordredavass: oh no20:24
mordredavass: I was hoping nobody would notice that20:24
mordredavass: mind if we fix it in a followup? I'll work on one right now20:25
avassmordred: I was planning on doing that after the merge :)20:25
avassit doesn't really matter that much20:26
mordredavass: cool :)20:28
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Use tempfile in buildx build
mordredavass: ++20:29
avassI hardly believe someone without a /tmp is going to start using the multiarch feature soon anyway ;)20:30
mordredavass: never say never20:33
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: ansible-lint: use matchplay instead of matchtask
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: use zj_image instead of image as loopvar
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: use zj_log_file instead of item as loop_var
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Check blocks recursively for loops
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Update ansible-lint-rules testsuite to only test with the relevant rule
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avass^ I also pushed a patch to update matchplay in ansible-lint to return linenumber since at the moment it give you the line the block starts at20:36
avassbut that stack should be pretty ready20:36
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y2kennyIs this suppose to be updated to zj_pod.1.context instead of item.1.context?21:00
avassy2kenny: oh no, YES21:01
y2kennyok... I was going crazy wondering why things broke21:02
y2kennyand the no_log from is not working for some reason (even though I set the verbose to True)21:03
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: fetch-logs-openshift: fix miss when replacing item with loop_var: zj_
avasszuul-jobs-maint: ^21:05
y2kennyshould be zj_pod right?21:06
y2kennynot zj_output?21:06
clarkby2kenny: no the loop var below is zj_output21:06
y2kennybut zj_output only have src and dst?21:06
clarkbhrm ya21:07
y2kennythe namespace and context is from the loop in main.yaml?21:07
clarkbI think you are right21:07
clarkby2kenny: updated my review. Thank you for pointing that out21:08
avassoh, yeah you're right21:08
y2kennyI would've comment directly but I couldn't find my login for the moment21:08
openstackgerritAlbin Vass proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: fetch-logs-openshift: fix miss when replacing item with loop_var: zj_
avasstry number 2 then21:08
avassy2kenny: thanks!21:09
y2kennyavass: does this go live immediately on submit?21:10
avassy2kenny: once it's merged yup21:10
y2kennyok thanks21:11
avassclarkb: can make sure that change is merged? It's getting late here21:13
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Don't retry after Gerrit HTTP 409s
clarkbavass: I can try!21:13
avassclarkb: thanks :)21:14
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jamesmcarthurHi Zuul team.  Just want to give you a heads up re: our user survey results.  We had 18 very solid responses, but we're still planning to do anotehr marketing push to grab more.21:30
jamesmcarthurThe great news is, these are excellent companies, many who have opted to share their results publicly.21:31
jamesmcarthurI just sent an email following up with each of the "public" group (10 total that are new) and asked if they could submit a bit more info for a use case.21:31
jamesmcarthurOnce we comb through those responses, we'll do follow ups as necessary and plan to publish use cases on the Zuul website via PR.21:32
jamesmcarthurReally excited about this :)  And if anyone is interested, here are some of the big new names: oVirt, Wazo, T-Systems, CESNET, Good Money, and Just Eat21:33
jamesmcarthurCongrats to you all on making compelling and usable software!21:33
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clarkbmordred: corvus fungi ianw if any of you are still around can you look at to fix an issue y2kenny found?21:41
fungithanks for the deets jamesmcarthur!21:54
fungiclarkb: sure, i can take a peek here in a bit21:54
clarkbfungi: thanks!21:54
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corvusclarkb: done22:07
corvusjamesmcarthur: awesome, thanks!22:08
jamesmcarthuryes! Thank you all :)22:08
corvusjamesmcarthur: i just thought of something -- maybe we should put a link to it at the end of the zuul quickstart22:10
corvusjamesmcarthur: so it's like "you just got your first zuul up and running!  congrats!  we'd like to hear from you"22:10
jamesmcarthurOh...  I love that.22:11
jamesmcarthurgreat idea corvus22:11
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Add a link to the user survey to the end of the quickstart.
corvushah that is not the url22:15
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Add a link to the user survey to the end of the quickstart.
corvusjamesmcarthur: ^ there we go22:15
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: fetch-logs-openshift: fix miss when replacing item with loop_var: zj_
mordredcorvus: has 2x+2 but clarkb left it open in case other people wanted to review22:26
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: ensure-pip: use python2-pip when running under Python 2
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: ensure-pip: Install backported pip for Xenial
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add plain nodes to testing
openstackgerritMerged zuul/nodepool master: Handle ipv6 literal zookeeper addresses
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: ensure-pip: use python2-pip when running under Python 2
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: ensure-pip: Install backported pip for Xenial
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add plain nodes to testing
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: ensure-pip: use python2-pip when running under Python 2
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: ensure-pip: Install backported pip for Xenial
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add plain nodes to testing

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