Saturday, 2017-12-30

openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Slack driver
* SpamapS begins testing that on GD internal zuul00:33
SpamapSGD it I say!00:33
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Slack driver
SpamapSHrm. So I'm setting up a "staging" zuul, which I plan to use to stage updates to zuul and nodepool. But it's kind of feeling a little icky. I think I"m going to have to double-edit project-config unless I can figure out a way to use templating to compose the zuul configwith 90% the same stuff. Hrm.05:23
SpamapSI guess I can have two config repos? One with env-specific, and the other with common.05:23
SpamapSWould be cool to have a namespace inside zuul configs tho.05:23
SpamapSjust like "hey this is here but it's not yours just leave it"05:24
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tobiashSpamapS: you can have as many config repos as you want06:26
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SpamapStobiash: yeah, it's just that I'm not sure I want to have an entire repo separation just to change a few urls and secrets.08:07
tobiashSpamapS: for changing urls you can use site vars08:08
SpamapStobiash: can I reference those in pipelines?08:12
tobiashSpamapS: no, only use in ansible08:13
SpamapSBecause I need to change the status-url for instance.08:13
SpamapSRight so site vars I am already using for that.08:14
tobiashSpamapS: the result url is defined by the jobs, maybe the status url is overwritten as soon the result url is set08:15
SpamapSstatus url is for pending status08:16
SpamapSSo while jobs are running the link takes you to the status.html08:17
tobiashSpamapS: the status url is a config setting:
tobiashso it is deployment specific by definition08:21
tobiashSpamapS: or do you need a dynamic status url?08:22
SpamapStobiash: oh, am I overriding it unnecessarily?08:22
* SpamapS looks closer08:23
SpamapSthat would still leave secrets08:23
tobiashSpamapS: yes, that's more complicated08:23
SpamapSOk well I will move the status url to config. That's just nicer anyway.08:25
SpamapSFor secrets, I have differnet secrets I want to use with the same playbooks in stage/prod.08:25
SpamapSNow I can arrange this..08:26
SpamapSsort of..08:26
SpamapSYeah so I think it can sort of be done. The roles can be in a shared repo. The playbooks have to be where the secret is though.08:28
SpamapSso like, one repo is shared-config and has pipelines and roles.. then the env-specific one has to have playbooks, jobs, and secrets.08:30
tobiashyes, you also could think about adding an additional inheritance layer in between for injecting secrets08:31
tobiashI have a similar use08:31
SpamapSsecrets aren't available to children08:31
tobiashbut should be to the parent I think08:31
SpamapSjob and playbook have to be together with the secret.08:31
tobiashso I have a multi tenant use case: base -> tenant-base -> tenant-job08:32
SpamapSyeah the base job is the main thing I don't want to have variation on ;-)08:33
tobiashwhere tenant-base should inject tenant specific secrets to pre and post playbooks08:33
SpamapSbut that has mostly worked out fine08:33
SpamapStobiash: that seems pretty doable.08:33
tobiashI think secrets is a critical area where we probably still have to learn how to structure things in a good maintainable way08:34
SpamapSI quite like the way it works. What I'm doing with stage is rather.. odd.08:35
SpamapSbut like any good staging environment, I want it to share as much as it can in behavior with the production env.08:37
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Slack driver
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add --strip option to
SpamapSAchievement Unlocked: Deploy to prod with zuul.14:37
SpamapSAchievement Unlocked: zuulception -- deploy zuul to prod with zuul14:38
SpamapSNow to figure out how to make it restart the scheduler automatically. ;)14:38
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Slack driver

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