Friday, 2020-02-21

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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Evaluate CODEOWNERS settings during canMerge check
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Add --validate-tenants option to zuul scheduler
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed zuul/zuul master: Authorization rules: add templating
openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: Make test setup_config more pure
openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: Make test setup_config more pure
openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: Make test setup_config more pure
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Add --validate-tenants option to zuul scheduler
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add ensure-bazelisk role
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add ensure-java role
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add ensure-bazelisk role
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add ensure-java role
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tobiashcorvus: do you have any objection about removing the repo state from the 'Merge completed for item' log line? We have repos that produce >25kb for just this single log line13:03
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mordredtobiash: you have amazing repos13:10
tobiashmordred: we already filter out most unprotected branches but there are a ton of tags left ;)13:11
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: Dequeue items via buildset uuid
mordredtobiash: :)13:18
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: test install-docker all-platforms
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: test install-docker all-platforms
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EmilienMhello Zuul :)13:57
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EmilienMtoday I tried to put 2 gerrit IDs in the search bar on
EmilienM2 IDs work fine, the filter works fine; however with 3 it doesn't work anymore, it only shows the first in the list13:58
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mnaserEmilienM: strange, i just tried "709089,709094,709101" and it worked fine14:01
EmilienMah let me try with comams14:01
EmilienMmnaser: ah it works fine, thanks!14:03
mnasershould probably have that somehow clarified14:03
EmilienMmnaser: interesting, if you remove the commas, it works for 2 IDs14:03
EmilienMbut 3, it only show the first ID14:03
mnaserEmilienM: oh yeah, i see what you're seeing14:04
mnaser`let filters = filter.replace(/ +/, ',').split(',')`14:07
mnaseri bet that regex replaces only once because g is probably missing..14:08
mnaseryep thats it14:08
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed zuul/zuul master: ui: convert all spaces to commas for filter
mnaserEmilienM: that should be the fix ^14:10
EmilienMah wow :)14:10
Shrewsmnaser: it seems that line also appears in Jobs.jsx14:11
mnaserShrews: ah yes, good catch14:12
openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed zuul/zuul master: ui: convert all spaces to commas for filter
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed zuul/zuul master: Don't fetch pull request twice for status event
openstackgerritFelix Edel proposed zuul/zuul master: WIP: Dequeue items via buildset uuid
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed zuul/zuul master: prometheus: add options to start the server and process collector
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: test install-docker all-platforms
mordredcorvus: you may have noticed, but I updated your two zuul-jobs changes with the java stuff14:57
corvusmordred: yes, thanks14:57
mordred(that was mostly a "if you need to update them, be sure to download again first" :) )14:57
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: ui: convert all spaces to commas for filter
AJaegermordred, corvus, +2A - so, if you want to update, better WIP now or make a followup change ;)15:16
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corvusnah they lgtm15:20
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed zuul/zuul master: Add nodesets API route
Shrewsmordred: fixed ^^ for you15:24
corvustristanC, Shrews, mordred, tobiash: see my reply to tristanC's comment on
Shrewscorvus: i think that's one of the things we don't know until we know it   :/15:28
Shrewsmy comment was more of a "let's watch and learn" approach15:29
corvus(the few benchmarks i have been able to find suggest that with the client numbers i would expect (<100), performance would be similar except that zk will use 4x ram -- so if we store 1GB of data, we'll need 4GB of ram; mostly from this page:
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add ensure-bazelisk role
corvusbased on that, i'm not spooked -- i think i agree with Shrews that we can take a wait-and-see approach, and if we run into problems, revisit it.  but if someone see's something that does spook them, maybe we should do our own benchmarks with simulated data first...15:32
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mnaseri'd be in favour of running etcd personally15:37
mnaserit's a lot easier to get started with, operationally it's also simpler imho15:38
corvusmnaser: i don't think zk has been a problem operationally.15:38
mnasereh it's a lot less trivial to run imho than etcd, but also there's the fact that etcd will probably continue to see improvements because of its heavy usage insidek 8s15:39
corvusmnaser: for zuul it has generally not been an issue15:39
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mnaserforgive me to sound like a bit of a broken record but i'm not a huge fan of running java things15:40
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corvuswe've had the "etcd vs zookeeper" discussion before, and we have come to a conclusion, so "it's in java" and "k8s uses it" are all things that were true the last time we had it.  if we're going to reopen the discussion, i'd like it to be based on something that's different.  ie, "this proposed usage pattern will suffer under zk and shine under etcd" or "the zk has folded and does not maintain their software"15:42
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tristanCcorvus: it seems like zookeeper is no longer popular and it looks like in maintainance mode. however, it seems to work perfectly fine and switching to another system like etcd is going to cause a lot of other problems we should consider in the evaluation15:43
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corvustristanC: yes, that's how i feel.  if we were starting from scratch, i think we would chose etcd at this point (i believe it now meets our technical requirements).  but changing will set back having an HA scheduler by many months (whether we do that before or after we start the work).15:46
tristanCfwiw, here is a kafka dev thread about zookeeper removal:
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add ensure-java role
corvustristanC: interestingly, that is not replacing it with any existing software, they are implementing their own raft-consensus system to get unique features.15:50
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mnaserlooks like going based on the current nodepool code, it would likely need to be driver-ified then have a zk/etcd driver for transition15:52
mnaseror rather there is nodepool.zk15:53
tristanCmnaser: the cost of such abstraction can be very high as nodepool currently uses some unique feature of zk, e.g. unique sequence node and the zk lock api15:54
mnaserah, please forgive my *very* ignorant comments then, as i don't understand the details of all of this15:54
fungiyeah, i don't question our choice to go with zk over etcd. at the time we needed somewhere to do this zk had the features we needed and etcd did not. etcd seems to have caught up, but waiting for it would have set our own development back considerably. now the bar for switching is that the pain of a transition needs to be outweighed by the benefits to our community15:55
tristanCiirc, the locking api is most problematic as it's different in etcd. iiuc in zk you have one lock per object that get's auto attached to the session, and in etcd you have one lock per session where you attach objects15:56
clarkbthere was a recent thing about how poorly etcd locks are implemented. I'm not sureif zk suffers the same issue (could be zab and raft suffer thr same issue when reaching consensus I'm not sure). I think it does point out that we may have to be careful about behavior and assumptions though15:56
fungiwhen we can demonstrate we've reached that tipping point, i'm fine with the idea of trying to transition15:56
clarkbtristanC: and in etcd multiple sessions can hold an exclhsive lock15:57
tristanCclarkb: is this the thing you are talking about?
clarkbtristanC: ya thats the one15:58
pabelangerI would agree, running zookeeper for zuul has almost been zero cost; it just works. I'd not be a fan of replacing it over something else at this point.15:58
tristanCpabelanger: i wouldn't say zero cost. didn't we found that for nodepool, you need 1GB of zk ram for every 10 nodes?15:59
fungiand it's packaged by distros, so i haven't actually had to think about "installing a java application" much less touch java source code simply by relying on zk16:00
mnaserits neat that the CNCF is funding research like that16:00
fungiagreed, i bet that wasn't cheap16:01
pabelangertristanC: sorry, I ment operational cost. You still need 3 properly sided servers for cluster16:01
tristanCi think it's a valid concern that adding all the scheduler data in zk can become an issue, but i also think that at this point, we might as wait and see, and refactor the module at once we know the exact limitation16:02
tristanCwe might as well* wait and see, and refactor the module once* we know the exact limitations*16:03
clarkbfungi: they also publish a tarball with init script in it that just works. I use that brcause tumbleweed doesnt paclage zk16:03
fungiclarkb: ooh, neat16:03
fungiso just splat out the tarball, edit config, run the initscript, and you have zk?16:04
tristanCclarkb: does the script can setup authentication too?16:04
clarkbtristanC: you would need to edit the config yourself for that16:05
clarkbbut the software is there and can be started and stopped16:05
fungipresumably you'd need to also generate your credentials for that16:06
tristanCclarkb: i find that adding acl settings to ZK to be difficult and britle, e.g. it needs one jaas file, an option in zk.conf, and a jvm flag . Then the only way to verify it works is to edit a zk node with a wrong acl...16:06
tristanCcompared to etcd where you can just give it tls cert using the cli, similarly to gearman, and you have an authenticated only service16:08
fungiyeah, injecting files into a jvm is annoying, i didn't realize zk required that (or is that only if you want to use self-signed certs?)16:09
fungi(or a custom ca?)16:09
tristanCfwiw i don't think setup cost or jvm runtime is relevant for the scaled-out discussion, that's a one time cost we can fix using doc.16:10
fungiif the problem is updating the jvm's baked-in trust chain, maybe letsencrypt is an alternative solution16:10
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tristanCfungi: here is the zk auth setup procedure:
tristanCfungi: and the jaas file:
fungiokay, so that's not altering files within the jvm. doesn't look terrible16:13
tristanCfungi: that's not too bad, it's just a terrible operator experience because the service never fail to start and you can't tell if auth is activated until you actually try to write a node with bad acl16:14
fungiyep, that does seem suboptimal16:14
fungidoesn't seem on its own to be bad enough to warrant replacing zk though, if that's the only substantive complaint we have16:15
fungibut if folks are seriously discussing the idea, then we likely need a list of what the problems we have with zk are and which of them could be solved by etcd16:16
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Enable testing of install-docker on multiple platforms
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Disable misfire grace time of apscheduler job
tristanCfungi: yeah no, i wouldn't consider auth configuration a good reason to remove zk. it's just a consequence of zk not being designed from the ground up with auth16:18
clarkbfwiw sasl will be in the next release16:19
clarkbthat should address tristanC's concern16:19
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Enable testing of install-docker on multiple platforms
tristanCclarkb: iiuc tobiash, we would still need to use
clarkbtristanC: it depends on whether or not you can configure zk to require auth when using sasl16:22
clarkbI'm not sure if you can or not16:22
clarkbbut it will simplify the authentication setup greatly as you'd just set the certs aiui16:22
clarkbsince sasl occurs at connection start time you shouldn't need to configure acls if you have single purpose clusters and require sasl (if that is possible)16:23
tristanCclarkb: tobiash mentioned that setting:
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Spec for allowing circular dependencies
clarkbtristanC: requireClientAuthScheme=sasl16:30
clarkbthat is the config option to set then it should work just like gearman aiui16:30
clarkbif you don't multitenant the cluster you don't need to touch acls at all16:30
clarkbthe docs I found say that applies to all connections so I think it affects server to server and client to server16:32
fungiheaded out for food, back as soon as i can be16:32
fungier, wrong channel, sorry16:32
clarkb(you do have to enable the use of acls though)16:32
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Fix install-docker on centos-8
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zenkurohello folks, I was doing zuul from scratch by and I am not able to see builds and buildsets, and have issues with configuring gerrit + Im missing the idea/behind adding mysql(and how to do it properly)16:41
clarkbzenkuro: you'll need a database (mysql) in order to have the builds and buildset data in the dashboard.16:42
clarkbzenkuro: I think that means we should maybe start with the db config?16:43
clarkbzenkuro: can you share what you've got for the zuul config so far? then we can work from what you've already got configured for mysql16:44
zenkuroOh... I see. If someone can supervise me on digging how to make zuul from scratch equal to zuul quick start. I can improve documentation16:44
clarkb(feel free to remove secret data as necessary)16:44
corvuszenkuro: it looks like zuul-from-scratch doesn't cover the database.  the quick-start does include a working database:  but doesn't describe how to set it up.  here's the zuul config file:
corvuszenkuro: that would be great; i think zuul-from-scratch just needs database installation instructions, creating an initial database user, then an update to the zuul.conf file to add the 'connection "mysql"' part16:45
corvuszenkuro: the final piece is making sure that the pipeline has a "mysql" reporter in it16:45
corvuszenkuro: (lik this file in the quick-start: )16:46
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Remove implemented specs
zenkuroclarkb: zuul.conf
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clarkbzenkuro: using the quickstart example config that corvus linked you'll need to add a section like
zenkurocorvus: so all I need is to install mysql and add zuul user?(config as it is configured in quick start)?16:56
clarkbzenkuro: you might have to create the database too. But yes zuul should handle the rest once it connects16:57
zenkuroclarkb: thanks, I will try it out.16:59
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Fix install-docker on centos-8
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-website master: Add redirect for /docs/zuul/user/
clarkbI noticed ^ when fiddling with some log parsing tools17:32
clarkbanother common one is _static/logo.svg but I think that may just be indexers assuming that is where a logo lives?17:33
clarkbwe could add a redirect for it too if we want to point them in the right direction17:33
clarkboh and docs/_static/logo.svg17:33
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Enable testing of install-docker on multiple platforms
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Fix install-docker on centos-8
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openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Fix install-docker on centos-8
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Remove implemented specs
corvustristanC: i've run into a weird problem: i installed k8s with kind and hooked it up to a nodepool launcher.  i'm running a test job, and ansible is stuck at the gathering facts stage.  according to ps, it's running this command:18:10
corvus/usr/local/bin/kubectl exec -i pod-fedora -- /bin/sh -c /bin/sh -c 'echo PLATFORM; uname; echo FOUND; command -v '"'"'/usr/bin/python'"'"'; command -v '"'"'python3.7'"'"'; command -v '"'"'python3.6'"'"'; command -v '"'"'python3.5'"'"'; command -v '"'"'python2.7'"'"'; command -v '"'"'python2.6'"'"'; command -v '"'"'/usr/libexec/platform-python'"'"'; command -v '"'"'/usr/bin/python3'"'"'; command -v18:10
corvus'"'"'python'"'"'; echo ENDFOUND && sleep 0'18:10
corvustristanC: it *looks* like it has an extra "/bin/sh -c", and if i remove that and run it manually, it works18:11
corvushave you seen anything like this before?18:11
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tristanCcorvus: i have seen the dual /bin/sh -c before and it didn't caused issue.18:13
tristanCthough i don't know how kind work18:14
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corvusmaybe that's a red herring then18:14
tristanCi've seen that when implementing , and gather_fact worked18:16
corvushrm, i just ran the same command against a pod in a "real" k8s cluster and got the same behavior (hangs with 2 bin/sh, works with 1)18:16
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tristanCwhat's the container image?18:18
corvustristanC: i've tried with fedora:28 and ubuntu:bionic18:20
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Enable testing of install-docker on multiple platforms
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corvustristanC: even stranger, i can not replicate the problem if i manually run 'ansible-playbook' with the job's inventory and kube config19:07
corvustristanC: aha!  i think it's something to do with my kubectl which comes from snap19:07
corvusi think maybe i will stop using snap altogether.19:08
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corvusyep.  all better now.  sorry.  that was ridiculous.19:11
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tristanChmm, that's odd. glad you figured that out :)19:12
Shrewscorvus: was the snap version older or something?19:12
fungiswitched from snaps to distro package?19:12
corvusno, snap is some weird thing where it symlinks 'kubectl' to 'snap' and it switches on argv[0] and does "snappy" things before running, and those "snappy" things don't work in bwrap (which is good!  because i'm pretty sure they involve updating stuff on the system)19:13
Shrewsah, a snap bwrap flap19:14
corvusso i solved it by doing what everyone else which is download the binary from github.  because there are zero other options.19:14
corvusi'm going to go release energy.19:15
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fungiin the form of a gamma ray burst?19:17
* fungi puts on his lead-lined sunglasses19:17
* mordred misses the fun issues19:17
mordredcorvus: the other day I was thinking that maybe we should stop installing kubectl via snap in system-config - but not for a real reason, just because we use the oc download in jobs and we don't really do anything with snap anywhere else19:18
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tristanCcorvus: on centos, you can yum install origin-clients which provides a working kubectl19:19
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Enable testing of install-docker on multiple platforms
mnasercorvus: what os do you use?19:25
mnaseri've historically just found it eay to add the upstream repos to my laptop and install kubectl only19:25
mordredmnaser: he "tried with fedora:28 and ubuntu:bionic"19:26
mnaseroh woops19:26
mnaseri should read19:26
mordredmnaser: are there upstream repos that can be used here?19:26
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mordredmnaser: oh cool19:27
mnaseri run debian sid and i use those just fine, i've also ran them on ubuntu and centos with no problems, never tested with fedora, cant imagine they can be too much of an issue19:27
mnaserit is pretty hidden thugh.19:27
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fungikubectl is in but that's only on sid so far19:36
funginot picked up by ubuntu yet (and likely won't be until it at least migrates to testing)19:37
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fungilooks like it's waiting for these to also enter testing:  golang-github-rackspace-gophercloud, golang-golang-x-exp, kubernetes-addon-heapster, skydns19:38
mnaserfungi: that's an ancient verison (1.7) -- i tried working on repackaging it but the other problem is that k8s doesnt build with golang 1.13 yet19:38
mnaserand sid has golang 1.13 so..19:38
fungiyeah, so much ugh around distro packaging golang stuff19:39
mnaserbtw i'd like to ask on some thought around
mnaseri'm unsure as to how the best way to go about resolving this, or if that test is needed at all anymore (if i have one that doesn't let you do that behaviour..)19:40
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corvusmnaser: replied19:57
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add pause-buildset-registry role
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add pause-buildset-registry role
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/nodepool master: WIP: k8s: allow port forwarding
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: WIP: Stream output from kubectl pods
corvustobiash, tristanC, clarkb, fungi, Shrews, mordred: ^ that should implement the thing that plaurin was asking for that we talked about the other day.  i tested it locally.  there's a big question in the nodepool change that needs answering.23:55
fungioh, neat!23:55
corvus(but either way, this does look feasible)23:55
fungicorvus: arbitrary ports on the executor or on the pod? i'm probably just not familiar enough with the kubernetes provider architecture to understand why it would allow it for the zuul executor23:59

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