Tuesday, 2020-02-25

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openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-helm master: Drop args from container spec  https://review.opendev.org/70942405:39
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avassfungi: A regular expression (or list of regular expressions) which describe on what branches a job should run (or in the case of variants, to alter the behavior of a job for a certain branch).07:43
avassaaaah bad paste07:43
avassfungi: regarding https://review.opendev.org/#/c/578557/ we were thinking of implementing something like that. Nice to know someone is already working on it :)07:44
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avassAh, I'll take a look at it. :)07:52
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openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: Scheduler test app manager  https://review.opendev.org/70881208:05
openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: Use scheduler factory consistently in tests  https://review.opendev.org/70954208:17
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openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: Use scheduler manager consistently in tests  https://review.opendev.org/70954209:24
openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: Refactor executor_client in tests  https://review.opendev.org/70967209:24
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avassIs there any way to configure how long a job can be 'queued', I guess waiting for a node, until it automatically fails/skips/succeeds?09:30
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openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: Refactor merge_client in tests  https://review.opendev.org/70967609:47
zbris there are way to disable the retry support for pre on specific jobs?10:09
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fbotobiash: hi, I would like to know if you use zubbi in production https://github.com/bmwcarit/zubbi and if there is a demo instance we could play with ?10:50
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Fix install-docker on centos-8  https://review.opendev.org/70918410:57
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Tests ensure-tox on all-platforms  https://review.opendev.org/70864211:00
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Tests bindep role on all-platforms  https://review.opendev.org/70870411:01
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Tests bindep role on all-platforms  https://review.opendev.org/70870411:02
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Tests ensure-tox on all-platforms  https://review.opendev.org/70864211:02
pabelangerzbr: yes, set job.attempts to 111:26
openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: Refactor merge_client in tests  https://review.opendev.org/70967611:42
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pabelangerclarkb: over the last few days, I have seen an increase of email bouncing from you email address: http://paste.openstack.org/show/789969/11:58
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openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: Refactor nodepool in tests  https://review.opendev.org/70970312:07
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openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: Refactor zookeeper in tests  https://review.opendev.org/70970912:23
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Ensure job.queued is correct after reconfig  https://review.opendev.org/70955912:28
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openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: WIP: Store unparsed branch config in Zookeeper  https://review.opendev.org/70571612:36
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rishabhhpeHi All , my SSH is working from zuul-nodepool server to spawned nova instance .. but ansible is not taking it and saying unreachable but manually i am able to ssh in to the instance12:58
rishabhhpefor error: http://paste.openstack.org/show/789977/12:59
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pabelangerfrom you zuul-executor, can you manually SSH into the node from nodepool?13:02
rishabhhpepabelanger: yes i am able to do it13:07
rishabhhpeit was working fine till today morning  but now suddenly it is throwing this error13:07
pabelangerrishabhhpe: possible it isn't at routing or network issue?13:08
pabelangeror, maybe SSH hostkey isn't setup properly13:08
rishabhhpebut it was working fine till morning i did not touched anything yet13:09
pabelangersounds like network issue13:11
pabelangeror new image build was uploaded an something changed13:11
openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: Consolidate scheduler pause/exit as hibernation  https://review.opendev.org/70972313:12
rishabhhpepabelanger: yes i changed the image but only the proxy except that everythong is same13:15
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul master: config: add tenant.toDict() method and REST endpoint  https://review.opendev.org/62134413:49
tristanCzuul-maint: could you please add https://review.opendev.org/621344 to your review stack. it's a much needed feature that would help us deprecate and safely remove labels.13:55
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tristanCone year ago, corvus said we shouldn't keep such feature in the long term, but we regurlarly receive request about such feature, e.g. to know which jobs use which labels14:04
tristanCthus please let me know if i should abandon that change and implement the feature in a separate project instead14:07
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openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: Scheduler's pause/resume functionality  https://review.opendev.org/70973514:27
tobiashtristanC: corvus' concern was about response size. Was there a discussion about that?14:39
tobiashfbo: yes, we're using it in production (with some deployment specific additions). We once had a running demo instance but I don't know the current state of it. I have to ask my collegues about it14:40
swestfbo: I had to check, but the test instance is still up: http://ad43b5505180211e99b0002e3f6a3815-573606705.eu-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com/14:42
fbotobiash: swest thanks I'll have a look !14:44
corvusfbo, swest: we were working on moving more of that functionality into zuul too... i think that would still be welcome14:44
tristanCtobiash: the change implements a zuul-web cache to prevent gearman bus saturation. i don't think the size is an issue. I think the real problem is that the schemas may not be stable and we are not commited to support such interface14:45
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tobiashcorvus: yes, there are a few changes in review that probably need updates (and reviews): https://review.opendev.org/#/q/status:open+project:zuul/zuul+branch:master+topic:zubbi-integration14:47
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swestcorvus: tobiash: there was not much feedback on those changes so it came to nothing14:59
clarkbpabelanger: it is failing because DNS isnt fully configured for that name. I'velet mordred know in -infra15:00
corvusswest: i'm sorry i neglected them, i'll be happy to take a look if you still have time to work on it15:00
swestcorvus: to be fair we also did not push for a review :) I'll talk to Felix about it15:03
corvustristanC, tobiash: i just ran 621344 on the repl for the openstack tenant; it took 19.66 seconds to generate the dictionary data structure; unfortunately there were mapping proxies involved, so it doesn't render to json without further changes, but i ran "repr" on it to get an order of magnitude, it's 137,348,018 bytes.15:05
tobiashcorvus, tristanC: what do you think about deferring this to after ha scheduler when zuul-web could pull this directly from zk (of course cached)?15:06
corvustobiash: yeah, i think that's a good idea15:07
corvusi'm not convinced we're going to want to send a 137MB json response to rest api users even then, but if we do decide to do that, we will at least have the technical ability to do so without impacting the scheduler.15:08
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corvus(openstack's status json tops out around 5MB i think? and we thought that was pretty big)15:10
openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: Make test setup_config more pure  https://review.opendev.org/70908415:19
openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: Scheduler test app manager  https://review.opendev.org/70881215:19
openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: Use scheduler manager consistently in tests  https://review.opendev.org/70954215:19
tristanCcorvus: when running this change in the rdo tenant, the config fitted in less than 10MB .15:21
openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: Refactor executor_client in tests  https://review.opendev.org/70967215:22
openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: Refactor merge_client in tests  https://review.opendev.org/70967615:22
openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: Refactor nodepool in tests  https://review.opendev.org/70970315:22
openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: Refactor zookeeper in tests  https://review.opendev.org/70970915:22
openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: Consolidate scheduler pause/exit as hibernation  https://review.opendev.org/70972315:22
openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: Scheduler's pause/resume functionality  https://review.opendev.org/70973515:22
tristanCthough we dropped that patch in software-factory zuul package, and now we are not able to tell what jobs uses a specific label15:23
corvustristanC: it's possible that was inflated by a bunch of "mappingproxy()" strings.  if so, i agree 10MB seems plausible.15:23
corvustristanC: after HA scheduler, we won't have to worry about the time to generate the structure, and if it does end up being 10MB for something like openstack, i think that sounds like somethig we should be able to handle15:24
corvustristanC: how about a narrow solution to that problem?  have the scheduler do a reverse mapping of label -> jobs, then provide that on an endpoint for labels?  it could cache the results until the next reconfig.15:26
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corvustobiash: fyi we just used full-reconfigure to recover from an inconsistent state in opendev (from a period where a repo was broken in gerrit).  so apparently that can happen.  :)15:29
tristanCcorvus: that would work, but looking at the zubbi stack, we also need a tenant -> jobs list,   and i think pipeline -> projects is also a useful info.  thus we might end up with multiple endpoint for each problems15:29
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openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: WIP: Store unparsed branch config in Zookeeper  https://review.opendev.org/70571615:30
tristanCcorvus: to know the jobs <-> labels relationship, it involves quite a bit of processing (e.g. look at earch ppc, then each pipeline, then each job variants, ...)15:31
tristanCthus, i'd rather implement https://review.opendev.org/621344 as a separate service to provide global config introspection15:32
tobiashtristanC, corvus: sounds like we want a graphql endpoint after ha scheduler ;)15:32
corvustristanC, swest: yes, i think we need a roadmap for the zubbi work (either an email or a spec).  because if it's fully integrated into zuul, we may not need to ship so much data.  zubbi needs all of that now to perform processing, but if we just integrated it into the zuul web ui, it may be simpler....15:32
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corvustobiash:  :(15:32
corvusi don't think we need an external service that takes all of zuul's config, processes it, mutates it, and presents it to the user for viewing.  that's *zuul's* job.15:33
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tristanCtobiash: i think a graphql endpoint would still custom function (e.g. as corvus suggested) to crunch the config data15:33
corvusso let's look at what things we want to show the user and figure out the best way to do that.15:34
corvustake labels: it's pretty intuitive to show a list of labels to the user, and in each label, show which jobs/nodesets use it.  so why not have zuul calculate that once, cache the result, and return it?15:35
corvussame thing for roles (the killer feature for zubbi) -- move that into zuul itself and provide a roles endpoint that maps roles to jobs15:35
tobiashmakes sense15:36
tristanCcorvus: http://lists.zuul-ci.org/pipermail/zuul-discuss/2018-November/000640.html lists some of those things15:36
tristanCand the thread continued http://lists.zuul-ci.org/pipermail/zuul-discuss/2018-December/000643.html15:37
corvusat least i'm consistent :)15:38
tristanCcorvus: indeed :)15:38
tristanCso, for labels, we would have /label/{name}/projects   to return the project list,  and /label/{name}/jobs  to return the list of job15:39
corvusmaybe start with /jobs -- we know the use case for that.  /projects might be interesting too, but it's also one-click away from /label/{name}/jobs, so we might be able to live without it (but can add it if we find it would be helpful)?15:41
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mordredcorvus: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/709306/ is a cleanup patch from the zuul-jobs stuff from the other day that might otherwise just fall through the cracks16:20
corvusmordred: thanks!16:25
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Fix cleanup of symlink fixtures  https://review.opendev.org/70930616:46
Shrewscorvus: qq on 709261 for you17:09
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corvusShrews: thx, replied17:10
Shrewscorvus: cool, so no stream is a hard fail.17:12
corvuswell, at least, no port forward17:12
corvusthe port forward happens before anything on the remote node.  so all we're asserting here is that kubectl is installed and has access to the cluster to establish a port-forward17:13
corvusthe container can still completely fail to actually stream any output and that's fine17:13
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corvusthat's not the executor's problem though :)17:13
Shrewscorvus: lgtm!17:17
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rishabhhpeHi All , can u please help me in resolving this error .. i tried installing openssh with the disk builder but still it did not helped out for error please see here http://paste.openstack.org/show/789977/17:27
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zenkurohello, I was making zuul from scratch guide. And I have few questions: how to properly intdgrate mysql into zuul17:33
zenkuroIve installled mysql, created zuul db and granted access writes to a zuul user along side with puting ot all including a password in zuul config17:35
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zenkurobut fro some reson db where not started to operate. creation of tables(like in software factory) didnt help as well17:36
corvuszenkuro: can you run the scheduler with the "-d" argument to see debug output, then see if you see a line like "Current migration revision" in the output?17:39
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corvusrishabhhpe: if i understand correctly, you are using diskimage builder (with nodepool-builder?) to build cloud images with zuul's ssh public key already installed, but the zuul executor is unable to connect to instances launched from that image?17:41
rishabhhpecorvus: yes i passed the pub and private key both for disk-image-builder able to ssh from zuul executor machine but when the same is happened with the help zuul playbook it is not going getting unreachable message17:42
rishabhhpeit was working till morning but from evening onwards i am stuck with this error ... not sure but from my end no changes are done17:43
corvusrishabhhpe: where on the executor is the private key installed?17:44
corvus(what's the full path)17:44
rishabhhpecorvus: yes on executor it is there17:44
corvusrishabhhpe: what is the full path to the private key file?17:44
rishabhhpei have it in my service user ~/.ssh/ path17:45
corvusfull path.  no ~17:45
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rishabhhpecorvus: /home/openstack-ci/.ssh/id_rsa17:46
rishabhhpebut my job got triggered today morning although it failed in between but i was able to pass this step .17:47
corvusrishabhhpe: and you run zuul-executor as openstack-ci, and "echo ~openstack-ci" is "/home/openstack-ci" ?17:50
rishabhhpeYes ..17:50
rishabhhpei am running my services as sudo17:50
rishabhhpenot as openstack-ci17:50
corvusrishabhhpe: is the effective user id of the zuul-executor process root or openstack-ci ?17:51
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Fix install-docker on centos-8  https://review.opendev.org/70918417:52
Shrewsmight also want to check the value of https://zuul-ci.org/docs/nodepool/configuration.html#attr-diskimages.username17:52
rishabhhpeshrews: i am passing the user details in nodepool.yaml file17:53
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rishabhhpecorvus: its effective user id is root only as i am starrting it with sudo17:55
corvusrishabhhpe: later, you should consider not running it as root; it should not be necessary and it will improve security.  but we can continue to debug the current situtation.17:56
corvusrishabhhpe: can you check the zuul-executor logs and search for the line "Added SSH Key" and paste it here?17:57
rishabhhpecorvus: please see it here : http://paste.openstack.org/show/789998/17:59
rishabhhpei can see my key got replaced with root from today onwards17:59
rishabhhpebut how i can make sure that it should take the same key again17:59
corvusrishabhhpe: by default it uses ~/.ssh/id_18:00
corvusrishabhhpe: by default it uses ~/.ssh/id_rsa.  so it looks like you may have switched users18:00
corvusrishabhhpe: so maybe the easiest and best solution is to go ahead and get it running as the openstack-ci user; that should solve this problem and is better security18:00
rishabhhpecorvus: from my end i am using the same configuration only18:01
rishabhhpelet me try that18:01
corvusrishabhhpe: (however, if you need to, you can specify the key path in zuul.conf with this option: https://zuul-ci.org/docs/zuul/discussion/components.html#attr-executor.private_key_file )18:02
rishabhhpeand if i am trying to start it with the openstack-ci user i am landing in to other troubles like module pip not found18:02
zenkurocorvus: hm... cant connect to mysqk server name or server not known18:03
rishabhhpecorvus: in the above link you mentioned  in that case no need to switch the user ?18:03
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corvusrishabhhpe: correct.  but you should really work on fixing the install so it doesn't require root.18:04
rishabhhpeOK Sure18:04
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corvuszenkuro: maybe check the format of the dburi -- if you're using mysql, it should look something like this:  dburi=mysql+pymysql://user:pass@hostname/database18:05
corvuszenkuro: and of course, check that you can use the mysql client to connect to that hostname from the zuul scheduler host18:06
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rishabhhpecorvus: i had changes the zuul.conf file like this but still it is taking the same /root/.ssh/id_rsa file only .. please check if i had set it wrong18:18
corvusrishabhhpe: the name of the option is "private_key_file" not "sshkey"  see https://zuul-ci.org/docs/zuul/discussion/components.html#attr-executor.private_key_file18:25
rishabhhpeohh my bad18:25
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tristanCcorvus: iiuc https://review.opendev.org/708860 would fix https://zuul.opendev.org/t/zuul/builds?job_name=zuul-operator-promote-image  . in that case, could you please have a look18:32
tristanCcorvus: i think the current zuul-operator repo is mostly usable and i'd like to give it a try and document it's current usage (e.g. run this kubectl command to get a zuul)18:33
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corvustristanC: thanks, i'll look after the infra meeting; i just did a pass of changes in the operator repo and noticed this https://review.opendev.org/705589 is blocking https://review.opendev.org/70275819:03
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tristanCcorvus: trying the port-forward change locally, it seems like kubectl requires socat on the executor host too19:16
corvustristanC: yes, i think i read that19:16
corvusis that missing from our images?19:17
tristanCi don't know, but that is a new requirement19:17
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corvusif we want to approach this more conservatively, we can probably update the change to bulk-output the stdout/stderr at the end of the command if kubectl didn't work, and start logging warnings.19:18
corvus(it's unclear to me whether there are many users that are both using pods and don't have kubectl+socat on their executor images (or are not using upstream container images where we can ensure that this change lands with those))19:19
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zenkurocorvus: thanks! error was in config. And Yes looks like mysql creates all necessary tables in db by itself19:34
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corvuszenkuro: yay!19:45
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Evaluate CODEOWNERS settings during canMerge check  https://review.opendev.org/64455720:59
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Refactor branch protection test infrastructure  https://review.opendev.org/70983420:59
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Test canMerge also with checks api  https://review.opendev.org/70983520:59
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Optimize canMerge using graphql  https://review.opendev.org/70983620:59
zenkurocorvus: but for some reason build and buld set tabs are showing nothing besides 'Loading...'21:00
zenkuroIf I want to commit somerhing to documentation should I create separate brunch or just push it to the mastef?21:02
mordredzenkuro: either is fine. when you run git review it will submit it to gerrit as a change aimed at the master branch21:03
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zenkuromordred: thanks21:04
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corvuszenkuro: check to make sure that zuul-web has the same sql configuration information in zuul.conf as zuul-scheduler does (you can use the same conf file for both), and that you have restarted zuul-web after you got everything working.21:10
corvuszenkuro: check the zuul-web logs for any errors.  i'm also not positive what happens when you visit those tabs with a working database but no data in it; it's possible that case may not be handled well21:11
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Optimize canMerge using graphql  https://review.opendev.org/70983621:17
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Evaluate CODEOWNERS settings during canMerge check  https://review.opendev.org/64455721:17
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clarkbcorvus: tobiash: out of curiousity why store teh times database in sql and not in zk? (I'm reading the ha scheduler spec now)21:20
clarkbis that due to the content size and znode size limits/21:20
corvusclarkb: yeah, i mean, it's essentially there anyway; we can drop it as a separate thing once builds in sql are implied anyway21:21
tobiashclarkb: the idea was that the info is already there and we save complexity managing our own binary times data format in zk21:21
clarkboh right the data is already there. Got it21:21
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clarkbtobiash: corvus ok I left a couple commments but mostly about thinking ahead and I think the spec itself is fine21:30
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corvustobiash: do you know what the changes between patchset 17 and 18 are?21:43
tobiashcorvus: that should be only a rebase due to the index conflict21:44
corvusok cool, thx21:44
corvusi think i'll carry over the +2s and +W it now21:45
tobiashit conflicted with the circular dep merge21:45
zenkuro13corvus: you where right there is an issue with the web https://softwarefactory-project.io/paste/show/1743/. and is there any separate zuul.conf for web besides general zuul conf?21:51
corvuszenkuro13: what was the issue?  they are designed to be able to use the same config file, but you can use a different one with the "-c" argument.  but if you find that's necessary, i'm curious why21:53
zenkuro13corvus: I think Im using same config(since I havent specified opposit).21:55
corvuszenkuro13: the error you pasted just looks like a messy stop -- was there anything before that?21:55
zenkuro13manual service termination and start21:56
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corvustobiash: implied sql reporters is going to be a drag on tests; we may need to do something clever there like mock it out, or create the tables in a test fixture so we don't have to run all the migrations.22:30
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tobiashyes, or maybe we find an in memory sql backend for the tests22:33
tristanCiirc sqlite mostly works for zuul22:33
tobiashseems like sqlite supports an in-memory mode22:36
tobiashso maybe it's possible to create that as s fixture with pre created tables22:37
corvusmy biggest concern is the migrations (that's slow even in sqlite), but secondarily, yeah, maybe sqlite in-memory for most tests and real dbs for the current db-specific tests22:37
mordredcorvus: I like the idea of having a $something that just creates the tables22:38
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Store build.error_detail in SQL  https://review.opendev.org/70985722:39
mordredcorvus: it could even be the result of "run migrations on empty database, run mysqldump to capture the simple schema creation commands, run the dump as the test fixture"22:39
corvusmordred: yeah22:39
mordredcorvus: which we could either figure out how to run/generate at the top of a test run - or we could have a script to generate it when we add new db migrations ... or something else smarter22:40
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Add spec for scale out scheduler  https://review.opendev.org/62147922:41
tristanCmaybe there is a way to re-use a copy of the sqlite memory after the migration is performed?22:43
mordredtobiash: \o/ scale out scheduler!22:46
mordredcorvus: question I didn't think to ask in the spec ...22:47
mordredtobiash, corvus: it calls for doing things in a series of discreet steps ... whichis great. step #1 is "required db" - do we land that patch and tag a 4.0.0 and just have the other steps be followup point releases?22:47
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tobiashcorvus: thinking about that I think the easiest would be to just mock the db away as most tests don't need that data22:49
corvusmordred: that's a good question...22:49
corvustobiash: i'd be ok with that22:49
tobiashmordred: the order doesn't need to be strict, but I think starting with a release with mandatory sql is a good start22:50
corvusmordred, tobiash: i'd be okay with a feature branch if we want.  i know we hate them, but this might be appropriate.22:50
mordredcorvus: weirdly the only issue I can see with just doing a 4.0 with requred-db but none of the rest is one of marketing22:51
mordredwhich I'm not convinced is important ... just may be a thing we want to consider22:51
corvusas long as there's only one breaking change22:51
corvusso if we did that, i think we'd probably want to at least have all the components connect to zk even if they idle22:52
tobiashcorvus: I'd like to avoid a feature branch as long as we don't need it ( e.g. sql and test refactorings could land independently) however at the end we might end up either with a feature branch or a stack of changes  doing most of the zk stuff22:52
mordredI think zk connections - and also forcing ssl/auth on the zk connections is the other deployer facing breaking change right? but we could do ssl/auth, zk connections and required-ssl in the 4.0 - even with idle zk connections - and that would still be a pretty small change?22:53
corvusmordred: agreed22:54
tobiashyes, makes sense22:54
mordredmaybe add the ability to configure zk connections for all components - that don't get used ... cut a release with that - and then send out a warning "you should go update your deployments to enable this"22:54
mordredso that people can take the update, then roll out any new config that's needed, then take the 4.0 and never actually be broken22:55
corvushttps://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2007192 doesn't seem very responsive to me22:55
corvusmordred: i think all components have the ability to have zk configuration22:56
corvus(the zk config is not component-specific)22:56
mordredah - good point22:56
corvusso that's done! :)22:56
corvusbut let's say that idea applies to zk auth though22:57
mordredand any intra-node firewalls people have22:57
mordredcorvus: I feel like there was one more smallish breaking change we talked about bundling into 4.0 but I can't remember what it was23:01
corvusmordred: maybe old-style depends-on?23:02
mordredcorvus: also maybe dropping python 3.5 support (although that's still what opendev is using)23:03
mordredI don't think either of those were what I'm trying to remember though23:03
corvusi think that's a pretty cool plan23:04
mordredI agree23:04
mordredSpamapS, pabelanger: if you're around, could you look at the etherpad above?23:04
corvusthat should mean that if you follow the recommendations to get the zk connections set up before upgrading to 4.0, everyone can more or less CD along together into zuul v4 without any major breaking changes/downtime (and, by the end, zero downtime at all ;)23:06
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tobiashmordred: ++ for dropping 3.5 :)23:09
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mordredwe'd need to get opendev deploying from the container images to do that ... I think pretty much everyone else is running >3.5 already23:10
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clarkbfwiw I don't think dropping python3.5 requires a major version bump23:17
clarkb(so maybe decoupling it from this process is worthwhile)23:17
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mordredclarkb: no? I mean - it is a breaking change if you're running on 3.523:25
mordredclarkb: I think we've been defining "breaking change" as "something that an operator of zuul needs to take positive action on"23:26
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clarkbmordred: I think I see it more like the ansible bunps23:26
clarkbit is following up stream cadence and while it does at times require action to be taken there are multiple available paths forward23:26
corvusmaybe it's "something that most/all operators need to take action on?"  i dunno, it's a good question :)23:26
mordredclarkb: yah - but we haven't removed support for old ansibles either23:26
clarkbmordred: we have we removed 2.523:26
mordredoh we did? cool23:27
mordredbut still -that's mostly reflecting a reality that's happening outside of the zuul context - the ansible community is ceasing to support that and we're following suit23:27
mordredanywho - I could go either way23:27
clarkbI also dont 'really see the urgency23:28
clarkbif zuul was using asyncio I would want to push forward with python versions but zuul has done the opposite23:28
mordredmaybe let's say "if we've gotten opendev onto the containers, we could consider dropping 3.5 when we cut 4.0"23:28
mordredthere's a couple of nice things in later python3's it would be nice to be able to choose to use - it's totally not urgent23:29
mordredjust at _some_ point it's something we should do23:29
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