Wednesday, 2019-03-20

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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: scheduler: add job's tags to the rpc job_list method
tristanCtobiash: the zuul-runner patches were ready Monday, but they need yet another rebase now00:25
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add API endpoint to get frozen jobs
tristanCzuul-runner also need the /connections endpoint:
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Get executor job params
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Separate out executor server from runner
tristanCjhesketh: i suspect the zuul-runner cli interface will take the longest to be reviewed, do you mean if i removed it from the early patch and propose it at once at the end of the stack?00:37
tristanCmind* if.   e.g. make 607082 630944 and 632064 only edit zuul.executor.runner, and squash 640672 and 631704 on top for zuul.cmd.runner00:40
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add a role to mirror a git repository to a remote git server
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Do not merge: test zuul-jobs-upload-git-mirror job
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wxy-xiyuanhi, Does anyone know that if zuul-scheduler supports A/A deployment or not? Thanks.02:08
pabelangerwxy-xiyuan: currently no HA support for zuul-scheduler. However, it is something we are planning in the near future02:16
wxy-xiyuanpabelanger: Thanks!. Glad to hear that. BTW, Is there any place to get the roadmap for upstream zuul? Like specs, launchpad(or storyboard) bp and so one?02:18
pabelangerwxy-xiyuan: is likely the best location right now, if things are missing we should try to fix the missing info02:20
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SpamapSwxy-xiyuan: There's a frequent community update on the zuul-discuss mailing list.02:39
wxy-xiyuanpabelanger: SpamapS : Thanks very much!!02:45
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jheskethtristanC: I don't mind if they are reordered if it makes sense. We should probably add some warnings to the cli tool that it is still very experimental and not expected that people will run it. Then we can iterate on it from there rather than having to wait for it to be perfect to merge05:47
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tristanC jhesketh: i think it will be easier to iterate on the CLI once the internal API is working as expected. I'm almost there, finishing a unit test for the execute procedure05:53
jheskethtristanC: oh yeah, I agree, I meant in addition05:53
jheskethI'm happy to add the warning stuff, but don't want to step on your toes as you seem busy reordering :-)05:54
jhesketh(so can do it as a followup)05:54
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: runner: implement prep-workspace
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: runner: add configuration schema
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: runner: add execute sub-command
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: zuul-runner: add command line interface
tristanCok, let's see... here is the Runner.execute() test:
tristanCi haven't hooked the AnsibleManager so that zuul-runner would use any local ansible installation, but that can be a toggle05:59
tristanCnow... what do you think of a tool that generates jjb using a builder script to call zuul-runner with the jobs parameters expressed as parameterized build input? :-)06:03
tristanCsomething like "zuul-runner --project zuul-jobs jenkins jjb.yaml"06:05
jheskethI don't follow sorry...06:08
jheskethwhat's the purpose?06:08
tristanCto be able to trigger job with custom parameter06:09
jheskethbut why use jjb?06:11
tristanCso that user can use an hosted web interface to click and sets the parameters for the jobs06:12
jheskethI'm still confused sorry. Do you mean translate the job parameters into JJB that they then deploy into a Jenkins instance which when ran calls zuul-runner plugging the values back in?06:14
tristanCyes, i mean to parse the job description, decode the zuul:jobvar, and create jjb parameterized-build definition06:16
jheskethso why not have zuul be able to execute a parameterised build in a special pipeline? (which is a discussion with split opinions, but ignoring that for now)06:18
tristanCoh yes, that or even AWX integration, I hope that zuul-runner jenkins command would be an intermediary solution06:19
jheskethI wouldn't expect something like that to be in upstream (or at the very most be in a tools or contrib dir)06:21
jheskethI would rather we focused on a first party parameterised build implementation/discussion06:21
tristanCthough it may be an useful feature to enable jenkins->zuul interoperability06:21
jheskethmaybe.. I'm not so sure I see a use other than being able to use the jenkins slaves06:22
tristanCwell we already have conversion from jenkins with zuul-migrate, that would just be the reverse operation :-)06:22
jheskethbut if you're running zuul you've already got another test pool resource06:22
jheskethmy vision was that for parameterised builds that you just use the zuul-runner CLI. We should build enough smarts into the CLI tool to utilise resources that you might have (your own developer cloud endpoint, or your nodepool etc)06:23
jheskethwith the end goal also being that it'll run on the code on your local git repo which may not be pushed anywhere06:24
tristanCthat would work too (minus the fact we won't have an hosted service with all the build history)06:26
tristanCthough we really need a form to set the parameters, with some sort of validation too.06:27
jheskethwell my intention was for it to be similar to running `tox` locally. It's not really something you need to keep the build history of. Once you're happy with your patch then you send it to zuul to do the usual check+gate runs.06:28
jheskethOr similarly if something is failing in the gate you might want to pull it in locally to debug. But once you're done you're again going to send it to the main zuul for verification06:28
openstackgerritSimon Westphahl proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Ensure valid Ansible variable names in config
jheskethof course this is just my vision for the tool, I'm happy for others to hack on whatever they want :-)06:28
jheskethI feel like the need for a form to set the parameters is more a discussion about whether zuul should support parameterised/arbitrary/out of pipeline builds06:29
tristanCthat was my initial intention as well, but we figured we might as well use zuul-runner in jenkins to keep that parameterized build our user rely on today06:29
jheskethsure, maybe it's a quick fix for your situation :-)06:31
tristanCconcretly, the first thing i'd like to add is parameter decoding, e.g. that function:
tristanCat least, we could have a "zuul-runner execute --list-parameter" to show the users what are the available parameters06:32
jheskethyep, that sounds useful :-)06:34
tristanCalright, let me fix ci errors with the current stack first06:35
jheskethawesome, and thanks so much for all the work carrying the patches forward :-)06:38
tobiashtristanC, jhesketh: this should make the tests more stable so you might need less rechecks then:
jheskethtobiash: oh cool, lgtm :-)07:03
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: runner: implement prep-workspace
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: runner: add configuration schema
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: runner: add execute sub-command
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: zuul-runner: add command line interface
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bbayszczakWe're using Zuul 3.5.1 and Gerrit 2.16.708:53
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bbayszczakWe have a pipeline triggered by git tags08:54
bbayszczakIn an untrusted repo with 2 branches, a job to execute is defined for this pipeline08:54
bbayszczakwhen tagging, job variant receives a 'branch_matcher' then job is never matched08:54
bbayszczakSo we’re not able to execute tags trigerred jobs on a multi branch untrusted repo08:54
bbayszczakIs this something already known ?     Thanks08:55
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kepekethi, I'm working with @bbayszczak on this, I can give more details if needed09:04
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: runner: add job parameters listing
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Skip ansible validation for non-ansible tests
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openstackgerritSimon Westphahl proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Align template formating for reporters
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tobiashbbayszczak: I guess you want
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bbayszczaktobiash: that's exactly we wanted !10:27
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electrofelixIs there a good summary of what differences there are between software factory zuul and openstack zuul? Any additional patches? Currently just browsing through the git tree;a=blob;f=zuul.spec;h=416fb624c0aa7ef6b05c3ac4c5b1dddce982da0c;hb=refs/heads/master13:42
mhuelectrofelix, yes as you can see in the zuul spec, there are some extra patches in the rpm13:45
fboelectrofelix: That's the same except the patches you see in the distgit.13:45
mhuelectrofelix, if you check the patch files you should find a link to the related upstream patches that are still in review13:47
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electrofelixmhu fbo: thanks looking through each and just using the ChangeId to search for them in the upstream gerrit13:53
mhuwe should probably list the topics or patch chains in the changelog for clarity though13:54
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add a role to mirror a git repository to a remote git server
openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Do not merge: test zuul-jobs-upload-git-mirror job
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pabelangertobiash: SpamapS: have you created a promote pipeline yet for github?14:32
pabelangerlooking at openstack pipeline, gerrit has a merge-event, but with github, I guess we'd just use the push event?14:32
pabelangerdmsimard: related, have you don't promote pipeline yet in rdo for contain stuff?14:34
dmsimardpabelanger: not me personally, maybe tripleo has14:38
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tobiashpabelanger: not yet15:24
tobiashpabelanger: is is a change or ref based post pipeline?15:24
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Forward artifacts to child jobs within buildset
SpamapSpabelanger: yes, testing it has so far gone well.15:27
SpamapSpabelanger: no you use the pull_request closed event.15:28
SpamapSI hope to roll it out soon, though I kind of got tripped up on trying to test some k8s stuff and finding that Zuul's k8s support lacks exec support.15:29
pabelangerSpamapS: Oh, interesting, pull_request closed15:30
pabelangerI didn't think of that15:30
pabelangertobiash: ^15:30
pabelangerI was trying to figure out how to use push event15:30
pabelangerbut, talking to corvus in openstack-infra, that was likely the wrong approach15:31
pabelangerSpamapS: thanks! let me also try that pipeline stanza out15:31
SpamapSpabelanger: np, I was on that wrong track too ;)15:40
SpamapSI forget who helped me figure it out.15:40
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corvustobiash: the multi-ansible work seems stable; do you think we're ready for a zuul release?15:52
tobiashcorvus: I think I forgot to add the deprecation warnings when a job uses a deprecated ansible version (have to double-check this)15:53
tobiashif we're ok with releasing without this functionality I think we're ready for a release15:54
tobiashcorvus: btw, I noticed that a promote job failed today15:54
corvustobiash: i think you're right.  i could go either way.15:54
corvusmaybe we need to throw some retries at that15:55
corvustobiash: i'll let you decide whether you want to add the deprecation warning before release or not.15:56
tobiashcorvus: I'm not sure if I have the time to do that today. I think that's not crucial and could go into the next release as the default is 2.7 anyway15:57
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tobiashbesides that I hope I find time soon to have a 'stabilize tests day'15:58
tobiashthe various random test failures are annoying :(15:59
corvustobiash, SpamapS: did we ever come to a conclusion on whether this should be a major version bump?  (zuul 4.0.0 or 3.7.0?)  the way we implemented it, zuul *should* keep working without changes to the installation, but we do recommend that folks make changes.  here are the release notes:
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add retries to promote-docker-image
tobiashcorvus: I'd be fine with either, and I'd vote for 3.7.016:04
pabelanger+1 3.7.0 too16:10
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openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: wip - Elasticsearch Zuul reporter
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SpamapScorvus: same as tobiash.. I think if we preserved install steps 3.7 is fine.16:27
clarkbya I think I'm happy with 3.7.0 given that zuul will work with existing upgrade/install processes16:28
clarkband we've already done an ansible version bump without bumping major rev on zuul16:28
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SpamapSlooks like the kubernetes driver is just plumb not gonna work with SSO auth systems...16:38
SpamapSMost of them execute commands to get tokens that are ephemeral.. but zuul only knows how to grok the `token` field.16:38
SpamapS(most: AWS EKS uses aws-iam-authenticator, Google GKE uses gcloud)16:39
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pabelangerSpamapS: tyty, your pipeline worked!16:46
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SpamapSpabelanger: sweet16:51
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pabelangeroh, neat! just started looking into multi-ansible patches17:10
pabelangerzuul-executor did the right things :D17:10
mordredSpamapS: so - if I'm grokking that right - auth is pluggable and varies by deployment - so we might need a 'gke' and 'eks' drivers that subclass the k8s driver and know how to auth?17:26
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tobiashpabelanger: so as expected it installed ansible at startup17:51
pabelangertobiash: yah, that's nice! I am going to try creating own venv now.17:52
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mrhillsmani'm totally confused by something -
pabelangertobiash: how would capping of point releases work? eg: venv ansible-2.7.8 and ansible-2.7.9. can jobs get that granularity for testing?17:53
mrhillsmani cannot for the life figure out how to get rid of the 1.10 and 1.11 jobs branch release-1.1017:54
tobiashpabelanger: you'd need to patch the ansible.conf17:55
mrhillsmani thought at first because we removed the jobs from master branch they got picked up from an older one17:55
mrhillsmanbut if that is true, 1.11 should be release-1.11 and not release-1.1017:55
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mrhillsmanand where is 1.12 and 1.13 jobs17:56
tobiashpabelanger: and copy the module links17:56
tobiashThat's not really meant to be a deployers choice17:56
mrhillsmanlatest zuul does not even have those jobs listed -
pabelangertobiash: Ah, okay. My original though was to create a new virtualenv for each dot release (as it happened) over continusly pip upgrading the one venv. Not a blocked right now17:59
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mrhillsmanyeah, i am just not getting why it would run18:12
mrhillsmanand there are others that are not running18:12
clarkbmrhillsman: it runs because it is listed tehre?18:12
mrhillsmanwhy would other branches with .zuul.yaml files jobs not run18:14
mrhillsmanand just those two is confusing me18:14
SpamapSmordred: I think we might just need a pass-thru actually18:14
clarkbmrhillsman: have you reloaded your config since those changes were made?18:14
mrhillsmanyes sir18:14
clarkbiirc zuul isn't gating your config repo so it doesn't auto load those changes?18:14
SpamapSmordred: and let people add things needed into the bubblewrap so their kubectl works.18:15
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corvusclarkb: zuul should reload config whenever changes land regardless of whether it's gating18:15
mrhillsmani ran full-reconfigure again18:15
corvusmrhillsman: do you have access to the zuul scheduler debug logs?18:16
mrhillsmani do18:16
mrhillsmani can dig for sure, anything specific i need to look out for?18:17
mordredSpamapS: I defer to your judgement and knowledge18:17
corvusmrhillsman: there's going to be a big chunk of info in there where zuul tries to explain how it decided which jobs to run... let me dig up an example to help you find it18:17
corvusmrhillsman: what's the tenant name?18:18
clarkbSpamapS: if you mean exposing filesystem dirs in the bwrap container that is already configurable by zuul config18:20
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SpamapSclarkb: no, I mean adding executables. :)18:22
SpamapSgcloud and/or aws-iam-authenticator, for instance18:22
SpamapSthough folks can also do that in pre playbooks18:23
clarkbSpamapS: default is already to pass through /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin iirc and you could explicitly pass that through if installed elsewhere18:23
clarkb(all of /usr is passed in iirc)18:23
corvusmrhillsman: the block for the master branch should start with a line that matches: "zuul.Pipeline.openlab.periodic: Freezing job graph for .* kubernetes/cloud-provider-openstack refs/heads/master"  (and will be refs/heads/release-1.10 etc for other branches)18:23
mordredyeah. they should just work if you install them into your executor18:23
mrhillsmanty sir18:23
corvusmrhillsman: here's an example of the whole block for a random openstack project:
mrhillsmanok i understand looking at that18:24
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corvusmrhillsman: i suspect there may be a complication due to the way branches are set up there.  in a repo with branches, zuul only applies the "project" stanza from the branch which matches the change.  so i think in this file: the only jobs that will be added are the master and 1.14 jobs18:29
mrhillsmangot it18:29
mrhillsmanty sir18:29
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corvusmrhillsman: np, let me know if you have more questions18:30
mrhillsmanthat makes sense then why we have the issue18:30
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corvusmrhillsman: if you can update the file on that branch to just list those 2 jobs, then on the 1.10 branch to just list that job, etc, i think it will work (and might be easier to follow, as each branch's configuration is located in that branch)18:31
mrhillsmanyep, totally understand now, will get those changes pushed out18:32
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mrhillsmanmakes a lot of sense, was not aware of that caveat18:32
corvusmrhillsman: if, instead, you want to control all of the jobs from the master branch, there is a way to do that, but it's a bit more work/complex ( see )18:32
mrhillsmani will, ty.18:32
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mrhillsmani think we can do what we been doing just need to fix it as you stated18:33
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mrhillsmanwill have to check on the plan of handling releases is decided and ensure we are aligned18:33
corvusmrhillsman: yeah, i think having the configs on each branch and not using pragmas is better18:33
mrhillsmanthere's a few moving pieces that need to be coordinated but agree with you18:33
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mrhillsmanappreciate the help again, trying to clean up quite a few things with this particular one18:35
corvusmrhillsman: one more doc link (no new info, this is just the bit about projects and branches in more words -- second paragraph of )18:37
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openstackgerritDavid Moreau Simard proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add a role to mirror a git repository to a remote git server
SpamapSclarkb: no, I mean pass through sections of .kube/config!19:00
SpamapSmordred: ^19:00
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SpamapSRight now we only carry certain details forward from nodepool... token is the only auth detail. Probably works fine on openshift but does not work on GKE or EKS19:01
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mrhillsmanfor Denver are there any Zuul evening/community events happening?19:39
fungii haven't heard any mentioned yet19:43
fungithuogh it sounds like we'll have at least a project update presentation and have possible wg and bof sessions reserved on... tuesday was it?19:44
corvusi'm going to tag 77ffb70104959803a8ee70076845c185bd17ddc1 as zuul 3.7.0.  that look right?20:24
clarkb77ffb70 is what openstack's zuul reports it is running and the commits on HEAD since shouldn't affect production runtime20:26
clarkbso lgtm20:26
clarkbSpamapS: reading the docs on aws authentication (haven't looked at gke yet) looks like you set up your aws creds in a credentials file then setup kubectl to use the authenticator plugin thing. I think that means the nodepool operator can configure nodepool's kubectl config file as well as aws credentials to make that side work. Then we need to have the zuul job side write out the correct kubectl config file as20:34
clarkbwell as aws credentials file?20:34
clarkbthinking out loud here, the easiest way to do that might be to treat eks, gke, etc as distinct k8s flavors just like how openshift is managed as a different "flavor"?20:34
clarkbthen we can write out the correct config and users can supply the aws creds via a secret maybe?20:34
clarkban alternative to using a secret may be to have nodepool pass the credentials along instead of a token20:36
corvusare these creds unique to each pod/namespace that nodepool provides?20:37
corvusin general, i'm in favor of nodepool passing whatever is needed to use the nodes to zuul, but if we're talking sytem-wide credentials, that could be unsafe20:37
corvus(i'm not sure i'm up to speed on the auth systems under discussion here)20:38
clarkbcorvus: no they are amazon iam roles
clarkbits possible that the nodepool driver would need to know to provision job or buildset specific roles to avoid system wide access20:39
corvusclarkb: yeah, that's what it looks like at first glance.  with the plain k8s driver, each namespace gets its own system user token.20:39
corvusso that seems like the analog20:40
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corvusit looks like all the dockerhub image promotion jobs we're running in openstack are failing at the 'get jwt token' stage:
corvusi made a test playbook which just has a copy of that task with the credentials for zuul's dockerhub account hardcoded, and ran it inside of zuul-bwrap on an executor and it works21:13
clarkbdid you run it with ansible 2.7?21:14
clarkbthere goes my good idea :(21:14
corvusyeah, that seems like the most likely thing that's changed21:15
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corvusokay i think i got it22:38
corvus  File "/var/lib/zuul/ansible/2.7/zuul/ansible/action/", line 33, in run22:39
corvus    paths._fail_if_unsafe(self._task.args['path'])22:39
corvusKeyError: 'path'22:39
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix Ansible 2.7 uri module
corvustobiash, clarkb: ^ i think that's the problem with the promote jobs22:46
clarkbCool I'll take a look22:47
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add missing Ansible invocation debug env variables
corvusand... that would have saved some time :)22:52
clarkbI'm looking at the ansible source code ot understand how this worked under 2.5 (to make sure we won't break 2.5 with this change) and there doesn't seem to be an action module for uri under 2.5? is that why this wasn't an issue until 2.7?22:54
corvusclarkb: yeah, i think it was handled by the 'normal' action module22:55
corvusso i think it went from being a "normal" module to an "action" module22:55
corvusclarkb: classdoc at has more words22:56
corvusalso, fyi, the 'src' argument was added in 2.7, so we don't have to handle that in the older versions (and we don't)22:57
jamesmcarthurcorvus: Can we add some time on the meeting agenda on Monday to discuss governance presentation and next steps?23:11
corvusjamesmcarthur: we stopped having a regular meeting a while ago in favor of email, but we can schedule an ad-hoc one if needed.  want to do that?23:13
corvus(i thought we removed the meeting from the schedule; did we miss something there?)23:13
corvustristanC: just in case you don't see this in your review workflow: i have a -1 comment on which is masked by an earlier +223:19
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