Saturday, 2018-01-20

corvustobiash, mordred, jhesketh: i think the sys.exit(0) which was removed in was critical for actually getting the scheduler to exit00:43
corvussince that landed, it doesn't seem to actually stop00:43
corvuswhen changing things like that, it's important to actually run the daemons manually.  the tests don't start and stop them the way they are started in stopped in service.00:45
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Omnibus scheduler stop fixes
corvustobiash, mordred, jhesketh, pabelanger: ^ that makes 'zuul-scheduler stop' work for me01:07
clarkbcorvus: does the omnibus include volumes 7 and 8?01:08
corvuseverything but the last volume01:10
corvus'zuul-fingergw stop' works -- which jives with what happened on zuulv3.o.o -- when i ran that manually it stopped.  so it seems like an init problem.01:10
corvusi'm going to poke at that on zuul01 since i bet no one is using it right now01:13
corvusokay it works01:14
corvusi guess something to look out for next time then01:14
jheskethcorvus: so is it working with master or were you testing with your patch?01:17
corvusjhesketh: fingergw works on master, scheduler needs my patch01:18
jheskethack, thanks for the clarificationn01:19
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mnaserso i take it with nodepoolv3, the zmq event publisher cannot be really used anymore?02:46
mnaseri'm trying to work with a some folks that do a lot of CI but currently depend on the openstack jenkins plugin (which has a lot of setbacks, such as images v1 support only)02:46
clarkbmnaser: correct it uses the zookeeper based node request system02:47
pabelangeryah, no longer needed02:47
clarkbrather than inferred demand and cleanups based on zmq data02:47
mnaserleaping to zuulv3 would be too much operationally but going to nodepool v2 to later have to go to v3 might be a hassle02:47
mnaserso i guess jenkins + nodepoolv3 is currently something that would require work to do02:47
clarkbyes. It should be possibly to implement a node requestor to nodepool for jenkins but I am not aware of that being done yet02:48
pabelangerI think mordred has some notes on an etherpad too02:48
corvusa java dev should be able to implement it within a few days02:49
mnasercorvus: i guess zuuls source code would be the best reference point for a dev02:50
mnasergiven i will assume documentation on this sort of thing is probably not super set-in-stone02:50
corvusmnaser: zuul+nodepool probably, yeah.  the request framework is pretty simple.02:51
mnaserso i guess this is where "the magic happens"02:52
corvusyep, and zk.py02:52
corvussorry, there's some stuff in model.py02:52
corvusmnaser: mordred's write up of how do do it is really good.  but i don't know how to find it right now.02:54
mnaserhopefully all this highlighting means he'll see it at some point :p02:54
mnaseri'll go over the write up, contact the ML and see if folks want to put together and effort and then i'll try to bring in some resources as well02:56
mnaserprobably best to keep it the openstack-infra umbrella too02:57
mnaseri think it would be extremely beneficial for third party ci who are comfortable sticking to jenkins02:57
corvusoh, i thought you were looking at it as an intermediate step02:58
mnasercorvus: semi-permanent i would say.  i think for folks that don't have people who understand zuulv3 very well, it's really hard to operate right now03:00
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mnaseras much as i'd love to see them run zuulv3, not everyone has the luxury of having a zuul devs on their team like infra does :D03:01
corvusmnaser: oh, yeah, no one should be running it *now*.  but in a couple months, we will have actually released it, and then i think it's a great thing for folks to run.  and it won't be hard.  :)03:01
mnasercorvus: i'm just as excited to see people run it and i think especially as users consume openstack for ci, it's honestly the best tooling out tehre03:02
mnaserthe openstack jenkins plugin really bridges a huge gap and does a great job but its hard to maintain java :(03:02
clarkbcorvus this got me looking, amy ide why zuul's callback closure updates that local request_nodes variable it seems to be an unused value?03:13
clarkboh it may be side effecting the data in the node request because the contents of the list are referneces to objects in the request03:14
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mrhillsmanwhat makes nodepool-builder continue to try building an image not in zookeeper16:11
clarkbmrhillsman: thsts built in behavior it needs at least one image built for each of the configured disk images16:24
mrhillsmanso they are there16:25
mrhillsmanactually 2 of each16:25
mrhillsmanthere's this other one though that just continues to try building16:25
mrhillsmani just sat and watched the logs16:26
mrhillsman2018-01-20 16:24:28,943 INFO b"2018-01-20 16:24:28.943 | aiohttp requires Python '>=3.4.2' but the running Python is 2.7.12"16:26
mrhillsmani think that is the problem16:26
mrhillsmanwhich is interesting because ps faux shows nodepool-builder running under python316:27
clarkbthat is the log from the dib build itself16:28
mrhillsmanwhich looks like it is cause of
clarkboh we may have broken image builds with the branch merge on thursday16:30
mrhillsmanso i need to pin aiohttp probably?16:30
mrhillsmanlooking at pypi confirms that 3.4.2 requirement16:31
mrhillsmani'm not sure if the devs pulled in the latest yet16:31
mrhillsmanbut i do see some images that have been build for what looks like a couple days at least16:32
clarkbaiohttp is python3 only. We need to pin the version of zuul being installed in that venv to last v2 tag16:33
mrhillsmanah ok16:34
mrhillsmani wonder if it is actually an issue with just our environment because disk-image-create is using /usr/bin/python16:45
mrhillsmansorry, not a developer :)16:45
mrhillsmanmaybe it should be /usr/bin/python316:45
clarkbno the image build is installing zuul into a virtualenv on the image. It does this as backward compat way to install zuul-cloner16:49
clarkbwe merged feature/zuulv3 into master on thursday which broke that16:50
mrhillsmangot it16:50
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SpamapSoh I should check my image builds I think I was still pulling in cloner19:06
SpamapSeven though I don't need it19:06
SpamapSWeird, so I just dropped an element from the list for an image, and nodepool responded by deleting all the images. Is that normal?19:40
SpamapSOh wait, I didn't even do that.19:40
SpamapSjust changed one of the elements itself19:41
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pabelangermrhillsman: clarkb: yah, zuul-env should pip install 2.6.0 now, no longer master. SF also had this issue on Friday19:52
mrhillsmanok, will update, i was trying to find a 2.X.XdevXXXX tag19:54
mrhillsmansince i never used anything other than master and would see something like that post install stdout19:54
SpamapSweird... this is weird..19:55
SpamapSnodepool-builder has built images, but it isn't uploading to providers. :-P19:55
SpamapSIt's just sitting there not uploading them.19:56
SpamapSfound the problem19:57
SpamapSforgot to list the disk image in the providers19:57
* SpamapS finally ends the fight to have two clouds and just uses the big less-used one. :-P20:16
SpamapSwe need to figure out how to make nodepool work better with smaller clouds/quota providers.20:16
SpamapSmaybe have a thing that schedules requests rather than pulling as a best effort20:17
pabelangerI'm sure it will take time, even now we are moving from 2 launcher to 4 launcher to see if that improves the performance of launching nodes in nodepool.20:19
pabelangerbut, because each launcher is able to request min-ready nodes, I suspect we'll start seeing more ready nodes online. Possible that logic might need to change too20:21
clarkbmin ready should be synchronized by zookeeper right?20:24
clarkbSpamapS: and you mean scheduling diskimage uploads?20:24
clarkband yes no images in the list for the provider means remove the images20:25
pabelangerclarkb: I think so, but each launcher sends the request, so with min-ready 1, and 3 launchers, we can at least 3 nodes created20:26
pabelangerclarkb: I'd need to confirm with Shrews again20:26
pabelangerwe have 4 opensuse nodes ready now, but min-ready is 120:27
SpamapSclarkb: two different problems20:42
SpamapSclarkb: the image thing was just a think-o20:42
SpamapSclarkb: but the bigger problem is that I had a cloud with max-servers: 8 and one with max-servers: 50  and the 8 one would grab requests for 5-nodes and sit forever.20:43
SpamapSI tried just putting the image that serves the 5-node request in one cloud but that didn't seem to work either. Then realized I just don't need the 8 nodes.20:44
SpamapSas far as min-ready.. that should probably be something with a semaphore so only one launcher requests min-ready at a time.20:45
* SpamapS goes to Satuday a bit more20:45
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