Sunday, 2018-11-18

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pabelangermordred: looking at the zuul 3.3.0 wheel on pypi, I don't see the compiled index.html bit for yarn, is that expected?01:29
pabelangereg: I think out release job for zuul, is missing yarn01:30
pabelangerwhich is causing those bits not to be added into the wheel01:30
clarkbpabelanger: I think only latest wheel is expected to have them01:30
clarkbif you sdist it works on older iirc01:30
pabelangerclarkb: I unzipped it, but cannot see where they are stored01:31
pabelangerI thought it was zuul/web/static01:31
clarkbI dont recall but there were numerous bugs that I thought got fixed01:32
pabelangeryah, I think we fixed it for our docker images01:32
pabelangerbut, I cannot see it inside the pypi wheel01:32
pabelangerI also think is protecting zuul.o.o from this issue too, since we are still fetching them from tarballs.o.o01:32
pabelangerchecking out release jobs for zuul01:33
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Use publish-zuul-python-branch-tarball job
pabelangerclarkb: mordred: ^ should atleast fix our branch-tarball job to now install yarn bits, then we can confirm if static html is properly included in wheel. I don't see it for 3.3.0 release, but may just be missing something01:50
pabelangernote depends-on for project-config01:50
SpamapSpabelanger: when you're saying zone, are you meaning the same thing as an openstack availability zone?02:56
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul-base-jobs master: Add base openshift job
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pabelangerSpamapS: maybe, in my use case, it is more about being able to say which executors can be used by a specific tenant. Or my cloud does FIPs, and adding an executor on the same private network means I could maybe stop using FIPs16:18
clarkbpabelanger: in that case couldnt you map executors to nodepool providers and that would be enough?16:20
clarkba nodeset is always provided by one provider16:20
clarkbnodepool does understand that much16:20
pabelangerclarkb: yah, I think the issue today is, if that is setup, and executor can still run jobs for other nodesets, in other cloud provider16:24
pabelangerIf the executor is in a zone, then they only executor jobs for that zone, based on what nodepool node is setup for16:24
clarkbyes thats tge new feature right?16:28
clarkbbasically zone == nodepool provider and that should be sufficient I think16:28
clarkbmaybe nodpeool pool16:28
pabelangeryah, in the use case we are discussing, a zuul executor maybe behind a corp firewall, and doesn't have access to other cloud providers. So we'd basically want per-tenant zuul executors, since only those jobs could be run behind the firewall16:31
pabelangerwe == ansible-network16:32
clarkbit would be less tenant specific and more provider specific right?16:33
clarkbtenant doesnt imply firewall but provider might16:33
pabelangeryup, and we are doing that today, we have ansible-network tenant with specific providers16:36
pabelangerhowever, if we add a zuul-executor into our region, to be closer to the jobs and get stability, other jobs outside of ansible-network will be scheduled onto that executor. And may not want to be since that are not in our tenant.16:38
pabelangerand I don't know how changing a nodeset on nodepool side, will stop the executor from even getting the job16:38
pabelangerreading the zone patch that rcarrillocruz started, it seemed like the way to limit which jobs run on an executor16:39
clarkbiirc the code was supposed to be an update to gearman so that the gearman job was "zone" specific16:39
clarkbthe executors could be configured to only run jobs on nodes from specififc providers16:40
pabelangeryah, that is what looks to do, if I understand the original story16:40
pabelangerbut need some eyes / reviews on it to make sure I am on the right path16:40
clarkbya so nodepools needs to tell zuul which "zone" or "pool" the resources are from16:42
pabelangeryah, and is nodepool change16:43
clarkbthe in zuul/executor/ you use that info to request the zone specififc job (rather than what is hardcoded now)16:43
pabelangerhowever, because nodepool doesn't understand what a nodeset is, I don't know how best to do on the zuul/executor/client side the lookup from zk.16:43
pabelangerI guess, we just look at first node in nodeset, and pull zone, then assume all other nodes are in the same zone16:44
pabelangerclarkb: yah16:44
clarkbya so this is what I was trying to explain before. drop zone as a new construct. the thing nodepool understands is "pool"16:44
clarkbso just use that I think16:44
clarkbyou know all nodes ina  noderequest are from the same pool16:45
clarkbyour zone is provider_name.pool_name16:45
pabelangeryah, right. I see now, we are kinda duplicating zone / pool here16:45
pabelangerokay, I can work that up today16:46
pabelangerand play with it16:46
clarkbadding zone would work too but I think it would be redundant16:47
pabelangerI guess the bonus of a zone, would be adding more then 1 provider into it. If we did provider_name.pool_name, we'd be limited to 116:48
clarkbthats true maybe we could address that byallowing an executor to talk to more tgan one pool16:50
sshnaidmhow can I pass variable value from pre.yml to post.yml, will set_fact keep it?17:08
sshnaidmwithout dumping on disk somewhere17:08
pabelangersshnaidm: no, you need to write it to disk19:27
pabelangerI wonder how we could leverage the fact cache we provide on the zuul-executor19:28
pabelangeroh, TIL19:29
pabelangerset_fact: cachable: true19:29
pabelangerthat should do it19:29
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pabelangerclarkb: thinking more about the provider_name.pool_name 'zone' on nodepool side, how do we opt-in to that in nodepool.yaml? We don't want to enable it by default, maybe something executor-zone bool?19:50
clarkbpabelanger: I think nodepool can always provide that data the nzuul can do what it wants with it19:51
clarkbpabelanger: from the zuul side I would check the registered gearman functions list and if there are registered executors for a pool then send all jobs for nodes on it that way19:52
pabelangerokay, that would also work19:52
pabelangerand if function not found, don't use the zones19:52
clarkbassume any executor can run it in that case19:52
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pabelangerclarkb: reading more about gearman, having issues figuring out how to see which functions are registered. Best I can see is using 'status' but that is admin level I think20:36
clarkbpabelanger: yes status lists all the functions. I don't think gearman does authorization checking. Any connection should be able to run status20:37
clarkbit may be "admin" in that it isn't directly used for running jobs but is instead administrative20:38
pabelangerah, okay20:38
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: WIP Add support for zones in executors
pabelangerclarkb: okay, if you don't mind to look over ^, that should be what we talked about today for zuul/executor/client.py21:56
pabelangerI still need to write some tests and refactor the status gearman call21:57
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: WIP Add support for zones in executors
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: WIP Add support for zones in executors
sshnaidmpabelanger, yeah, cache may help.. although it's actually dump to disk :)22:50
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