Friday, 2017-08-25

jeblairmordred, pabelanger, clarkb, SpamapS: ^ can you take a look at that change?  I'm thinking ahead to our afs publishing and that would sure be shiny.00:00
jeblairi have verified that we don't need all of proc -- we can actually rw-bind just the ioctl node; however bubblewrap has special support for proc which they deem safe and secure, so maybe that's okay?00:02
* clarkb would have to think about that a bit00:08
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dmsimardpabelanger: o/13:31
dmsimardclarkb, jlk: probably have a solution for the offset in the network overlay config.. testing something.13:42
dmsimardclarkb, jlk: probably have a solution for the offset in the network overlay config.. testing something.13:47
dmsimardoops, wrong window13:47
dmsimardyup, works -- sending a patch13:50
mordredmorning pabelanger !14:17
mordredpabelanger: so - gpg key - I just pulled the pubring and secring values out of hiera14:18
mordredpabelanger: it's possible I did not pull them out properly14:18
pabelangermordred: okay, that's what I thought. I am wondering if binary data in ansible vars is also an issue14:19
pabelangermordred: let me reencrypt and see if they match14:19
jeblairpabelanger: the cyphertext will be different even if you re-encrypt the same values.14:28
pabelangerjeblair: okay, thanks14:30
pabelangerDo we have a proceedure to manually decrypt secrets?14:31
jeblairpabelanger: no.  and we now can't use keep to get them anymore either.14:34
jeblairpabelanger: doing some searching, it looks like ansible doesn't really support binary data in variables14:35
pabelangerjeblair: Ya, that is what I am seeing also14:35
jeblairpabelanger: so we may need to go with clarkb's suggestion of exporting ascii-armored versions of the keys, and then import them.14:36
mordrednod. so we really might need to do export armor / import14:36
pabelangeragree to export armor / import14:36
jeblairwe can also look at implementing our own support for this with a custom module, but let's do that later.14:36
pabelangerokay, let me work on that now14:37
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Use gpg import for sign-artifacts tasks
pabelangermordred: jeblair: do you mind a review of import commands for gpg^ I haven't tested just yet but think that is the proper process for importing public / private keys14:56
mordredpabelanger: that looks right to me14:57
leifmadsenmordred: jeblair: still on?15:03
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mordredleifmadsen, jeblair: technology seems to be defeating me this morning15:11
dmsimardpabelanger: wth.. can you see why can yield a syntax error !? PS#3 worked, PS#4 fails with
dmsimardpabelanger: there doesn't seem to be any garbage whitespaces (which tend to cause this) as far as I can tell..15:14
dmsimardhrm, there's this which goes "ERROR! failed at splitting arguments, either an unbalanced jinja2 block or quotes: set -ex"15:16
dmsimardohhhhhhh, it's probably confusing jinja because set is a jinja declaration for setting a var o_O15:16
pabelangerdmsimard: most of the {} braces shouldn't be needed in that shell logic15:20
pabelangermaybe remove and see if jinja is happier15:20
pabelangerotherwise, you likely need to escape them15:20
dmsimardpabelanger: right, it's verbatim from -- and it worked in PS3 too. I don't think jinja should be interpreting these unless it's double mustaches15:20
dmsimardI'm testing my "set" theory15:21
dmsimardI'm testing my "set" theory15:22
dmsimardwrong window again..15:22
pabelangerwe used set before in shell15:23
mordredpabelanger: zookeeper in centos ... where can leifmadsen learn about what you did?15:40
dmsimardmordred, leifmadsen: perhaps worth pinging software factory folks (like tristanC) too15:43
dmsimardWe've got zk in SF2.6, it's already deployed for both and sf.io15:44
leifmadsencool, yea just trying to find a repository that would have it for CentOS 7.315:44
pabelangermordred: there is a zookeeper-lite packages that SF forked. But we need to work on getting that into EPEL15:44
pabelangerotherwise, I just use fedora15:44
pabelangerthat's what I've been running locally15:45
dmsimardleifmadsen: "yum install --nogpgcheck" will get you the repositories used in SF (there's a bunch in there), what you want is really sfrelease-2.6 afaik15:48
dmsimardthe spec is here
leifmadsencool thanks, I'll repackage it from the spec then15:49
leifmadsendon't want a messy repository with all the SF things15:49
dmsimardleifmadsen: and role here
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Add zookeeper-server to bindep for Red Hat
clarkbdmsimard: left a question on the overlay change15:50
pabelanger is the right fix for zookeeper in epel15:50 bug 1280159 in zookeeper "EPEL7 branch for zookeeper" [Unspecified,New] - Assigned to ctubbsii15:50
clarkbdmsimard: little fuzzy on how the offset stored in a file should be working15:50
pabelangerbut there is a large dependency change of java15:50
pabelangerit should be in centos 8 however15:51
dmsimardclarkb: you probably missed the part where the increment is delegated to primary15:51
clarkbleifmadsen: pabelanger I just run it out of the upstream tarball on tumbleweed, works fine15:52
clarkbdmsimard: ah yup, the whole block is delegated to the primary15:52
clarkbdmsimard: maybe put the delegate to under the - block: so its clear when reading top to bottom? but that is a minor nit now that I see it15:53
pabelangerclarkb: leifmadsen: ya, that is an option too. I've been meaning to update zookeeper role to support that15:53
dmsimardclarkb: I usually do that, yeah, but if I put the delegate_to block under the when it yields a syntax error, not sure why15:53
dmsimardclarkb: I can try and figure out if I can put it where we want it, maybe it's just me /me looks again15:54
dmsimardclarkb: now that I'm trying it again, I guess the initial offset should be zero ? Because it increments *before* running so the first peer would be at offset 2 instead of 1 (not that it matters that much)15:57
clarkbdmsimard: ya it shouldn't matter too much, but we've done primary = 1, subnode_0 = 2, subnode_1 = 3 and so on15:58
clarkbdmsimard: so I think it is correct because earlier you wrote 1 to the file15:59
dmsimardclarkb: oh, we're fine then yeah15:59
clarkboffset is/was a parameter too15:59
clarkbso that will need to be fixed (because in some cases we do more than one set of addresses on different overlays16:00
dmsimardclarkb: found the issue with the block.. the "delegate_to" needs to be before the block16:01
dmsimardclarkb: ok, sure, so default offset to 1 but make it a parameter ?16:01
clarkbdmsimard: ya. Also do you need to set fact earlier so that the primary tasks get the offset of 1? looks like we just write it to a file but don't set fact at that point16:02
clarkbdmsimard: that tasks specifically sues it and not sure if it is set yet16:03
dmsimardclarkb: yeah, you might have figured out from my previous question about the initial offset that I was confused :)16:03
* dmsimard didn't think there was an offset for the primary16:03
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: Add zookeeper-server to bindep for Red Hat
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: zookeeper is always needed for nodepool now
jeblairSpamapS, jlk, clarkb, fungi: if you have a chance to think about that would be great16:05
SpamapSjeblair: just sat down, will pop it into gertty now.16:09
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Use gpg import for sign-artifacts tasks
dmsimardpabelanger: omg I found the syntax error from the fix disk layout thing16:25
dmsimardpabelanger: it's an ansible parser issue -- definitely not a bash one16:25
dmsimardpabelanger: notice this:   [...] there's [...]16:26
dmsimardansible is trying to match that single quote16:26
dmsimardeven though it's in a comment block16:26
* dmsimard files upstream bug16:29
pabelangerI mean, the right way to do this would be move it into a script and have ansible call that directly. But, we are just hacking ansible to speed up zuulv3 migrations16:30
pabelangerI'd never want to support a role that way long term16:30
dmsimardpabelanger: of course16:31
clarkbdmsimard: thinking about it more, is it sufficient to just use serial: 1 and not use a temp file at all?16:40
clarkbdmsimard: since we delegate the offset value computing to a single node it should be just as valid in memory or on disk?16:41
dmsimardclarkb: no, because of the problem jlk mentioned -- facts are actually per-host16:41
dmsimardah, hmm16:41
clarkbya I think what makes this work is the delegate not necessarily the file16:41
dmsimardlet me try it locally16:41
clarkbwell that and serial16:41
clarkbI guess it depends if that state crosses tasks16:42
dmsimardclarkb: it doesn't cross /plays/16:43
dmsimardclarkb: but we only really need to increment during one play so it shouldn't be an issue16:44
jlkso delegate is weird16:44
jlkset fact with delegate may actually be setting the fact of the original host, not of the delegated host16:44
SpamapSgah.. finally alt-tabbing back to gertty 40 minutes later16:44
dmsimardjlk: yeah I thought that too :)16:44
jlkmore likely what you should do is set fact on hostvars['host']['fact_name'] ?16:45
dmsimardjlk: but locally it behaved properly16:45
jlkdmsimard: ah okay16:45
dmsimardjlk: might be a bug though, don't get me wrong16:45
clarkbwell that may be a reason for the file16:45
jlkit's a subtlety16:46
clarkbit reads the file on the delgated host then sets the fact on the original host16:46
dmsimardhmm, I guess it would be written better without the set_fact inside the delegation -- increment the value inside the copy content and then do a set_fact *outside* the delegation16:47
* dmsimard tries that16:47
dmsimardohhhhhhh wait16:48
jlkyou could also do something fun with an index of the hostname in the hosts dict16:48
dmsimardlookups always occur on the control node16:48
jlkindex +1 or some such16:48
SpamapSclarkb: did you want to peek at 497698 before it gets +A'd?16:48
SpamapSI found the commit message fascinating.16:48
clarkbSpamapS: oh ya that was on tap yesterday /me looks16:48
SpamapS(AFS PAG's and /proc fun)16:49
dmsimardclarkb, jlk: Yeah, I'm not able to get it to work with using just set_fact .. only with the file, I'll send a new patchset though16:53
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Fix typo in public key import
clarkbwith /proc mounted does that give an zuul process on an executor within bubblewrap access to all of the other different bubblewrapped processes?16:54
pabelangerjlk: SpamapS: jeblair: mordred: ^ can I get a +3 for typo fix16:54
* clarkb tries to wrap brain around what /proc access means in a namespaces world16:54
clarkbmanpage isn't helping me much16:55
clarkbunshare-all implies unshare-pid which means the procfs exposed should not incldue info from other containers or the host16:58
clarkbSpamapS: ^ that a correct interpretation?16:58
clarkbthe process won't have any special perms with regards to the rest of /proc (eg no root access to mangle the kernel) so that should be fine16:59
dmsimardjlk: hopefully less confusing:
clarkbjeblair: SpamapS: my last concern is that we pass --uid which is given the value of the parent process uid. bwrap docs say that requires unshare-user implying even if it is the same value as the calling context it is truly in a proper namespace without overlap. Is that the case?17:05
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Fix typo in public key import
SpamapSclarkb: /proc does provide some attack vectors that weren't there before due to exposure of kernel structures exactly like the AFS ioctl target. The pids, however, are entirely in the namespace created by bubblewrap.17:11
clarkbSpamapS: even though every container is created with the same uid arg?17:12
SpamapSLet me re-read the --uid doc and code17:12
SpamapSclarkb: If I'm reading this right, I believe --uid means "the UID to use for the child inside the new user namespace"17:16
SpamapSclarkb: so while they're the same #, they are all in different namespaces.17:16
clarkbgotcha, so not a way to merge namespaces together across containers17:17
SpamapSIt's literally just used for uid_map which is documented in 'man 7 user_namespaces' well17:19
pabelangerjeblair: mordred: gpg key signing is done!17:20
clarkbI haev +2'd17:20
pabelanger for the hotness17:20
pabelangerwe actually could optimize sign-artifacts role, I don't think we need the public key, looks like when we import secret it creates the public too17:22
clarkbya I think ssh keys work that way too17:23
clarkbprivate includes both, the separate public file is convenience of sharing to places that should never get the private key17:23
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Use tempfile for ssh private key
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Remove GPG public key for sign-artifacts role
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Include tar.gz.asc / whl.asc if found
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Include tar.gz.asc / whl.asc for twine
leifmadsenmordred: now my VM is infinitely dirty17:38
leifmadsenre: emacs install :D17:38
jlkdmsimard: so this offset, its based on the order of the hosts in the group? Is there any reason why you couldn't just use the index of the place of the host in the groups['subnodes'] list?18:04
dmsimardjlk: there is a starting offset (ex: 1) on the primary node and then subnodes need a different offset18:06
dmsimardI guess doing 1 + index could work18:07
jlksure, but if you have that starting offset..18:07
jlkyou just add the offset + 1 + the index location18:07
jlkShould remove the need to persist a file or try to iterate a single variable18:07
dmsimardYeah, I totally understand what you mean.18:07
dmsimardLet's try that.18:08
dmsimardHmm, is the order of the list guaranteed you think ?18:08
jlkI think so18:08
jlkinventory parsing is pretty reliable.18:09
jlkif you really wanted to, you could sort the list through a filter18:09
dmsimardjlk: works perfectly -- and no need for serial that way too18:20
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool feature/zuulv3: WIP: fix cloud-image error
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add proc to bubblewrap
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Use tempfile for ssh private key
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Remove GPG public key for sign-artifacts role
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Include tar.gz.asc / whl.asc for twine
dmsimardmordred, jlk: that last patchset was broken19:21
dmsimardshould be fixed19:22
dmsimardin the one I just sent19:22
jlklooking again19:23
* dmsimard following dvr telnet://
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Return 404 on unknown tenants
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Remove conditional check for upload-pypi
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Remove conditional check for upload-pypi
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Revert "Include tar.gz.asc / whl.asc for twine"
pabelangerjeblair: mordred: what should I be focusing on now? Our publishing jobs are ready for PTG20:39
jeblairpabelanger: want to start working on afs publishing jobs?20:39
jeblairdocs publishing that is20:39
pabelangerya, I can do that20:39
jeblairpabelanger: with 497698 merged, after an executor restart, we should have everything we need to do that20:40
jeblairpabelanger: you can add the keytab as a secret (that's another binary file; you may need to base64 encode it or something)20:40
jeblairpabelanger: there's a base64 command, so you can have ansible write the base64 data to disk, then "base64 -d infile > outfile.keytab"20:41
jeblairpabelanger: should be able to run 'kinit' and 'aklog' on the executor in a trusted playbook20:42
clarkbdmsimard: I think a couple of the variable names got mixed up, comments inline20:42
jeblairpabelanger: will also need to rw-mount /afs in our executor config file20:42
clarkber on the overlay change, but otherwise lgtm20:42
pabelangerjeblair: and this is in bwrap right?20:43
jeblairpabelanger: and keep in mind that the afs tokens will only last for a single playbook invocation.20:43
jeblairpabelanger: yep20:43
jeblairpabelanger: so a single playbook will need to kinit, aklog, and copy the data into afs  (that's probably what we'd do anyway)20:43
clarkbansible jinja2 supprots base64 natively too20:43
pabelangerjeblair: understood20:43
jeblairpabelanger: you can look to the zuul v2 playbooks for inspiration since they're doing this already20:44
jeblairclarkb: oh? neato20:44
clarkbso you can do content: {{ secret | base64decode}}20:44
jeblairthat's way better20:44
clarkber b64decode20:44
jeblairassuming that actually ends up as correct binary on disk and not utf8?20:44
jeblairclarkb: cause i thought i read something about jinja treating everything as Strings20:45
pabelangerjeblair: is the reason we don't do this on a node from nodepool because we are missing kernel modules for openafs?20:45
jeblairpabelanger: well, we could install that on a nodepool node, though we'd have to trust it, which we don't after we've just run a docs build.  so it's very similar to pypi publishing in that respect.20:46
pabelangerokay, cool. Was just curious20:47
pabelangerI'll start on the playbook here shortly20:47
clarkbjeblair: would be odd to have that if it didn't work but ya may need testing20:47
jeblairpabelanger: in addition to the kinit/aklog stuff, we also need to use the same rsync commands from zuul v2.520:48
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Revert "Include tar.gz.asc / whl.asc for twine"
jeblairclarkb, mordred, dmsimard, pabelanger, jlk: i just sent an email to openstack-infra with my current thoughts on devstack-gate21:09
pabelangerk, I'll look shortly21:12
clarkbjeblair: makes sense to me21:26
jlkjeblair: makes sense, but I'm pretty far from the problem to have much useful input :)21:30
jeblairmordred, Shrews: do we include the private ip in the info that nodepool provides?21:46
jeblairok, yes, it looks like we have interface ip, public v4, public v6, private v421:48
mordredjeblair: yah. however, it's worth noting that in the /etc/nodepool data what we write as "private" is private or public21:52
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add IP info to nodepool hostvars
jeblairmordred: indeed -- to simplify shell logic; do you want to change that?21:54
mordredjeblair: I don't have a strong opinion - the "this is the ip to use for intra node communication" is an important thing to communicate21:55
mordredjeblair: so as long as we have something that people can rely on to be the 'best' way to talk between nodes I don't have much opinion on what we call it21:56
clarkbya private got overloaded for that because it meant "no NAT"21:57
pabelangerjeblair: ML post seems okay to me. I haven't had a chance to help much on devstack effort however.21:59
mordredjeblair, pabelanger: is there an intentional reason we don't have any roles in project-config? just because so far all of them have been widely applicable even if we need them to run in a trusted context?22:00
jeblairmordred: that's been my general feeling, but i haven't done a full audit22:01
pabelangermordred: jeblair: ya, we likely need an audit, but so far zuul-jobs has been the default place for roles.  I don't mind if we start adding trusted roles to project-config, then promote up into zuul-jobs if needed22:04
jeblairpabelanger: i think if the role is universally useful, it should go in zuul-roles; otherwise project-config if it's only locally useful for that job.22:05
jeblairclarkb, mordred, pabelanger: is a blocker for devstack-gate work22:06
pabelangerjeblair: ya, I am a little concerned the first time we get a role that is not useful in openstack-infra but for some other zuul user. I could see us growing a large amount of things that might not be well tested.22:08
clarkbjeblair: how is interface IP special? is that what zuul ssh's to?22:08
clarkbjeblair: also I think the trailing comma in there ma be a syntax error22:09
jeblairclarkb: yes; it's what we use for ansible_host.  we could drop it from that explicit list since we can access it that way; i just thought since we've got all the nodepool names/info in there22:09
clarkbya lets include it22:09
dmsimardjeblair: this is going to be a stupid question but is there something ultimately preventing us from getting zuul v3 to run devstack-gate-vm-wrap ?22:10
jeblairclarkb: i think you're right; will fix22:10
dmsimard(just read your email and the challenges aren't immediately obvious to me)22:10
pabelangerjeblair: re: 498103, why couldn't we get the IP address from ansible setup_host task?22:10
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add IP info to nodepool hostvars
clarkbpabelanger: that only knows about the IPs on the host which isn't necessarily the same as what nodepool shares because NAT22:11
jeblairdmsimard: that's the approach i'm suggesting with devstack-legacy22:11
pabelangerclarkb: okay, that make sense22:11
dmsimardjeblair: ah, okay -- we're on the same wavelength then. I supposed that was always what we would end up going and iterate to further clean up things as we go along.22:11
jeblairdmsimard: however, zuulv3 was basically designed to eliminate almost everything in devstack-gate.  as in, we shouldn't need *any* of that.  that's what i want to do with the new devstack job.22:12
jeblairdmsimard: groovy22:12
dmsimardjeblair: so, continue in the same direction then ? Or are we further compromising splits in favor of something else ?22:13
dmsimards/splits/splits and clean ansibilization/22:13
dmsimardOr perhaps I should ask, what bits are the ones we know want to keep ? I guess the network overlay and fix disk layout are stuff we're keeping22:14
dmsimardAll those setup workspace git shenanigans are indeed a bit messy22:14
jeblairdmsimard: right -- fix_disk and overlay are things we want roles for regardless22:15
jeblairdmsimard: so it's useful to keep working on those, and once they exist, we can add (probably a shallow copy of them) to the appropriate v3 places (one is a devstack role, the other should go in a v3 multinode base job)22:15
jeblairdmsimard: so basically i've got 2 irons in the fire: devstack-legacy is here:  and the v3 native devstack is here:
clarkbdmsimard: ok I think that looks good now. Lets see the test results22:23
dmsimardclarkb: thanks for your help, much appreciated22:23
dmsimardrcarrillocruz: network overlay is probably going to merge soon, thanks :D22:24
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Add role for adding ssh key to remote nodes
mordredclarkb, jeblair: patch landed, but I'm +2 on it (the ip info one) - ftr, interface_ip is the shade provided "best" ip to use to connect to the vm - public_v6 if localhost supports v6, otherwise public_v4- or private_v4 if the cloud in question is configured with private: True22:29
mordredgenerally speaking, assuming connection info is configured properly, interface_ip is what one should use to connect to the server22:30
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul feature/zuulv3: Add IP info to nodepool hostvars
jeblairi restarted ze01; pabelanger it should have the changes needed for afs22:58
pabelangerjeblair: great, thanks22:59
mordredjeblair: \o/23:01
mordreddmsimard: remote: Add environment variable to skip alembic logging23:47
mordreddmsimard: the fileConfig in ara/db/ is the thing that's causing us to lose logging of pre-tasks23:48

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