Wednesday, 2018-07-25

clarkbcorvus: pabelanger on the fixing skipped success checking I left a comment with a refactor of that loop. I had a really hard time understanding corvus' comment initially when mapped to the for loop there due to how its branching happened. I tried to simplify by only jumping if we determing it was an unsuccessful build00:16
corvusyes, i don't think it's a one-line fix00:17
clarkbbasically rather than continuing on the "ok" cases just check for the bad cases and return if we find them00:18
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Add upload-logs-swift role
corvusokay, that's not quite ready to land, but it's 99% of the way there.  just a few more things to tidy up00:27
corvus(i ran into another ceph-radosgw / swift difference which turned out to be a rabbit hole: with ceph, you need an index.html file at the container root in order for any indexes at any other path to work)00:28
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Use pipelines for stats keys
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Use pipelines for stats keys
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Implement an OpenShift resource provider
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: executor: add support for generic build resource
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul-base-jobs master: Add base openshift job
tristanCmordred: corvus: as far as i understand the container-build-resources spec, this is a working implementation of both use-case on openshift:
tristanC includes base jobs documentation and examples04:11
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Use pipelines for stats keys
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: web: add /{tenant}/pipelines route
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Use pipelines for stats keys
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Implement an OpenShift resource provider
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: WIP: Support job pause
tobiashthat should be feature complete and also works in my test environment ^13:25
tobiashit lacks docs and a bit of test coverage yet13:25
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pabelangertobiash: cool!13:33
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix zuul reporting build failure with only non-voting jobs
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pabelangerclarkb: thanks, i've updated ^ based on your comment (code)14:17
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Implement an OpenShift resource provider
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix zuul reporting build failure with only non-voting jobs
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul-base-jobs master: Add base openshift job
clarkbcorvus: haven't done a comprehensive review of swift upload change yet but did note a few things I noticed15:04
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Use hostname for launch exception
corvusclarkb: ah thanks!15:08
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add upload-logs-swift role
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add a python unit test framework
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Restore script
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: DNM: Run tox-py35 job
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corvusmordred, clarkb, tobiash, jhesketh: ^ i think that stack is ready now16:47
clarkbcool I'll try to make time soon to take another look, once the random infra fires are dealt with16:47
corvusi'll start working on usage in project-config16:48
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Shrewscorvus: oh, that unit test framework for roles is neat17:03
corvusShrews: \o/17:03
clarkbcorvus: Shrews do those test run in the zuul jobs?17:07
corvusclarkb: they'll run under tox-py35 like normal python projects.  that doesn't run on the zuul-jobs repo right now, but we can add it once the framework lands.17:07
corvus(i pushed up a change to .zuul.yaml at the end of the stack to temporarily run it so we can verify it)17:08
clarkbok couple more comments on neither is is likely to be world breaking right now, but probably good to sort them early17:10
clarkbpabelanger: corvus lgtm17:14
Shrewscorvus: i wonder if the default for zuul_site_upload_logs should be more conservative17:15
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Use hostname for launch exception
Shrewsmaybe 'failure'17:15
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add upload-logs-swift role
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: DNM: Run tox-py35 job
corvusShrews: well, we put that in there when everything was on fire, and we wanted to limp along while we restored the system.  it's a good knob to have in an emergency, but the experience of only having log files when jobs fail is very bad so i wouldn't want that to be the default.17:17
Shrewsfair enough17:18
corvusclarkb, pabelanger: 584990 lgtm; tobiash do you want one more look at that, or should i +W it ?17:19
corvusianw: ^ also17:20
clarkbconsidering I helped rewrite that one loop having another set of eyeballs on it might be nice17:20
clarkbcorvus: oh I think I know why the ret = '' worked fine, compressing an empty file results in 37Byte output or similar17:21
clarkbso we'll always overwrite the default ret value17:21
clarkbthat said I think making it b'' helps make it clear that value is binary string17:22
clarkb(that is what zlib returns)17:22
corvusah.  ++17:22
pabelangercorvus: clarkb: great!17:25
Shrewspabelanger: ignore my comment on the node hostname thingy17:28
Shrewsi totally spaced on the id being IN the hostname17:29
Diabelko can someone please explain it to me? this is the playbook and the review:
Diabelkosuddenly variable contrail_version changes :D17:29
Diabelkothe issue I believe is not actually caused by that review and in fact is the foundation of our pipeline17:30
Diabelkobecause if it wouldn't suddenly change, our jobs wouldn't work :D17:30
clarkbDiabelko: you are aksing why the subsequent echos of that variable are different?17:31
Diabelko this is the current patchset actually where I've added those debug tasks17:33
dmsimardI forgot how awful jenkins was :(17:35
clarkbDiabelko: where is the variable defined? it isn't supplied as part of the inventory17:36
corvusDiabelko: i guess any set_fact could change it, or even (as we learned here the other day) any module could change it by returning an "ansible_facts" dictionary item.  maybe add more debug statements and find out which task is changing it to help narrow it down?17:38
tobiashcorvus: 584990 lgtm17:38
corvusDiabelko: those all look like pretty simple commands (with only the package task being a library module).  i suspect the answer is going to be weird and surprise us.  :)17:39
clarkbcorvus: the two debug tasks run back to back so ya probably going to be surprising :)17:39
Diabelkoclarkb: it's returned by one of the pre-tasks
corvusclarkb: oh, i thought there were a bunch of tasks between them17:40
Diabelko(we read a file and return it to zuul)17:40
corvusi may be looking at the wrong place17:40
clarkbcorvus: there is a debug at start of tasks file and at end, the end of one is back to back with start of toher according to ara17:40
Diabelkoexactly that17:41
corvusokay, which tasks file are we looking at?17:41
DiabelkoI can even add small role with exactly the same stuff to see if it happens in between17:41
pabelangerare you using include_role?17:41
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Default to 0o022 for python-daemon
clarkbcorvus: runs then runs if I am reading ara correctly17:42
Diabelkopabelanger: yes, there's probably include somehwere in bvetween17:43
pabelangerianw: clarkb: tobiash: corvus: ^585068 was something I noticed looking at executor logs, current suggestion was umask setting. If you'd like to add to your review pipeline17:43
Diabelkoand 'include' specifically, not 'include_role' which doesn't work for us on ansible 2.3 and older zuul17:43
corvusoh.  i understand.  yes, that's weird, there should be nothing between those two debug statements?17:43
pabelangerDiabelko: include_role should be okay with 2.2, but that is another discussion :)17:44
Diabelkopabelanger: mmm, I might be wrong then, but somehow I remember the decision of sticking to include only17:45
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clarkbDiabelko: contrail_version doesn't seem to be in that zuul_return value?17:49
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Diabelkooh my17:51
DiabelkoI think I got it17:51
* corvus is on the edge of his seat17:51
Diabelkowe have a default in role prepare-template-for-ansible-deployer17:52
Diabelkofor contrail_version17:52
Diabelkothen we run role ansible-deployer17:52
Diabelkowhich takes that default17:52
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Diabelkooh wait, no17:52
Diabelkoit's different default17:52
Diabelkocorvus: sorry for getting your hopes up then :P17:53
clarkbroles/sanitytest/defaults/main.yaml seems to be where the ocata version comes from at least17:53
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Diabelkowe have contrail-zuul-jobs and contrail-project-config repos on github, if it's easier for you17:55
clarkbis it possible that ansible loads defaults for future roles early?17:58
clarkbI pretty stumped otherwise17:59
corvusi've been looking for something like a vars file getting copied over and read during the next role, but so far haven't found anything like that18:00
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix zuul reporting build failure with only non-voting jobs
corvusDiabelko: prepare-template-for-18:01
corvusDiabelko: prepare-template-for-ansible-deployer has a defaults/main.yaml which matches what it outputs.  sanitytest has a defaults/main.yaml which matches what it outputs.  contrail-ansible-deployer doesn't have contrail_version in its defaults/main.yaml.  in fact, other than the debug output, there are no references to it in that role.  all of this is what clarkb just said but with more words, i think.18:07
corvusif that's the case -- are we basically looking at case of referencing an undefined value?18:09
corvus(and, to clark's point, being surprised that the undefined value happens to be a future value....)18:09
Diabelkobut isn't it the case that contrail_version value should stay the way it was at prepare-template-for-ansible-deployer?18:09
corvusi'm not sure that role defaults have an impact outside of the role18:10
pabelangeryah, with include_role you can control that18:11
Diabelkocorvus: ansible docs says it works for included or dependent roles18:11
DiabelkoI am not sure what they mean by the latter18:11
clarkbthese roles aren't included though right? just listed as roles? or maybe that is equivalent?18:12
corvuspabelanger: in this case, these 3 roles are run in sequence in a playbook18:12
corvusDiabelko: i think dependent roles are where a role declares an explicit dependency on another18:12
corvusDiabelko: like this:
tobiashcorvus: is the warning about the incomplete api supposed to land with the stack or do you want to remove it?18:13
Diabelkocorvus: got it, thanks18:13
tobiashcorvus: re swift stack18:13
corvusso i think i would expect these variables to only have effect within each role.  i'm not 100% sure on that.  but if that's the case, that at least explains why prepare-template and sanity have different values.  it doesn't explain why deployer has a value at all.18:14
corvustobiash: yes.  i also left the role name "wip-" just to make the point even more clear :)18:15
corvustobiash: i don't want to accept any backwards-compatibility liability yet18:15
tobiashcorvus: ah so the plan is to test it for some time as tech preview?18:15
tobiashok, got it18:16
corvustobiash: hopefully not long.  but i'd at least like to see it work a little bit :)18:16
tobiashcorvus: I plan to try this role in our environment soon (hopefully short after the buildset resources are polished)18:16
corvustobiash: and maybe you can test it out locally too since you had urgent need of it.18:17
pabelangerI would expect, if a role set a variable in defaults/main.yaml, and used in a play, other playbook tasks would be able to use the variable. However, I am not sure if the next role would see that variable, unless explicitly passed in using vars setting18:17
pabelangerI think you'd use set_fact for that, inter role variables18:19
Diabelkomight it be the case ansible tries to preload variables if they are no longer needed to make it faster or I just went way too far?18:19
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corvusclarkb, jhesketh, Shrews: the old zuul_swift_upload script doesn't pass the linters test, so i can't have it in its own patch.  i'm going to pull it out of the stack.  if you want to diff against it, you can do so locally.18:21
Diabelkoall right, thank you guys anyway, I'll just put proper defaults and values18:21
Diabelkobut it was cool to see18:21
Diabelkouncool to debug though18:22
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add upload-logs-swift role
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: DNM: Run tox-py35 job
corvustobiash, clarkb, mordred: oh, hrm.  secrets can only be key/value pairs.  we don't support dictionaries as secrets.  but ansible variables can be complex data structures (lists, dicts)....18:27
corvusthat sort of puts a crimp in my plan to make a clouds.yaml secret and pass it as input to the role.  see
tobiashcorvus: you can just add yaml or json as string and use the json filter to make a dict in ansible18:28
corvustobiash: but that won't be readable in the config file18:28
corvusany reason we can't extend zuul secrets to support complex data structures?18:29
tobiashcorvus: I'm not opposed to that18:29
clarkbthe encrypted values would still just be bytestrings?18:29
corvustobiash: we can implement your idea as a workaround at least to keep things moving18:30
tobiashcorvus: but as a quick fix it's possible to encode a yaml file as string and use this for parsing in ansible: '{{ some_variable | from_yaml }}'18:30
corvusclarkb: yeah, i'm just suggesting that we allow them to be in nested dictionaries or lists within the secret18:31
corvuswe'd have to recurse through them to decrypt18:32
corvusgotta run to lunch now, biab.18:34
mhuhello, can the change adding dequeueing in the CLI get some reviewing please? it's sitting at +218:39
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clarkbcorvus: when you return, latest patchset on seems to revert the b'' change and the reorg of imports?18:51
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clarkbmhu: left a question18:57
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add upload-logs-swift role
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: DNM: Run tox-py35 job
corvusclarkb: thx fixed19:07
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: WIP: Support job pause
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Use hostname for launch exception
Diabelkocorvus: clarkb: pabelanger:
Diabelko"If roles/x/defaults/main.yml exists, variables listed therein will be added to the play." this otoh suggests that it will be added to the play, not only role scope19:49
Diabelkoand if ansible builds them from the top, the default value from the last role in the play would kick in19:49
openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add a dequeue command to zuul client
corvusShrews, clarkb, pabelanger, mordred: we're looking at tagging 67824d8e64250ede0cb4a3ebe344412f5cba2218 as 3.2.0 ?20:01
* Shrews looks20:01
Shrewscorvus: correct20:02
corvussomething like:
Shrewsyeah. i think going from 3.1.0 -> 3.2.0 is warranted given the bigger changes (zk model, shade-to-sdk)20:04
corvusyeah, that's sorta what i was thinking20:04
pabelanger+1 for 3.2.0 and 67824d20:06
Shrewshrm... did we not document the shade-to-sdk change?20:06
mordredcorvus: ++20:06
mordredShrews: I don't think we did20:07
Shrewsshould we?20:07
pabelangermight be helpful for packagers20:08
corvusi'm willing to be convinced either way; i don't have a feeling for how many folks might be using deployment mechanisms that wouldn't pick up on that automatically.20:08
corvuswe did note the addition of re2 in zuul -- but that required a local c library install as well20:10
ShrewsThis doesn't change any functionality, so I guess I'm ok with no note since it should be invisible20:11
mordredyah - shade actually introduced a depend on openstacksdk about 6 months ago20:14
mordredso anyone running nodepool already has openstacksdk installed20:14
corvusoh that's even more invisible then20:14
mordredjust as a transitive20:14
mordredthe main thing that might be worthy of note20:14
Shrewsyeah. release the hounds then20:14
corvusonly issue would be to let folks know they could clean up the old dep20:14
mordredis configuring logging to log openstack loggers instead of shade loggers20:14
mordred(and cleaning up the old dep)20:14
pabelangerOh, hmm. maybe a note is good, to let people know they might need to update their logging.conf files20:16
Shrewsooh, logging. didn't consider that20:16
pabelangeris shade a handler still?20:16
Shrewspabelanger: no. i have a change up to remove that we should +W now20:16
Shrewsbut it seems i missed that template20:17
pabelangerk, I'm now leaning towards a reno entry20:17
pabelangerdue to logging.conf changes20:18
Shrewspabelanger: so are the config files in system-config unused at this point?20:19
clarkbthe logging change isnt a change though right? that preserves old behavior20:20
pabelangerShrews: which config is that?20:20
mordredclarkb: well, if a person had a logging config file (like we did) that has shade configured ... that logging config would cease logging things20:20
pabelangerShrews: Hmm, let me check20:21
pabelangerI thought it was done in puppet-nodepool20:21
Shrewsthat same file is in puppet-nodepool20:21
Shrewswe could be running nodepool with no logging for openstacksdk right now20:21
clarkbmordred: oh that logging config not the string munging20:22
pabelangerShrews: seems like we overload it from system-config, not sure why20:22
pabelangerShrews: possible we could change that and fall back to puppet-nodepool again, would need to read history20:22
mordredpabelanger: or - just leave it until we ansible it20:23
corvuswe don't actually recommend people set up local logging configs anymore, right?20:23
Shrewsconfirmed: we are not logging openstacksdk in prod20:23
Shrewsdang it20:24
mordredShrews: but I think we're also not missing anything in the logs that we want20:24
mordredor - maybe we are :)20:24
Shrewsit's WARNING level20:24
corvuslike, if you don't write a logging.conf, you get @info (and kazoo @warning).  which is good.  the situation for debug logging isn't as great, so those of us hacking on nodepool probably still need a local config.20:24
Shrewsremote: Update nodepool launcher logging20:25
Shrewsis WARNING what we want for sdk?20:26
corvusi don't think we should see anything from sdk unless there's a problem20:27
Shrewspabelanger: ok, something is off. the builders get the logging config from system-config, but launchers puppet-nodepool20:27
Shrews(based on what i see in nl01 and nb01)20:28
pabelangerShrews: yah, some of that is a mess due to zuulv3 migration I think.20:28
pabelangerdue for a good clean up20:29
mordredpabelanger: ++20:29
Shrewsand multiple logging conf files for each, making it even more confusion20:30
corvusi don't feel compelled to write a release note for this because we don't require a logging config.  so i'm still happy to go either way.20:30
pabelangeryes, we still support nodepoolv2 in puppet-nodepool for 3pci20:30
mordredcorvus: same here20:30
mordredI would not vote against a release note, but nor would I suggest we hold off waiting for one20:31
pabelangerno objection to tagging20:31
clarkbya  Ithink its probably fine20:32
corvusShrews: still ambivalent?20:32
pabelangerstepping away to do some meal prep20:33
Shrewscorvus: yeah20:34
Shrewsjust trying to sort this logging craziness out20:34
corvusokay, the "meh"s have it.  motion carries.  i'll push the tag now.20:34
* Shrews carries the convo over to #-infra20:34
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add a python unit test framework
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Default to 0o022 for python-daemon
mordredcorvus: ^^ the "Add a python unit test framework" is super cool- and makes me think that load_tests method could/should go in a library somewhere20:54
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corvusmordred: it's super groovy21:07
corvustobiash: do you have any thoughts on my comment there?21:07
corvusmordred: can you look at when you get a chance?21:12
clarkbtristanC: reading through the openshift base job stack. One thing that stands out to me is that you are setting up the git webserver for basic http which is really slow aiui. Maybe using git:// or ssh:// or even configuring the cgi binary for smart http is a good idea?21:12
clarkbits probably fine for small repos but as you get into larger ones I expect you'll notice the difference21:13
clarkbnot critical for a poc but might be easier to update before people start using it a bunch21:21
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Add remote tests for synchronize
clarkbDiabelko: to rule out the defaults being the problem maybe add a defaults file for each of those roles and set contrail_version or use set fact on it early on?21:37
clarkbDiabelko: if it continues after doing that then something else is likely setting it in a more forceful manner21:38
clarkbtristanC: the other thing that is a bit odd is that the openshift stuff is way more openshift specific than I was expecting, but I guess this is where openshift is useful with the image management that k8s doesn't provide out of the box?21:51
clarkbif nothing else I think that confirms my concern that we need a generic k8s option too21:51
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Support complex data structures as secrets
corvusclarkb: well, if i recall, the spec is written to support bare k8s, so we shouldn't be seeing any openshift-specific stuff in our first pass.21:59
clarkbcorvus: tristanC's first pass is openshift specific (not sure a bad thing, just that it confirms bare k8s is going to need to be a thing too)22:00
corvusclarkb: well, i mean, that's why we wrote a spec, right?  to agree on what we're going to implement?  and one of the feedback items which we accepted was that we should support k8s to start with.22:01
clarkbI guess what I am saying is I expected openshift to be more like k8s and its well not :)22:01
corvusas i understand, it is k8s but with more stuff.  what we write to support k8s should work in openshift.22:02
clarkbya I think if you still to the k8s apis they are compatible or you can use the fancy openshift stuff like ImageStream and friends22:02
corvusclarkb, mordred, tobiash:  should make possible22:05
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Support complex data structures as secrets
clarkbcorvus: in the config schema update you changed {str: vs.Any(str, EncryptedPKCS1_OAEP)} to dict, does dict in voluptuous imply all the things?22:09
corvus(teensy doc update.  turns out we did document that the values were either strings or encrypted values.)22:09
corvusclarkb: basically we're telling voluptuous to stop there -- as long as data is a dict (regardless of the contents of that dict) it's happy22:09
corvusso... yes.22:10
clarkboh got it, the old data was in a dict just specific types22:10
clarkbnow its dict iwthout specific types22:10
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