Wednesday, 2019-03-06

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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul-sphinx master: Add type to role variables
ianwcorvus: is there a reason zuul.items[X].ref isn't a thing, or is just something that hasn't been considered?00:19
corvusianw: for what purpose?00:20
corvusianw: a job should never directly access a ref00:20
corvus(it may not even be accessible to the job)00:21
ianwcorvus: in this case, i was thinking that the zone roles clone a git url, taken from the variables.  what is conceivable is that i could look up in items if the zone repo is in items, and pass the ref for the change to the git checkout00:22
corvusianw: that may be inaccessible (it's perfectly legit for a zuul job not to be able to access the underlying change storage), but moreover, that wouldn't be a valid future state.  if a job needs to use a future state, the only way to do that is using the repos on disk.00:23
corvusianw: so if you wanted to do that, pass the ref to the file:// url on disk00:25
ianwcorvus: yeah, i see what you're getting at.  i think it might work for a wip change, just to validate, but it's not something you'd commit00:27
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ianwusing the ref, i mean, wouldn't be something you commit.  so i see the strong argument for it not being exposed00:29
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corvusianw: yeah, there are options there, and, wearing my zuul hat, i won't favor any of them.  but they are: 1) add the zone project to required-projects and always use the file:// url in the test.  2) inspect zuul.projects to see if the zone repo is present, if so, use the file:// url, otherwise, use the prod url.  3) do what you just suggested -- only use the file:// url in a speculative change.  4) don't do00:30
corvusanything :)00:30
corvusianw: if you're only after a single speculative change to demonstrate something as a one-off, i think you can swap in a file url hard-coded pretty easily00:31
corvusianw: if you wanted something more permanent, #1 or #2 would be reasonable designs.00:31
corvusianw: putting on my opendev hat, i don't think 1 or 2 are worth investing time in for this particular job because the additional data validation we'd obtain would be very small.00:32
ianwagree, what i'm doing in adding this subdomain and the new update option is an outlier, so i think i can satisfy myself with some speculative testing00:34
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: web: switch jobs list to a tree view
kmallocmhu: commented01:11
kmallocmhu: i think you're pretty close to being on the mark. nothing too crazy added01:12
kmallocmhu: s/added/seen.01:12
corvustristanC: i think i just saw your bug in opendev:
corvustristanC: 640901 is in there twice01:25
corvustristanC: also, i think we need to reverse sort the artifacts, because the job ended up pushing an older image on top of a newer one01:26
corvusclarkb, mordred: ^ fyi latest patchets are now correctly showing a broken image on the change where it's supposed to be broken, but it's incorrectly using the broken image on the next change too because of that ordering problem.01:27
corvustristanC: also, we made several changes to the opendev jobs today -- you may want to look again at opendev/base-jobs as well as
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tristanCcorvus: hello, thanks for the update01:37
tristanCcorvus: i think it would make sens to have job artifacts being passed to child job, similarly to other zuul_return data01:38
tristanCcorvus: in our case, we want the rpm-build job output to be used by buildset child job (as well as item behind the queue to re-use what has been build ahead)01:39
tristanCcorvus: e.g. replace that by a zuul.artifacts01:43
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SpamapS2019-03-06 02:05:07,501 DEBUG Active requests: []02:05
SpamapSmmmmmmm... kubernetes driver02:05
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mhukmalloc, thx!07:19
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Implement a Runc driver
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Proposed spec: tenant-scoped admin web API
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: [WIP] web: add tenant and project scoped, JWT-protected actions
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: [WIP] Allow operator to generate auth tokens through the CLI
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bjackmanDoes anyone know how what I need to make persistent in order for the secret encryption keys to persist when zuul containers are recreated?14:36
pabelangeryou'll want to do it on the scheduler container, for /var/lib/zuul/keys (default) directory14:38
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bjackmanpabelanger, ah perfect, thanks!14:42
openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: [WIP] Allow operator to generate auth tokens through the CLI
bjackmanDocker noobiness here - I'm guessing it won't be possible to persist that directory retroactively now that the container is already up?14:44
bjackmanI guess worst case I can pull the contents out of the live container, manually create a volume with those contents, then restart it with that volume mounted14:44
openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: [WIP] web: add tenant and project scoped, JWT-protected actions
openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: [WIP] Allow operator to generate auth tokens through the CLI
openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: [WIP] Zuul CLI: allow access via REST
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mordredbjackman: yeah  - I believe that's likely what you want to do - I don't know of any way to retroactively make a container dir into a volume15:18
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: [WIP] web: add tenant and project scoped, JWT-protected actions
pabelangercorvus: mordred: tobiash: when you have a moment, do you mind looking at backscoll about pastebin I posted yesterday about a stuck job:
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: [WIP] Allow operator to generate auth tokens through the CLI
openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: [WIP] Zuul CLI: allow access via REST
pabelangerdo we have any outstanding issues that would prevent a zuul release this week?16:01
electrofelixIs it possible in zuulv3 to have a set of jobs defined centrally where a project must run one of them, but it's upto the project as to which one? use case is providing security scanners for python/go/etc, just require a project runs one of them16:03
electrofelixlooking at use cases to justify upgrading16:03
clarkbpabelanger: the base64 commit message change is merged and openstack is running that commit for all zuul processes. My hunch is that that version is releasable based on openstack's lack of problems with it so far16:03
clarkbelectrofelix: I don'tthink there is any annotation system that forces a project to run a subset of jobs16:04
clarkbelectrofelix: I'd probably approach that via central config repo if it was a strong requirement16:04
pabelangerclarkb: great!16:05
electrofelixclarkb: so more likely to need a central job that checks what jobs are configured for a project and just error if missing one from a required set?16:05
clarkbelectrofelix: ya that could be a test job on the central config, then any time central config updates check if your rule is met and fail if not16:06
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electrofelixclarkb: thanks, there's always a way ;-)16:07
clarkbelectrofelix: fwiw openstack has taken a more "trust the projects its their code anyway" approach and so far people seem to have stuck to the ruleset16:08
electrofelixclarkb: sometimes we have to do things that seem insane but are mandated anyway16:09
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: [WIP] Add Authorization Rules configuration
openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: [WIP] Add Authorization Rules configuration
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: WIP allow soft job dependencies
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SpamapSAre there any roles in review or in zuul-jobs for making use of kubernetes namespace resources?16:57
SpamapSJust checking before I start writing them.16:57
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clarkbSpamapS: I'm not sure but searching for changes owned by tristanC is probably a good way to find them if so17:01
SpamapSclarkb: ty, I'll peek17:12
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tobiashpabelanger: sorry, was afk17:38
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tobiashpabelanger: looks like you had a network glitch when fetching an installation key from github (new installation?)17:39
tobiashpabelanger: we probably don't have a retry there17:39
mugsietristanC: would you object to me taking over ?17:43
pabelangertobiash: yes, poor network for executors, there was an outage during that window17:43
mordredmugsie: he's in asia timezone - but I am 100% certain he would not object17:45
tobiashpabelanger: I guess this would have saved you:
mugsiemordred: cool, I will start looking at it17:45
tobiashmerged 4 weeks ago so maybe not in your release yet17:45
tobiashpabelanger: judging from your stack trace this seems like the correct fix17:46
pabelangertobiash: ah, yes. I think you are right17:47
pabelangerwill wait until next release to debug more17:47
tobiashpabelanger: yah, confirmed, not in latest release17:48
clarkbmugsie: mordred yup tristanC has said in the past that he does not have the ability to test that driver so would like someone that can to take over17:48
mordredmugsie: it's also quite old and the internal api has shifted quite a bit - so you might want to look at the ec2 driver as a starting point for thinking about it17:48
mugsiemordred: yeah, I did a rebase, and realised it was all changed :)17:48
pabelangertobiash: ++17:48
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mordredmugsie: :)17:51
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Validate ansible installations on startup
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make ansible version configurable
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Install ansible during executor startup if needed
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Support ansible 2.6
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: WIP: Support ansible 2.7
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Switch default ansible version to 2.7
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: DNM: zuul-stream-functional debugging
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: DNM: Test concurrent tox remote
SpamapSmulti-ansible implementation makes me happy18:08
tobiashSpamapS: it's almost feature complete :)18:09
tobiash2.7 has some problems left18:09
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SpamapSDid we actually decide to drop the ansible-level restrictions btw? Or is that still just out there as an idea?18:14
tobiashSpamapS: there was no decision yet18:14
SpamapSThat would certainly make your job easier. :)18:15
clarkbansible-level restrictions?18:15
pabelangertobiash: ansible-root path will come from zuul.conf?18:15
corvusclarkb: drop the in-tree ansible plugin overrides and rely entirely on bwrap18:16
tobiashpabelanger: yes, will be configurable18:16
corvusi owe us a mailing list message on the topic18:17
tobiashSpamapS: it's more the log streaming tests that behave a little bit different in 2.718:18
corvuswe've just batted the idea around a bit in here so far18:18
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clarkbmordred: re using the ansible operator code any concern that the ansible k8s module doesn't actually work with k8s currently (we had to override dependencies to make it work due to bugs in swagger python code generation)18:23
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add foreground option
clarkbI wonder if it wouldn't be easier to support an operator that wasn't going through an extra layer of abstraction18:25
pabelangerclarkb: I kinda agree, there would be work to do on ansible-operator side too, if we went down that path.18:26
mordredclarkb: I mean - I think it would be hard for ansible-operator to exist if the k8s module didn't work - so I imagine perhaps whatever is in the base ansible-operator image they've likely got that part sorted out?18:26
clarkbmordred: ya they could be overriding dependencies like we had to do18:27
mordredbut if there are bugs or places where it's not awesome yeah - we might need to work with the ansible-operator folks to improve it18:27
clarkbmordred: fwiw I expected that it would be odd for k8s module to not work but it totally doesn't work with the specified deps18:27
mordredclarkb: yeah. this is one of the 'nice' things about the baseline being an image - we just get the thing with all the deps in it18:28
mordredclarkb: the other alternatives are writing a ton of go code - or learning/adopting helm - both of which also have a decent amount of cost to them - I think I'd rather spend that extra cost makign teh ansible-operator work if needed :)18:28
mordredseems to align the most with other places we put energy into already18:29
corvustbh, considering what an operator does, ansible sounds like it could be a good match :)18:29
clarkb(also in defense of ansible k8s module the bug was in python k8s module imported by openshift k8s module which specified the broken range)18:29
pabelangerI'm going to try their hello-world example today, see what all the fuss is about18:31
pabelangerI can't figure out if ansible-runner is running in the same container as the service or something else18:32
clarkbpabelanger: I think ansible runs separately and talks to the k8s api to provision the service containers18:32
clarkbpabelanger: if you didn't do it that way you'd end up having to have ansible in your service container images which would be weird18:32
clarkbthen whenever k8s events happen your ansible is triggered whcih can change the state of your application (and ya I think writing small playbooks/roles is likely easier for that then boilerplate go)18:33
mordredbasically there is a service, written in go, which exists in the base operator image that runs when you create teh operator18:33
clarkb(I just haven't seen that actualyl work in practice without working around bugs in about 3 layers of code)18:33
mordredthat service listens for events from k8s and when it gets them it runs the playbook or role you have configured for it to run when it gets the appropriate event18:34
mordredthe playbooks themselves then can take k8s api actions18:34
pabelangerokay, that is what I hoped18:34
clarkb is still broken fwiw18:34
clarkbso they must fix that in their operator image18:34
pabelangerso, if one had a k8s / openshift, you could write ansible playbooks today to do something18:34
pabelangerthen deal with moving into operator later18:35
mordredyou define the watches in a yaml file:
mordredthen you can write roles that do things, liek this:
pabelangerI think is the base container18:36
pabelangerhowever, does list it as pre-alpha18:36
clarkb doesn't have a non beta fix yet though18:37
clarkbso can't blame openshift client much18:37
mordredthe base image is
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mordredpabelanger: but yeah - you should be able to write ansible playbooks and run them manually against a k8s18:39
corvustristanC: \o/ i finally made a test reproducer for the duplicate artifact error!18:39
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pabelangermordred: yah, minikube just finishing up now. will try shortly18:40
mordredcorvus: \o/18:40
corvusmordred, pabelanger: i'm *really* excited about what the gate testing is going to look like for this.  cross-project dependencies with speculative images in buildset registries and full k8s deployments :)18:41
pabelangercorvus: yes, me too18:42
clarkbactually I wonder if their usage/testing of thati s all one shot containers that only run a single k8s task18:43
clarkbin that case your python threads wouldn't coalesce and exit but you wouldn't really notice because it did the thing you want18:43
kmallocmhu: +1 looks good to me. i think it needs the maximum_validity_time, but you've covered most everything18:43
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SpamapSclarkb: big assumption: "they" test and use it.19:14
mordredSpamapS: if they don't - they're potentially about to meet some new friends. :)19:18
SpamapSvigorous friends19:18
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix test race with Watchdog thread still running
mordredrigorous vigorous friends19:19
tobiashcorvus, mordred, clarkb: that should resolve a test race I observed in ^19:19
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Run tox remote concurrent
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: WIP: Support ansible 2.7
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Switch default ansible version to 2.7
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: DNM: zuul-stream-functional debugging
corvustobiash: i like that pattern19:22
clarkbtobiash: do we have to set self.end to 0? looks like we only check it in self._run which happens after self.start() and self.start() sets it19:23
tobiashclarkb: it's just because otherwise it's not really a member variable and the warning in the ide was annoying19:23
clarkbsilly IDEs19:24
tobiashwell, I would agree with my IDE that it's a good habit to declare all members in _init_19:25
clarkbya its not a bad idea19:25
SpamapSGets more important with type hinting.19:25
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SpamapSOh the little barber-pole thing on starting jobs is nice. It would be nice if the streaming page did something similar (if you click too soon, it just says "END OF STREAM" )19:30
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix test race with Watchdog thread still running
openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: [WIP] Allow operator to generate auth tokens through the CLI
openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: [WIP] Zuul CLI: allow access via REST
openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: [WIP] Add Authorization Rules configuration
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: [WIP] Web: plug the authorization engine
openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: [WIP] Web: plug the authorization engine
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: [WIP] Zuul Web: add /api/user/actions endpoint
SpamapSHrm, so with the namespace label type.. I guess I still need a pod from which to run kubectl on said namespace.20:44
clarkbSpamapS: I thought the idea was to run it from the executor?20:45
clarkbyou'll have to install things on the executor for that to work (as you noted in email earlier today)20:45
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Log exception on module failure with empty stdout
openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: [WIP] Zuul Web: add /api/user/actions endpoint
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Log exception on module failure with empty stdout
SpamapSclarkb: if I run it from the executor I need all the jobs to be trusted.20:53
SpamapSI want to let people run kubectl apply.20:53
SpamapSOn the namespace they were just given.20:53
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SpamapSI *think* the right way to do that is to copy up the .kube/config that zuul generates from the node info.20:53
clarkbya I think in my example you'd have to use the k8s module20:54
SpamapSinto a pod that has kubectl20:54
clarkbbut you can still do the rough equivalent of kubectl apply20:54
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SpamapSk8s module is allowed on untrusted?20:56
SpamapS(that would totally work)20:56
clarkbyes I blieve it is. Its just python requests to the k8s api (or similar its a bunch of generate code by swagger)20:56
clarkbso there is no fork to worry about20:56
clarkbsee my notes about how its broken though :( the fix is to install the beta release of 9.0 kubernetes package20:57
pabelangerso, I have minishift running on laptop, I ran into something with minikube, I tried loading zuul/zuul-web from dashboard and see this warning right away: Image zuul/zuul-merger runs as the root user which might not be permitted by your cluster administrator.20:57
pabelangerI guess that is becaue the user inside the container is root?20:57
clarkbpabelanger: and openshift wants to lock things down iirc20:58
pabelangerbut the container or pod I guess, did start it seems20:58
clarkbtobiash: has to run a separte openshift with fewer restrictions than their main one iirc20:58
pabelangeryah, I'll have to read up on it20:58
pabelangeri think this came up before, but any reason for user inside container not to be root?20:59
SpamapSclarkb: trying k8s now20:59
tobiashpabelanger: because this is default in openshift because it's multi-tenant and being paranoid is probably important when doing multi-tenancy with containers21:00
clarkbpabelanger: I think I've asked before and iirc we couldn't come up with a good reason not to and you already get a root user?21:01
clarkbpabelanger: this might be a good erason not to (just to avoid people thinking we are doing bad things with thier images)21:01
pabelangerclarkb: yah, I don't know if it matters or not. I know there was some discussion a while back on interweb about running apps as non-root in container, but don't know if that did anything or not21:02
pabelangerbut so far, this minishift seems to be running the pod okay21:03
pabelangerif I had a zuul.conf file, that is21:03
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pabelangertobiash: reading, it seems the root user in container might be something controlled by cluster admin? I see some posts on web to remove that requirement21:12
tobiashyes, that's possible21:12
tobiashand that's exactly the reason for us running a dedicated openshift (as an admin of a multi tenant openshift would never do that)21:13
pabelangerso, it isn't the fact the container is asking for privileged, running as root user in the container is an issue too?21:14
clarkbunless you do user namespacing which rhel doesn't do by default?21:17
tobiashroot and privileged are two things in containers. You can be root without privileges in containers. But this is restricted in openshift too (probably due to possible kernel bugs)21:17
tobiashthe user namespacing can help with the executor because with that bwrap doesn't need to be root or privileged21:18
tobiashbut yes, that's disabled in rhel by default21:18
pabelangermaybe tomorrow I'll work on change to switch from root user in container and see if that makes minishift happier21:19
clarkbaiui that big runc vulnerability that just happened was not an issue if you used user namespacing21:20
clarkb(also not an issue for podman which your openshift might use? probably too early for that shift to have been made though)21:20
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Manage ansible installations within zuul
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Validate ansible installations on startup
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Make ansible version configurable
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Install ansible during executor startup if needed
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Support ansible 2.6
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Run tox remote concurrent
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: WIP: Support ansible 2.7
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Switch default ansible version to 2.7
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: DNM: zuul-stream-functional debugging
openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Proposed spec: tenant-scoped admin web API
mhukmalloc, I've addressed your last comment, I think we're good to go!21:23
kmalloccool! i can only +1, but let me re-+121:24
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tobiashmordred: I just saw this awesome mail thread about zuul operator. I'll respond tomorrow. But I have to say that I also already thought about it and really like that idea :)21:50
pabelangerheh, need to update docker version. Seem fedora 29 version doesn't support multi-stage builds21:53
SpamapSThere are some components that you just have to get upstream. :-P22:11
SpamapSpip, docker, etc.22:11
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix duplicate and reversed artifacts
corvustristanC: ^ there's the bugfix22:47
corvustristanC: i looked into extending provides/requires artifact collection for jobs within the same buildset.  i don't think that's going to work because we would quickly end up with unresolvable loops.  so i think if you want to collect artifacts from the same buildset, we should use the existing dependency relationships between jobs to do so.  i think the end result is the same, it's just going to be a new22:59
corvuschunk of code to implement it.22:59
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Allow soft job dependencies
corvusclarkb, mordred, fungi: is green and should fix the bug that's blocking the demonstration in
corvusit's one of those 2 line fixes with 37 lines of commit message.23:13
fungiyeah, and a bunch of regression testing23:17
fungivery detailed commit message23:17
corvusfigured we should get something for half a day's work :)23:17
clarkbcorvus: is there ever a case that method would return false?23:20
clarkbseems like the side effects on data are what we really want (possible this is a canidate for furhter simplification in that case?)23:20
corvusclarkb: hrm.  it seems like there should be, let me walk through it again23:21
corvusoh there they are, in lines 2282-228723:21
clarkbah yup23:22
corvusoh, i think i may have found an error23:23
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corvusi think we don't want to recurse up the (a) side.  i think we always want to go up the (b) case.23:24
corvusbecause our change may have extra dependencies23:25
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix duplicate and reversed artifacts
corvusclarkb, fungi: ^ i think that's a more correct solution23:29
corvuspasses the relevant tests locally23:30
mordredcorvus: that one has 8 lines of code instead of 4 - does that mean it's twice or half as good as the previous patch?23:32
corvusmordred: i like less than half of it half as well as it deserves.23:36
fungiand more than half of it half as well as it would like?23:37

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