Wednesday, 2019-09-04

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flaper87I've set an autohold for one of my jobs but the VM keeps being deleted. Is there a way for me to debug why? The job name, tenant name, etc seem correct08:48
ofososIf I updated the gate job in a change, would the gate run with the updated job or would it run with the one one the branch I want to merge to?09:00
AJaegerin an untrusted repository: With the updated job. In a trusted repo: With the previous one.09:01
openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed zuul/zuul master: Pagure - add support for git.tag.creation event
nborg1When an untrusted project is retrying a job due to a failing pre-job, and the corresponding trusted configuration project has has a new commit merged, which version of the trusted configuration project is used in the retry? I assume the commit the job started with?09:09
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openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed zuul/zuul master: Pagure - fix wrong commit gitweb url
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flaper87AJaeger: do you have any hint on my autohold question?09:43
flaper87can't understand why the VM is not being held09:43
flaper87it used to work, tho... I think09:43
flaper87ohhhh, I think I know09:43
flaper87it's for failed jobs and this one is passing09:44
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mkisielewskiHi everyone. I've got some issues with reporter in pipeline using GitHub connection configured with GitHub App. It looks like repos are processed locally (merger, executor), but I can't see any reports (comments, status changes, merge) on Github. Debug logs don't show any errors. Where should I look to troubleshoot that?10:09
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tristanCmkisielewski: does your pipelines have a github: {comment: true} reporter for success/failure?11:46
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openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: Evaluate CODEOWNERS settings during canMerge check
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mkisielewskitristanC: yes, exactly. I wonder if the Webhook url is correct, as in response (200) I get body containing - "You need to enable JavaScript to run this app."13:01
pabelangernever seen that before13:03
pabelangeryou are seeing that in the github event?13:03
mkisielewskipabelanger: In GitHub App > Advanced - Recent deliveries - Response13:07
pabelangerI've not seen tht13:08
pabelangerso, maybe you are right the URL isn't correct13:08
pabelangeryou can look in your web-debug.log and see if you can see the POSTs13:08
mkisielewskiurl should look like: http://<fqdn>/api/connection/<connection name>/payload ? Assuming that there's Apache Reverse Proxy in front.13:12
pabelangeryes, that looks correct:
pabelangeryou can then check apache logs13:13
mkisielewskiI see POST request in apache, but not in web-debug.log. I'm using different config files per zuul service, so in this case should connection be defined also in web config or just scheduler, executor and merger?13:15
pabelangermkisielewski: should show all the server itergation, that will help a little.13:17
pabelangerbut yah, web service needs a few sections. like gearman, web, zookeeper, connections13:18
pabelanger is an example of how we break them out for zuul.a.c13:18
pabelangermaybe not routing properly between apache and zuul-web13:19
mkisielewskipabelanger: Thanks, I've spent a lot of time digging through this documentation. I will give another try with connections described in web config. Seems like it should be it.13:20
mkisielewskiThanks for that example, it will really help. I regret that I didn't saw it before.13:22
mkisielewskipabelanger: Adding connection definition to web config file helped. Thanks a lot.13:33
flaper87is there a job example that uses nodepool's k8s driver somewhere? Maybe in OpenStack or Ansible? I'd like to see how the job is defined and the pre/post tasks13:38
Shrewsflaper87: we don't use that driver yet in those projects, but in theory, the job shouldn't care about the nodepool driver13:45
flaper87Shrews: that's my assumption as well. Something is not quite right with my jobs, tho. Lemme see if I can narrow the issue13:47
flaper87Shrews: basically, no tasks are being executed as if the ansible inventory was empty13:47
corvusflaper87: tristanC has experience using it and may be able to help13:49
flaper87although, the tasks under a play that uses `- hosts: localhost` seem to be executed13:49
flaper87corvus: awesome, thanks for directing me to tristanC13:49
flaper87hopefully he's around and/or knows a bit more about this13:50
Shrewswelcome back, corvus13:53
corvusShrews: thanks!13:53
flaper87so, I can confirm that `all` is not in the inventory_hostname when running the job on a pod13:57
flaper87I guess I could force it by having a task that adds it13:57
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openstackgerritJan Kubovy proposed zuul/zuul master: Evaluate CODEOWNERS settings during canMerge check
tristanCflaper87: here are our openshift based jobs:
tristanCflaper87: in particular, here is the task to prepare the workspace:
tristanCShrews: the job needs to care about the driver as the synchronize Ansible module doesn't work for kubectl connection14:36
flaper87tristanC: I wish I could hug you right now14:37
ShrewstristanC: is that documented somewhere?14:37
flaper87tristanC: what image are you using? I'd assume you have a pre-built image with some extra packages in it, right?14:38
flaper87Do you have a dockerfile you can share?14:38
tristanCShrews: in the spec, it does mentions "Not all jobs will be expected to work in containers. Some frequently used Ansible modules will not behave as expected when run with the kubectl connection plugin. Synchronize, in particular, may be problematic"14:39
tristanCflaper87: here is how software factory integration test validate openshift jobs:
tristanCflaper87: for base-openshift-native, we rely on BuildConfig to build the project image14:41
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tristanCflaper87: otherwise we let project push images to a public registry and use them in nodepool pod label14:43
jangutterQ: Can you pass an ansible variable in a pre play to a post play within a job (without persisting it on disk or something)?14:44
pabelangerjangutter: no, needs to be on disk14:45
jangutterpabelanger: thanks!14:45
dmsimardpabelanger: zuul_return ?14:50
flaper87tristanC: thanks a lot, I'll dig into this. Do you know how the `run` playbook is copied to the pod?14:52
flaper87is it just mounted?14:52
tristanCflaper87: you're welcome, we also tried to share those job with upstream there:, but the effort stalled14:52
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tristanCflaper87: the `run` playbook is not copied, the openshift resources are regular nodepool object passed to the executor, the job playbooks are still running from the zuul-executor service14:53
pabelangerdmsimard: Oh, maybe. I keep forgetting about that14:54
pabelangerjangutter: listen to dmsimard14:54
dmsimardjangutter: there is a zuul_return module that might help carry things from one playbook (or job) to the next14:54
jangutterdmsimard: eenteresting - I know it transfers between jobs, but we're looking at something set in a pre play to be accessed in a post play.14:55
tristanCiirc, zuul_returned data are not passed between pre/run/post, it may only be used by child buildset jobs14:55
dmsimardtristanC: ah, thanks14:55
pabelangeryah, I think that is correct14:56
jangutterdmsimard: but thanks!14:56
pabelangerbut, I haven't tested it in a while14:56
dmsimardjangutter: can otherwise try /etc/ansible/facts.d14:57
corvusjangutter: the workspace does persist, so you can write a file there and read it later14:57
jangutteryeah - it's no biggie, I was just wondering if there's a mechanism inside ansible.14:58
pabelangerdmsimard: we should add a role for that, I've always wanted to try that way14:59
pabelangernever have14:59
flaper87tristanC: I guess I don't fully understand how one would run some commands in the container. Maybe `kubectl exec` or something like that14:59
tristanCflaper87: when using a pod label, then you have access to a kubectl connection and you can run command using regular ansible tasks15:02
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tristanCflaper87: when using a namespace label, then you first have to build and/or create a pod, which you can add_host to your inventory and proceed to use regular ansible tasks15:02
tristanCflaper87: you can find sample zuul.yaml and the relevant playbooks in this file:
flaper87tristanC: so, when using a pod label I can just define my playbooks/tasks as usual `- hosts: all ...` The big difference is that I have to create a pod when using a namespace label15:06
tristanCflaper87: yes, that's correct15:07
tristanCflaper87: well, you don't have to create a pod with namespace label, you can just apply some files and assert the resources are created using lookups15:12
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clarkbcorvus: when you get a chance you may want to rereview and take a look at to continue on the swift improvements15:21
clarkb is an easy related docs update too15:21
corvusclarkb: you did not like my idea to make the name neutral?15:23
corvuslike, there's nothing "object storage" about it.  it's just "shard better"15:24
clarkbcorvus: I responded to that comment. It doesn't play nice with filesystem log storage without a zuul build dashboard15:25
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clarkbaiui we don't require the sql reporter yet so may have users that are using filesystem storage without the dashboard15:25
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clarkb(this is why I think it is object storage specific, though can be convinced that the dashboard is the future and as a result aim for that future rather than worrying too much about a corner case today)15:26
corvusclarkb: i take your response to be a rejection of making it the default, which is fine, i have no argument there.  i'm merely saying that the *name* of the option shouldn't be "object storage".  many folks are using a filesystem with the dashboard, and could utilize this.  we shouldn't tell them not to by naming the option that way.15:27
clarkbI see15:27
clarkb(I think in my head I've got them conflated because I see this as only necessary for ceph, even swift doesn't need it ...)15:27
clarkbI'll make the update15:27
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add option for object store friendly log paths
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corvusclarkb: do you think the zuul_log_shard_build -> zuul_log_path_shard_build transition is necessary?  can we just document that zuul_log_path_shard_build is relevant instead?15:44
clarkbcorvus: This was something I ran into with testing (and I may just not understand how ansible vars work) but if I tried to pass zuul_log_path_object_storage through with a default it broke ansible. that broke15:46
clarkbcorvus: maybe if I set the var on emit-job-header that gets automagically passed through to set-zuul-log-path-fact?15:46
clarkb(I may be thinking of this too much like function parameters and less like global variable?)15:46
corvusclarkb: i think the second thing is true15:47
corvusclarkb: so maybe that's worth a try15:47
clarkbk let me push up a chnge that only documents that var in emit-job-header15:47
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Document globally unique container name requirement
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clarkb(just sorting out cross reference links now)15:55
clarkbcorvus: :rolevar:`set-zuul-log-fact-path.items.zuul_log_path_shard_build` fails with src/zuul/zuul-jobs/roles/emit-job-header/README.rst:19:Unknown interpreted text role "rolevar".15:58
clarkbI thought I did that correctly based on the zuul-sphinx docs. Any idea if I'm missing something?15:58
clarkbhrm maybe I nee to set the role:: value in the other README.rst? Or maybe we can't cross reference bteween Readmes?15:59
corvusclarkb: try dropping '.items.' ?16:00
corvusclarkb: (i'm guessing that based based on the generated anchor at:  )16:00
corvusxref between readmes should be fine16:00
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add option for object store friendly log paths
clarkbI think  Igot that figured out16:18
clarkbtesting should test if the var passthrough works as expected16:19
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noorulAnyone has a sample nginx config for hosting logs ?16:32
noorulLooking for way to uncompress gzipped files at server side16:33
noorulI wonder how new users of zuul solve this16:33
noorulofosos: hi16:33
corvusclarkb, tobiash: do you know the status of the json appending log stuff?16:36
tobiashcorvus: hasn't that landed already?16:36
corvustobiash: great!  did that have the change to correctly mark failed tasks?16:37
noorulcorvus: I was going through
noorulcorvus: I am not able to see the console tab16:37
tobiashI think you're running it in production16:37
tobiash(like we do)16:37
tobiashcorvus: I don't know recall about the other change16:38
tobiashBut I think I remember landing such a change as well16:38
clarkbyes I restarted all the executors to pick up that change as well as the git repo updating fix16:38
corvus    Set failed, unreachable, skipped statuses in json plugin16:38
corvusyep that merged too16:38
corvusi think there are 2 or 3 more changes related to log handling related to that: 1) update the js web ui console browser to recognize the new failed/skipped statuses; 2) fix and merge 3) update the js web ui console browser if needed by #2 (should not be necessary)16:40
corvusclarkb: once we complete #1, i think the console log browser may be sufficiently complete that opendev could disable ara in order to reduce the pressure on object stores16:41
corvus(nested aras would still do their thing of course)16:42
clarkbcorvus: on the passing pars all the way through question I don't think that worked
clarkbit used the default behavior there which failed the test16:47
corvusclarkb: amusingly, that illustrates the js console fix that we still need :)16:49
clarkbcorvus: have any other ideas on how we might avoid needing two different var names to pass that through?16:51
corvusclarkb: left comment on 679145 i think that may be the error16:51
clarkbaha thanks16:52
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add option for object store friendly log paths
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Zuul job logs stored in OVH may fail. We have updated the base job to remove OVH from our storage location. If you have POST_FAILURES a recheck should fix them at this point.16:54
noorulcan anyone help me with nginx?16:54
noorulcorvus: hi17:01
corvusnoorul: i don't know anything about nginx.  i wrote a bunch of documentation and examples for apache though.17:01
noorulcorvus: ok17:02
noorulcorvus: I think I followed everything that is mentioned in that e-mail17:02
noorulcorvus: But I still don't see the console tab17:02
corvusnoorul: do you see the "results" header below the summary table?17:03
noorulI see results header17:04
noorulBut nothing under that17:04
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corvusnoorul: oh you have a logs tab, neat; what does that look like?17:06
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corvusnoorul: both the results table and the console tab rely on "job-output.json" so you might want to take a look at that and see if the web server is returning it correctly (right content type, etc). try openinng it in your browser and see if it looks right.  try opening up the developer tools in your browser and reloading the summary page and see if there's an error reported.17:09
corvusnoorul: there could be a cors error, but the fact that your browser was able to load zuul-manifest.json suggests that's working.  i'd expect it to work for job-output.json as well, but perhaps there's a subtle issue there.17:10
noorulcorvus: It is not because it is stored as gzipped file17:11
noorulcorvus: I have no clue on how to make nginx uncompress those files17:11
noorulcorvus: Google is not helping me much17:11
corvusnoorul: if it's gzipped, why does it appear as "job-output.json" instead of "job-output.json.gz" ?17:14
noorulhttp:// actually should return uncompressed fil17:16
noorulBut I get 40417:16
corvusnoorul: i can't visit a 10. url17:16
corvusthat's an rfc1918 address17:16
noorulWhat I am trying to say is that, I haven't done anything special to change the link to job-output.json17:17
corvusnoorul: i don't understand what is compressing your files then?17:17
pabelangerif using upload-logs role, that will compress17:18
noorulI am using that role17:18
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pabelangerwhich then needs more web server configuration, that's mostly why I created topic on ML before.17:19
noorulline 17017:19
pabelangernew users also needed to setup web config to via .gz files17:19
corvusthat's broken17:19
corvussomeone please submit a patch to stop doing taht17:20
pabelangerbut, I am not sure why job-output.json is uncompressed17:20
corvuspabelanger: because upload-logs runs after generate-zuul-manifest17:20
corvusso the manifest is wrong since it's compressed after its run17:20
pabelanger was my patch from a while back to allow it to be toggles in upload-logs17:21
pabelangerbut maybe toggle isn't even needed now?17:21
* noorul is lost17:21
noorulIn production I should be using compressed files right?17:22
corvuspabelanger: we need something -- either a toggle (regardless of the default) or to remove it altogether.  clarkb was the only objection to that last time.  let's see what he thinks.17:23
corvusbut noorul is basically dead in the water until someone comes up with documentation for how to use the upload-logs role with nginx, or that change lands (or noorul decides to use apache instead)17:23
clarkbfor opendev we get the compression out of our object stores so I don't have objections from the opendev side. I do think it is likely a worthwhile feature for people to opt into compression so a toggle is good but I can see how having it off by default would help people bootstrap17:24
clarkbcorvus: is failing tests now because it has a different base parent job than normal base and that still includes ovh in the swift target list17:25
clarkbany objection to me removing ovh globally so those jobs work too?17:25
corvusclarkb: no, sorry i missed that17:25
corvusclarkb, pabelanger: the really broken thing about this is that it compresses *after* the manifest generation, so the manifest is guaranteed to be wrong.  that really rubs me the wrong way.17:26
pabelangerYah, i didn't even realize that was an issue now too17:27
corvusthe results table has a fallback where it will try ".json.gz" and ".gz", but the console tab does not17:27
pabelangerI think default uncompressed is a good new user experience, then if zuul operator wants compress, more configuration is needed17:27
pabelangerthat was the original context of the ML post17:28
pabelangerwhich now seems to be what generate manifest role wants too17:28
corvusyeah, if compression is to happen, it should happen before generating the manifest17:28
corvusso that should really be another role17:29
corvusyou would just lose a few more log entries in the output in that case17:29
corvuspabelanger: it sounds like clarkb is okay with the default change, so unless i'm misreading that, why don't you unwip your change, and send a 2 week announcement to zuul-announce?17:30
corvusnoorul: do you have a way to make a local change to zuul-jobs?17:30
noorulcorvus: which job?17:31
corvusnoorul: the zuul-jobs repo17:31
noorulcorvus: no, I am using opendev source17:31
noorulline 1117:32
corvusnoorul:  will fix your situation, but we have to wait 2 weeks to merge it because we're changing the default behavior17:32
corvusnoorul: if you can't wait that long, you could make a local fork of zuul-jobs and use that instead17:32
noorulcorvus: I got it17:33
noorulcorvus: But I need to still solve this for production17:33
noorulcorvus: I don't think plain text will be ideal for production keeping size in mind17:33
corvusnoorul: then you'll also want a role that runs before generate-zuul-manifest which compresses whatever you want before all this happens.  i don't know if that role exists or if someone will need to write it.17:34
corvusnoorul: but the sequence should be: (1) compress log files; (2) generate manifest; (3) upload log files17:35
pabelangercould upload-logs be updated to do generate manifest by default now?17:37
pabelangerthen that be removed from post-run playbook17:37
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Shrewscorvus: That gerrit email is exciting. Happy to lend a hand with whatever you need there when the time comes.17:41
corvusShrews: \o/  writing up the subchecks design doc is next on my list -- i bet once that's done it'll be easier for you to pitch in17:42
ShrewsI would also find it oddly satisfying if they used zuul to develop their gerrit, as we use their gerrit to develop our zuul17:43
corvusShrews: omg that's going to make a great picture :)17:46
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-website master: Web improvement ideas
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-website master: Specify open source projects using Zuul
clarkba couple ideas around maybe improving search engine juice for zuul-ci.org17:54
clarkbI also pushed recently to add an FAQ page which I think would be good pre ansiblefest17:56
clarkbin part because maybe we'll have concrete answers to some questions then :)17:56
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Shrewsclarkb: i think the faq is a good idea. Sort of feels hidden down in the Documentation menu. I wonder if it could/should be presented prominently on the home page as well?18:02
ShrewsBut at least having it somewhere feels like the rttd18:03
clarkbShrews: ya  Ithink we can add links to it whereever we like. Structurally it seemed like it belonged in the docs/ dir so that is how it ended up there in the current commit18:03
Shrewsclarkb: yeah, i agree it belongs there with the other docs. but since it's usually the first thing I look for when researching some new whizbang, its nice to not have to hunt for it too much18:04
Shrewsbut yeah, can add links later18:05
clarkbShrews: if you've got a suggestion for where a link would be appropriate (maybe in the footer too? though that isn't very prominent either) I'd be happy to try and put it in there18:12
Shrewsclarkb: already left one18:12
clarkbgreat thanks18:12
Shrewsit's pretty common, as far as i've seen, to have a link to the FAQ somewhere in the footer18:13
Shrewsclarkb: also, left a comment on 68010918:14
clarkbShrews: responed. Did you see the tagline adjacent to the logo?18:16
clarkb(wondering if that was missed, could imply that isn't a prominent location as expected)18:17
Shrewsclarkb: i did not18:18
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-website master: Add Zuul FAQ page
clarkbShrews: ^ faq footer link18:19
Shrewsclarkb: the new phrase wraps for me on my laptop, so it doesn't look quite as good18:19
clarkbthats good feedback (doesn't wrap on my browser, but I'm new to this web stuff so don't yet know to test all the different sizes I guess)18:20
clarkbI'll likely defer to people that do webby things on this stuff. Was just fiddling with ideas on making text webcrawlers find more prominent18:21
Shrewsbeen a while since i had any interest in web stuff, but i could have swore there was some section/magic incantation one could use have search words indexed, even if not visible... i might be misremembering18:21
clarkbI think titles are used for that (thought they aren't entirely invisible18:22
Shrewsbut, that was back in the days of <blink>18:22
clarkbthe second change takes a different appraoch which is to add links (though I think it is more important to have links to you than out of you) as those should also tell indexers how connected we are?18:23
clarkbbut as I said these were just ideas I was fiddling with and will defer to others who know more18:23
clarkbcorvus: AJaeger is ready for review now +1 from zuul18:27
Shrewsclarkb: fwiw, i like the FAQ link in the footer. thx. i guess now we need some content  :)18:29
clarkboh hrm I may need to edit the footer on all pages will do that later (doing house stuff now)18:32
daniel2Something I brought up awhile ago.  Using the docker nodepool builder image, qemu-img isnt there.  Would I have to manually create a dockerfile to get that?18:38
pabelangerIMO, nodepool-builder should depend on diskimage-builder docker image, as qemu is a dependency of DIB18:39
daniel2that actually sounds like a better option.18:39
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daniel2pabelanger: Is there even a docker image for diskimage-builder?18:46
pabelangerI don't think so18:47
pabelangerin the case of docker quickstart, I don't think we support an option to build an image using nodepool-builder, we pull down another ubuntu image for it18:48
pabelangerpossible tobiash has one?18:48
AJaegercorvus: happy now with and ? Those are clarkb's "swift" changes18:50
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daniel2pabelanger: Is it possible to run the builder outside of docker and have the launcher communicate with it?18:54
pabelangerdaniel2: I belive so, data will be stored in zookeeper. As long as both have access to it, should be okay18:55
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Shrewsdaniel2: launchers don't communicate with builders. launchers can *use* what the builders produce, but there is no communication otherwise19:02
daniel2How would the launcher know what the builders produce then?19:03
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Shrewsdaniel2: by image name in the config files19:05
daniel2ah okay19:07
Shrewslaunchers are told to look for an image named XYZ in the provider, but don't care how image XYZ is put there (example:
Shrewsdaniel2: ^^19:08
Shrewsi guess technically that section means it comes from the builder, but they don't communicate anything about it  :/19:14
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daniel2Curious, could nodepool  build on top of an openstack image?  Basically boot the openstack image, do stuff on it, and snapshot it or something?19:25
pabelangerit used to work that way19:25
pabelangerbut we removed it for nodepool refactor19:25
pabelangerI think the plan was open to add it back, some somebody needed do that19:25
daniel2How does it work with ansible now though?19:26
daniel2I heard that replaced the original method19:26
pabelangerwe'll, we've also talked about an ansible based build too, I'd be interested in that, but haven't had time to dig more into it19:26
corvusAJaeger, clarkb: swift changes lgtm19:27
pabelangerour use case are network vendor images, like cisco ios or juniper junos19:27
clarkbpabelanger: daniel2 note that disk image builder's ubuntu element supports modifying the default upstream cloud image by default19:27
pabelangerwe use a custom ansible playbook to bootstrap them, and update into clouds19:27
clarkbit is only the ubuntu-minimal element that does debootstrap from scratch19:27
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-website master: Add Zuul FAQ page
clarkbShrews: ^ that fixes the faq links on the other pages19:29
daniel2i feel like building the images for us is a little much as we dont need anything different from a base ubuntu image.19:31
daniel2We just need images we can install devstack on and run tests.19:31
clarkbdaniel2: in that case you can tell nodepool to use images that already exist in a cloud19:31
Shrewsdaniel2: cloud-images config option is probably what you want then19:31
daniel2We have our own openstack cluster in house, that is what I was curious about earlier.19:31
daniel2Can you point me to the documentation for that?19:32
daniel2thank you19:33
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Shrewsdaniel2: if you need an example, this is a config used in our nodepool test suite:
AJaegerpabelanger, mnaser, want to review clarkb's "swift" changes for logs and ? Otherwise I'll approve at the hour...19:43
clarkbAJaeger: thanks19:43
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pabelangerlooks backwards compat19:47
clarkbpabelanger: the test should confirm that (via the default run of the role, you can also confirm it via the output of that play)19:48
clarkb(I checked it myself and ya seems to be correct19:48
pabelangeryah, looks there too! Thanks for adding them19:48
clarkbin fact when I got the var name wrong it did the default twice and failed the first check so that seems to be working happily :)19:49
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* AJaeger approved the zuul-jobs change, will +A opendev/base-jobs once the first is merged...20:00
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Fix "Set failed, unreachable, skipped statuses in json plugin"
corvusclarkb: ^ this is what we get for merging changes without tests :(20:15
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add option for object store friendly log paths
corvusunfortunately, we're going to need to wait for that to land, and then deploy it before i can make progress on the javascript to actually use it :(20:15
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul master: Fix "Set failed, unreachable, skipped statuses in json plugin"
AJaegerpabelanger: could you review this RHEL8 related change, please?
AJaegerpabelanger: and this one as well:
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-website master: Add Zuul FAQ page
clarkbShrews: ^ I added content for things I've been getting asked foundation side for ansiblefest prep20:21
pabelangerAJaeger: I'm not the best to review there, don't have access to RHEL8. maybe tristanC can helpout20:21
pabelangeror dmsimard20:21
Shrewsclarkb: nice. lgtm, except maybe we should mention AWS nodepool support too20:25
clarkbpabelanger: AJaeger maybe we can get software factory to report ci results on that?20:25
clarkbShrews: ++ also is there gce work in progress?20:25
pabelangerAJaeger: did leave comment on 67409220:25
pabelangerwe (zuul.a.c) want to run rhel8, just haven't set it up yet20:25
Shrewsclarkb: not that i'm aware of. there is an azure driver up for review20:25
pabelangerbut does sound good too20:26
Shrewsoh, you mentioned azure20:26
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-website master: Add Zuul FAQ page
clarkbShrews: ^ I split the paragraphs and alpha sorted them too20:27
Shrewsclarkb: lgtm. should the FAQ link in the footer also be present on the FAQ page itself? it's redundant to do so, but consistent20:35
Shrewsmaybe the faq doesn't need the footer20:36
clarkbya I'll add it to be consistent20:36
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-website master: Add Zuul FAQ page
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: DO NOT MERGE test log path changes
clarkbjamesmcarthur: re the css question I don't know.20:49
clarkbthe css seems to set a list-style to disc on ul items20:50
clarkbI don't know why we don't get those20:50
clarkbmaybe because it is in a p?20:51
clarkbno moving that around didn't change anything. Fixing that might require someone with more css knowledge than me20:52
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed zuul/zuul-website master: Add Zuul FAQ page
clarkbjamesmcarthur: ^ fixed the missing "be" but not the css20:53
jamesmcarthurclarkb: got it!20:54
clarkbwill a web browser debugger identify what css directives apply to an element?20:55
jamesmcarthurthe issue is b/c it's included in line 18 on main.css20:55
jamesmcarthurul and li are both set to padding: 0 and margin: 020:56
jamesmcarthurI can have a better look at it when I work on the meta tags20:56
clarkbha testing the log path changes we don't actually get to see if those took affect if we upload logs to rax because forthe public access its all HMAC'd cdn there20:57
jamesmcarthurand then on line 32, the list-style is overridden to set it to none20:57
jamesmcarthurol, ul {20:57
jamesmcarthur  list-style: none; }20:57
clarkbdoes line 1641 not override that?20:58
jamesmcarthurno, b/c that applies to a specific ul with the class name "default" - ul.default20:59
jamesmcarthurIf you remove ol/ul from line 16 and then delete line 32 it resolves the issue, at least on the FAQ20:59
jamesmcarthurbut it may have repercussions elsewhere21:00
jamesmcarthuri need to download it and review on my local machine21:00
jamesmcarthurI'm happy to put a patch through21:00
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clarkbfeel free to push an update to my change21:01
clarkbor a follow on change21:01
jamesmcarthurroger that21:01
Shrewszuul-maint: FYI, there exists a not-zero chance of me losing power tomorrow due to Dorian. Not expecting high sustained winds here, but certainly high gusts which is usually enough to affect our crappy power structure in my neighborhood.21:03
corvusShrews: stay safe -- and if you do lose power, maybe we should all take the day off in solidarity21:05
Shrewscorvus: i approve of this unifying stance21:05
clarkbcorvus: I like that idea :)21:07
corvuszuul-maint: if someone else could +3 that would be great -- then we can restart the opendev executors and i can finish up development of the console browser21:08
Shrewscorvus: +321:12
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openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul-jobs master: Only use RHEL8 deps repo on Red Hat systems newer than 7
openstackgerritMerged zuul/zuul master: Fix "Set failed, unreachable, skipped statuses in json plugin"
corvusthere's the draft design doc for gerrit sub-checks22:03
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