Saturday, 2018-02-03

openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Move github webhook from webapp to zuul-web
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Move status_url from webapp to web section
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove webapp
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Add facility for plugins to register web routes
jlkwebapp buy buy?00:17
jlkbye bye00:17
mordredcorvus, jlk: I just added a depends-on on a github PR:
mordredcorvus, jlk: there's a bug in devel right now and a PR up to fix it - so I added it to the list00:22
jlkI still mentally think of that as a diaper.00:22
mordredthat should be a good example of a thing that you otherwise just simply can't do00:22
mordredjlk: :)00:23
jlkso much bot noise00:23
jlkso Zuul is pulling in the dependent change when testing, and passing judgement with that in the speculative state, right?00:24
jlkhow is the zuul reporting to github configured? status for "check" and what about gate? Or does it not have any gate config?00:25
jlkhuh, the check status link for zuul has https, but firefox throws a security fit when clicking on it.00:26
fungireally? not for me, but i'll do some deep probing of the ssl config00:35
fungior is it still linking to zuul01.o.o instead of zuul.o.o?00:36
fungiif so, there's a fix (maybe already merged?) for that00:36
fungiokay, maybe we don't have that fix merged, or the comment is from before the fix landed, or...00:37
jlkbut it's know, and assumed fixed.00:38
fungiregardless, i've also got a qualys ssl labs analysis of underway too just to make sure we have the cert there set up thoroughly correctly and with sane configuration00:38
fungiit scores a- due to allowing some semi-weak cipher suites and no rfc 6844 "certification authority authorization (caa)" records in dns and having only partial forward secrecy support00:43
fungireports are linked from
fungiactually i don't think it's dinging the score for lack of caa records, just pointing out that we might benefit from them00:46
fungijlk: fix was and merged a few days ago, so i'm guessing it would have become effective when the scheduler was last restarted (Jan 29 13:59)00:51
fungiwhat's the timestamp on the comment you're seeing with the old/wrong link?00:51
jlkit got a pending status 30~ minutes ago00:52
fungiyep, i see that. so i guess the change wasn't entirely sufficient00:53
fungimordred: ^ any clue what else it's missing? or whether there's more we have to do for that fix to take effect?00:53
fungioh... that's applied to the executors, not the scheduler00:55
fungishould have have been set in the node entry for the scheduler instead?00:56
fungior do we just need to do a rolling restart of executors? (last restart for ze01 was Jan 20)00:57
pabelangermordred: that is pretty awesome, PR2097401:08
jlkfungi: looking at the github driver, it fetches that info from the [webapp] config section, the status_url  as a fallback, unless there is direct config for 'status-url' key in a layout file01:11
jlkstrike that, [web] not [webapp]01:12
jlkand that should go on the scheduler01:12
fungiyeah, so i guess was wrong... fix inbound01:13
fungijlk: mordred: Set zuul status_url on scheduler not executors01:17
jlkhow does that get into the [web] section?01:18
fungimmm, checking the puppet plumbing for that now01:18
fungihere's where we're passing it from the global site manifest:
fungiand here's where it ends up in the [webapp] (not [web]?) section of the config template:
fungido we maybe need it added to [web] there as well?01:20
fungii vaguely remember a discussion from a few days ago suggesting that's work in progress... seeing if i can find it again01:22
jlkyeah this just changed I think from webapp to web01:22
jlkwith something that merged [16:16:48]  <openstackgerrit>Merged openstack-infra/zuul master: Move status_url from webapp to web section
jlkjust over an hour ago :D01:23
fungiso there's probably a corresponding puppet change out there already01:24
fungimmm, nope! patch on the way for that too01:25
fungijlk: mordred: tobiash: Also include status_url in [web]01:30
fungii left it in [webapp] for now as well since i wasn't sure whether there may be a transitional period where we need it in both places01:31
jlkI think at some point webapp goes completely away01:31
jlkwhere "some point" may be nowish.01:31
fungiyeah, i expect so, i just don't know whether now is that some point, right ;)01:32
fungithe only references i see to "webapp" in the current master branch tip are in tests01:34
fungiso quite possibly now, yes01:34
fungias long as the server is properly upgrading its from-source deployment01:35
fungimildly worried about puppet changing zuul.conf to drop the [webapp] section while services are still running from an older point in the branch01:37
fungibut i can't remember whether it only rereads that on restart, in which case it's probably entirely safe01:38
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tobiashfungi, jlk: the webapp is gone as soon as the scheduler is restarted05:36
tobiashcorvus, mordred: the proxy config probably needs to be adapted otherwise you won't get gh events after a zuul restart05:37
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Convert nodepool-zuul-functional job
fungitobiash: corvus: thanks for confirming! i've also pushed 540597 to clean up the unused [webapp] section from the v3 config template in puppet-zuul15:47
corvusi'll push up the puppet change for the github route15:48
funginot quite sure what adjustment the proxy config requires (is zuul-web served from a different port?)15:48
* SpamapS has reached a point where he's a bit afraid to sync in the latest zuul-jobs15:49
fungiSpamapS: you could i suppose roll back that update pretty trivially if you know what commit you're on15:49
corvusSpamapS: and i don't think anything should be broken15:50
SpamapSfungi: how'd I know what broke? :-P15:50
fungihopefully we've maintained backward compatibility15:50
SpamapSI hope too :)15:50
corvuswe have a third-party ci checking us ;)15:50
fungiSpamapS: you don't have any way to run some jobs to confirm?15:50
fungioh, also, maybe you could become a third-party ci system for zuul-jobs now15:51
fungithat would presumably give you greater confidence in its stability15:52
fungias well as upstream15:52
SpamapSthis is where it gets weird with 3rd-parties and zuul configs in-tree15:53
SpamapSwell hm15:53
SpamapSwhat I'd like is the ability to propose a merge from zuul-jobs and have zuul run all my jobs with that merge.15:54
corvusSpamapS: that should be possible15:54
SpamapSthinking how I might be a 3rd-party ci for zuul-jobs15:55
corvusit would be harder to be a third-party ci while not running CD15:56
corvusif you want to continue running on fixed commits with manual updates though, you can just perform the merge locally and push it to your zuul, on which you can configure some jobs to run from a config-project15:57
SpamapSI'm running on a fixed commit right now because of the slack reporter patch.15:59
SpamapSI rebase it every now and then to pick up new zuul features.15:59
SpamapSFor zuul-jobs I'm only on a fixed commit because it kept breaking 2 months ago.16:00
SpamapSBut now I'd expect it to be a bit more stable.16:00
SpamapSAnd if I could report on it upstream and prevent it from breaking, that'd be great16:00
SpamapSideally I wouldn't have a local mirror of zuul-jobs16:00
SpamapSAlso, I have a new job for zuul-jobs ... markdownlint.16:01
SpamapSQuite handy for those pesky markdown users. ;)16:02
corvusSpamapS: we'd welcome third-party reporting on zuul-jobs, and that new job :)16:06
corvusSpamapS, mordred: if you could review it'd be swell; i'd love to slip that in before our next restart16:07
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add /info and /{tenant}/info route to zuul-web
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add support for configuring graphite_url
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Move WebInfo config processing into zuul.model
mordredcorvus: looking16:11
mordredcorvus: fwiw, I think you don't need to try/except protect 'from unittest import mock' - it was added in 3.316:13
mordredcorvus: but I just learned that this is a thing, so neat16:13
corvusmordred: oh, ok.  i copy pastad that from the gerrit test, which is oldish16:19
tobiashcorvus: approved 540162 with comment19:59
corvustobiash: yes, thanks.20:01
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Convert nodepool-zuul-functional job
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Executor: Don't start too many jobs at once
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool master: Provider wedge fix
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