Friday, 2018-10-19

dmsimardmordred: config drive is infinitely simpler than dhcp and metadata service00:44
dmsimardTwo less services that both have to be HA, etc00:44
dmsimard"infinitely" is probably an exaggeration :p00:46
clarkbeh metadata service is the nova api its already going to be ha00:47
clarkband dhcp is how all the things want to configure, its a well known service and protocol and pretty easy to run ha, just run lots of them with different ranges00:48
clarkb(I know this isnt how neutron does it)00:49
jlkmultiple nodes, shared database01:00
jlkHA the database01:00
jlktons of strategies01:01
Shrewsjlk: if you're interested:
Shrewsi got it runnable, but that was about it02:30
Shrewssooo much effort02:31
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dmsimard10 years ago03:13
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tristanCmordred: the build page code to update the url with search filter is:
tristanCmordred: that needs to be replicated and used in
tristanCcorvus: for api errors, the ideal would be to use reducer action for each call, like it is done for the info endpoint, and have a generic reducer to catch error and display a toast notification when it happens06:52
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Remove sqlalchemy from requirements
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goernhey all, is there an example how to create a zuul secret using an ansible playbook?11:56 is references in the doc, but I am pretty sure we can do that via ansible too, cant we?11:56
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Shrewsdmsimard: 6, not 10. but still ancient history12:02
Shrewsgoern: you can run shell commands from an ansible playbook12:03
goernShrews, ja, but calling out to encrypt_secret would require that I clone the zuul src before...12:05
Shrewsyep. there is a git module12:06
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goernja, right, but it feels not right to first git clone, then shell call out to a python script and do all that via ansible ,)12:09
Shrewsgoern: i'm not sure i understand what you're looking for then12:10
goernShrews, a more ansible-only way to create the secret .yaml12:12
Shrewsgoern: by "a more ansible-only way", do you mean you want a new module that you can call directly? because that does not exist, but should be easy-ish to write12:13
tobiashgoern: you could add zuul to required-projects ;)12:13
goerntobiash, :P12:14
goernShrews, ja, maybe a playbook to start with, not a full blown role/module12:14
tobiashgoern: do you want this to be single source?12:16
goerntobiash, what do you mean?12:16
tobiashgoern: I mean do you want to avoid copyint the encrypt_secrets script to somewhere else?12:17
tobiashin that case you need to clone/require the zuul repo12:17
tobiashif not you could use shell/script or rewrite it to be a native ansible module12:18
goerntobiash, you think I should just add enc_sec to my repo, even if it diverts from the zuul src?12:18
tobiashgoern: my question was if that's ok for you (it is a tradeoff because it creates work for maintaining when it diverts)12:19
goerntobiash, ja, that is ok, actually I didnt look it enc_sec is completely decoupled from anyo other zuul src12:19
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tobiashmordred: is nodepool with boot-from-volume expected to work with kilo based clouds?14:00
mordredtobiash: "yes"14:00
tobiashmordred: I get openstack.exceptions.SDKException: Error in creating the server: Build of instance f8423fec-510b-41b6-912f-779a924ea01a aborted: Block Device Mapping is Invalid.14:01
tobiashmordred: in our main cloud it just works14:01
mordredtobiash: ah - then it's possible our support for kilo based clouds is incomplete14:01
mordredtobiash: it's a use case that sdk should take care of - so I'd consider that breaking a bug in openstacksdk14:01
tobiashat least I think our old cloud was kilo14:01
mordredI'll need to go dig up some docs on what the bfv api looked like in kilo14:02
Shrewskilo EOL like 2 years ago14:02
tobiashShrews: well, that's my old fallback cloud atm ;)14:02
tobiashit's not a big issue for me, was mostly curious14:03
mordredtobiash: yah - the theory is that it should be supported14:21
mordredtobiash: the practice is that if it's a feature we added to shade/sdk after an old eol, we may not have fully taken in to account the old behavior14:21
pabelangeris an update to zuul-web from dmsimard to make padding a little more appealing. Anybody else like to review? is the new display14:34
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pabelangerso, as a follow up to yesteday and deleting a git branch in github, we are seeing the following error now:15:27
pabelangerValueError: Could not parse git-remote prune result: ' refs/remotes/origin/HEAD will become dangling!'15:27
pabelangertraceback at:
pabelangerreading more now about dangling items with git15:28
clarkbpabelanger: the remote HEAD isn't updated when you pull or push after changing the remote HEAD15:29
clarkbthis is why I have strongly suggested people stop pretending git without master is a thing you want15:29
clarkbit creates all sorts of confusion. You either need to reclone the repo or update the HEAD manually15:29
pabelangerYah, I am working to fix the master -> devel renaming in ansible-network. We don't seem to do it for a good reason15:30
clarkbwhat I've suggested to other groups (like debian when they moved some packaging into oepnstack infra) is keep the master branch, leave a readme that points people where the actual branch specific work happens15:31
clarkbthis is similar to how infra publications repo works too15:31
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pabelangerreasonable suggestion15:31
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mordredpabelanger: of course, not renaming the default branch would be much better... but I know that ship has sailed I guess16:34
mordredit's SUPER painful on the muscle memory16:34
clarkbit also doesn't really make anything more clear imo16:34
mordredthe number of times I type "git rebase -i origin/master", have that fail, and then go "crap, right - this one has devel" "git rebase -i origin/devel"16:34
mordredis basically literally every time I have to do anything16:35
mordredof course now for anyone with years of working in that repo, switching back would break their muscle memory. so sigh16:35
SpamapSClearly you haven't been drinking enough if your muscles remember that well.16:36
pabelangermordred: for ansible-network, we might have more freedom. I plan on pushing on it with team.16:37
mordredpabelanger: well - there's the other thing to consider - as we do more zuul work with ansible16:37
mordredpabelanger: which is zuul branch-matching will have a better time if ansible/ansible and ansible/ansible-network match16:37
pabelangermordred: true, however we already setup default-branch on all projects for ansible-network. However, even then, the development workflow of ansible-network, could have devel branches testing against both ansible/ansible devel and ansible/ansible latest stable16:39
pabelangerit is a little confusing right now16:40
jlkoh yeah, Ansible.16:42
jlkalways pisses me off :D16:42
jlkprobably THE worst thing Michael did to the project16:43
mordredjlk: ++16:44
mordredI believe the reason was "I don't like the name of the master branch that git chose because I have some habits from another VCS system that I want to carry over" iirc16:45
SpamapSjlk: global scope for all variables is maybe the only thing worse. ;)16:50
pabelangerjlk: yah, and when we create new projects now in ansible-network, people don't know why they rename it16:52
pabelangerSpamapS: yah, I do like puppet more in that aspect16:53
jlkwell, they're host scoped, or group scoped, or group of groups scoped16:54
jlkand you have role vars, task vars, etc...16:54
jlkbut yes, I can see the global nature of them16:54
jlkevery host can access every other host's variables16:54
mordredhosts being able to access other host's variables actually doesn't bother me in ansible because of its push nature. in puppet, the remote node was the one that was executing the code, so variable segregation was important to not allow a remote client to read the entire db of secrets16:57
SpamapSjlk: the fact that I nearly always have to have the scope precedence page open when writing ansible is the problem I am referring to ;)16:57
jlksee, that's too MUCH scope :D16:57
jlkif it were truly global scope then...16:58
mordredin ansible, the calling context has access to the secrets, so a remote node can only 'steal' secrets if someone chooses to run terrible code from a host with access to the secrets in the first place :)16:58
clarkbSpamapS: this is your warning to stay away from lua :P17:05
clarkbI actually really disliked lua for this reason17:05
clarkbI ended upw ith a code base once upon a time where no one could use the local keywaord17:05
clarkbyou end up with the weirdest bugs17:05
SpamapSclarkb: lua and I had a wrestling match a few years ago... my knee still clicks.17:05
jlkall the RPM install scripting stuff is basically lua17:09
jlkmore than my knee clicks17:09
jlkPeople thought they were clever and used lua to do some rather batshit crazy things in packages, that I would run across as the release engineer. I wanted to stab SO, MANY, PEOPLE17:11
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: ensure-sphinx: do not attempt a gettext install if exists
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mordredjlk: that sounds HORRIBLE18:19
jlkYou've met Linux nerds, right?18:19
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AJaegercorvus: ianw wanted you to have a look at - could you put that on your list, please?18:32
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Update ANSIBLE_LIBRARY to use envsitepackagesdir
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caphrim007corvus or mordred: do you know if the zuul-web pypi thing that we talked about at ansiblefest is fixed? was going to have another go at installing the whole zuul stack18:52
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clarkbcaphrim007: I believe it has been fixed18:53
clarkb(the issue being lack of built static resources?)18:53
caphrim007yeah yeah18:53
clarkbcaphrim007: that said I'm not sure if the curreny pypi packages have the fix18:53
clarkbbut if you build from source or use the zuul containers on dockerhub they should work18:54
caphrim007clarkb: ok, i'll have a go at it18:54
clarkbwe should probably make a release of zuul just to get the wheels and sdist updated on pypi18:54
mordredcaphrim007: yes! it all should work19:02
caphrim007mordred: thanks! will have a look!19:03
mordredcaphrim007: also - the docs for the new docker-compose based quickstart have landed and are published19:03
caphrim007oh neat-o. that'll be super helpful!19:03
mordredyah - it's great to work with19:04
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Cleanup down ports
ShrewsI have my concerns with ^^, but there is "something" at least. We can all mull it over during the weekend... because that's fun19:15
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Cleanup down ports
clarkbShrews: I left some quick thoughtson the change19:26
Shrewsclarkb: those are good quick thawts19:27
clarkbShrews: the other thing we might consider which the current hacky script doesn't do is check the owner of the port to make sure we don't delete a port on a router19:31
clarkbI think those ports are never DOWN for us currently so that hasn't been a concern19:31
Shrewsclarkb: so if owner id is not the id of a router (which i guess we'd have to get a list of now...), then delete?19:33
clarkbya, I think that can be a followon. Also there may be an attribute other than the uuid that says if it is part of a router19:33
clarkbI seem to remember seeing something like dhcp in some attribute19:33
Shrewshmm, not that familiar with the data to know that myself19:34
clarkband for noav instances I think they may say nova on them somewhere? we should be able to determine that looking at the data returned by port list only I think19:34
clarkbgive me a sec and I can check19:34
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Shrewsclarkb: this isn't something provider-specific, is it?19:35
Shrews(the attributes you refer to, that is)19:36
clarkbShrews: | device_owner          | compute:nova                                                                           |19:36
clarkbI don't think it is provider specific looks like you can delete the port if not device_owner or device_owner == compute:nova19:37
clarkblooks like errored out ports will be down without a device owner (hence the not device_owner) and ports that get used by nova end up with compute:nova set19:37
clarkband routers are set to something like router:dhcp though there are many I'm sifting through and haven't confirmed the exact value yet19:38
clarkbI wonder if the docs say what the values can be19:38
clarkb"The entity type that uses this port. For example, compute:nova (server instance), network:dhcp (DHCP agent) or network:router_interface (router interface)."19:39
clarkbso ya the above check shoudl work19:39
Shrewscool19:40 down?19:42
clarkblooks like another DNS issue hrm19:42
clarkbthe issue last time was dnssec key rotations?19:43
clarkbmordred: ^ do you recall?19:43
caphrim007clarkb: do you know the org on dockerhub with the zuul containers?19:50
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clarkbcaphrim007: zuul/zuul19:51
caphrim007pabelanger clarkb: thanks19:51
pabelangeralso, is down for me19:52
caphrim007yeah me too19:52
clarkbits DNS19:52
clarkband yes it will be broken for everyone based onw hat I am seeing19:53
clarkbthe authoritative server unpings19:53
clarkband the two public facing servers seem to have stopped resolving the domain as a result?19:53
pabelangerare these the new servers specific to
clarkbOct 19 16:01:07 ns2 nsd[22004]: [2018-10-19 16:01:07.925] nsd[22004]: error: xfrd: zone has expired19:54
clarkbpabelanger: no19:54
clarkbok I think that means adns1 went away for some reason, then the zone expired19:55
clarkbso to fix this in theory I reboot adns119:55
clarkblet me see if the console says anything interesting first19:55
pabelangerclarkb: adns1.o.o right?19:56
pabelangerk, I don't see much info in cacti.o.o for it either.19:57
clarkbconsole seems happy19:59
clarkbpabelanger: lets move back to -infra19:59
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clarkb should respond again. DNS was fixed20:06
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clarkbcaphrim007: were you able to find the quick start docs?20:26
clarkbthey should be in the zuul docs on which should be accessible now20:26
caphrim007clarkb: yep i see them. i'm using the docker-compose example with my inhouse zuul config to see how well it works20:27
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