Friday, 2018-09-07

dmsimardfungi: ah, well, I meant we probably want a more detailed version that reflects all the things that the other one doesn't00:05
fungioh, got it00:05
dmsimardMakes me notice I didn't mention gearman in the "not pictured"00:09
SpamapSis there a formal way for roles to specify bindeps?00:18
SpamapSI think it would be kind of cool if there was00:19
SpamapSI am making an S3 log uploader.. and S3 is particularly stupid about directory indexes..00:19
SpamapSso I am going to use `tree` to generate the directory index... but that's not usually installed.00:19
clarkbSpamapS: have you seen the swift indexes? I imagine it is similar00:20
SpamapSI didn't look too closely00:20
SpamapSI am actually finding some things that claim to be able to generate them using JS that walks the S3 bucket00:20
clarkbthis generates them at upload time00:21
SpamapSyeah that would be better00:23
SpamapSjust need something simple00:23
* SpamapS peeks00:23
SpamapSI copied my role from upload-logs-swift so should be obvious no?00:23
SpamapSoooohhh, the python does it00:25
SpamapSwow that's kind of.. wow00:25
ianwSpamapS: i've got a series out on that, downwards from ... and the next logical step there would be to actually create the html file from a template, rather than inline00:28
SpamapS works00:28
SpamapSianw: eh?00:29
SpamapSahh got it00:29
ianwright, if you wanted to do something similar i mean, but ensure you're using bootstrap or whatever to make it look nice(r)00:30
ianwwhich would be terrible coded inline in python00:30
SpamapSthis is pretty cool00:30
SpamapSI think this will work perfectly00:30
SpamapSand just requires that you put it in as the error/index html00:31
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ianwnot terribly wget-able though00:32
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SpamapSianw: not sure that matters, but it's a fair point.01:51
ianwwell that's why i've been banging on a bit about a download script anyway01:59
ianwwhen you've got a mass of interrelated log files like a devstack run, it makes it *much* easier if you've just got it on disk01:59
clarkbgrep is a powerful tool02:00
ianwmuch better than ctrl-f in a web browser, for sure :)02:00
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SpamapSYeah I can see that. I'm honestly underwhelmed by this approach now that I've been poking at it03:21
SpamapSit's kinda neat that it can generate the listing from xml...03:22
SpamapSbut there are a bunch of "this works, this doesn't" trade-offs03:22
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SpamapSaaand I just found http.server03:52
SpamapSwhich will serve me up a dir listing of .03:52
SpamapSwhich is entirely suitable03:52
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SpamapSseems that set-zuul-log-path-fact has changed a lot lately and makes it nearly impossible to have a status-url that matches it. :-/05:40
SpamapSwell, hopefully we have a build page to land on soon and I can stop the silliness anyway :-P05:48
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Fix label name in reported label stats
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goerndmsimard :)06:55
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: WIP: Match tag items against containing branches
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: WIP: Match tag items against containing branches
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dmsimardgoern: ohai, I'll be around to chat in ~45m if you're still there11:54
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dmsimardHas anyone worked on or thought about a gitlab driver ? At first glance their python lib looks well maintained12:12
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openstackgerritMarkus Hosch proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Reload tenant in case of new project branches
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tobiashdmsimard: as far as I know not, I remember someone asking the same questions a few months ago14:02
tobiashdmsimard: if you want you could start implementing this14:02
dmsimardtobiash: yeah, I might try a proof of concept to help understand how much work it is14:03
tobiashdmsimard: I think the workflow is similar to github so I would start with that as a reference14:03
dmsimardagreed that it would likely be similar to github14:03
dmsimardI remember that SpamapS and jlk worked on the github integration for such a long time though :p14:04
tobiashdmsimard: sure, it's not a one liner, but back then there was only gerrit and there were many concept issues to solve due to the different work models14:04
tobiashso I agree that it will be much work but I think still easier than getting github working in the first place14:05
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Add metric for image build result
dmsimardtobiash: ++14:07
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Improve static provider to check non-ssh hosts
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dmsimardSaw a lot of familiar names attending the AnsibleFest contributor meetup, I just added my name :D14:35
goerndmsimard, hey man14:35
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Fix missing node state refresh in static driver
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Fix use of wrong label static test fixture
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corvusSpamapS, clarkb: could i trouble you for a re-review of ?14:48
jlkdmsimard: the GitHub driver work took a lot of time because as dmsimard said, it was shoehorned in where there was only gerrit before, during the v2 days. With v3 the structure is much more friendly for another driver, and now you have a pile of GitHub code to take inspiration from.15:05
jlkReally the hardest parts are going to be the signaling. Letting Zuul know when something needs to happen, and reporting from zuul back to Gitlab.15:06
fungialso gitlab has a lot more in common with github than with gerrit15:26
fungiso yes, seems like it shouldn't be a ton of effort now15:27
SpamapSdmsimard: the github integration was difficult because it was happening in concert with zuulv3's early dev.15:38
SpamapSI think a third driver would be much much simpler to write now.15:38
SpamapScorvus: will take a look at that shortly15:39
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corvustristanC: will you be in berlin?  maybe statsd/prometheus should be a forum topic?15:49
clarkbcorvus: re 599073 I like that getting the length out of the struct apparently tripped E74115:50
corvusclarkb: yeah.  it's a bong rule.15:52
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corvuswe just restarted openstack-infra's zuul with master.  it looks like it sucessfully performed the key database migration and generated per-project ssh keys.16:33
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pabelangerso, playing around with nodepool-builder container today16:49
pabelangermanaged to get it started it seems16:49
pabelangerdocker run -u 1001:1001 -v /etc/nodepool:/etc/nodepool -v /opt/nodepool:/opt/nodepool -v /var/log/nodepool:/var/log/nodepool -h nodepool-builder zuul/nodepool-builder nodepool-builder -d -l /etc/nodepool/builder-logging.conf16:49
pabelangerbut, need to still expose zookeeper to it16:49
clarkbpabelanger: -l for /etc/nodepool/builder-logging.conf ?16:52
corvuswow that command is just the word 'nodepool' over and over again :)16:53
clarkbis't that for metadata?16:53
pabelangerclarkb: no, because 2 logging files on disk right now 1 for builder another for launcher16:53
pabelangerso needed to pass -l16:53
Shrewscorvus: well, nodepooling is hard without nodepool and its nodepool things.16:53
Shrewsalso... nodepool16:53
clarkbpabelanger: still not sure I understand, nodepool doesn't know to read docker metadata, is pbrx doing something fancy there?16:54
pabelangerclarkb: which metadata are you referring too? I haven't really done much docker myself16:54
clarkbpabelanger: docker run -l == docker run --label which sets metadata16:55
clarkbthings like foo=bar or in this case just a valueless flag16:55
pabelangerclarkb: oh, the -l there is for nodepool-builder16:55
pabelangernot docker flag16:55
clarkboh its part of the command derp16:55
pabelangerentry point in container is /usr/bin/dumb-init right now16:56
clarkbpabelanger: I wasn't expecting that because the docker image sets the command16:56
clarkbbut that makes sense now16:56
pabelangerso, need to pass fully command / args into docker16:56
clarkbpabelanger: pbrx builds images with commands iirc16:56
pabelangerclarkb: okay, I might be derping something16:56
clarkbthis is why there is a 'zuul' container different than zuul-base16:56
Shrewsi think the entry point is the command as setup in setup.cfg. but it must be overridden to be useful16:57
pabelangerwell, if I start the container, nodepool-builder will run, but try to create daemon pid, so I try to pass -d flag, but then dumb-init complains16:57
pabelangerand also need to change -l16:57
clarkbya if you have different logging configs you may have to override that value, the pid thing should work as long as the image has /var/run/nodepool/ in it which I doubt it does16:58
pabelangeryah, I didn't mount that path into docker, but not sure pid inside docker will help?16:59
clarkbpabelanger: depends on whether or not simple-init would make use of it16:59
clarkb(chances are it doesn't)16:59
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pabelangeryah, would have to defer to docker experts, so far -d started properly16:59
clarkbthis does make me wonder if it is worth having command specific containers instead of an install container that you customize as above17:00
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clarkbor maybe we update nodepool to have saner defaults17:01
pabelangeryah, I could see some sort of $ARGS variable with sane default, then give operator option to override with docker -e (think that's flag)17:03
clarkbor detect if running in container and don't daemon by default17:03
clarkband the log config issue is one that I think corvus has wanted to solve regardless and just always have sane logging config by default17:04
clarkbpabelanger: the builder container needs to be privileged too right?17:09
clarkbpabelanger: otherwise dib can't mount things and use loopback devices iirc17:09
pabelangerclarkb: Yup, just haven't started doing builds yet17:11
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: add-build-sshkey: Remove only the master key
pabelangerdon't think dib likes the alpine images17:31
pabelangeror we missed bindep dependencies specific for diskimage-builder17:31
electrofelixseeing some images appear at, is this the start of some official docker images?17:34
pabelangerelectrofelix: yup17:35
pabelangerI'm testing zuul/nodepool-builder today17:35
pabelangerbut having issues with DIB dependencies I think17:35
pabelangerdocker_image from ansible worked properly however17:36
clarkbpabelanger: pbrx uses bindep to install deps. We may not have the bindep deps configured properly for alpine to run dib17:37
clarkbpabelanger: alpine may not even have the packages necessary to run eg yum or debootstrap17:37
clarkbit does have debootstrap in the repos but not yum17:37
electrofelixpabelanger: looks like you're going to save me a bunch of time though as I was going to be looking at what was needed to run nodepool from containers next week ;-)17:44
corvuselectrofelix: we'll be doing the same thing next week for openstack-infra at the PTG17:45
corvuselectrofelix: Shrews and mordred have set up jobs which build zuul/nodepool container images from every commit and push them to dockerhub, so those should automatically track master17:45
electrofelixwell looking forward to experimenting with them as we look to start really getting on the road to v317:46
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pabelangerclarkb: yah, I'll have to look at pbrx and see if it loads bindep from diskimage-builder repo or if it expects them in nodepool. Hopefully the first, so we don't dupe dependencies17:56
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clarkbpabelanger: just nodepool's I think17:56
pabelangerbut yah, quick fix would be to add them into nodepool bindep, then see how to stack containers in pbrx17:57
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SpamapShrm.... struggling with console streaming18:39
SpamapSalso zuul_console doesn't seem to be working and that is fairly complicated to debug :-P18:42
corvusSpamapS: what version of cherrypy are you using?18:44
SpamapScorvus: checking18:46
SpamapScorvus: 18.0.0 ?18:48
corvusSpamapS: pin to <1818:48
SpamapSoh I can probably just rebuild my zuul-web containers18:49
SpamapSIn fact I think I can switch to the dockerhub ones now18:49
SpamapS(been pbrx building)18:49
corvuslatest master has that pin, but we don't have a release with it yet18:49
corvusSpamapS: cool, that should work18:49
SpamapSso  zuul-web:latest == master?18:49
SpamapSwell, zuul/zuul-web:latest I presume18:50
SpamapShaven't tried them yet18:50
corvusSpamapS: has the cherrypy deets18:50
corvusooh.  i bet we could do a real integration test with cherrypy18:51
corvusremote: Add cherrypy to third-party ci18:52
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pabelangermordred: so, for pbrx, how do you think it will be best to create a nodepool user / group within the nodepool container images? Rather then using the root user inside the container, this is mostly for trying to use the -u flag in docker run command20:33
pabelangerseems like using the uid is the only way right now, to have container logs have the right host file permissions for host nodepool user20:33
pabelangersame goes for HOME directory, default in contain I think is /root, but on host system, I've setup /var/lib/nodepool which contains things like clouds.yaml20:35
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pabelangercool, managed to get docker container under systemd21:40
pabelangernot sure if the right way, but is working :D21:40
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tristanCcorvus: i won't be attending the ptg physically, is it possible to join it remotely?22:21
corvustristanC: we'll be doing a lot of stuff in irc and gerrit, hopefully should be easy to follow along.  but if this is about my earlier question about prometheus, i was asking about the summit in berlin22:23
corvustristanC: at the ptg, we're going to be trying to use more ansible to run our control plane, including running zuul+nodepool from the container images we're publishing, possibly triggered by zuul CD -- so you'd probably find that interesting22:24
corvustristanC: we may be able to use someone's laptop to connect to pbx.openstack.org22:25
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tristanCcorvus: my bad, got summit and ptg mixed up. i'm still waiting for approval for berlin, but i may be there yes22:26
corvuscool, that might be a good place to talk about that then22:27
tristanCi could work on the metric driver interface earlier than that, but it could wait for the summit too22:30
tristanCcorvus: you also mention possibly landing the zuul react interface at the ptg, is this still planned?22:32
corvustristanC: possibly, or maybe right after the ptg?  i think it depends on how well we fell we could respond if something doesn't work22:40
corvustristanC: after that, i'd like to try to get some container stuff merged.  between that, and all the events coming up, the berlin summit is pretty close.  :)22:40
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