Thursday, 2017-08-31

openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Remove comments questioning API capabilities
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Allow description fields in projects and project templates
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Handle logging ansible python errors properly
mordredjeblair: ^^ that fixes your logging issue from earlier - and adds a little thing to the integration test that duplicates it - so you should be able to go to the logs of that test and see that it properly shows tracebacks for the last two tasks00:22
mordreddmsimard: ^^00:22
mordredjeblair: interesting!
mordredjeblair: that implies to me that the "checkout appropriate branch" might be able to be collapsed to just "git reset --hard"00:36
mordredjeblair: remote: Set the flag that allows pushing to checked out branch00:47
mordredjeblair: maybe that00:47
mordredjeblair: I'm less convinced that git reset --hard will work though - cause it's only an issue if we've checked out the branch that we're pushing, which won't be the case on clones of non-master00:48
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Remove no_log from fetch-sphinx-output
pabelangermordred: I think we talked about removing no_log: true and filtering some other way?00:52
pabelangerI don't think that will be a lot of data, but likey helpful when debugging stuff00:52
mordredpabelanger: yah - the main idea was to do it via html version of the .json file in the web - since there we can do nice expand/contract sections and whatnot00:54
pabelangermordred: ya, that is what I remember00:55
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Shrewsmordred: the bindep_command vars are not needed in now. want to clean those up now before i +3, or do it later?12:57
Shrewshrm, it doesn't really validate that the expected outout actually appears, does it?13:05
mordredShrews: it does not validate the expected output - it's purely a visual eyeball thing atm13:10
Shrewsmordred: *nod*13:11
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Remove bindep_command lines
mordredShrews: there's a followup removing the bindep command lines13:12
mordredShrews: of course, now there's a weird test failure ...13:16
Shrewsmordred: i wonder if we can use lineinfile module somehow to do output verification...13:17
* Shrews experiments13:20
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add integration test for zuul_stream
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Shrewsmordred: also, where did the debug var output go?13:24
Shrewsshould be a whole bunch of stuff, yeah?13:25
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mordredShrews: yah - lemme doublecheck that I didn't get that line incorrect13:42
Shrewsmordred: i ran it locally and it seemed ok13:43
mordredShrews: with the callback plugin enabled? I just ran it and also don't have data :(13:44
Shrewsmordred: ah, no13:45
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add support for debug statements
mordredShrews: that should have the debug output in the log file14:06
mordredShrews: btw - at some point literally EVERYTHING about that file needs a refactor14:06
mordredShrews: I should mabye make a little helper script to set up an env for local testing of the callback plugins like I do here14:07
mordredShrews: it's not super hard to do - but it does involve a couple of pieces of setup14:07
Shrewsmordred: yeah, i'm trying to get those pieces in place myself. like, where can i get logging.json?14:12
* Shrews looks forward to mordred automating all the things14:12
mordredShrews: so - logging.json is easy - "python3 zuul/ansible/"14:16
mordredthat will spit out a logging.json into your current working dir that sets logging to go to a file called log-output.txt in your current directory14:16
mordredShrews: the second thing you need is an ansible.cfg - this is the one I have in my zuul source dir:
mordredShrews: (I comment and uncomment the action plugins line depending on whether I want trusted or untrusted behavior)14:18
mordredShrews: then finally I have as my hosts.yaml that is referenced in that ansible.cfg14:19
Shrewsmordred: hostfile is so 1.914:21
Shrewsi've never seen the yaml format for the inventory14:22
mordredShrews: it's basically the same thing we have zuul write out14:23
mordredfor instance14:23
mordredShrews: but yah- hostfile is meh14:24
mordredShrews: I like the yaml form much better14:24
mordredShrews: oh - btw- the openstack inventory plugin landed in 2.414:24
Shrewsoh interesting. the yaml format was deprecated long ago, but re-introduced in 2.114:26
jeblairmordred: yeah, we need to set the push setting, then push, then reset --hard, then checkout (because we may be checking out a different branch).14:26
mordredjeblair: yah- I pushed up a patch for the push setting- but I'm now thinking it should be different - one sec14:30
jeblairmordred: re 499397 -- i don't see the errors in the stream test:
mordredjeblair: hrm. so you don't - gimme a sec14:36
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Handle pushing to non-bare remote repos
mordredjeblair: I think that does all the things (my original project-config patch was the wrong place for it - we only need to set the flag when we're going to push, so it should accompany the push logic)14:39
jeblairmordred: lgtm14:40
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Only add changes to status page with jobs
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Remove bindep_command and bindep_fallback references
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add roles for adding and removing launchpadlib credentials
mordredjeblair: also - it's a scary world when I write javascript - and when it's merged into something14:49
dmsimardmordred: left a comment on that logging patch, thanks for pointing it out14:56
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Handle pushing to non-bare remote repos
mordreddmsimard: cool - thanks15:07
mordreddmsimard: also - I have a patch coming for you in just a little bit15:07
dmsimardmordred: I need to work on something for ara, those callback exceptions like the ones I pointed out for zuul_stream are really bothersome15:07
dmsimardThey're hard to catch (and bubble up to get the actual exception)15:08
dmsimardThinking maybe a decorator to wrap the entire v2_on_* hook in a try/except or something like that15:09
pabelangerjeblair: mordred: I believe we might need to bindmount some kerberos things into bwrap, or write an new role to handle that:
mordredpabelanger: maybe update to use service/zuul-launcher@OPENSTACK.ORG instead of just service/zuul-launcher15:27
mordredpabelanger: remote: Fully qualify AFS principal15:28
pabelangermordred: ya, I was first going to try that too. But, I don't think any of our cell info will be inside bubblewrap for afs also15:28
mordredpabelanger: it doesn't need to be- it should be published in DNS properly15:28
pabelangermordred: okay, cool. That is also what I was hoping for15:29
mordredpabelanger: that said - we could ALSO bind-mount some config perhaps as an optimization - but it should work with no specific config15:29
mordred(which is how I can get a kerberos ticket and aklog to do things in /afs/ on my laptop)15:30
pabelangermordred: okay, lets do that first. not a fan of bindmounts :)15:30
pabelangerI mean, I know we needed it for stuff15:30
mordredpabelanger: ++15:31
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pabelanger2017-08-31 16:36:09.679725 | localhost | aklog: can't get afs configuration (afsconf_Open(/etc/openafs))16:36
pabelangermordred: so, we'll likely need to bindmount and work on role to populate that post PTG?16:37
jeblairpabelanger: yeah, there doesn't appear to be a way to avoid that.  i say ro-bindmount it in in our configuration16:49
pabelangerremote: Add /etc/openafs/ to trusted_ro_paths for zuul-executor16:50
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: DNM: see if we can validate job output
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: DNM: see if we can validate job output
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add /etc/alternatives to bwrap
jeblairdmsimard, pabelanger, mordred, SpamapS: ^17:11
dmsimardlgtm, did you test that it works ?17:12
jeblairdmsimard: ya, this works: zuul-bwrap --ro-paths=/etc/alternatives /tmp -- ansible localhost -m shell -a 'awk'17:14
jeblairjlk: maybe you could take a look at ?17:14
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jlkjeblair: do we allow packages to be installed inside bwrap?17:16
jlkif so, what happens if a package wants to write to /etc/alternatives?17:17
jeblairjlk: i don't think mucking with system packages is in scope for even a trusted job -- it's already prohibited by /usr and most other system paths being mounted ro17:18
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: DNM: see if we can validate job output
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add /etc/alternatives to bwrap
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Validate zuul_stream func test output
Shrewsmordred: ^^^ fwiw, there is no output from the last two tasks of test-stream.yaml, so can't really do much with those17:41
dmsimardShrews: fwiw I'm planning on setting up unit tests for the stream callback sometime when I have a chance17:46
dmsimardAll of the hard work on how to test the callback is in ARA already so mostly copypasta17:47
Shrewsoh, cool. maybe my change is irrelevant then17:47
dmsimardNop, definitely not a bad thing17:47
dmsimardAnd it's inexpensive anyway so might as well17:48
dmsimardA good sanity check :)17:48
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mordreddmsimard, jeblair, Shrews: sigh. I found what's wrong the the logging patch and the test output - fix coming17:59
SpamapSjlk jeblair: isn't installing packages also prohibited by the fact that the zuul user should never never never have sudo?18:01
jlkprobably. I just couldn't remember all our layers :D18:01
jeblairi cleaned out /var/lib/zuul/builds on ze01 and restarted it18:09
SpamapSYou'd have to try pretty hard to enable sudo I think.18:10
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Shrewshrm, test_periodic_override test failed on a non-related patch:
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Handle logging ansible python errors properly
mordredShrews, dmsimard, jeblair, jlk, SpamapS: ^^ that should properly catch all the cases and should output the right things in the test18:18
mordredthe test playbook before was not showing output because it marks those tasks as failed_when: false - so they went through the _on_ok hooks rather than the _on_failure hooks that the patch had fixed18:18
mordredbut that shows that becaues of failed_when, the "we received a MODULE FAILURE exception" case can happen on success too :)18:19
mordredso it's now all fixed18:19
mordredShrews: and you should hopefully have lines to be able to grep for now18:20
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dmsimardmordred: tangentially related, the output is kinda hard to read because of the -vvv18:24
dmsimardI wonder if we can split the two streams somehow18:24
mordredwe can actually probably get rid of the -vvv - I'm not sure it provides much value atm18:24
dmsimardmordred: worst case18:25
dmsimardyou can probably do a block18:25
dmsimardand then rescue, you re-run with -vvv18:25
dmsimardso that you run verbose only if there's a failure to troubleshoot18:25
mordredyah - but actually, we get:18:25
mordred [WARNING]: Failure using method (v2_runner_on_failed) in callback plugin18:25
mordred(<ansible.plugins.callback.zuul_stream.CallbackModule object at18:25
mordred0x7f8002f25390>): exceptions must derive from BaseException18:25
mordredwithout -vvv18:25
mordredand -vvv doesn't actually give us the exception anyway18:25
dmsimardbcoca told me exception bubbling might be better in 2.418:26
mordredhere's hoping18:26
dmsimardhaven't seen it myself yet because yeah, troubleshooting exceptions really sucks sometimes, I end up using pdb more than I would like to18:26
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Remove -vvv from playbook invocation for log streaming test
mordreddmsimard: I put in tons of print statements with various profanity18:27
jeblairmordred, dmsimard: in this role:
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jeblairmordred, dmsimard: the 'git checkout {{ item.1 }}' in the last task is running with the argument 'changed'18:28
dmsimardyou probably want statuses.something18:28
jeblairis the register on the previous task wrong?18:28
dmsimarda bit like how the find task from the other day you had to use item.path18:28
jeblairthere's output you can explore18:28
jeblairdmsimard: yeah, but when i look at the ara output it seems that the item doesn't have anything other than "changed"18:29
dmsimardjeblair: you want item.1.stdout18:31
dmsimardjeblair: do a ctrl+f "stdout" here:
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mordredjeblair: that's putting the var into debug once the 'fix-debug-in-logging' patch is applied18:32
jeblairdmsimard: how did you get that deep link?18:33
dmsimardjeblair: when clicking on a task result, there's a permalink icon (blue chain link) at the top right18:33
dmsimardhowever clarkb told me it didn't work on firefox the other day, haven't had a chance to look yet18:33
jeblairdmsimard: it doesn't do anything18:33
jeblairyeah that18:33
jeblairokay bear with me here18:34
dmsimardwell, I mean, I reproduced the issue locally but I haven't found the root cause18:34
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add support for debug statements
jeblairthat's from the run that failed...18:34
jeblairdmsimard: if item.1 is "changed", i would not expect item.1.stdout to work -- it does not look like a hash18:35
mordredoh - interesting - let me try a different local reproduction18:35
dmsimardjeblair: that's from zuul projects, no ?18:35
jeblairdmsimard: first element is, yes.  second is from 'statuses'; the registered variable18:35
mordredjeblair: you want statuses.results18:37
mordredjeblair: then in the content itself you want item.1.stdout18:38
jeblairi guess the question i'm asking is -- how can i *know* what this complex data structure is without asking the two of you?  :)18:38
mordredjeblair: let me show you!18:38
jeblairbecause it does not appear in the debug product.  :)18:38
jeblairthat thing is a string.  it doesn't have a stdout, and it doesn't have a results.18:39
mordredjeblair: that's what I did locally18:39
jeblairmordred: sure -- how did you know to type ".results" ?18:39
mordredjeblair: ah - because FIRST I just put in a debug: statuses18:39
mordredor debug: var=statuses rather18:40
mordredthen I realized the statuses is a dict that has changed and msg - and then a results list18:40
dmsimardah I was about to recommend using .results yes18:40
mordredso the statuses.results was me verifying that supposition18:40
dmsimardbecause the register is registering a task with with_items18:40
dmsimardand thus the list of results is inside var.results which is what you want to iterate over18:41
dmsimardthere is no results key when it's a regular non-looped task18:41
dmsimardmordred: that reminds me I still haven't "fixed" the out-of-order issue about the task status returning before the last item status in ara :/18:42
dmsimardyou said you addressed that in zuul right ?18:42
dmsimardand yes, using a debug task is how you typically reverse engineer things, unfortunately18:43
jeblairdmsimard, mordred: why does that appear as "changed" in ara instead of the dictionary we see with debug:var ?18:43
dmsimardbecause ansible is probably iterating through the dict (values) that has the "results" key18:43
dmsimardand it so happens that one of the values is "changed", I'd guess18:44
mordredit's actually the keys - and one of the keys on the top level statuses dict is changed18:44
dmsimardmordred: oh, right -- it's "changed": True18:44
jeblairah i see that now18:46
dmsimardjeblair: tbh I literally have a "ansible-sandbox" directory tree on my laptop which is a skeleton of a playbook file with one role in it and I use that to test/debug things18:46
dmsimardjeblair: ansible adhoc commands don't give you a lot of room to experiment18:46
jeblairso when you register the return value of a task, the value of that register var is a dictionary18:47
jeblairif you debug it, you'll see that18:47
jeblairif you iterate over it, you get a list of keys in the normal python manner18:47
jeblairin this case, those keys included 'changed', 'msg', 'results', etc...18:48
jlkjson, everything is a dict.18:48
jlkjust one big bag of...18:48
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jeblairokay, now i think i have this in my head and can navigate it :)18:48
dmsimarddict or a list18:49
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Don't output complex items in the summary line
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Fix error in mirr-workspace-git-repos
jeblairjlk, mordred, dmsimard: ^18:51
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Fix error in mirror-workspace-git-repos
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Don't output complex items in the summary line
mordredjeblair: lgtm18:52
mordredjeblair, jlk, dmsimard, Shrews: ^^ that last change there is from looking at the logging from investigating the results question18:52
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Shrewsmordred: since tests are failing, what did the original complex item output look like?18:57
Shrewsoh my18:58
jlkSO VERBOSE18:59
dmsimardjeblair: executor wasn't reloaded to take the awk fix ?19:00
jeblairdmsimard: yes it was19:01
dmsimardjeblair: seeing missing awks all over that link19:01
jeblairdmsimard: probably an old one19:01
jeblairthat error ^ seems to be happening everywhere19:02
jeblairmordred: ^19:03
jeblairmordred: seems to be a problem with I7499e6b1091d745984ca36179de2793827c9f98f19:05
jeblairokay it looks like the _fail_if_local_module function is fatally flawed -- it expects a moudle name but passes it into a function that expects a module object19:08
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Pass the correct object to local module check
jeblairnormally i would revert that, however, it fixes a security issue, and i'm not willing to open that back up19:08
mordredjeblair: ^^19:08
mordredjeblair: sorry - I should have mentionde that I was working on a fix19:08
jeblairwoulda saved some time :)19:09
mordredjeblair: that's the fix - I've verified breakage without it locally and that the breakage is fixed with it - I will now work on figuring out why nothing triggered that in testing19:09
jeblairmordred: cool thx19:09
* clarkb reviews19:10
clarkbjlk beat me to it19:12
fungimordred: (not urgent, but when you get a free sec...) with the current work on afs docs publishing in v3, is 488878 obsolete now?19:13
fungiand 488879 i guess?19:14
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add tests of accessing paths with file is ok
mordredjeblair, clarkb, jlk: ^^ that should fail - but should succeed once we land the other patch19:19
mordredI pushed it up not based on the other in an attempt to show that it woudl fail properly - but I'm not sur ethat's possile19:19
jeblairmordred: i will downgrade ze01 to merge the fix19:19
jeblairor we can force-merge it19:19
jeblairi'll downgrade19:20
mordredjeblair: cool - that way we can also witness the test failing19:21
mordredso that we can be sure we actually do have a test that covers this19:21
jeblairokay, ze01 restarted19:21
mordredfungi: yes - those are both obsolete19:21
jeblairrechecked fix19:21
fungithanks mordred!19:22
mordredjeblair: yay! fails with the traceback in the logs that existed for us19:36
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Pass the correct object to local module check
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add tests of accessing paths with file is ok
mordredrebased on top of fix19:49
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Remove bindep_command lines
jeblairrestarting ze0120:01
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mordredjeblair: woot20:07
pabelangerjeblair: mordred: okay, afs client was able to obtain tokens, but I have to work on first.20:16
pabelangerremote: WIP: Move intree20:16
pabelangerwe've going to have to do that dance for publishing job and I figure we could have project-config use the role from openstack-zuul-jobs over itterating on it in project-config20:17
pabelangerjeblair: mordred: that said, before I spend time on that effort, I'd still like to publish something to afs. So, thinking I could quickly shift to another job that needs to be written for afs or maybe just a simple publish job to touch a file20:18
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Fix error in mirror-workspace-git-repos
mordredpabelanger: the infra docs jobs should just do the openstack-doc-build stuff with afs publishing20:22
mordredpabelanger: so maybe just make one of those, since we have the openstack-doc-build job / roles, and we can validate it as we land zuul patches, yeah?20:23
pabelangermordred: okay, let me hack out upper-constraints from sandbox and quickly test20:24
pabelangeronce afs is working I'll focus on ansiblefy run-docs.sh20:24
jlkAre there any more things to take off a checklist of stuff to work on?20:25
pabelangerjlk: mordred: mind a +3 on need more information about what we're syncing back to executor for run-docs20:33
mordredjlk: I'm working off of this etherpad: - unfortunately I think many of the jobs there require adding secrets...20:36
pabelangerdid inventory.yaml file move locations?20:37
pabelangerI see it under zuul-info now20:37
mordredjlk: that said - I think the three from 76-85 are just jobs that will likely use propose-updates as a base job so could be worked on by someone without access to the secrets20:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Remove no_log from fetch-sphinx-output
mordredjeblair: didn't you add support for descriptions in project-templates already?20:50
jeblairmordred: yes, but we may not have restarted scheduler20:51
mordredShrews: feel like nudging this across theline: ?20:51
mordredjeblair: ah. right. scheduler20:51
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add support for debug statements
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Don't output complex items in the summary line
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Remove -vvv from playbook invocation for log streaming test
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Handle logging ansible python errors properly
Shrewsmordred: k k20:52
mordredpep8 whitespace error in the base patch of that stack20:52
mordredwhich is also ready to do now20:52
jeblairmordred: if you want to restart it now, that's fine, just recheck 497699 pls.  otherwise, i can restart it after that is finished; i'm going to afk for a short while.20:53
mordredjeblair: no rush- I've got plenty of other things to do20:53
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Ensure afs_target directory exists
pabelangermordred: jeblair: ^thoughts? I know zuul_afs library will handle some of the directory creating, but figured this might be easier to see if we actually have issues with AFS before entering zuul_afs.20:57
pabelangerI still need to debug
pabelangerwhich is some weirdness20:57
pabelangerpossible that jinja2 isn't being done20:57
pabelangeror typo some place20:57
jeblairpabelanger: it seems like the second issue is more pressing?21:03
jeblairpabelanger: the error is originating here:
jeblairpabelanger: if you fix that, then zuul_afs runs and then you'll have your answer about whether afs works21:05
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add tests of accessing paths with file is ok
jlkmordred: where would I find the source scripts to these jobs?21:09
jeblairjlk: probably project-config/jenkins/scripts (or project-config/jenkins/jobs)21:10
pabelangerjeblair: agree, I'm trying to reproduce using zuul-bwrap locally21:11
jeblairpabelanger: you probably don't need zuul-bwrap; you can probably reproduce that with a simple role and playbook test21:12
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Log cachecontrol info by default
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Change the parameters to add-fileserver
mordredjlk: also - in the propose-updates base job, there is a role that runs that copies the scripts directory to the remote host21:32
mordredjlk: so for now rather than rewriting the scripts thmselves, I just made the proposal jobs consume the copy of the script that the propose-updates job copies over from project-config21:33
mordredjlk: (so that we can get a working copy of the job set up to be ready for migration without having to fully translate it just yet)21:34
jlkyeah I'm digging that part. I'm still familiarizing myself with the existing jobs too21:34
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mordredjlk: yup - that's important - migh tneed to provide the invocation with different parameters or set up some variables it expects or whatnot21:35
mordredpabelanger: I was going to suggest the same approach for - but then I looked at your patch copying it over and realized that there is legitimately stuff in that script that needs to be based on the new zuul variables, so I think you're on th eright track21:36
jlkI can't seem to find what's meant by  "propose-project-config-update"21:41
jlkoh maybe this is it21:42
mordredjlk: jenkins/jobs/infra.yaml ?21:46
jlkDo we have a standard way of telling zuul what branch of a thing it's supposed to work on?21:53
jlkthis job specifically is supposed to work on the master branch21:53
jeblairstand by for docs link!22:04
jeblairjlk: that's *probably* the thing you need, but also be aware that if you need to override the branch of a project *other* than the project associated with the change, you can do that with this:
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Fix syntax issue with NamedTemporaryFile
pabelangerjlk: jeblair: mordred: tested locally this time :)^22:36
jeblairi just sent an email to openstack-infra about zuul-cloner:
jeblairif you're looking for something to do, that's a fairly indepedent python programming task.22:46
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Fix syntax issue with NamedTemporaryFile
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Allow user to select source directory in fetch-sphinx-output
pabelangerjeblair: mordred: ^ would be helpful for afs-docs23:24
mordredpabelanger: already +2 :)23:24
pabelangerlet me push up new commit message23:34
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Allow user to select source directory in fetch-sphinx-output
jeblairpabelanger: wfm +3.  where does that occur?23:38
jeblair(also, that's an old role; we should add variable docs to it)23:38
pabelangerjeblair: Agree for docs.23:40
jeblairpabelanger: base-test has gather_facts: false, but base does not.23:41
jeblairpabelanger: were you in the middle of doing something there?23:41
pabelangerright, I think I have a patch up to test it23:41
pabelangerlet me check23:41
pabelangerOh, right, I needed to rebase 49094523:42
pabelangerlet me do that quickly and we can see about promoting23:42
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: DNM - testing base-test playbook
pabelangerjeblair: as for +3 where does it occur, I actually need to add a trailing / to the path, because I don't want to copy the html directory into afs, just the contents of html/23:46
jeblairi'm turning on keep and holding the node from the next devstack-legacy failure23:47
pabelangerokay, base-test worked, logs updated. I'll propose patch to promote it up23:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Allow user to select source directory in fetch-sphinx-output
mordredpabelanger, jeblair: I'm +2 on and think it's good to go into base23:59

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