Sunday, 2018-12-30

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mordredSpamapS: we really need to finish refactoring that streaming system14:55
SpamapSmordred: what's next on that todo?14:58
SpamapSmordred: the refactor I did certainly made it easier to read.. but is there more?14:58
mordredSpamapS: this is the server-side bit ...14:58
SpamapSah yeah14:58
SpamapSso you can signal "that's really the end of the build" vs. "bbbbuuuhh bye"14:59
mordredI also need to go dig in to the stuff bcoca has been doing in ansible upstream15:00
SpamapSwould be really cool to have streaming built in to ansible. :)15:10
SpamapSmordred: how sweet would it be if the console worked like a ring buffer, and it always just got saved into the builds table?15:14
SpamapSwould be a convenient answer to "ugh, and I have to set up log serving?"15:15
mordredwell - I mean - unfortunately, console logs being stored into the builds table would kill us in openstack land15:16
* mordred waves to devstack15:16
SpamapSEven 25 lines you think?15:16
mordredI may not be following the thing you're saying :)15:17
SpamapSgzip it up, you can probably fit it into 255 bytes.15:17
mordredoh golly no - these bad boys are huge15:17
SpamapSring buffer, meaning, only show the last X lines.15:17
SpamapSIt's not "the log", it's "what's happening"15:17
mordredyeah - I think that would still kill us - because now we'd have to have a scalable mysql service taking a gajillion writes and deletes :(15:18
SpamapSoh I wouldn't put the ring buffer in mysql15:18
SpamapSjust at the end15:18
mordredat the end it would just save the last 25 lines into mysql?15:18
SpamapSJust have the executor hit the finger service at the end.15:18
SpamapSThe place I'd do the ring buffer is in the viewer.15:19
SpamapSto keep it lightweight15:19
SpamapSbut then if you request a build that isn't running now, it could still show you the last 25 lines15:19
SpamapSmaybe with the log link at the bottom15:19
mordredI think I need more coffee - cause I'm just not following you but I really want to15:20
SpamapSIt's mostly that I don't like how different viewing "logs" is from viewing the streams.15:20
mordredoh - well, *that* is just a point in time bug15:20
SpamapSand I def need more caffeine as this isn't really all that awesome. :-P15:20
mordredthe working idea there is that once the build page exists in the dashboard, then it can load the console_log.json (or console_log.yaml) file from the link provided to it by the zuul api - and render it appropriately - so that for the console log you're *always* going through the dashboard, and if it's live, it'll be live, and if it's finished it'll be the log data15:22
mordredand then, like you said, links to more log files, etc15:23
mordredSpamapS: but you know - what should probably happen is that we should write something down describing the future, you know, like a spec or something15:24
mordredcause I think right now it mostly exists as memories of conversations15:24
SpamapShrm. wtf
SpamapSmordred: memories are only specs for about 2 months. ;)15:25
mordredSpamapS: ugh.15:25
mordredSpamapS: so - there are a couple of possibilities there15:25
SpamapSI have the same deb.. it installs /usr/bin/npm ... :-P15:25
mordredis it possible this decided to install from distro rather than upstream?15:26
* mordred reading code15:26
SpamapScould be15:26
SpamapS18.04's might look newer15:26
SpamapSnode_version: 615:27
* SpamapS will poke 8 into that15:27
mordredI bet it does - we should add an apt-pin to pull from the nodesource versions -- you can pin to a source right?15:27
mordred2018-12-30 15:15:18.253193 | builder | v8.10.015:27
mordredSpamapS: ^^ you installed version 8 though15:27
mordredoh - but it would have added the v6 repo - got it15:27
mordredwe should still add an apt pin15:27
mordredSpamapS: it's pin: origin I think yeah?15:28
* SpamapS fetches the pinning scrolls15:28
SpamapSmordred: correct15:29
mordredk working on patch15:30
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Pin nodejs package to upstream repo
mordredSpamapS: ^^15:34
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add nodesets API route
*** sshnaidm_ is now known as sshnaidm15:44
mordredSpamapS: if you get bored, there's a big pile of things with 1 +2 at that would benefit from a second set of eyes - especially since you were just hacking in that area15:49
SpamapSOh yes, weirdly, I've reached intermediate level react the last few months.15:49
* SpamapS waits for gertty to get done thinking15:49
SpamapS2018-12-30 15:30:29,257 INFO zuul.ExecutorServer: Unregistering due to high system load 5.13427734375 > 5.016:04
SpamapS2018-12-30 15:33:09,264 INFO zuul.ExecutorServer: Re-registering as job is within its limits 4.77587890625 <= 5.0, 26.1% <= 5.0, running, 78.7% <= 5.0, 0 <= 4.016:04

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