Tuesday, 2018-04-24

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sshnaidmcan I get http://zuul.openstack.org/builds.html information in json? Is there any docs about it?07:48
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tobiashsshnaidm: e.g. http://zuul.openstack.org/api/builds?job_name=nova-next07:57
sshnaidmtobiash, yep, are there docs of api?07:58
tobiashI think that api is not really documented yet07:58
tobiashat least I don't find it right now07:58
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sshnaidmtobiash, and maybe you have link to source?08:33
tobiashsshnaidm: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/zuul/tree/zuul/driver/sql/sqlconnection.py#n17408:41
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sshnaidmtobiash, thanks!08:59
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Deploy ssh key as root for non-root users  https://review.openstack.org/56358409:15
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openstackgerritFelix Schmidt proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add start and end timestamp to task result in zuul_json callback  https://review.openstack.org/56388810:56
openstackgerritAndrea Frittoli proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Run authorized_keys as root  https://review.openstack.org/56388910:59
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gundalowHi, what's the correct way to disable Zuul from merging PRs? I don't see it documented on https://docs.openstack.org/infra/zuul/user/gating.html or https://docs.openstack.org/infra/zuul/user/config.html though I might be looking for the wrong thing12:29
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Shrewsgundalow: that's sort of contradictory to the purpose of zuul. Are you looking to temporarily disable that for all PRs? Or just one PR?12:38
Shrewsthe github driver config is discussed here: https://zuul-ci.org/docs/zuul/admin/drivers/github.html12:41
ShrewsAll: Just FYI, I spent a day last week without power. Looks like I'm spending today without running water. Expecting a plumber soon so availability may be spotty.12:42
gundalowShrews: all just till we are sure we have the right level of testing in place. We want Zuul to do the merging. Though I want the decision to merge to be made by a human, rather than if Zuul sees green & a shipit12:50
gundalowThough I don't current want to change GitHub repo permissions to require n+ GH approvals before a human can merge12:53
tristanCgundalow: perhaps setting "merge: False" would prevent zuul from actually merging when gate succeed, e.g. here: https://github.com/ansible-network/zuul-config/blob/master/zuul.d/pipelines.yaml#L7012:53
gundalowwondering if I need gate: something-that-will-fail12:53
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gundalowtristanC: ah, yes, that looks like what I'm after. Thank you !12:54
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tristanC(if it works) this should only be used as a temporary measure since zuul is supposed to merge change after a gate success12:58
mhuHello, does the zuul executor use the host's /etc/ansible.cfg when running playbooks, or does it have its own configuration somewhere?12:59
tristanCmhu: the executor server is generating an ansible.cfg per playbook run, see http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/zuul/tree/zuul/executor/server.py#n138013:00
mhuthanks tristanC, looking now13:00
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tobiashtristanC, gundalow: "merge: False" should be the default13:18
tobiashif you want zuul to merge PRs you explicitly need to set "merge: True" in the pipeline13:19
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gundalowah, OK. I've set "merge: false", so I know where to change it back, and so it's a bit clearer13:26
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tobiashgundalow: you also can add this if you want zuul to merge but humans to trigger the gate: http://paste.openstack.org/show/719823/13:38
tobiashwe use that as a replacement of the workflow flag in openstack13:38
gundalowtobiash: Oh, I like that. Will swap to use that13:42
tobiashgundalow: for reference, that is the complete gate as we use it: http://paste.openstack.org/show/719827/13:46
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: DNM: test tox-cover  https://review.openstack.org/56319913:50
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-website-media master: Add simulation video  https://review.openstack.org/56200114:26
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Don't try to delete non-existing local refs  https://review.openstack.org/56398214:26
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gundalowtobiash: Could I please use your expert eye on why https://github.com/ansible-network/network-engine-zuul/pull/14 didn't get merged, related configuration: https://github.com/ansible-network/zuul-config/pull/16/files14:53
gundalowmost likely pebkac14:54
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clarkbtobiash: I left a comment on the project template regex change not sure if you saw it14:58
clarkbgundalow: I'm not the bset person to debug github behavior but it looks like the PR was opened, then mergeit was applied, check testing came back successfully, and the PR was approved. Those are the requirements to enter the gate. I would check if any gate jobs are running and if you have any gate jobs configured15:02
corvusgundalow, clarkb, tobiash: i don't see any gate jobs defined here: https://github.com/ansible-network/network-engine-zuul/blob/devel/.zuul.yaml15:14
gundalowcorvus: ah. I'll add15:15
corvusi'm not positive that's the only place i should be looking, but if so, that would explain it.  there has to be at least one job defined in order for it to merge.  the best practice would be to duplicate the check jobs in gate (though you don't have to have all of them)15:16
corvus(duplicating the jobs helps avoid the situation where a potentially conflicting change merges and invalidates the tests)15:16
gundalowcorvus: ah, that answers what I was about to ask (should check == gate)15:17
clarkboh good I was on the right track15:17
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sshnaidmdoes zuul api have paging? for example in http://zuul.openstack.org/api/builds?job_name=nova-next - how can I get next 50?15:42
clarkbsshnaidm: it has rudimentary paging via the skip parameter. So you can do ?skip=$num_requests*number_results_per_request15:45
clarkbsshnaidm: you might still get duplicates if new jobs report15:46
gundalowtristanC: pabelanger Trying to get Zuul gating working. Hoped that https://github.com/ansible-network/network-engine-zuul/pull/14 would be merged according to https://github.com/ansible-network/zuul-config/pull/16/files any ideas what I may be missing?15:46
clarkb(not proper paging)15:46
gundalowI see gate jobs on https://ansible.softwarefactory-project.io/zuul/builds.html15:46
gundalowah, ignore me it's merged15:47
gundalowclarkb: corvus thanks :)15:47
sshnaidmclarkb, thanks, works for me15:47
tobiashclarkb: saw it but didn't have time to look at it yet15:52
corvusgundalow: yay!15:54
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tobiashThis week is my 'deploy new openshift with lessons learned of my past three in-use deployments' week15:55
gundalowShrews: Merging enabled when people add mergeit GH label, so I think that's a good manual step before automerge from Zuul, so all happy :)15:56
Shrewsgundalow: w00t!15:57
gundalowSo we have two new jobs ansible-test sanity`, and basic integration tests running now15:58
Shrewsgundalow: on which parts of ansible?15:58
Shrewsnetworking only?15:59
gundalow^ First Ansible Role for networking15:59
gundalowNext bits are16:00
gundalow* Spinning up Network VMs16:00
gundalow* Building of documentation (hoping to steal most of build-releasenotes from you)16:00
kklimondaI have two zuul schedulers that I have to somehow integrate so that finishing pipeline in zuul #1 triggers a new pipeline in zuul #2 - has anyone been toying with ideas on how to implement that? I feel like what I really want it an external brain that connects to both zuul instances via custom drivers and orchestrate builds using some "manual" pipeline..16:08
clarkbkklimonda: if we assume gerrit and say a post merge action you could trigger the second zuul off the gerrit event. Another option is to run two tenants in one zuul then they can trigger off the internal zuul events iirc16:09
clarkbbut I don't think there is a direct mechanism for that setup yet today16:09
kklimondaclarkb: they are connected to different gerrit instances16:09
tobiashkklimonda: at least the final gating can only be done by one instance16:10
clarkbkklimonda: that is an implementation detail right? they could be connected to the same gerrits?16:10
kklimondayes, but those are completely separate projects16:10
kklimondait's just our release takes artifacts created by two zuul pipelines - one public, another one private16:10
tobiashBut you can require checks from different instances16:10
kklimondabut public artifacts (container images) are dependencies for private artifacts16:11
tobiashkklimonda: so it's not about gating but buildibg releases?16:11
kklimondabasically it's about the part of zuul that seems to be lacking a bit in tooling :/16:12
tobiashTag triggered?16:12
kklimonda("hey, we need the build aborted and retriggered")16:12
kklimondazuul just takes tip of the branch for all the projects and run with it16:13
gundalowShrews: Once "Spinning up Network VMs" is done for github.com/ansible-network I'll have a think about if we can use the same work for testing of network code in ansible/ansible. Should just work, case of jugling prioritie16:13
clarkbkklimonda: in that case I'd have your private zuul connect to public zuul too16:14
clarkber public gerrit/github16:14
clarkbthen it will get the events from the public side and can trigger the appropriate jobs on the private side16:14
kklimondaclarkb: I don't think zuul reports anything back to gerrit for its "trigger" pipelines?16:15
kklimonda"timer trigger" pipelines16:15
clarkbkklimonda: ya it won't in all cases hrm16:16
tobiashkklimonda: does it have to report back?16:16
clarkbtobiash: it does if we use the public gerrit as the event "proxy"16:16
kklimondatobiash: I need it to somehow report that the public build has finished, so that the private can start16:16
SpamapSgundalow: FYI, regarding your gating/label thing.. just to add to that.. here at GoDaddy, we have a pipeline that labels things with our version of the 'merge' label whenever approved reviews come in (and remove it when new patches are pushed). Let me know if you're interested in our template for that.16:17
clarkbkklimonda: tobiash the mqtt reporter may actually be a good solution for this thinking about it more16:17
SpamapSReminds me I need to do the inverse and remove the approved label if a writer requests changes (or dismisses their review)16:17
clarkbI don't think that change comes with a trigger driver but would be possible to add one easily I expect16:17
SpamapSKind of get tired of making Github work like Gerrit tho. :-P16:18
tobiashkklimonda: what about rerunning the public jobs in the private zuul?16:18
kklimonda@tobiash we could do that but that complicates the setup16:18
kklimondatobiash: I need to have project in both zuuls, developers must be aware of that, there are two log destinations16:19
tobiashkklimonda: you also could just poll the future artifact location until it's there16:19
kklimondayes, but again - this is a hack16:19
kklimondaI can poll status.json16:19
kklimonda(although that won't really give me a way to tell if the build succeded)16:20
kklimondaand no easy way to tell the public image tag to use for the private build..16:20
tobiashkklimonda: the mqtt driver would tell you16:21
kklimondayeah, that sounds like a nice approach16:21
kklimondapretty much what I was thinking of using16:21
kklimonda(well, the custom driver, not mqtt specifically)16:21
tobiashFor triggering a job you could either use the zuul cli or maybe enhance the mqtt driver with a trigger16:23
tobiashFor zuul cli you'd need ssh access to the public scheduler16:24
kklimondaI'd prefer to add this to the driver - can a trigger abort the buildset in progress, or is it done internally by zuul when it sees an event that made the running buildset obsolete?16:24
tobiashkklimonda: the second16:25
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kklimondadoes the mqtt driver sends back the content of results.json (what's returned with `zuul_return`)?16:26
gundalowSpamapS: Oh, that's cool. Fine for the moment, though I'll make a note.  Thanks for the offer16:28
kklimondaI'll have to read about mqtt, how it works in kind-of untrusted context - our public CI is probably being handed over to the third-party in some capacity, so I wonder what the risks are.16:28
corvuskklimonda: i don't believe it sends zuul_return now, but i suspect it wouldn't be too hard for it to do so.16:29
kklimondamhm, sending variables the other way would also be nice16:30
corvusalso, it's only a reporter at the moment; someone still needs to write a trigger for it.  but i think it's a good way to connect up multiple systems like this.16:30
kklimondayes, it definitely sounds like what I've been looking for16:30
corvus(the trigger shouldn't be too hard either, now that most of the connection infrastructure is there)16:30
kklimondaat least a base to expand16:30
corvusin openstack-infra, we plan on recommending third-party ci systems use mqtt (receiving gerrit events) once it exists, so they don't have to rely on gerrit's ssh connection.16:31
kklimondaI'd probably need to extend TriggerEvent, to somehow push build number from public CI to the private CI, so it can be used in the job.16:40
tobiashcorvus: is something blocking +a on the mqtt driver?16:40
tobiashIt has 5x +216:40
kklimondaand then feed it somehow from the driver16:40
corvustobiash: check its child change16:40
corvustobiash: i think folks wanted to see how https://review.openstack.org/563360 fared and maybe merge them together16:41
corvusi guess i should review it and perhaps +3 both :)16:41
tobiashcorvus: ah ok16:41
clarkbfwiw I still think we shouldn't have an option there16:42
clarkbjust always use the highest available version and call it a day16:42
corvusclarkb: i'll wait for your -1 :)16:42
corvuskklimonda: build number?  what's that and what for?16:43
clarkbcorvus: done16:44
kklimondacorvus: we tag our builds with an incremental build number - there is a longer story here, but I want this build number made available to the job running in private CI (along with layer sha) so that it knows what to base of.16:45
kklimonda(also, the way we increment the build number is pretty hacky - if I could trigger zuul from outside and pass it this way, that would probably make my life simpler, even if only by a bit)16:46
corvuskklimonda: hrm, that's tricky.  there's an intentional disconnect between triggers and what gets enqueued.  by the time something ends up in a pipeline, it's just a git ref -- there's no other information about the triggering event.  that lets us mix-and-match triggers, sources, and reporters.16:47
corvuskklimonda: so you can say "enqueue this git ref (ie, change, pull request, branch, etc)"  and if you have artifacts externally hosted and indexed by that git ref, your jobs can use them.16:48
corvuskklimonda: but there isn't a general-purpose "run this job with a variable parameter" facility16:49
kklimondaright, but that requires me to implement querying some external DB in my jobs to get some shared state (and yes, zuul doesn't seem to like shared state in general ;))16:51
kklimondaartifacts are externally hosted, but I don't see a nice way of knowing what they are - for time triggered pipelines, I don't seem get much in terms of unique identifier that can be used to distinguish the build, not to mention that I would like to move to running jobs on their own projects, not attached to some fake project to get them all in sync.16:53
kklimondaThat's why I started toying with an external brain that orchestrates zuul (meta zuul? :/) and keeps everything in sync (also provides a way for non-admin users to trigger/abort builds and see their progress in one place). But If I can' pass anything to the jobs from outside, that makes it tricky.16:58
kklimondaHmm, I could implement that all by having some external service that can be queried from inside of the zuul job to retrieve state - it could be that the tuple (zuul, tenant, project, [change, patchset], buildset) and then save the state back.17:05
kklimondaIt could be that the tuple [...] is enough to uniquely identify the build*17:06
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corvuskklimonda: if you're triggering from the reported version of a build (ie, not intermediate builds that might later be canceled), then project,change,patchset should be enough.  i'll note none of those are zuul-generated.17:15
kklimondacorvus: there will be cancelled builds for sure based on the history I know17:17
kklimondaI'll have to take a look at what variables does zuul expose to jobs, and what could I use to match the build in some external state server - that seems doable17:18
kklimondathe builds are cancelled, but the number is then incremented17:19
corvuskklimonda: do you want your second system to trigger on in-progress builds of the first, or wait until the first reports?17:19
corvus(it seems like waiting for the first to report would be ideal)17:19
kklimondacorvus: I'd prefer to wait only for one job from the buildset - it takes ~30 minutes to finish, while the entire build is over 3 hours17:20
kklimondawow, sorry - let me rephrase that17:20
kklimondacurrently, we are running periodic builds for different projects as part of a single buildset - we just attached the jobs to one fake project and that worked in a short term17:21
kklimondaI want to do that properly, by attaching each job to its own project, and then I'll be able to wait for the entire buildset of that project to finish before triggering job on the second zuul.17:22
corvuskklimonda: that second design sounds much cleaner and easier to implement17:23
kklimondayeah, I completely agree - this is my plan, I'm just looking for a way to synchronize state - I think I can probably do it all from inside of the zuul job by querying some external state server.17:24
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Don't try to delete non-existing local refs  https://review.openstack.org/56398217:26
tobiashcorvus: that fixes a bug that broke at least two repos on our mergers17:26
corvuskklimonda: got it.  if i were to offer any general advice, it would be that zuul never expects to have its intermediate state used outside of itself.  it's sort of an 'implementation detail'.  so handoffs between systems based on completed/reported entries in a pipeline will be much easier to deal with as that's what it was designed for.  ideally the only state you need at that point is fully external to17:27
kklimondamhm, thanks - that helped me clarify the design.17:29
kklimondaand I learnt some new tidbits about zuul internals - that's always useful17:29
corvustobiash: i feel like i'm missing something.  i don't understand why the code there fixes the bug as described.  why does "head.name == ref.remote_head" mean it's the case you describe?17:31
corvus(i feel certain this is obvious and i'm just too obtuse to see it today)17:32
tobiashcorvus: the merger deletes the local ref, then the remote, in our case the merger was killed in between leaving the remote ref existing and the local ref already deleted17:33
tobiashso the change looks for the matching local ref and deletes it only if it finds it (otherwise it's already gone)17:33
corvustobiash: and the ref in the case of the test is 'foobar' -- so: ref.remote_head == 'foobar'  ?17:34
corvustobiash: okay, i think i understand.  i think the 'remote_head' attribute was throwing me off :)17:36
tobiashcorvus: I'll add a comment17:36
openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Don't try to delete non-existing local refs  https://review.openstack.org/56398217:39
tobiashcorvus: with comment ^17:39
corvuskklimonda: this reminds me a little bit of what we do for branch-tip tarballs in openstack.  we have periodic jobs as well as post-merge jobs which build the branch tip of every project and publish them to, eg, http://tarballs.openstack.org/zuul/  (you can see 'zuul-master.tar.gz' there).  that's a simple method where we index the artifacts merely by project-branch.   the log server keeps intermediate17:40
corvusbuilds, so they are indexed by change/patchset/pipeline/job/build.  but if we dropped build from that, we'd have an index of "the latest build of this job for this change in check", without an external lookup.  maybe that's helpful for your situation.17:40
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Shrewshrm, i just found an odd merging of code in nodepool that i did not expect18:34
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Fix awkward merging of code  https://review.openstack.org/56404518:44
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-website master: Create a zuul-website gate queue  https://review.openstack.org/56405319:31
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-website-media master: Join the zuul-website queue  https://review.openstack.org/56405419:32
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-website master: Add simulation video  https://review.openstack.org/56200519:33
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-website master: Create a zuul-website gate queue  https://review.openstack.org/56405319:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-website-media master: Join the zuul-website queue  https://review.openstack.org/56405419:41
fungiShrews: like a git merge which picked the wrong conflict resolution?19:45
Shrewsfungi: not sure what happened. 564045 shows it19:46
Shrewsi guess merge order mattered there. no biggie to fix19:46
clarkbShrews: fungi this is actually one of the original "why you should use bzr instead of git" arguments iirc19:46
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kklimondacorvus: btw, if I implement triggers over mqtt then everyone will be able to trigger anything, right? I remember discussion on the web admin endpoint where you said you'd rather not add that into zuul.20:14
kklimonda(not add the authorization handling to zuul, and let it be done by some reverse proxy running in front of it)20:15
corvuskklimonda: the zuul admin is still responsible for connecting zuul to the mqtt server, and that server may have access restrictions so that only certain things can send events to it.  then beyond that, the pipeline config for the mqtt trigger will let you select which events to listen for.20:26
corvuskklimonda: so if you trust the mqtt server (well, 'broker' is the right word) and the other clients connected to it, then you should be able to trust the events coming from it20:27
corvuskklimonda: of course it's possible to set up an open mqtt broker, and then all bets are off20:27
corvuskklimonda: but as an example, in openstack-infra, anyone is permitted to read from firehose.openstack.org, but only services run by the project infrastructure team can publish events to it.20:28
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Fix awkward merging of code  https://review.openstack.org/56404520:40
clarkbShrews: tobiash ^ there was a minor error in that change so I just fixed it20:40
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Shrewsclarkb: doh. thx20:43
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clarkbShrews: the good news is testing caught it :)20:44
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Cache configuration objects in addition to YAML dicts  https://review.openstack.org/56406120:48
corvusokay, that's still stacked on top of some failing changes, and i'm sure it's failing some tests on its own.  but -- it works with at least one test, so i figured it's a good checkpoint.20:49
corvusit's actually not that big of a change, i don't think20:49
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: [WIP] Toggable colors in job-output.txt  https://review.openstack.org/56406621:15
clarkbcorvus: do we want to get tobiash's git merger fix in before restarting everything and beta testing?22:06
corvusclarkb: sounds good22:08
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove layout from ParseContext  https://review.openstack.org/56369522:17
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove 'base' from UnparsedAbideConfig  https://review.openstack.org/56375722:18
corvuswow, in the re-use objects patch, i've managed to make all the jobs fail.22:19
corvuseven the doc build22:19
corvushrm.  the py35 failure looks like maybe something related to nodeenv?22:24
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Cache configuration objects in addition to YAML dicts  https://review.openstack.org/56406122:26
corvusit's looking like something related to yarn or nodeenv has broken our gate22:31
corvusnode 10.0.0 was released today22:40
corvusthe error is: error upath@1.0.4: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version ">=4 <=9".22:40
corvusthere is no later version of upath than 1.0.4, so i don't think we can resolve this by upgrading upath22:40
corvusi think we need to tell nodeenv to install 9.11.122:42
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clarkbcorvus: I think we want 8.x odds are unstable and evens are stable iirc22:43
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Pin node to version 9  https://review.openstack.org/56407322:44
corvusclarkb: oh22:44
corvusi can't tell what the jobs were running before, it doesn't output the version :/22:46
corvus8.11.1 looks like the one to use22:46
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Pin node to version 8: LTS stable  https://review.openstack.org/56407322:47
clarkbcorvus: ^ zuul reports that fixed it23:06
corvuscool -- anyone else around, or should i just +3 it in?23:07
clarkbconsidering its mechanical and fixes issues I'd just +3 it in23:07
clarkbI already +2'd it23:07
corvusokay, in it goes23:08
corvusbut i don't want this to slip by unnoticed...23:08
corvustristanC, tobiash, SpamapS, mordred: node 10 released and caused issues; see https://review.openstack.org/56407323:09
SpamapStristanC: were you, btw, the one who made an AWS/EC2 based nodepool driver? Before I go digging in the code/docs, what's the state of that?23:19
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fungiso in the wake of pip 10 breaking things, nodejs devs felt they didn't want to be one-upped?23:26
corvusSpamapS: https://review.openstack.org/53555823:26
corvusfungi: it's time to work on zuul v1023:26
fungifirst we have to figure out what we want to break!23:26
corvuseverything!  again!  :)23:26
fungitoml here we come23:27
corvus /kick fungi23:27
* fungi ducks23:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Pin node to version 8: LTS stable  https://review.openstack.org/56407323:27
SpamapScorvus: oh thanks.. for some reason I thought it had merged.23:29
SpamapSBeen thinking a lot about the idea pabelanger first mentioned to me.. making a nodepool 'ansible' driver that just runs configured playbooks.23:29
SpamapSWhich would make it a lot easier to write new drivers.23:29
SpamapSthough looks like this one did some refactoring that would make them easier to write in python anyway23:30

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